On May 19 2012 23:22 Candadar wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2012 23:21 torm3ntin wrote: Thanks, i'm searching for some good tutorials since i never played Arma II and i'm not very familiar with the stuff like bleeding, and now that i'm injuried i can't fix myself. You have to bandage yourself. Do so by scrolling your middle mouse button and selecting the item on your context menu. You may have bandages in your backpack if they aren't already in your inventory to use. To regain blood, eat food. Cold food gives you 200, cooked 800. Otherwise, you need blood transfusions.
Is if possible to cook canned food? I've only cooked meat so far.
On May 20 2012 01:19 Lyter wrote: OA seems to be standalone, do I need original ARMA 2 as well?
Yes you do, you need to run Combined Operations. Its basically OA but it has access to ARMA 2 assets.
On May 20 2012 03:55 Khalum wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2012 23:22 Candadar wrote:On May 19 2012 23:21 torm3ntin wrote: Thanks, i'm searching for some good tutorials since i never played Arma II and i'm not very familiar with the stuff like bleeding, and now that i'm injuried i can't fix myself. You have to bandage yourself. Do so by scrolling your middle mouse button and selecting the item on your context menu. You may have bandages in your backpack if they aren't already in your inventory to use. To regain blood, eat food. Cold food gives you 200, cooked 800. Otherwise, you need blood transfusions. Is if possible to cook canned food? I've only cooked meat so far.
On a side note..... I got away from the airfield with just 170 blood after getting sniped by bandits. I thought I would use the chain gun on the huey to mow down zombies, but the bandits that I didn't know were there disagreed. I managed to barely get away... all the while I'm constantly passing out every 30 sec or minute when running to my tent. Good times, good times!
I hope this is incorporated into Arma 3, after watching some videos its a great experience but its still too early for me to be entirely convinced to put money down on Arma 2. Though great find!
One of those experiences where either strangers or friends will put endless hours into.
Zombies REALLY need to be more deadly. Like, they're kind of a joke right now to kill and anyone with half a pulse will never die to one once they figure this out. Thus leading to lots of people just going around shooting people since it's like, impossible to die from the zombies you attract with your noise if you got any half decent weapon.
Thats the problem I've read about, its no the zombies... Its the assholes and bandits ruining everything.
On May 20 2012 06:07 Disregard wrote: Thats the problem I've read about, its no the zombies... Its the assholes and bandits ruining everything.
Very much like it could be in a real zombie apocalypse...
I bought the Arma 2 Combined Ops on Amazon, do I need to install both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead to play?
On May 20 2012 06:55 KaiserReinhard wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2012 06:07 Disregard wrote: Thats the problem I've read about, its no the zombies... Its the assholes and bandits ruining everything. Very much like it could be in a real zombie apocalypse... I bought the Arma 2 Combined Ops on Amazon, do I need to install both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead to play?
As it would. That's what I love about this, the potential to be a bandito.
However, it's fucking ridiculous as it is because as I said, you literally have to have a mental illness to die as is to Zeds because of how much of a joke they are. You can infinitely run away from them because as the AI is, as soon as they get into melee range they pause to attack and therefore, miss every time as long as you keep running and don't stand still. Therefore, if you know what you're doing, you can just run, wait for them to just stand still for 3 seconds after they reach you, turn around and headshot them, rinse and repeat. Add into this the bug that Zeds can only walk at a snails pace while indoors, and again, even with a Makarov, it's IMPOSSIBLE to die to them once you get a flow of things.
Hence, there is no punishment for running around gunning people. Multiple times I, and many other people, have had some chucklefuck run up to us sprinting, gun us down, and then run circles around zeds that managed to hear their shots (sometimes in the dozens) as they picked them off and then looted our corpses. I've even done it once or twice because of how easy it is to do. It completely ruins any form of immersion and is completely broken. I don't think you know how frustrating it is to be sneaking around a bunch of zombies, and some raghead guy come up and gun me down with an M4 randomly with absolutely no fear of getting killed.
