I gave realm reborn a chance and I'm blown away. 100% different game.
I loved and played FFXI for years... and could barely stand FFXIV. I played for maybe 2 weeks and called it quits. I was adamant about bothering playing ARR but seems like they made huge, huge upgrades.
I think I might be playing FFXIV for a long while now.
Can anyone tell me how exp gains work in this game when fighting monsters much higher level then you? It used to be in XI the best way to gain xp was to get a group of people around your level and travel somewhere with creatures much stronger then any of you and fight them. Does anyone know if this is still an effective way to level?
On July 06 2013 22:26 PassiveAce wrote: Can anyone tell me how exp gains work in this game when fighting monsters much higher level then you? It used to be in XI the best way to gain xp was to get a group of people around your level and travel somewhere with creatures much stronger then any of you and fight them. Does anyone know if this is still an effective way to level?
Good luck fighting monsters 4 or more levels higher than you. They will rape you, repeatedly. The best way to level is story quests and fate grinding. Now since the story quest ends at around 21 you're stuck with fate grinding, hunt log, and leves which get boring. But the actual game has a much longer story quest.
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On July 06 2013 22:26 PassiveAce wrote: Can anyone tell me how exp gains work in this game when fighting monsters much higher level then you? It used to be in XI the best way to gain xp was to get a group of people around your level and travel somewhere with creatures much stronger then any of you and fight them. Does anyone know if this is still an effective way to level?
Nope. XIV: ARR follows the contemporary model of questing, open-world events (a la WAR PQs or GW2 events), and dungeon-grinding. Leves are essentially repeatable quests limited by allotment per time period. Guildhests are bite-sized pieces of PvE dungeon/raid mechanics with a one-time experience bonus for completion.
Open-world grinding only takes the form of your hunting log, which is essentially a collection of kill-credit quests spread out across the world. If you want to party up, you can complete most quests together, but some (especially those involved in the main storyline) can segregate you for solo instanced battles.
From what I've seen so far, dungeon-grinding experience should be tuned upwards (it was heavily nerfed from phase 1), as it's probably the most enjoyable source of repeatable, party-oriented leveling content. FATEs are ridiculously boring in comparison.
Having some decent fun in this game with my guild so far.
super excited for this game. Me and my real life friends/brother love this game : )
Ok, I have only reached lvl ~12 or so in the beta with the pugilist, but the combat was just bad until that point, so could anybody tell if it gets any better? Because having a grand total of 3 useful spells wasn't really fun.
On July 08 2013 05:12 SinTio wrote: Ok, I have only reached lvl ~12 or so in the beta with the pugilist, but the combat was just bad until that point, so could anybody tell if it gets any better? Because having a grand total of 3 useful spells wasn't really fun. I got to 35 thm, 33 pug, 33 lancer so far and pug combat is the most interesting out of all of them since you have to constantly reposition yourself towards the rear/flank with your attacks, although thats only relevant when you have a tank or when enemies do a dodgeable attack. Youll get a few more abilities that you will use including 2 dots one at lvl 15, and one at like lvl 30.
You get twin snakes at 18, which youll alternate with true strike, and demolish at 30 which youll alternate with snap punch. So thats 5 buttons to press + 1 another dot and another aoe spell that does a aoe slience if you use it in a certain stance. You can also use abilities from other classes if you visit their class guild and open up that class. All the melee classes will be getting archer to lvl 4 asap for their 2 abilities.
On July 08 2013 05:12 SinTio wrote: Ok, I have only reached lvl ~12 or so in the beta with the pugilist, but the combat was just bad until that point, so could anybody tell if it gets any better? Because having a grand total of 3 useful spells wasn't really fun.
Yes becuase by level 12 you're obviously going to know every spell/skill in the game. Is this your first mmo? This is very very very standard. You're barely 1/5 of the way through leveling of course you're not going to have a million skills. This is not WoW there's not 5000 different skills that all do the same thing. You have a small set that you use to rotate between.
