PL fell so hard. And they were such idiots about it. Post Delve War 2, the brosefs were moving forward. IRC, which had turned on Red Alliance was taken out with NC and xXrussianXx help. Then Scorched Earth, who had turned on TCF started getting taken down, while RA moved back into Insmother. Everything was in hand.
Round about this time, PL decided to listen to the forum trolls (like ButterDog and SnotShot). They started fighting NC. RA got abandoned and lost Insmother again, and Tactical Narcotics Team, who had been fighting SE and briefly gained territory were left to die, which I thought was pretty dick. Minor Threat, who had switched over to the brosefs similarly lost all their space. SE got so much crap for switching away, but when an alliance switched the other way they had no support, as Goon/SPLOT/NC/Russians fell apart.
PL proceeded to gallivant around and piss people off, and SnotShot's master plan fell into place. When PL got attacked no one really gave a crap. And now they are gone. Incredible really. Gotta give SnotShot his due.
Todays night was an epic night.
Our first CTA started @ 15:00 as i-hub was getting out of reinforced and the plan was to get it into second one.
We have formed up and the order was given to go to the 49-U before GoonSwarm will attempt to do the same shit they did last time (block the system with 500++ so we would have become gridless fucked up)
For the first few hours we were gathering slowly but then almost every logged member was in the fleet. We warped to our staging POS and waited there for the orders. Our FC told us that Russian/EU players should go to sleep and wake up for the alarm clock @ 1:00 EVE Time (2:00 am for Europe people) I did what he ordered and woke up @ 0:55 hearing via TeamSpeak "WAKE UP PEOPLE"
We regrouped @ POS and were awaiting coaliton forces to join in. Systematic-Chaos, c0ven, Legiunea Romana and Stain Empire join in and we've started the fun.
Then FC said that we're getting little bonus to teh fleet. IT was IT Alliance coming from Fountain with 200 in their fleet. After they entered the system, local jumped to 1056.
We started shooting i-hub when GoonSwarm fleet jumped in @ 5V gate and started shooting our SBU.
So we warped @ 5V and teh overview lagged so much for me that i was loading grid for like 3-4 minutes. After the grid successfully loaded, we started shooting primaries.
49-U After Battle
After that we shot down the i-hub and the timer is early EU Timezone (4 AM or so). There was a battle going @ N-M gate (or M-N, forgot the exact name). Some Goonie Revelation entered siege by a mistake and we killed it.
After that i got disconnected and went sleep. It was 7:00 in the morning here in Poland.
Today station is getting out of reinforced (1:00 EVE time i think) so we're going to get another epic battle 
BTW Last station of PL in Fountain got SOV dropped and was captured by Black Star Alliance (prolly will be transfered soon to some IT corp)
bye bye PL & gl in Curse
On January 16 2010 13:15 MamiyaOtaru wrote: PL fell so hard. And they were such idiots about it. Post Delve War 2, the brosefs were moving forward. IRC, which had turned on Red Alliance was taken out with NC and xXrussianXx help. Then Scorched Earth, who had turned on TCF started getting taken down, while RA moved back into Insmother. Everything was in hand.
Round about this time, PL decided to listen to the forum trolls (like ButterDog and SnotShot). They started fighting NC. RA got abandoned and lost Insmother again, and Tactical Narcotics Team, who had been fighting SE and briefly gained territory were left to die, which I thought was pretty dick. Minor Threat, who had switched over to the brosefs similarly lost all their space. SE got so much crap for switching away, but when an alliance switched the other way they had no support, as Goon/SPLOT/NC/Russians fell apart.
PL proceeded to gallivant around and piss people off, and SnotShot's master plan fell into place. When PL got attacked no one really gave a crap. And now they are gone. Incredible really. Gotta give SnotShot his due.
While not personally involved, I doubt you're right with your assessment of the situation.
After BoB was defeated, keeping the enourmous anti-BoB powerblock alive wasn't really an option. Remember: You can't "win" EvE- you can just play it. Most 0.0 players get online to "shoot stuff", not to idle around in an all powerful Superalliance. Staying teamed up and waiting for a "worthy" enemy to suddenly pop up made no sense I think.