Want to know how to fix this? It would be making Zeds actually deadly. So that when they sprint up to your ass, they actually hit you instead of pausing to decide whether or not they want to do it. It's an alpha, an early alpha at that so I don't want to bash the mod as it's fucking awesome in basically every other way. However, this is a massive issue that needs to be addressed if the survivor/bandit dichotomy is to work. That if you run around shooting people and attract a bunch of Zeds to your presence, you should be fucking swarmed and dead unless you got a group of people to back you up.
I love bandits though, it's what makes this game amazing and sets it apart in my opinion. The option to be a dick ass thief. However, being a dick ass thief should be a bit of a challenge. It should be high risk, high reward. You shouldn't be able to run through a town full of Zeds just gunning players sneaking around down, kill all the zeds ezpzy, and then loot the player. It just shouldn't work like that.
On May 20 2012 05:57 Candadar wrote: Zombies REALLY need to be more deadly. Like, they're kind of a joke right now to kill and anyone with half a pulse will never die to one once they figure this out. Thus leading to lots of people just going around shooting people since it's like, impossible to die from the zombies you attract with your noise if you got any half decent weapon.
Agree and disagree.
Agree that someone with a rifle or shotgun who has been alive for a decent amount of time or a small group of players will have no trouble at all with zombies. However, as a new player on a server they are incredibly difficult to do anything about. You start off with no map and you have to kill zombies to get a map, which is apparently a very rare drop (I've killed hundreds and have yet to see a map). That means it's impossible for a new player to really group up with anyone.
The second problem is ammo. If you go around with a small group after a server restart or something... and you're trying to find gun spawns and whatnot, it's pretty simple. There are 50 zombies in this town, we have ten people... and each person gets what, 40 shots? That's 400 shots to kill 50 zombies and get a nice shotgun or rifle (or whatever else you need... bandages, food, etc).
In my case, I'm starting off solo. I can't find anyone because I have no map, and I have 40 shots. There are still 50 zombies there. It's quite literally impossible for me to find any kind of items or equipment at all because I have to sneak around everywhere and if I happen to aggro one zombie there are always 6-7 more that come running in. 40 bullets might be enough to take out 8 zombies if it weren't for two things; a) Every server I've played on, even the ones where I'm getting <15 ping, seem to have really terrible issues with zombies not being where they should be (and in a lot of cases half the zombies on the map seem to be bugged out and just standing there) which makes them incredibly hard to hit even at point blank, and b) by the time you can reload your first clip they're already on you since they run faster than you do and you can't stop to shoot them or you'll die. So, you're basically stuck running for eternity because you have no allies there to peel them off you.
I've seen plenty of videos where people are starting on a fresh server, all 50 players grouped up together, and the game looks incredibly fun. However I have yet to find such a server and when you're playing solo it's extremely frustrating trying to start out.
They should do something to improve the early game for new players (perhaps the option to spawn on an existing player, at the least, instead of a 30 minute walk from the nearest building) and also something to make the zombies harder for groups and experienced players (maybe zombies become stronger at night and people can only join the server during the day?).
Also, the maps are way too big. I understand going for realism but it's simply not fun having to walk 30 minutes from one house to the next with absolutely nothing but trees along the way. They should at least add zombified wildlife or something to populate those areas since at the moment it seems about 95% of the map is basically dead, unused space.
I would say it's still worth picking up for $15 while it's on sale, though. It will be worth it in the near future.
In the defense of the big map Serj, I believe I read that they are planning on adding more shit in the wilderness and that they only currently have Zeds spawning in the cities/towns for now, and deers and rabbits and shit in the wilderness. So we just have to wait and see. I think the size is perfect if they can add a bit more content.
EDIT: But I'm probably not thinking straight right now cause I'm so fucking mad. I found a Lee Ensfield with ~50 rounds, an M67 grenade, two blood packs, a shit ton of revolver ammo with a revolver, a Czech Backpack and a bunch of other cool stuff and as I'm scavenging a barn with 10 zeds outside, this guy just runs in and guns me down with an assault rifle, says "lol" in chat and runs away. Like honestly, that just ruins the game for me at times.
Seems like you got owned lol.
Serejai, you seems to have been misinformed. You don't loot maps from zombies, you loot them in houses. They appear as pouches, like makarov ammo, compass...
