Just made a Day Z Mod channel under User Channels. Only lasts while I'm on, but I guess if anyone is ever playing Day Z they can just create a channel by that name o.o
If anyone is on/wants to group shoot me a pm or leave a message here or something! Game is damn hard to run around alone and I'm pretty much jaded from ever talking to rando's again considering I've been killed by every player I've come into contact with..
#Edit# I'll stream some in a bit, right now it's a lot of me fumbling around in the dark
Completly love it, bought it about a week ago and shit it is fucking awesome. Just to sneak up on a party in the middle of the night and listen to them talk and later on being able to stalk a guy, murder him and take his supplies to be able to survive. that is fucking game spirit if you ask me. Almost had a repaired car and a ton of supplies once me and my 2 irl mates + a random on the server then the server crashed :'( so sad after that Havent played it since the d3 release but will start playing after I hit 60 and start on inferno :=)
Hey guys, this thread + the $15 amazon deal convinced me to try the game out. I'm super excited (big zombie fan), and please PM if anything TL-related is set up!
How hard, on a scale of 1-10 is this game to get up and running? Before I lose the cheddar?
I've modded WoW and Oblivion/Skyrim, and found those (on a scale of 1-10) difficulty to be 2 and 4or5 respectively. People complaing about connecting etc... is this a problem that most reasonably intelligent people will be able to overcome with some free time?
And... thanks for the OP and posts, very interesting stuff.
On May 19 2012 11:45 CursOr wrote: How hard, on a scale of 1-10 is this game to get up and running? Before I lose the cheddar?
I've modded WoW and Oblivion/Skyrim, and found those (on a scale of 1-10) difficulty to be 2 and 4or5 respectively. People complaing about connecting etc... is this a problem that most reasonably intelligent people will be able to overcome with some free time?
And... thanks for the OP and posts, very interesting stuff.
It's not too hard, there's a video that walks you through the entire process. There's a few problems that CAN occur, but it's usually a pretty easy fix. I couldn't get mine to work but after about 20 minutes of checking various forums I fixed it. All in all..about an hour to download and install everything. If you need help shoot me a PM =]
I just got home, not seeing Ethereal's user channel, guess il check again later tomorrow. TL needs to play this game together, if I can figure out how to make a TL teamspeak user channel then il set one up tomorrow for people to join
I had a little trouble connecting, but figured it out in about an hour. Some tips: 1. Make sure you download both arma2 and the expansion. 2. Update to 1.60 from the arma 2 website. 3. Launch each game. 4. Instead of downloading the dayz mod from the website and putting it in an addons folder, I had more luck following the instructions: for six updater.
Maybe we should try to set up a TL homepoint? I just started, so I don't really know a good meet up point, but we should decide on a couple servers to play on. Like chicago2, uk5, or whatever, so that we always have a daytime server to play on.