"Removed holiday cheer"
Valve is officially the Grinch.
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 01/27/2016 MISC
Explosive damage and damage from flying grenade impacts will now always use armor penetration formulas when the victim wears armor (thanks to the video uploaded by Andrew PhoenixFight3r). Added convar mp_drop_knife_enable (defaults to ‘0’) that allows players on community servers to drop their knives.
Linux client
Fixed displays to set on the correct monitor in multi-monitor setups. Fixed a bug in mouse handling when moving mouse toward the top-left.
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 02/17/2016Via http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/02/13629/OPERATION WILDFIRE- Operation Wildfire is LIVE: http://blog.counter-strike.net/operationwildfire
- Seven community maps available in Competitive Matchmaking as well as other game modes via the Operation Wildfire map group
- The Operation Wildfire Access Pass ($5.99) is now available giving access to the following features:
- The Operation Wildfire coin, upgradeable through the completion of challenge missions
- An Operation Journal that tracks your stats in official competitive matches and includes a Friends Leaderboard
- The cooperative Gemini Campaign, featuring replayable missions with individual mission leaderboards.
- The Wildfire Campaign, featuring 30 missions in Casual, Arms Race, Demolition, and Deathmatch modes.
- Blitz Missions, global events that grant bonus XP for completing a specific action (must be Private Rank 3 or above to participate in Competitive Blitz Missions).
- Access to weapon drops from Operation collections: Cobblestone, Cache, Overpass, Gods and Monsters, Chop Shop, and Rising Sun
- Exclusive access to the Operation Wildfire Case featuring 16 community-created weapon finishes and the all-new Bowie Knife.
- Nuke has returned (available in Matchmaking included in the Operation Wildfire map group). For more details, visit: http://blog.counter-strike.net/reintroducing_nuke
- The leader’s glow in Arms Race no longer shows through walls.
- M4A1-Silenced has been added to the rifle section of available Arms Race weapons.
UI- Fixed AWP icon to better represent the weapon’s silhouette.
- The English string "ALIVE" in the playercount hud element is now a localized token.
- Inventory filter for All Weapons now filters out display items and music kits correctly.
- Inventory sorting by Quality now better groups items within the same quality by their slot.
- Updated the Nuke loading screen icon.
MISC- Fixed particle rain not following the "in eye" player if you were spectating someone.
- Detail sprites (like grass) have been improved so many more can be rendered for much cheaper.
SDK- [vbsp.exe] increased MAX_MAP_ENTITIES to 20480 from 16384 to compile bigger maps.
- Maps can have multiple radar images based on player height.
- Added several features to support a new mission type: Co-op Strike (game_type 4, game_mode 1)
- Added Co-op Strike items: Heavy Armor, Tactical Awareness Grenades, and Medi-Shot.
- Added new spawn point (info_enemy_terrorist_spawn) for use in Co-op Strike missions to spawn enemies which can specify somethings like unique models, loadouts, behavior, etc.
- Added an Exploding Barrel entity for use in the Co-op Strike missions.
- func_hostage_rescue entity is now able to be disabled.
- Added a Heavy Phoenix enemy.
- Added item_coop_coin entity that displays how many (of 3) you’ve collected.
- In Co-op Strike mode, bots will no longer try to path through "blocked" nav areas.
- Bots can be set to "asleep" in Co-op Strike mode and they will stay put until they see an enemy, take damage or are the last enemy alive.
- Added a game_coopmission_manager entity to help manage and relay data to other entities/vscript for Co-op missions.
- The game_player_equip entity has been updated to allow maps to give any weapon to the activator with an argument.
- prop_door_rotating now blocks nav when closed, locked and unbreakable.
- Fixed an assert in prop_door_rotating where it tried to play a "locked" activity regardless of it had it when the player used it when locked.
- Added OnFirstPickedUp, OnDroppedNotRescued, OnRescued outputs to hostage entities.
- Added a convar (mp_c4_cannot_be_defused) that when enabled, prevents C4s from being defused.
- Resurrected the HL2 env_gunfire entity.
- Added two new convars for managing dropped weapons
- weapon_auto_cleanup_time "If set to non-zero, weapons will delete themselves after the specified time (in seconds) if no players are near."
- weapon_max_before_cleanup "If set to non-zero, will remove the oldest dropped weapon to maintain the specified number of dropped weapons in the world."
- Added a third option to mp_death_drop_grenade which makes all held grenades drop on death (used in Co-op Strike)
- Updated weapons in Hammer fgd to use weapon models that match the ones used when spawned in the world. Plus added some missing weapons.