Of course I'm just as suprised as you are, about how fast PL fell, but I can't find either their post Delve politics nor some grand enemy masterplan responsible for it. It's just the way things go I guess.
TLDR: Winning is fun, having won is boring. (that and PL is suprisingly weak)
PL reset all standings: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1251553
Tri PB fight:
It was a pretty awesome fight, I died pretty quick in a typhoon and came back in a vaga shooting whatever I saw on the way back to JC, then got in and had very little impact on grid due to module lag, so most of my kills came at the gate when I warped out to allow my guns to cycle. Was a welp moment indeed at one point, we became massively outnumbered fast and I was very concerned for the titan pilots, however having found out that 70% shields was the lowest one went they were relatively safe. (at the time we wasn't to know that though)
I tried killing dictors/hictors in my vaga but found it hard as they would run away from the main fleet and would be alone shooting them and couldn't break their tank due to lag on guns and them taking an aeon to cycle.
Was a very good fight and very enjoyable, it's a shame for all the lag, both sides could have had achieved more in the fight without it. Overall we come off pretty well, it was a possibillity that it could have been a complete disaster, but we have actually come off quite well, taking into account the number of reinforcements the NC brought in, at one point local was at 510 and we had 148 in fleet, I believed then that we were going to be wiped out.
The fight started badly as we jump bridged in and we started getting kills and taking the lead, we brought in titans and carriers and started doing even better then the numbers started becoming too much and we were soon completely derived of battleships.
Well done NC it was a good fight, unfortunately I don't think the final result will have an accurate reflection due to missing mails etc. We all know that was a brutal battle with massive losses on both sides though (dot lan claims over 500 ships destroyed and 128 pods).
Here is to hoping we can see some more fights with everything thrown on the line, fights become more meaningful when titans etc are out of safety zone.
*EDIT* We didn't clone jump in we jump bridged in but cut me some slack its 5:15am!
![[image loading]](http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/152/20100116013838.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/729/59541376.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2458/wrecks.jpg)
IT Frontline thread: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1232267
PL to Curse: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1249411
With every fleet fight that starts to happen, the nodes crash.
Shitty servers CCP.
They should make all the nodes reinforced =\ though I dunno how much that'll cost. =.='
Is Zenith Affinity also fighting GS? If so that makes GS pretty much surrounded doesn't it?
Also still nothing news, nodes keep crashing after POS goes reinforced or w/e. Massive Goon trolling on CAOD has picked up, nothing but drawn out fights with GS still seeming to not suffer much.
I love the almost daily updates on what's goin on ingame :D
Aaaand I'm spent! Big fighting is over for tonight. We lost a lot, we killed a lot and I had the best and longest fight in years. Lag was terrible at times, it went in waves and despite gun management they locked up quit a lot and it could take 5mins before getting back. I manged to keep at least one small group going most of the times though.
Last run on the iHub had it at 80% armor when we called for "Suicidal, insured dreads" to warp close and siege. I'm pretty sure most that came were not but said "Fuck it, it has to be done!". I expected Goon caps to arrive but they never did and regular fleet landed only after hub was put in RF. It was a race at the end - get iHub to 50% armor before Goons could drop the SBU hence the dreads and also calling in all fighters possible.
We may have a rep of failing and dying a lot but this morning we did good and our support (and our allies ofc) were fuckin amazing! <3
Overall and brilliant fight, thanks everyone that came out and played!
Now, I would need to go to sleep but I sort of promised to go ice fishing with my buddies...in 2hrs. Fuck. But worth it.
We formed up around 1h before the I-Hub came out of reinforced, but yawn people travel slowly during the night.
We brought like 170 people and arrived after both sides had engaged on the sbu on the 5v gate.
We jumped in from 8qt via the normal gate, and while the first 50 people loaded slowly the last 100 didnt load. Had spend most of the evening setting up a pos, so we regrouped there after loading 1 by 1.
Seeing as the fight was already on its way, and had been for a while, we decided to just warp in on the grid and see what happened
Initially when the warp command was called about 10 IT battleships landed on the grid lol. Most were sitting at 0 speed not doing much, but we were kinda close to the hostiles so kept warping in loaded people on the same spot.