The map is very big because it's made for vehicles as well, including helicopters in DayZ.
The start is hard but it gets better fast if you do the right thing. Look for hunting posts or isolated barns/houses. 3/5 zombies around those, and you usually can sneak (<15m crawl) past them. You'll quickly find a better weapon, like the revolver or winchester, which are both very good. With those in hands you can keep looking for isolated buildings, and even clear parts of small villages by shooting from afar. The aiming system is tricky but very precise, if you're having issue I think it's coming from your side. Learn in which buidling you can enter and pick your targets accordingly, else stay in the forest. Hunting knife and matches enable cooked meat, which replenishes 800 blood per piece. Can be looted in houses and barns. With those and patience you can last a long time, and think about bigger stuff.
Like nightvision goggles ><
On May 20 2012 07:59 Boblion wrote: Seems like you got owned lol.
Yes, I did ;_;
To be honest, each player should just start with a map. I know I just bring one up in another window every time I play anyway :/ It's kind of weird to have maps be such a rare drop when they're almost useless.
I did manage to find a weapon once. I snuck into some barn and found a crossbow. A few minutes later some jackass comes in and demands I give it to him. So I shot him in the face. Unfortunately they alerted some zombies and I died too
On May 20 2012 07:47 Candadar wrote: In the defense of the big map Serj, I believe I read that they are planning on adding more shit in the wilderness and that they only currently have Zeds spawning in the cities/towns for now, and deers and rabbits and shit in the wilderness. So we just have to wait and see. I think the size is perfect if they can add a bit more content.
EDIT: But I'm probably not thinking straight right now cause I'm so fucking mad. I found a Lee Ensfield with ~50 rounds, an M67 grenade, two blood packs, a shit ton of revolver ammo with a revolver, a Czech Backpack and a bunch of other cool stuff and as I'm scavenging a barn with 10 zeds outside, this guy just runs in and guns me down with an assault rifle, says "lol" in chat and runs away. Like honestly, that just ruins the game for me at times.
... that's hilarious, haha
On May 20 2012 08:52 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2012 07:47 Candadar wrote: In the defense of the big map Serj, I believe I read that they are planning on adding more shit in the wilderness and that they only currently have Zeds spawning in the cities/towns for now, and deers and rabbits and shit in the wilderness. So we just have to wait and see. I think the size is perfect if they can add a bit more content.
EDIT: But I'm probably not thinking straight right now cause I'm so fucking mad. I found a Lee Ensfield with ~50 rounds, an M67 grenade, two blood packs, a shit ton of revolver ammo with a revolver, a Czech Backpack and a bunch of other cool stuff and as I'm scavenging a barn with 10 zeds outside, this guy just runs in and guns me down with an assault rifle, says "lol" in chat and runs away. Like honestly, that just ruins the game for me at times. ... that's hilarious, haha
....It is in retrospect lol.
Someone shot at me as as I was wandering around the coast, managed to kill him. Ran into a 2nd survivor near a military camp, I sort of looped around to get into the camp and thought he disappeared, but apparently he was watching me. Followed him a bit east, then ran into a bandit on top of the roof of a factory. The friendly who was sort of tailing me disappeared, while the bandit watched me wander off and then started shooting at me. He only hit me once (barely) and called a horde of zombies down on himself, which conveniently made it a lot easier for me to slip past them.