- Added env_sprite_clientside entity which is just a clientside sprite (doesn’t use edicts).
MAPS- Nuke
- Now available in Competitive Matchmaking, and other game modes in the Operation Wildfire Map Group
- Cache:
- Fixed DM spawns
- Improved radar polish
- Improved visual polish
- Added physics to fence in Sun room
- Fixed numerous "pixel walks"
- Fixed one-way wallbang at mid (thanks TomCS!)
- Fixed fencing at T-spawn being non-solid (thanks JoshOnTwitch!)
- Mirage:
- Removed wall-lamps that blocked visibility from ticketbooth to mid in bombsite A
- Removed shelf inside market near bombsite B (thanks TheWhaleMan!)
- Added a plywood board to bomb-crate in bombsite A to make throwing grenades under scaffolding more consistent
- Slight adjustments to Safehouse, Lake, and Shoots
Hyrule18977 Posts
On February 18 2016 12:48 tofucake wrote: your notes are ugly
fix it yourself then; i got a new map to explore!
Hyrule18977 Posts
for some reason I get motion sickness while playing the new Nuke
my brain might be trying to move around like it's old Nuke still
i quite like the new nuke. still need to get used to the new chokes but Ts get a lot of playmaking options now. I feel these changes are the same approach valve had for train. My big issues is the poor lighting inside, the ability to plant on top of silo and blocking off half of rafters. I haven't checked around for smoke spots nor spam spots yet. still investigating this map.
I love the new Nuke, at least from the description. Love the new B site and also catwalk access.
Netherlands45349 Posts
nuke is back
we fuckng lost
I'm not sure I like the new nuke. Haven't played MM on it yet but I feel like some changes are good but some seems questionable. I'm not sure I like the different ways to get high ground really easily, like on the top of silo outside, they should've get rid of that entirely. Or the outside heaven that can now be jumped to from the side of lockers, they put some yellow barrels to get there easier, I mean what's the point? You will hear someone jump there pretty easily. The catwalk that now goes all the way to the side of mini outside, if they got rid of silo, that wasn't needed. Even worst IMO is they got rid of CT vent, getting rid of it don't seem to accomplish much other than making T's having to watch 1 spot instead of 2 and making CT who want to rotate from it being forced to wait for another teammates to push from another place. 2 CTs can't rotate into vents now.
But then again, I guess it's way too early to judge how it will play out. It might be for the best or worst, only time will tell but I don't have a good feeling about it. I also really dislike the new textures, it's wayyyy too bright for my taste, not sure why they decide to change it, it was a hundred time better before. They didn't change it on Train, why do it for Nuke? I don't understand the thinking process behind it. I don't know but I feel like there's more changes that are for the worst than for the better.
FUCK THIS OP !!!! I keep getting disconnected every 2mins. sadfKJDFNOSLWdfeaerg erq3
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
no more arms race wallhack xD
Wow. Ok. So apparantly there is a bug that makes the game unplayable for everone with an AMD GPU. Good job Valve, good job.
"Hey, we're done with our new Operation. Took us only 6 months." "Great. Did some playtesting?" "Play .. what? Dunno what you're talking about, but the patch is live now." "Ah, nevermind. We got the best programmers in the world here at Valve, what could possibly go wrong?"
Netherlands45349 Posts
does this mean NiP is back?
France9034 Posts
ArtyK my boy. Your prayers have been heard.
Feels like the rework adds a bit too much details, but dunno.. Train got that as well and it worked out quite well.
Also, I like the changes to Mirage.
The new Nuke is really beautiful
I'm not convinced by the new Nuke. Seems like they mostly touched up the visuals. Very careful layout changes only. And the original map sucked in CSGO so I was expected more deep changes. Oh well, we'll see how it plays out I guess.
EDIT: To give an example: One problem that made Nuke so CT sided was of course the rotation times. For reference, on Dust 2 it takes just over 20 seconds to rotate fully from A to B or vice versa IIRC. On Nuke they now changed it with the blocked Vent from 3 to maybe, what, 5 seconds? That does not seem like enough of a chance to help the issue I don't think.
Hyrule18977 Posts
On February 18 2016 17:39 iXphobos wrote: Wow. Ok. So apparantly there is a bug that makes the game unplayable for everone with an AMD GPU. Good job Valve, good job.
"Hey, we're done with our new Operation. Took us only 6 months." "Great. Did some playtesting?" "Play .. what? Dunno what you're talking about, but the patch is live now." "Ah, nevermind. We got the best programmers in the world here at Valve, what could possibly go wrong?"
-.- well shit
apparently smokes randomly don't show up and mollys are...wonky.