Thanks for tuning in guys! Suggestions are more then welcomed. We will be making the quality of the show better as time goes on.
- Overlay for the map + how to set this up properly with xsplit etc. - Overlay for the rolls on roll20. - Introduction video + music. - Will get better at making it smooth and start on time 
*@AlexMFletcher commented about Jade's mic - Will look into what we can do about that. *enbeez from reddit commented about the volumes - Will do mic check next time and figure this out as best as I can.
On July 03 2013 16:14 Livinpink wrote:Thanks for tuning in guys! Suggestions are more then welcomed. We will be making the quality of the show better as time goes on. - Overlay for the map + how to set this up properly with xsplit etc. - Overlay for the rolls on roll20. - Introduction video + music. - Will get better at making it smooth and start on time  *@AlexMFletcher commented about Jade's mic - Will look into what we can do about that. Why don't you ask JP how he does the overlays or is it just a matter of time?
Sound volume on the vod seems reaaaaally quiet. Turned it to max and still barely could hear what was said.
Germany25649 Posts
This was excellent Enjoyed it a lot.
Oh cool, I'll definitely check it out.
Just curious, do any of the three non-Rollplay people have experience playing DnD before?
Hey guys, I absolutely loved the show, it was so amazingly funny, cool, bad ass, and extremely entertaining to watch.
I wanna do the Geoff Robinson thing here and critique the show, and its not a negative thing, its the fact that on your first day you had 2 thousand viewers, and its easy to see this show will explode (in a good way) very soon 
So for the good, first of all, you guys "rollplayed" really well! JforJade, I thought you did well and were playing a reserved person that didn't want to give to much sensitive information away to these new people you were meeting. At the same time, you weren't quiet or scared to talk the whole time, you readily danced, and acted out your surviving the water. (THAT WAS HILARIOUS, DONT CHANGE )
Anna, I kinda feel like the nerds around the world just really like seeing you and Geoff on stream, you guys are extremely likable and attractive (Fine I said it Geoff lol). So its really interesting to see you guys' personality. Anyway, You and Steph are tied for best RP'ers, and your solutions and the way you talked in character was really amazing.
Steph, I thought you were one of the best at Roleplaying. I think this is because you just jumped right into your character from the first minute, pretending to be her, and doing a great job as acting out what she would say and do. I think you read in chat that you always smile, and I think you tried not smiling, but dont do that! Somehow you just naturally smile just 24/7 and thats awesome, we are all jelly of your nice smile.
Livinpink, I think you did really really well. You have this certain personality in dnd that is so mischievous, and I think we all really enjoy it. It has been fun watching you steadily improve your roleplaying-ness. I think that you are awesome to watch play dnd.
Criticisms - Because this show will get so many viewers I will list some things to improve upon, Livinpink you touched on overlays for the map etc, and I think thats a great idea that may take time, but will be greatly appreciated. Livinpink, could you get everyone together maybe 10 minutes early and do a soundcheck, the sound was fine 90% of the time, however your (livinpink) mic would blow up many nerds ears (it got REALLY loud for like one second) when you got excited. I think that was the biggest issue for everyone. We want to hear you get excited about things, and for some reason your mic would spike and kill our ears.
For the girls - I actually have no criticisms on your rolleplaying. I thought it was amazing that you guys were this "good" on your first try. I think for me it flew in the face of any kind of preconceptions that girls don't like dnd, or that they wouldn't be good at it etc etc. Once a week I play dnd, and on the drive over, I try to think of little things to help show my character's personality or back story, so maybe do that. Honestly I think you four are already naturals at that, you really were not afraid to talk or just let it out what your characters were thinking or feeling. Great job, cant wait for next time.