We quickly realized that hostiles primaried us at this stage, and when goon battleships repositioned right on top of us. Seeing as AAA/SW was loaded and also came in close we stayed as we were just providing a meatshield. Eventually our people started loaded the fighting grid and we repositioned some, but think we lost/sacrificed like 50 battleships in the start looking at wrecks.
Friendlies had a lot more bs than hostiles and about equal support numbers. The reason goons did so well considering their relatively "small" numbers, were the fact that their support had around 200 fighters on them.
After the initial 5v fight goons left the field and system seemed to be coping better now, so we re logged all the people not loaded yet. Got 100+ bs's now since re logging worked nicely at this point so everyone got back in loaded.
We went to the I-Hub and started to re reinforce it.
Didnt take long for goons to try again and a new fight commenced on the same grid as before. Goons had 2x the number of bs compared to the end of the last engagement, and seeing as many had changed ship types, its safe to say they were continuously resupplying their numbers through their jb into system. We still had superior numbers, but they kept up with the many many fighters on support.
In the middle of the second fight a cyno went up on grid, and I asked on command if it was friendly or hostile, but no one knew. So after a bit of overview swapping and locating the cyno I zoomed in on it. I realized it came from a heavy interdictor in the middle of our blob and tried to located the pilots name. Then saw it was just 1000m from my current position, and then I realized it was my own cyno that had gone off....... Lets just say a long :facepalm: moment followed
This engagement and the following 1 or 2 all went along the same lines, with hostiles coming in, pewpew happened and hostiles left.
I-Hub is now reinforced into armor, and we went back to aridia. Was quite good fun and lasted for around 3h, and ended at past 6am.
^ 16TH Report
Now I am guessing 49-U is a stalemate or something... Heavy losses on both sides, which I am guessing either side can rapidly recuperate from since neither seem to be hurting. I wonder if this war will be decided on # of Pets, alliances on either side before one steamrolls the other.
So, basically have Goonswarm and BoB reversed roles? IT+KFC+AAA+Friends vs GS+ZA?
ME and WI ditch their regions to fail at saving MM tech moons in PB
now majesta/rage
You are all probably wondering why, we havent fleeted up and retreated to vale to figth them. well let me explain.
The Majesta Navy and the rest of the NC has discussed the cituation. and we have come to the conclution that this is most likely a divide and concquer tactic, used by atlas and its allies to try to draw us out of Pure Blind. So we need to be strong, take our losses and keep pushing on in Pure Blind.
I know this is a harsh message to get, for the ppl taht are down in vale and dying. but i can assure you taht IF the NC looses Pure Blind. the cituation is gonna become way harder and we will be having a lot bigger issues than a atlas roaming gang.
and IF atlast is gonna anchor sov blockers and go more agressively into our space. we will have nc support. If we reatreat and leave the nc on the battlefront in pb we are less likely to get nc help when we realy need i. but at the moment the most inportant battle is in pure blind.
BUT all alts and ppl in vale. Get a pvp ship ready. we will do a fleet rigth before dt to try our best to guard ageanst sov blockers in our space. that timezone is usualy a bad timesone for atlas and a timesone we can figth with some numbers inn.
From: Terje AKA Zintrex ME Navy Lead
No idea about 49-U with the node crashes, lag etc. It's back to the drawing board until something is done. In the terminology of WWI:
![[image loading]](http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/20100120.png)
Delve Front - Western Front - Stalemate, nothing is moving or w/e. Losses on both sides, fighting inconclusive.
Everything else - Eastern/Balkans Front - Fighting everywhere, Tri seems to be rolling on, ATLAS being fucking massive in activity and in size, I mean ffs,
Atlas onlined SBUs in 3 or 4 vale systems just to unanchor them again once NC had 300 incoming, we stole 6 of them thx =)
We reinforced the last 3 stations, BND, 8MG and BWF today.
We also onlined SBU's in JZV, Q3, MGAM and LS-JEP but once we jumped into BND to siege the structures, we had a host of capitals get stuck in the previous system due to traffic controls. We ended up getting stuck in BND for about 45 minutes, due to the node ass-ploding.
We were able to recover the Q3 and JZV SBU's. Those from MGAM and LS-JEP were lost.
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Last night after repping poses in C4C evil Tri metagaming earned us an Archon kill by bumping it outside the shields of a pos in ROIR.
