On May 21 2012 20:45 DURRHURRDERP wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Of the few times I've seen random strangers, I've tried to team up with them. Most of the time they just run off (you tend to have a hard time trusting people when they can easily shoot you in the back of the head and loot you). However, this one time proved different. I spotted some random dude (probably also a newb who just spawned) from like 100m away. Apparently he didn't speak English, because my attempts at contacting him and convincing him that I was friendly in the chat were kinda futile. I ended up deciding that I should just try to initiate contact (I had just died so I had nothing to lose - just the basic starting gear). When I went up to him, miraculously he didn't try to kill me. He ended up essentially grouping up with me and we started roaming around some of the smaller, less populated areas, looting random houses and killing zombies. Eventually after about 30 minutes of wandering around and checking countless tiny settlements in the wilderness, we both managed to find some awesome new weapons (a compound crossbow for him, a CZ550 sniper rifle for me). This was basically the first new weapon in the game that I found (other than the starting pistol of course), and I was understandably excited in trying it out. The next settlement we stumbled upon, I decided to try my new sniper rifle out on some random zombie. I managed to kill it with a headshot, but apparently the sniper rifle makes an assload of noise. 15 zombies popped out of nowhere and started swarming on us. My mute friend and I were both trying in vain to kill the horde of zombies with an ineffectual sniper rifle and crossbow. I saw that we were getting swarmed and started running away. When last I looked back, my faithful companion was getting swarmed and ended up dying to the part of the horde of zombies that I had startled. Eventually the remaining zombies chasing me stopped for some weird reason, and I managed to survive. I felt so bad afterwards that he died because of me  . RIP mir governent, your sacrifice was not in vain. (PS: thank you for not shooting+looting me the 100x you could have) Also, everytime I roam around the wilderness for hours (going around to some of the smaller settlements and staying the fuck out of cherno/electro) and get some good gear, I end up getting ambushed + incapacitated by some random bugged zombie that can somehow run right up to me and start mauling me when I'm nowhere close to them + prone/crouched (making no noise/out of vision) and I end up dying a horrible death. My most recent death, I had (after a couple hours) managed to scrounge an ALICE pack, shotgun, binoculars (so OP during the day), bunch of food/water/supplies (thanks to the ALICE pack) before some random zombie ran up to me as I was crouch/moving past a random building in the middle of nowhere. I had like 6.7k blood but somehow he instantly incapacitated me and I ended up dying ......sdkfjhsdkfjhskfhIUSDTFSIFG.   
I was laughing hard while reading this. This is exactly why i love this game. Yet i have played for only 8 hours so far.
My best run i got an alice pack + AK47 + binoculars + compass + watch + lots of food + drink + painkillers and bandage + pistol. And i died to a bugged zombie that appeared from nowhere
That story is like the epitome of why I try to stick with other survivors for a minimal amount of time if possible. It never ends well for me if I don't.
Ok, Iv been really busy recently but I am FOR REAL going to make a Teamspeak user channel today. Sorry for not getting it done a couple days ago like I said I would. Before I do I wanted to ask people who know what they're doing (acerockolla) what the best ways to locate people from spawn are, and also we would need to pick a server that is reasonable for everyone, im guessing an EU server.
I think it would be really cool to post some MS-Paint images of "Funniest Experience in Day Z" or something. Hearing of all these epic hours of survival only to have a random crazy zombie spawn and eat your shin sounds hilarious actually :D
I am going to buy ARMA 2 for two different mods as soon as I can afford it. Day Z and Project Reality (www.realitymod.com - I STILL play the BF2 mod occasionaly - it was/is that good - hopefully the ARMA 2 version of it is cool also)
Just bought and am downloading the games now. I'm hoping that I'll be able to group up with you guys when it's all set up and ready, although I might try and do a few 'lone wolf' runs by myself to get a feel for the mechanics (I have played ARMA II vanilla before, but not extensively).
Has anyone here tried C3 as a VOIP service? Apparently it's free with unlimited slots, so it might be an alternative to TS3. Having said that, I've never tried it myself, so I can't really endorse it. Also, I know what it's like having to set up dozens of different pieces of VOIP software for each and every game. It's a hassle. TS3 for one game, Mumble for another, Skype for another, Vent for another.. it all gets a bit much..
And so begins a tale of the most directional inept person in the universe.
Spawning between Kamenka and Balota, and the sea behind me, I decide I'm going to go north to Stary first and foremost. So I just walk forward, assuming that I am going North because of these factors. Well, somehow in the next couple of hours I manage to do the most ridiculous twisting and turning ever. Barely coming across any loot, sometimes I nearly came close to starvation or dehydration because I was finding so little. Never finding so much as an extra magazine for my Makarov, I was glad I was so apt at avoiding zeds in the wilderness. I was even ambushed by two military zeds and a cop one while investigating a deer hut I came across.