Then I managed to find a toolbox, some supplies to repair cars, a knife, a compass, a watch, and a winchester and a crapton of ammo and food (I nearly died in a supermarket before getting most of this gear, but my last bullet saved my arse). Heard gunshots in a city, found a corpse of someone. Heard gunshots again and found a guy getting swarmed on the 2nd floor of a building. Managed to help him take out 6 or so zombies. Then somehow I broke a bone (either falling or on a cheap zombie hit). Didn't have any morphine and I nearly bled out when all the nearby zombies heard the gunshots and swarmed on me. Asked for a mercy kill, but the guy just wandered off. Ended up shooting my pistol until a zombie came and killed me- had like 3000 blood and a broken bone, no way to come back from that. Shame he didn't off me, I had like 50 winchester rounds, about as many pistol rounds, and all of the above mentioned things. :/
On May 20 2012 02:34 Candadar wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2012 02:25 Frumpysnoo wrote: That and the fact the map is fucking HUGE. Like..as big if not close to being as big as Skyrim. I personally never played the original game so I don't know town names or anything. All this considering, the adventure aspect is going to be there for quite a while. Since I don't have a map I constantly have to tab out and figure out where I am =D Skyrim isn't even fucking close to ArmA maps dude. Not even close. And like I said, it's not so much the exploring. We know what we're going to get. It's the interaction with the world, the scavenging and the roleplay that so seamlessly comes into it without even trying. Meeting up with people, forming bands and shit. They've already spoken about plans to let players build towns and secure them, create factions, and all that fun stuff. This isn't the type of game for people who need an objective to do something. I've played STALKER games through and through, and know ins and outs of the map and game but I still find it fun to wander and explore. Because there are gamers like me who flourish in games where you aren't told where to go or that has a beginning and an end, and this game signifies everything about that. Again, "Not for everyone" shines the most in this mod. I know plenty of people, if not a majority would find what you do in this mod the most boring thing in the world. However, I personally and many people I know love this shit.
Skyrim's map is about 40 square km, of which only 75% is playable. This one is 225 square km, and you can even walk off the map for a seemingly endless distance.
On May 20 2012 07:43 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2012 05:57 Candadar wrote: Zombies REALLY need to be more deadly. Like, they're kind of a joke right now to kill and anyone with half a pulse will never die to one once they figure this out. Thus leading to lots of people just going around shooting people since it's like, impossible to die from the zombies you attract with your noise if you got any half decent weapon. Agree and disagree. Agree that someone with a rifle or shotgun who has been alive for a decent amount of time or a small group of players will have no trouble at all with zombies. However, as a new player on a server they are incredibly difficult to do anything about. You start off with no map and you have to kill zombies to get a map, which is apparently a very rare drop (I've killed hundreds and have yet to see a map). That means it's impossible for a new player to really group up with anyone. The second problem is ammo. If you go around with a small group after a server restart or something... and you're trying to find gun spawns and whatnot, it's pretty simple. There are 50 zombies in this town, we have ten people... and each person gets what, 40 shots? That's 400 shots to kill 50 zombies and get a nice shotgun or rifle (or whatever else you need... bandages, food, etc). In my case, I'm starting off solo. I can't find anyone because I have no map, and I have 40 shots. There are still 50 zombies there. It's quite literally impossible for me to find any kind of items or equipment at all because I have to sneak around everywhere and if I happen to aggro one zombie there are always 6-7 more that come running in. 40 bullets might be enough to take out 8 zombies if it weren't for two things; a) Every server I've played on, even the ones where I'm getting <15 ping, seem to have really terrible issues with zombies not being where they should be (and in a lot of cases half the zombies on the map seem to be bugged out and just standing there) which makes them incredibly hard to hit even at point blank, and b) by the time you can reload your first clip they're already on you since they run faster than you do and you can't stop to shoot them or you'll die. So, you're basically stuck running for eternity because you have no allies there to peel them off you. I've seen plenty of videos where people are starting on a fresh server, all 50 players grouped up together, and the game looks incredibly fun. However I have yet to find such a server and when you're playing solo it's extremely frustrating trying to start out. They should do something to improve the early game for new players (perhaps the option to spawn on an existing player, at the least, instead of a 30 minute walk from the nearest building) and also something to make the zombies harder for groups and experienced players (maybe zombies become stronger at night and people can only join the server during the day?). Also, the maps are way too big. I understand going for realism but it's simply not fun having to walk 30 minutes from one house to the next with absolutely nothing but trees along the way. They should at least add zombified wildlife or something to populate those areas since at the moment it seems about 95% of the map is basically dead, unused space. I would say it's still worth picking up for $15 while it's on sale, though. It will be worth it in the near future.
You start off with 6 clips of Makarov ammo, each clip having 8 rounds. That's almost enough to clear the 50 zombie town....but then the other two zombies will chase you across the entire map since there's no way to fight without ammo.