We tried to do it to Imperian's alt thanatos too, but he was orbiting
NC only reset the pw on one tower due to blues occupying the shields with them.
NC have also changed tactics due to the fucked up nature of Eve right now. Moment we hit C4C, NC went to JC- and reinforced stuff/dropped SBUs. Last night we had towers come out in C4C and responded, NC went to Venal to reinforce a load of towers up there.
Seems like this is the new tactic, rather than take us head-on they sidestep and reinforce poses/structures elsewhere. Time will tell if it works, either way its fucking boring. We all want a scrap but the game wont take it.
They basically didn't happen at all. 750 guys in system. We'd been set up to defend jc- first, NC skipped that and went C4C.
Lots of bridging in at deep safes, warping around, etc...
CH made some bombing runs on the NC fleets early on, but usually resulted in sitting there completely frozen, staring at hundreds of guys while your bomb sat in space next to you. Bombs don't explode, but there's always the 1-2 guys out of the hundreds who can still lock and fire, so you eventually get tackled. Punch MWD, keep hitting warp button, enter warp. Land at friendly POS (where the grid loads just fine), then 10 mins later you start getting ship out of control messages. No killmails or lossmails.
D/C to see what changes. No ability to log back in. 30-45 mins later, finally manage to log back in and wind up in a pod with a trunc'd lossmail.
Small group sits around and tries to kill stragglers, but even they struggle to load anything. Spend several more hours sitting there. Rest of the gang heads back to reship, but there's no reason to come back in because its too damn lagged out. Friendlies eventually bag on it and log.
That's the extent of the fight I think.
Ok a bit more detailed BR of the c4c fight
We formed up SR and Logistics in xzh, bridged near c4c and waited a bit on the l-c gate in x36, we jumped in warped to c4c and fight started. When i jumped in my overview was full of bad ppl. So i guess nc was already there. Tri warped on the field and fighting happend. I froze up and had to relog. Which took me the better part of the fight. Anyhow FC called targets pretty fast, so i thought we where doing good. anyhow it seems we didnt tip the edge. So we deaggresed and jumped back to l-c. Some more fighting happend, in l-c at the c4c gate. As it was clear that we coudlnt win this. We warped out to x-36 and went home.
As i was still in c4c, i had a nice lil fight with a crow and helped a rol hac gang to kill some ppl that jumped back to c4c. After a few minutes the nc fleet came back and chased ROL off the gate.
Kill and loses still being posted, so wait a few hours for an exact count.
Word on Lag is that something is up with the Cluster Code, translation:
Cluster Control code is usually a programming that controls and maintains communication between the different clusters, pretty self explanatory right. But if there is a problem in the communication between the different server clusters, it could cause alot of lag for both the users trying to access that output as well as the servers trying fruitlessly to get a connections with others servers.
So in laymans terms, servers stopped talking, there having bad sex life so the children are suffering because of it.
i learned so much about human behavior. rl or not doesnt matter at all you fucking behave the same all time. nice thread, thanks. humans really need to learn.
i mean this cant be pretendet dumbness. the mistakes of this bob are mid age. humanity has to learn again and again and again the SAME.
a stupid learns the same again and again.
at least thank you for this thread i could not imagine this kind is existing. leaders who fuck on their followers..............
On January 17 2010 07:39 Monsen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2010 13:15 MamiyaOtaru wrote: PL fell so hard. And they were such idiots about it. Post Delve War 2, the brosefs were moving forward. IRC, which had turned on Red Alliance was taken out with NC and xXrussianXx help. Then Scorched Earth, who had turned on TCF started getting taken down, while RA moved back into Insmother. Everything was in hand.
Round about this time, PL decided to listen to the forum trolls (like ButterDog and SnotShot). They started fighting NC. RA got abandoned and lost Insmother again, and Tactical Narcotics Team, who had been fighting SE and briefly gained territory were left to die, which I thought was pretty dick. Minor Threat, who had switched over to the brosefs similarly lost all their space. SE got so much crap for switching away, but when an alliance switched the other way they had no support, as Goon/SPLOT/NC/Russians fell apart.