+ Show Spoiler +On July 03 2013 21:14 Lightning07 wrote:Hey guys, I absolutely loved the show, it was so amazingly funny, cool, bad ass, and extremely entertaining to watch. I wanna do the Geoff Robinson thing here and critique the show, and its not a negative thing, its the fact that on your first day you had 2 thousand viewers, and its easy to see this show will explode (in a good way) very soon  So for the good, first of all, you guys "rollplayed" really well! JforJade, I thought you did well and were playing a reserved person that didn't want to give to much sensitive information away to these new people you were meeting. At the same time, you weren't quiet or scared to talk the whole time, you readily danced, and acted out your surviving the water. (THAT WAS HILARIOUS, DONT CHANGE  ) Anna, I kinda feel like the nerds around the world just really like seeing you and Geoff on stream, you guys are extremely likable and attractive (Fine I said it Geoff lol). So its really interesting to see you guys' personality. Anyway, You and Steph are tied for best RP'ers, and your solutions and the way you talked in character was really amazing. Steph, I thought you were one of the best at Roleplaying. I think this is because you just jumped right into your character from the first minute, pretending to be her, and doing a great job as acting out what she would say and do. I think you read in chat that you always smile, and I think you tried not smiling, but dont do that! Somehow you just naturally smile just 24/7 and thats awesome, we are all jelly of your nice smile. Livinpink, I think you did really really well. You have this certain personality in dnd that is so mischievous, and I think we all really enjoy it. It has been fun watching you steadily improve your roleplaying-ness. I think that you are awesome to watch play dnd. Criticisms - Because this show will get so many viewers I will list some things to improve upon, Livinpink you touched on overlays for the map etc, and I think thats a great idea that may take time, but will be greatly appreciated. Livinpink, could you get everyone together maybe 10 minutes early and do a soundcheck, the sound was fine 90% of the time, however your (livinpink) mic would blow up many nerds ears (it got REALLY loud for like one second) when you got excited. I think that was the biggest issue for everyone. We want to hear you get excited about things, and for some reason your mic would spike and kill our ears. For the girls - I actually have no criticisms on your rolleplaying. I thought it was amazing that you guys were this "good" on your first try. I think for me it flew in the face of any kind of preconceptions that girls don't like dnd, or that they wouldn't be good at it etc etc. Once a week I play dnd, and on the drive over, I try to think of little things to help show my character's personality or back story, so maybe do that. Honestly I think you four are already naturals at that, you really were not afraid to talk or just let it out what your characters were thinking or feeling. Great job, cant wait for next time.
Thank you very much for those comments. I love constructive criticism. Let's make this show amazing now eh? :D
I really like that you guys tried a lot of stuff. You could have just put down the plank and attack everything and you would be done with it one way or the other in less than 20 minutes. Instead we got some planning and scheming, attempts at stealth and disguises and a boatparty. Please keep up the good roleplaying
This was really excellent for the pilot episode. Keep it up! I have full convidence Gen will up the production stuff, just like JP did after the first episodes.
Small thing though (which also bugs me sometimes on Rollplay), i personally dislike watching people eat on stream. Anna was eating the whole 4 hours, and at some moment, all four of you were eating at the same time. Hell, even Neal was eating something... I found it a bit annoying. (though hearing Geoff eat chips is even worse!)
But hey, maybe i'm the only one who feels this way, and i'll still watch both shows nonetheless.  Do with it what you want.
That might be more of a personal thing Cali, usually dungeons and dragons is kind of known for a gathering / playing / and eating together thing. That combined with the fact 4 hours is a long ass time, ninjas get hungry. But I can see where you are coming from, being loud can distract etc etc
lol @ Anna eating for 4 hours, I honestly didnt even notice any of them eating.
I really like the different personalities their character already have. Specially Anna's character, she really nailed the mix between being a cold blooded assassin, but being very naive personality at the same time.
I like that Steph gets so into it, her reactions to rolls and stuff happening is really cool lol
On July 04 2013 01:15 Noocta wrote: I really like the different personalities their character already have. Specially Anna's character, she really nailed the mix between being a cold blooded assassin, but being very naive personality at the same time.
Yeah definitely agree there. Episode 1 was a lot of fun to watch. I really enjoyed the interactions between December (Anna) and Elianna (Dana). A lot of tension and mistrust between the two. I can't wait to see how that works out in later episodes.
I was also kind of unsure about how well Neal's new system would be, but it actually worked quite nicely.
This show was awesome, so much fun to watch please keep it up =) It was so amazing when Dana was acting out the drowning , it was hilarious ( gif please !! ).
Liked it, but please fix the sound :3
I got to say, i HATE D&D starts like what you guys have, for exactly the same reason it was so awkward at the very beginning. As soon as pimperneal broke the ice though, you guys just started up. It felt like once that awkward "what do i say first" went away with that comment that everyone basically came out strong. Excellent roleplaying, and it's nice to find a (i think) true neutral who is able to do true neutral without just seeming like an ass but just as a natural extension of her character.
On July 03 2013 15:29 Dubzex wrote: That was a good first episode. Are there any character sheets available yet? Yes! I'll be posting them soon.
LOL I hadn't seen the second one. Facepalm.
Great show keep it up!
Some minor fixes (sound, overlays, etc.) will for sure be done as show progress,
(unfortunately I can watch it only from VODs as this hour is ungodly for Europe)