Nonetheless, I came across a familiar sight after a combined 2-3 hours of wandering "North", the place of my last death -- approximately 10 minutes north of Chern. Confused as fuck, I wander into the barn of my death and find the bodies of 2 survivors and a bandit. I get some extra food and water, some more Makarov ammo and go on my way. Since I was North of Chern, I would keep going "North" this time, following some power lines. Well needless to say, another 30-40 minutes later I came upon Elektro. I thought I honestly walked in on Chern or something, I was so fucking lost I didn't have any bearing of my location at this point and wasn't even trying. However, I saw something in the distance -- a shit ton of zeds following this guy into a warehouse type building.
Cautiously approaching, I asked if friendly. He replied "Yes", it was some guy who was new and was talking in chat earlier. Cool. I go inside, and him and his bud are in bandit skins. I freak the fuck out, but they got it in self defense they claim. Aight aight, no problem. I'm fucking scared at this point though. Because in my immediate view there are 3 dead survivors, 4 dead bandits, and roughly 5 dozen dead zombies. No, I'm not exaggerating. Confused, I begin to loot around and pick up a revolver, winchester, and some other stuff when more zeds are coming in. So me and the new guy, who somehow has a fucking AK-47 and Revolver hold off. Anyways, he ran in my field of fire and I shot him in the back with my Winchester, which dropped him on his ass and got him to like 2k blood. Needless to say, it was a tense moment as zombies were flooding in and we had to bandage him, transfuse him, etc. and bullets were flying.
However, through all of this, we all managed to survive. I nabbed an Alice Pack, Revolver + 4 mags for it, a Winchester with ~10 mags for it, some chem lights, smoke grenades, a SHIT TON of food/water, and to top it off a Compass/Watch/Hunting Knife/Matches. One guy had to leave for a doctor after that, and another wanted to go back into Elektro to go looting, while I still had my heart set on my original goal -- Stary.
So here I am, finally able to go in (roughly) the right direction and with every tool necessary at my fingertips.
Needless to say, it was worth the like 4 hour walk in zig zags for that 30 minute last stand shit against all those zeds and all the bounty I got.
DURHHHHHHHP, that's good that you found someone to team up with. Like I said, I feel you can walk up and team up with most survivors (especially in the spawning areas). Isn't it amazing how bad the game can make you feel for stuff? I don't know how bandits can do what they do. I've murdered 1 survivor that I know for a fact didn't deserve it, and I still feel bad about it... this happened 3 days or so ago. This next story happened last night...
Just yesterday I was ransacking the NW airfield at night and this game with a flashlight was crawling hangar to hangar. I called out to him to make sure he knew I was here and then asked if he was ok/friendly. Turns out he had no more ammo after fighting with zombies earlier. He had a DMR (sniper rifle) and G17.. which isn't exactly a good zombie killing combo.
I recently looted an M249 and a 200 rd drum. I wanted a DMR though as I'm planning to go bandit hunting around Chern/Elektro. We work out a trade.. who wouldn't want a M249 w/ 200 rds for a DMR with no ammo? He drops it then turns around and heads towards the back of the hangar (my instructions). I proceed to try and drop my M249... It gets consumed to a bug. The inventory can be confusing at times and if you don't have room wherever that weapon or thing is going, it can just poof. Another lesson learned hard.. I told the guy and he was kind enough to say "it's ok, take the DMR." I took it and also dropped 6 G17 mags for him and some STANAG clips as the M4/M16s can be common at airfields.
After I leave, he calls out saying there's a DMR clip in this other hangar. I go pick it up and thank him for being such a nice guy. At this point, he saw I was wearing NVGs and kept scurring alone. I feel many would just shoot and loot. In the corner of the hangar, there's a 24 slot backpack... He said he knew but couldn't pick it up. I informed him of the bug where you have to clear all the loot around/ontop the backpack before you can pick it up. He proceeds to do so and I watch him equip it from afar with binoculars. I say congrats man.. you're on your way!
Two friendlies were headed NW this whole time as they saw us talking. They said they were friendly as well and were coming to join the party. After the guy and I just met, I guess we both seemed ok with that. I obviously wasn't going to hang around, but I didn't think much of it. I'm almost exitting the airfield when I hear one sniper shot go off and I see my buddy's name + "has been killed." He immediately disconnected. I felt so horrible. Even though I couldn't have known and needed to learn this lesson.. I should have helped the guy more or made him follow me out... something.
I'll say this to anyone who plays... If you come across some really nice person, take them with you or you go ahead and join them. You'll have a much better time and of course, you'll be able to trust the person on your left or right.