PL proceeded to gallivant around and piss people off, and SnotShot's master plan fell into place. When PL got attacked no one really gave a crap. And now they are gone. Incredible really. Gotta give SnotShot his due. While not personally involved, I doubt you're right with your assessment of the situation. After BoB was defeated, keeping the enourmous anti-BoB powerblock alive wasn't really an option. Remember: You can't "win" EvE- you can just play it. Most 0.0 players get online to "shoot stuff", not to idle around in an all powerful Superalliance. Staying teamed up and waiting for a "worthy" enemy to suddenly pop up made no sense I think. Of course I'm just as suprised as you are, about how fast PL fell, but I can't find either their post Delve politics nor some grand enemy masterplan responsible for it. It's just the way things go I guess. TLDR: Winning is fun, having won is boring. (that and PL is suprisingly weak) I'm not personally involved either Anything I typed was from the perspective of someone checking out the forums a lot, which is bound to warp one's view. And yeah, keeping the big alliance together didn't work. They stopped because it was boring. I think that was a mistake, given where PL is now, and where NC seems to be headed. Someone who hates chilling in a superblob might say otherwise (didn't want that Fountain anyway). Honestly though what do I know haha
On January 21 2010 12:48 {CC}StealthBlue wrote:Show nested quote + Last night after repping poses in C4C evil Tri metagaming earned us an Archon kill by bumping it outside the shields of a pos in ROIR.
We tried to do it to Imperian's alt thanatos too, but he was orbiting
NC only reset the pw on one tower due to blues occupying the shields with them.
NC have also changed tactics due to the fucked up nature of Eve right now. Moment we hit C4C, NC went to JC- and reinforced stuff/dropped SBUs. Last night we had towers come out in C4C and responded, NC went to Venal to reinforce a load of towers up there.
Seems like this is the new tactic, rather than take us head-on they sidestep and reinforce poses/structures elsewhere. Time will tell if it works, either way its fucking boring. We all want a scrap but the game wont take it.
If you guys want to get in on the action, we (Liquid Inc.) are quite literally on the front lines!
Much respect to Quesa and Czech...
Their post were very constructive and pretty well accurate. Sometimes there is just not a whole lot you can do.
All chestbeating and bullshit aside Atlas came on strong, had safeguards in place to deal with the Coalition showing up (russians), and played it pretty smart every step of the way.
I don't think there needs to be much speculation... WI will stay intact. We shed a few corps which, tbh the only one i was said to see go was FREE.
WI will retain 12 corps who are very much dedicated and hardworking. We will enter into the Pure Blind theater as expected and see where things take us from there. Replacement corps for those lost are already in the works and will hopefully be solid editions to WI.
Pure Blind, Cloud Ring, Venal
Thanks Trizoo for bringing it.
hostiles were in hac's, NC in bs
NC was killing a tower in jc-( last co2 tower in system?), it hit armour when tri cynoed in @ 135 au safe. NC cynoed in an additional 10 bs at the same time.
We had a fight at the gate (el8) where most of the hostiles were bubbled and went down within seconds, the remminants had warped to planet one. NC chased and as soon as we landed most warped off and we caught one guy.
NC regouped at safe pos, and waited for Trizoo to make a move for the gate, we were also anchoring a bubble on the gate while we waited.
Trizoo made a break for the gate just before the bubble went up, we followed in persuit and we both were jumping through at the same time. There was some ccp LAG. but most of the the fleet got through for both parties that made the jump, bubbles were up and NC caught a few more hostiles, the rest burned through the bubbles and warped off.
NC did not feel there was a need to follow thus we went back to kill the tower which is still in armor.
IT held the field against GS:
We were sieging a pos in 1-smeb with relatively small cap numbers just about 70 or so.
We didnt have much support.
Goons jumped in about same number of capitals and 3-4 titans. They warped in on us at closerange and fight was on. Most of them had fitted closerange guns etc, and the titans were annoying.
We got our own tits on the field but towards the end only, had to do midpoints etc etc to reach, so was a bitch.
Our numbers kept going up so we held the field clearly, goons jumped out of slowboated inside the pos shields (including titans).
Looks we killed a little bit more than we lost, so turned out ok. Was a nice fight in the beginning when it could still go either way.