On July 08 2013 05:12 SinTio wrote: Ok, I have only reached lvl ~12 or so in the beta with the pugilist, but the combat was just bad until that point, so could anybody tell if it gets any better? Because having a grand total of 3 useful spells wasn't really fun. I felt the same way, I thought the game was terrible but I went back and got to 15 and started to enjoy it, and now something about it has won me over and I pre-ordered it (the game being only $22 was a large factor).
Got to level 12, it feels like the global cooldown is really really long in this game. Feels really slow paced.
On July 08 2013 07:15 musai wrote: Got to level 12, it feels like the global cooldown is really really long in this game. Feels really slow paced.
It's excruciatingly long. Even MNK at 50 with skill speed gear and 3 stacks of GL only gets down to a ~1.98s GCD. Many of us have been posting over and over again on the feedback forums about how limiting it is to have such a long GCD, but the dev team seems pretty adamant about keeping the scaling the way it is, which is incredibly unfortunate.
For those who don't know, these are a few quotes they have about the current GCD
The current implementation of the GCD (Global Cooldown) is a result of our aim to keep things simple while ensuring players can enjoy the game for a long time. Unfortunately for seasoned MMO players, the beginning of the game may seem dull and boring. However, the GCD is in place to give players time to think about what their next move is going to be. I know that the beta test is still somewhat laggy, and you guys haven't had a lot of time to really dig into the game yet, but as you progress in level, your characters will acquire a variety of skills to use in battle. This includes combos, weapon skill and action rotations, debuff skills, and crowd control skills. As you acquire more skills to use in battle, the 2.5 second GCD won't seem as long as you think it is. I hope you all will continue testing and explore the potential of the current system.
...It's at this point in time where you will start to need multiple level 50 classes and jobs, battle strategies, efficient usage of skills, and intense analysis from players passionate about research. This is why the early stages of the game and the core battle system have been simplified. The much discussed length of the global cooldown is because you have time to think at the moment, yet once you reach end-game, that free time will all but disappear as what you'll need to do will increase, so with that said, we do not plan on eliminating this.
If there is one weakness in ffxiv right now it's probably the combat. They very much want the game to not feel rushed/confusing for new players, but atm it probably carries over too much into level cap content.
On July 08 2013 05:12 SinTio wrote: Ok, I have only reached lvl ~12 or so in the beta with the pugilist, but the combat was just bad until that point, so could anybody tell if it gets any better? Because having a grand total of 3 useful spells wasn't really fun.
it doesn't get much better.
After last beta test I am suprisingly positive about this MMO.
Positive stuff for me: - I can play it on PS3! It's just pure awesomness that I can lay on my couch and have fun in MMO. I was seriously worried about gamepad, clumsy UI and general idea that I was used to have gazilion hotkeys on my keyboard while playing MMO, and gamepad offers only 5-10% of this. But, suprisingly, it was designed REALLY good. Damn it, everyother developer should learn from Squar how to manage console UI. Turns out I don't need mouse plus fully hotkeyed keyboard, and that's just awesome;) - It's a beta, yet it feels like it's almost finished product. Maybe thats because I reached only 15lvl, and everything above it is just blank hole of emptyness. But so far it really feels polished, with only few minor stuff to fix. (something that is rarely seen even after releases of "modern" MMO's) There are quests, this FATE stuff from GW2, there are instanced with party finder, daily quests, normal storyline with Final Fantasy climate. During play I was not annoyed by a single bug, nor did I encounter any bit of "underconstrucion" sign. - I am happy they did not jump this modern bandwagon with "every class should be self sufficient" and " tank-healer-damage is outdated and sux, lets allow everyone to do everything". However, they did allow every player to do every class on single character (if I am understanding that correctly), so in the end there should be less whiners crying that they class sux, or can't do something. - Final fantasy world... and thats itself great stuff for me. I did not play FF XI, and before this beta I was almost sure that MMO inside this world will wash away all this climate and unique feeling. Turns out it wasn't that bad, as I could still feel it.