On May 21 2012 23:22 PassiveAce wrote: Ok, Iv been really busy recently but I am FOR REAL going to make a Teamspeak user channel today. Sorry for not getting it done a couple days ago like I said I would. Before I do I wanted to ask people who know what they're doing (acerockolla) what the best ways to locate people from spawn are, and also we would need to pick a server that is reasonable for everyone, im guessing an EU server.
look at this map - http://h11.abload.de/img/armaii_mapgwjzc.jpg
Everyone spawns all along the southern and a little ways up the eastern coast. When you first spawn into a game (whether it's a fresh start or even if you're far inland), the game will tell you where you are for a brief second on the right. It'll say Chernarus and then underneath give you a location. For people just spawning on the southern coast, that location and this map will tell you exactly where you are. From there, you just need to know that having the ocean on your left will have you go west and the ocean on your right will have you go east. The best meeting spots can be around chern or elektro for obvious reasons as it's a huge city, but you shouldn't linger. Once you link up, it's best to start a journey inland.. you'll eventually find a map, compass, new weapons, etc. If you're going inland, just stick somewhat close to the roads and let the game take you for a ride.
On May 22 2012 05:55 Candadar wrote: And so begins a tale of the most directional inept person in the universe.
Spawning between Kamenka and Balota, and the sea behind me, I decide I'm going to go north to Stary first and foremost. So I just walk forward, assuming that I am going North because of these factors. Well, somehow in the next couple of hours I manage to do the most ridiculous twisting and turning ever. Barely coming across any loot, sometimes I nearly came close to starvation or dehydration because I was finding so little. Never finding so much as an extra magazine for my Makarov, I was glad I was so apt at avoiding zeds in the wilderness. I was even ambushed by two military zeds and a cop one while investigating a deer hut I came across.
Nonetheless, I came across a familiar sight after a combined 2-3 hours of wandering "North", the place of my last death -- approximately 10 minutes north of Chern. Confused as fuck, I wander into the barn of my death and find the bodies of 2 survivors and a bandit. I get some extra food and water, some more Makarov ammo and go on my way. Since I was North of Chern, I would keep going "North" this time, following some power lines. Well needless to say, another 30-40 minutes later I came upon Elektro. I thought I honestly walked in on Chern or something, I was so fucking lost I didn't have any bearing of my location at this point and wasn't even trying. However, I saw something in the distance -- a shit ton of zeds following this guy into a warehouse type building.
Cautiously approaching, I asked if friendly. He replied "Yes", it was some guy who was new and was talking in chat earlier. Cool. I go inside, and him and his bud are in bandit skins. I freak the fuck out, but they got it in self defense they claim. Aight aight, no problem. I'm fucking scared at this point though. Because in my immediate view there are 3 dead survivors, 4 dead bandits, and roughly 5 dozen dead zombies. No, I'm not exaggerating. Confused, I begin to loot around and pick up a revolver, winchester, and some other stuff when more zeds are coming in. So me and the new guy, who somehow has a fucking AK-47 and Revolver hold off. Anyways, he ran in my field of fire and I shot him in the back with my Winchester, which dropped him on his ass and got him to like 2k blood. Needless to say, it was a tense moment as zombies were flooding in and we had to bandage him, transfuse him, etc. and bullets were flying.
However, through all of this, we all managed to survive. I nabbed an Alice Pack, Revolver + 4 mags for it, a Winchester with ~10 mags for it, some chem lights, smoke grenades, a SHIT TON of food/water, and to top it off a Compass/Watch/Hunting Knife/Matches. One guy had to leave for a doctor after that, and another wanted to go back into Elektro to go looting, while I still had my heart set on my original goal -- Stary.
So here I am, finally able to go in (roughly) the right direction and with every tool necessary at my fingertips.
Needless to say, it was worth the like 4 hour walk in zig zags for that 30 minute last stand shit against all those zeds and all the bounty I got.
lol.. did any of those bandits or survivor corpses have a map and compass? It's nearly impossible not to go in cirlces/wrong direction unless you have a compass or you're following roads/landmarks from a map. I would say your story isn't all that uncommon for someone with these items :D
Downloading now so unbelievably excited :D
Question: can you fortify buildings/build stuff or find electricity etc? Are there compounds and trading posts etc? My dream game is a massive world (like in world war 2 online) and destructible. Also if you could build and fortify places over time to create strong holds. It's kind of scary though at how fast the zombies come. I wish they were slower and came in hoards.
Well.. I don't think it's implemented yet, or I simply haven't seen it. There's an entrenching tool that will allow you to fill sandbngs and build up fortifications. At the moment, you can only set up tents and barbed wire.