Small report:
We jumped in 1-smeb and sieged 1 tower (no idea was it high end or not) with no resistance. When we sieged second tower and rf it goons jumped in and hotdroped us. At that point we had about 50 dreads and 10 carriers. Fight started. Dreads dying on both sides. Goons had 3 Titans and 2 moms from start i think.
I got DD by Leviathan and jump to sakht and grab Zealot and come back in to fight. At that point our and goon and co cap fleets are still duking it but we got reinforcement in with more dreads and our 3 titans and mom.
Meanwhile support fleets were duking it with us being standard snipe plus support and goons being drakes mostly...
At some point goon leviathan was primaried and we tried to bump it from POS but he managed to get back in with about 70 ish % shield.
Afterward it was moping up and cleaning field. Some small support skirmishes on sakht gate also happened. No idea on losses.
Capitals wise it looks like about 30 ish killed for 25 ish lost.
Lag was fairly manageable during whole fight with few guns stucking and unstucking in min or two but aligning and warping worked nice.
Local toped at 350 ish. Once most of fighting was done and local at 150 ish server went to shit and died.
Overall very fun and enjoyable fight.
Canada9103 Posts
I've picked up a lot of terminology on the SA EVE threads so I'm just going to say that I hope PL is imploding to get rid of all the j4g pubbies
Their logo is too cool
IT now controls fountain: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1250502
Another battle with IT/GS:
iT (and allies) just finished a 4+ hour tusstle in Delve with Goons and Co.
iT had a fleet formed for 16:00 to do some high end POS shooting in Sakht and 1-S. Whilst the caps did the shooting the sub caps (about 40 of us) went to NOL- and started camping the station trying to get a fight from the 50+ goons reported in Delve (edit).
Station was bubbled and a few unlucky (or dumb) goon warped in at various times and were given quick rides home.
Eventually after 40 minuites the now familular goon Drake gang turned up in system and warped to a POS. The next hour or so were spend moving around system with us ganking stragglers and goons trying to get a bubble on top of our fleet - we ganked several people, and goon cought 20 ish people at various gates / plannets. Pretty sure it was even for kills / losses if anyone cares. For me it was just ~good fights~.
At some point or another we we're outnumberd 2:1 so we started driving back to 1-S so we could fight it out with capital support as they were just about finished RFing 4-5 towers.
It took 30 min to travel the 4 jumps as i asume goons knew full well what was waiting for them.
Fast forward 30 min and our caps have left system after a quick skirmish (with very few kills) on a fully incapped Goon POS in 1-S. our sub caps (now with BS heavy ~ 60 active) warp to the Sakht gate and land at the same time as the Goon Drake gang and the newly turned up Rebelion snipe BS gang. We all jump together and the eve Cluster starts melting.
Sakht goes to shit, cycling guns helps but the first drake primaried sits at 90% shield until we switch to another who melts in seconds. THe fight goes down and i have no idea who came out on top. At some point 20 min into the fight goons warp out - followed by Rebellion, leaving iT to re-ship and start looting the gridd. Server starts recovering and i'm finally able to eject drones (pretty sure they were scared by all the drone and didn't wanna come out to play).
Goons and rebellion warp back in and jump - loosing several more ships that seem to be lagged out on gate. During this time our support is ganking random ships in safe spots as they are scanned down / cought at plannets. (apparently we warped carriers, titans and dreads to the gate - but i was zoomed right out, in a diffrent channel and had brackets off so didn't see).
We then jump back to 1-s and warp in to a goon POS (with the pw) and proceed to bump a thany out of the ff and gank the shit out of him - i don't make the km despite fucking a full rack of rails with heat (did i mention i love lag).
Couple of skirmishes happen over the next hour - main one being on the 6Q- gate where we warped snipe BS on top of the goon Drake gang - with Rebelion being sat 170 km away.
Pew pew happens, lag has gone and goons are dropping faster than i can lock them. More iT are now filling gang as capital pilot re-ship and flood into system. Goons and Rebelion bail to POS's an then leave system - leaving the iT BS fleet to RR a POS which we had been kiting all day.
I've been in fleetf or 5 hours and now have burned burgers and chips to eat. Cheers for the good fights, hopfully see you again tonight.
Also another NC's pets is about to die/Council DOT losing space: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1232150