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United States893 Posts
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348 Posts
On June 26 2013 00:11 bypLy wrote: looks pretty advertisementish What are you talking about? The OP? He's only made a couple of posts here, most of his posts are SC2 related, and he's a Liquipedia contributer. | ||
Netherlands409 Posts
![]() How's the balance though? Any nations that are way better than others? I feel like the british hurricane planes are the best for their tier | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
I dont know which faction should I level up tho.I unlocked them all.I want to pvp/dogfight.I disliked from game's PvE part.What is the best faction for me to kill other players instead of ai controlled forces. | ||
United States5162 Posts
I'm no pro or anything and I'm also only mid tier, so everything I say is only general stuff, but if you want to be in the middle of things and turnfight, you should probably go with the British or the Japanese. The Japanese turn a little quicker, iirc, but are less armored. The Germans are excellent at climbing then doing boom and zoom on people with their BFs and FWs. This is my preferred style. They can dogfight ok as long as you pick your targets right. The Americans generally don't turn or climb great, but are supposed to be tough and well armed with good energy retention. Unfortunately, their flight models and 13mm machine guns don't seem as effective as they should be for the upper tier planes. I found going around with the Cobra's 37mm was fun, but lately hit detection seems off because I see hits and nothing happens. The Russians are kind of a jack of all trades. The ILs are slow but well armed. The Yaks climb ok, turn pretty good, and are decently armed, except the Yak-9t which a lot of people call OP because of it's maneuverability with a 37mm cannon. The LAs climb good, turn ok, and are well armed. @Garfailed: I also liked the British at low tiers. | ||
Netherlands409 Posts
It's mostly about destroying ground targets, which makes most fighters incapable of actually contributing to the actual objective. Which seems rather sillt to be honest | ||
France10239 Posts
On August 24 2013 06:27 Garfailed wrote: It seems like the dogfighting is kind of neglected though. It's mostly about destroying ground targets, which makes most fighters incapable of actually contributing to the actual objective. Which seems rather sillt to be honest If you're referring to arcade mode then I rather think it's more about last man standing type of situation, you have to kill everyone to win. Killing ground targets, even if's the first objective, comes second. Dog-fighting is that all that seems to happen at my low level. I've recently discovered this game and as a Flight Sim enthusiast I'm really interested in this game! I've played about 3 hours so far and I would definitely prefer to get into Full Real Battles, but the queue is really long, any tips? | ||
United States127 Posts
Fighters actually contribute quite a bit even if they can't actually kill the ground targets. A lot of fighters, especially American, can carry very respectable bomb loads, and anything with rockets can wreck tanks. Even if your fighter has no bombs at all though, you still have the objective of killing enemy bombers/protecting your own. indeed most fighters, especially those with 37mm cannons, will wreck bombers incredibly fast. So fast, that a lot of people complain about it, since gunners seem next to useless. I feel like the problem could be alleviated by making the maps big enough that bombers have time to climb without going away from the action right at the start. To add to what Myles said, I agree and disagree with some of it. First off, I think the best tier to play the game as is is 9 or 11 depending on country. Japan and US top off pretty quick at 9, where as britain is insanely good at 11, especially if you get the premium mustang. The tiers above that are sparesly populated with planes and players combined and you end up fighting unbalanced a lot of the time. No one likes fighting jets with tier 14 prop planes. I agree with his assessment of Germany, except I'll also add that they are incredibly OP as of the latest patch, unless they've been changed recently. 3 20mm cannons on the Bf109-F4 is incredibly stupid and, in arcade, you give up basically nothing in handling to get 2 giant gun pods on your wings. America actually has a lot of good planes if you know which ones to avoid. The cats (F4F and F6F) in particular are the culprits of terrible flight model implementation. The latest patch has also brought them much needed improvements. 12.7mm MGs got a massive buff across the board (which was sorely needed) and the guns actually work quite well now, so that's not as big of a deal. The P47 flight model updates make it a bit better. The F4U Corsairs are still very good, and the P37/P63s are still good all around planes once you get used to them. Can't really add much to Russia except that the 9T gets more shit than I think it deserves. All the Bf109s in Germany and even the LA-5 in Russia I feel are better planes, but I guess its personal preference. I would also add that Britain is the best starter country in my opinion. Their planes are focused on turn fighting which almost everyone I've met seems to default to when they have no idea what they're doing. It seems to be what most people think of as "dog fighting" and no one is better at it than Britain. Japan turns better, but their guns aren't as powerful and their planes are mostly made of wood so you die very quickly. The British planes, especially the spitfires with 20mm cannons and to a lesser extent the beaufighters, have incredible balance in firepower and maneuverability. The first beaufighter you get at tier 5 outclasses a lot of planes around its tier and its not particularly hard to get 8+ kills in a match once you get used to flying it. Britain also gets bombers which can carry 4000 lb bombs, which seem to be very effective at bombing enemy airfields for exp/credits. Unfortunately their turrets are low caliber and don't seem very good in my experience. | ||
United States5162 Posts