There are no trading posts, however I could see one happening at some point on certain servers. The whole problem is obviously anyone can kill anyone, but you can see who doesn't have a weapon if they also don't have a backpack. I think an organized group can definitely manage to set up a trading post, but they would need guards and "policemen" to enforce it. LOL, now this just reminds me of Wyatt Earp and Tombstone...
No electricity. Buildings aren't destructible either.
On May 22 2012 06:12 acerockolla wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2012 23:22 PassiveAce wrote: Ok, Iv been really busy recently but I am FOR REAL going to make a Teamspeak user channel today. Sorry for not getting it done a couple days ago like I said I would. Before I do I wanted to ask people who know what they're doing (acerockolla) what the best ways to locate people from spawn are, and also we would need to pick a server that is reasonable for everyone, im guessing an EU server. look at this map - http://h11.abload.de/img/armaii_mapgwjzc.jpgEveryone spawns all along the southern and a little ways up the eastern coast. When you first spawn into a game (whether it's a fresh start or even if you're far inland), the game will tell you where you are for a brief second on the right. It'll say Chernarus and then underneath give you a location. For people just spawning on the southern coast, that location and this map will tell you exactly where you are. From there, you just need to know that having the ocean on your left will have you go west and the ocean on your right will have you go east. The best meeting spots can be around chern or elektro for obvious reasons as it's a huge city, but you shouldn't linger. Once you link up, it's best to start a journey inland.. you'll eventually find a map, compass, new weapons, etc. If you're going inland, just stick somewhat close to the roads and let the game take you for a ride. Thank you good sir  Im planning on opening a ts3 user channel for anyone who wants to play together in about an hour from now, which is 7:20 EST. I think that would be about 08:20 KST (teamliquid) time.
If anybody wants to suggest a server that doesn't have ridiculous "server response" time that would be excellent.
"Build 1.5.8 is rolling out! Remember: gear interaction changes and don't get a cold! Servers will conduct a rolling update"
UPDATE : 21 MAY 2012 Affected addons: * dayz_code 1.5.8 * dayz_equip 1.2.4 * dayz_sfx 1.1.2 * dayz 1.2.5 * dayz_weapons 1.1.2 Developer's Note: * TO INTERACT WITH MOST ITEMS: YOU NOW NEED TO OPEN GEAR MENU (G) THEN RIGHT CLICK ON THE ITEM! SUCH AS BANDAGING AND EATING AND SHIT * This is a pretty major update. I don't really know what affect the new sickness and temperature system will have on player behavior especially with antibiotics being so scarce. * It is the genesis of an idea, so please remember this might cause havoc. You need to be careful. * To light a fire, you need matches and wood in your inventory. Place more wood in the inventory of a fireplace to keep the fire going. * A fire that does not have wood in it will go out when you try to light it. * You can tell you have an infection, because your character will start coughing. The infection causes you to loose blood down to a minimum of 6000. This leaves you with reduced blood until you take antibiotics.
Changelog: * [NEW] Server cleanup system replaced with a more agressive one * [NEW] Inventory Interaction system (right-click on items in gear screen to bring up interactions) * [NEW] Temperature System now implemented (effects are limited) * [NEW] Chance of catching an infection the lower your temperature * [NEW] Chance of catching an infection from already infected players * [NEW] Water can be filled in ponds, all water pumps, wells, but not the sea * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4 * [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths * [NEW] Adrenaline rush from panicing causes greately increased hunger for a while * [NEW] Bandaging Sound when bandaging yourself/someone * [NEW] Coughing sound when you have an infection * [NEW] Camera Shake when temperature drops extremely low * [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas * [NEW] Fire requires wood to keep burning * [NEW] Various Loot spawn balancing changes * [FIXED] Should not be pellets for the Winny * [FIXED] Whinny is way to powerful and quiet (mmmm your tears will be delicious) * [FIXED] Helicopter loot despawning too fast * [FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play * [FIXED] Fog is way too thick * [FIXED] Climbing a ladder with a pistol will cause you to fall * [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights * [FIXED] Panic noises going apeshit all the time * [FIXED] Zombie spotted alert far too quiet (increased slightly)
http://www.armafiles.info/dayz/ http://us.armafiles.info/DayZ_Changelog.txt
So it seems that game download from amazon is only available to US customers (EU here) Is there another way to get digital copy of the game?
On May 22 2012 07:36 Al Bundy wrote:So it seems that Amazon game downloads is only available to US customers (EU here)  Is there another way to get digital copy of the game?
I think you can just temporarily change your shipping address to somewhere in the US and it'll work fine.
* [FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play * [NEW] Various Loot spawn balancing changes
I'm really curious as to what these two changes mean.
this looks like one of the coolest games ive ever seen!
Downloading as we speak! This looks like some fun gaming.