And stuff that sux: - Mentioned earlier: combat. Feels boring. Is it better on higher levers? I really hope so, but there is not too much promise. It's still same old combat play, and maybe I was spoiled with awesome ideas from Terra or other titles. - Itemization feels really generic so far. You just replace stuff if you see better armor, or this +1more stat. But who am I kidding, MMO can't be like Diablo 2, right?
I am thinking about buying this game since this weekend. I will need to see how they managed end-game, since it is lately huge problem for MMO's, and after reaching level cap you just don't have any interesting challenge.
Ps: Anyone can tell me, if my betakey from some giveaway before last beta, will work for next one, or I will have to hunt for another one?
On July 08 2013 19:09 DnameIN wrote:After last beta test I am suprisingly positive about this MMO. Positive stuff for me: - I can play it on PS3! It's just pure awesomness that I can lay on my couch and have fun in MMO. I was seriously worried about gamepad, clumsy UI and general idea that I was used to have gazilion hotkeys on my keyboard while playing MMO, and gamepad offers only 5-10% of this. But, suprisingly, it was designed REALLY good. Damn it, everyother developer should learn from Squar how to manage console UI. Turns out I don't need mouse plus fully hotkeyed keyboard, and that's just awesome;) - It's a beta, yet it feels like it's almost finished product. Maybe thats because I reached only 15lvl, and everything above it is just blank hole of emptyness. But so far it really feels polished, with only few minor stuff to fix. (something that is rarely seen even after releases of "modern" MMO's) There are quests, this FATE stuff from GW2, there are instanced with party finder, daily quests, normal storyline with Final Fantasy climate. During play I was not annoyed by a single bug, nor did I encounter any bit of "underconstrucion" sign. - I am happy they did not jump this modern bandwagon with "every class should be self sufficient" and " tank-healer-damage is outdated and sux, lets allow everyone to do everything". However, they did allow every player to do every class on single character (if I am understanding that correctly), so in the end there should be less whiners crying that they class sux, or can't do something. - Final fantasy world... and thats itself great stuff for me. I did not play FF XI, and before this beta I was almost sure that MMO inside this world will wash away all this climate and unique feeling. Turns out it wasn't that bad, as I could still feel it. And stuff that sux: - Mentioned earlier: combat. Feels boring. Is it better on higher levers? I really hope so, but there is not too much promise. It's still same old combat play, and maybe I was spoiled with awesome ideas from Terra or other titles. - Itemization feels really generic so far. You just replace stuff if you see better armor, or this +1more stat. But who am I kidding, MMO can't be like Diablo 2, right?  I am thinking about buying this game since this weekend. I will need to see how they managed end-game, since it is lately huge problem for MMO's, and after reaching level cap you just don't have any interesting challenge. Ps: Anyone can tell me, if my betakey from some giveaway before last beta, will work for next one, or I will have to hunt for another one? the next phase will be openbeta, no need key, the next test is still phase 3 so it should work
Iv been having fun but I'm not yet sold on this game. It seems to lack some of the things that kept the earlier FF mmo interesting for me. Like others have said, the combat is boring but serviceable, hopefully that changes at higher levels. The responses from those at high levels are not encouraging to me though. There seems to be a lack of ways to make your character unique aside from the ability to level any class.
I like the story driven nature and the big ui improvements but I really wish they kept a few of the "hardcore" elements from FFXI to keep me a little more involved and thinking about the game.
FFXI fucked up because they made literally everything a gigantic pain in the ass and didnt balance the rewards properly, my problem with this game is that I havnt seen anything as challenging and because of that it has been boring overall for me. I wish they kept the "need a party or your boned" philosophy of FFXI
On July 08 2013 20:58 PassiveAce wrote: There seems to be a lack of ways to make your character unique aside from the ability to level any class. Isn't this true for all MMORPGs though? I can't really think of anything making you unique in WoW, Rift, GW2 etc...