![]() And I agree the 109's with the two extra 20mm are amazing. But I prefer using them only on the G-2 since you still climb at over 5200 ft/min, better than an F-4 without them. I also agree the 9T gets too much flak. As long as I see it coming I can outmaneuver it in a 109. | ||
France10239 Posts
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Germany3392 Posts
I kinda agree that the 2 20mm pods on the f-4 and g-2 are slightly OP but really I enjoy being OP for once in those planes in arcade mode. The 109's have always been good in historic battles but in arcade with only one 20mm you often lacked firepower. | ||
Italy190 Posts
On August 24 2013 18:32 Skilledblob wrote: everybody is turnfighting in arcade mode because you cant outrun anybody. I can fly in my fully upgraded 109 F-4 and everything on the field will be my speed or even faster. So there is no point in trying to outrun people. All you can do is climb up in the beginning and boom and zoom on maybe two planes and after that you will have lost all your speed. I kinda agree that the 2 20mm pods on the f-4 and g-2 are slightly OP but really I enjoy being OP for once in those planes in arcade mode. The 109's have always been good in historic battles but in arcade with only one 20mm you often lacked firepower. Well, the F4 and the G2 are above average as far as speed goes and you definitely can outrun people, obviously you won't escape people already shooting you by just burning more fuel, but you can definitely prevent their approach, i'm a Zero player, i know what it means to be slower and it's very frustrating ![]() Besides, energy fighters in arcade should be (almost) exclusively climbing/diving, so when they're getting shoot at, they should either dive until they get over the opponents (hardcapped arcade) dive speed limit or, more rarely, if the opponent is flying at low speeds they should try and climb until your would-be killer gets into stall speed and is forced to dive. The MC.202 is a prime example of a plane that is nigh unkillable when properly handled due to its fast speed and incredible climbing rate (in the level range 1-6) Btw, what's the speed loss you get from installing those 2 extra cannons? because a beaufighter loses 22km/h just for bringing along rockets, and -40 for a torpedo o.O so if the speed loss is as brutal as it should be, that's probably part of your problem...... Sparks usually indicate either an adjustment incendiary round (which i usually try and avoid shooting when possible ![]() There's also the possibility of AP rounds ricocheting off armor, but that, while very frequent with 7,92 MG fire isn't really a problem for a 37mm :D And yea i agree with Britain being the best starter nation, they have a good blend of basically everything in different lines of planes, with the Spitfire tree being the second best dogfighers in the game, the Hurricane tree being good one-engined generalist/energy fighters and the Beaufighters tree being arguably the best 2-engined heavy energy fighters | ||
Romania803 Posts
The thing is I started japanese as a joke, doing kamikaze style and ramming everything in my path. I didn't think that literally the japanese tree is so bad you're actually meant to ram into other planes in order to do something. Or is it just me? Please givec me hope I'll find a good plane later on. | ||
France10239 Posts
luckily HB and FRB are pretty decent game modes. the general consensus is that the japanese do indeed have mediocre diversity in their tech tree. i'm only level 2 with japan i think but the ki-43 is an absolute joy to fly. it's especially fun that it comes down to out-maneuvering your opponent and you aren't allowed to take a single hit. it can't dive for shit either and generally speaking the ki-43 relies on light weight and low wing-loading to be competitive. that's why they're so fun. they climb like tigers too. very fun, they're challenging. | ||
Canada6655 Posts
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United Kingdom1280 Posts
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Mexico56 Posts
With tanks closing in on Open Beta, i'm excited for this game and i recommend you pick it up if you stopped playing at some point. There's been improvements to the economy system (now tier 4 planes don't cost 600k credits, closer to 210k) so the grind has actually become smaller. They've also added competitive squadron battles with a rating system. My friends and I have a blast playing this every friday. | ||
United States2611 Posts
First off, German jets besides the new Mig15 and Sabre all get screwed by bombers. The current metagame for the US and Brits seems to be "Spam bombers, hide, win by tickets after 20 minutes of boredom". 30mm is vastly weakened since the last patch, Lancasters regularly tank all 240 30mm shells my Me163 has. Its even worse for the He162. Which is so sad because since the nerf on the F80, and revamped matchmaking meaning no F9F's, the 162 is finally competitive. Second, is the Sabre's problem. Since the open beta started, jet games have just been Mig15's raping things all day. Even once the US got the F86F and was finally competitive, the Mig still won because games would be 1-2 sabres and 5 F80's against a team of all Mig15's. Now that the Mig15 has been nerfed, and you rarely see sabres and F80's in the same game, the soviets quit flying their jets. They loved their jets when they were either OP or favored by MM, but now that it's fair, they quit. Now the only jets US Sabres fight are the German's new Sabre, which is somehow better than the American one. Its so unbelievably stupid. Why would the US sell West Germany a better model of Sabre than the one they currently use? Why couldn't they just give Germany the HGIII? Edit: When I say "nerf", I don't mean this or that plane got rebalanced because it was unfair. I mean that it was overperforming and its FM has been corrected. Or at least that's what I hope. I know for a fact its not true about the 30mm being shit. 1-4 30mm hits would kill a B17 in real life. | ||
United Kingdom1280 Posts
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United States2611 Posts
They NEED to separate the battle ratings of arcade, RB, and SB. Its kinda dumb for instance that the fw190A5 has such a high battle rating that it regularly sees P51's and sometimes even Bearcats in RB just because its doing really well in Arcade. | ||
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