On March 28 2012 01:14 Meser87 wrote: I am highly considering this since I am still on the annual pass(FML) and literally have not played since killing DW on normal but just did not get along with people in my guild so I decided I could just play SC2 till 3 launched.
Is the plan to be more social/have fun and raid on the side or more of a hybrid social/hardcore raid style?
TL is always hardcore.
Thanks for telling me you left SC2 man
does anyone know when the 90 day promotion for the scroll features ends? I tried to google both the start and the end of the promotion, but my googling must be pretty bad -_-
it started on march 4th so it ends on june 4th
For those curious about the raiding situation, we'll have to discuss it when we have enough appropriate level 85s.
We'll probably either do multiple 10 mans (easier to organize, each group can run independent) or a single 25man with leftovers/alts running 10mans. In regards to it being casual vs hardcore, it'll depend on what people want to do. I don't want to force anyone into anything, so we'll have to see how things play out.
Realistically at the very least I'd like to see a single competitive+casual 10man.
I look forward to raiding again. Priest is fun so far; I wonder what raiding as a Priest, Holy or Shadow, will be like.
On March 29 2012 07:01 sjon03 wrote: I look forward to raiding again. Priest is fun so far; I wonder what raiding as a Priest, Holy or Shadow, will be like. I dunno how long you've been out of the game, but Discipline is equally viable as a raiding spec now. Discipline is focused on mitigation, and Holy is more of a jack of all trades, able to switch between single target and group "stances" depending on the situation.
Transferring over from my dying server haha. Catch some of you guys this weekend. I hate levelling so I won't be doing the level 1 run with you guys, sadly...I've only had one character since vanilla and cheated with the Res scroll to get a free level 80 that I'm levelling up (VERY slowly)
Just joined yesterday ^_^. Starting over from scratch with a troll druid, Orso. Will likely be resto/moonkin. hopefully will be getting some people to do some PvP.
No worries about finding people to PVP - I PVP almost every minute I'm online these days 
Coming up on 250,000 HKs!
No, just kidding, I only used to raid The Undercity before I faction changed, all by myself...my realm was full of really bad players and I was absurdly good back then...^^;
but yeah me and Masq (apparently, based on a PM convo we had) are big PVPers. ^_^
If I played cata and have an 85 can I still get a scroll?
On March 30 2012 06:45 Torenhire wrote:No worries about finding people to PVP - I PVP almost every minute I'm online these days  Coming up on 250,000 HKs! No, just kidding, I only used to raid The Undercity before I faction changed, all by myself...my realm was full of really bad players and I was absurdly good back then...^^; but yeah me and Masq (apparently, based on a PM convo we had) are big PVPers. ^_^
I also basically only PVP when im online, although I don''t have an 85 over there, used the scroll to level a toon to 80 and send him over and have been leveling a new one as well.
If I played cata and have an 85 can I still get a scroll?
Yes you can, I think the rule is your account has to have been inactive since march 4th or something.
Cool, glad we've got some PVPers coming over - I'll gladly run mass BGs all day...that's what I do right now, I just spam random BGs all by myself. I don't really like any guilds on my current server haha.
Forever alone. 
March 4th sounds right, as long as your account was expired/inactive before that date, you should be able to be scroll'd. You'll be able to use the free transfer on your 85.
You can also create a level 1 on Lightning's Blade, and redeem the free level 80 thingy on him. Make sure you get professions on your level 1 character before you level him up though, pretty sure it autolevels your professions to 425. Could be wrong though.
Here, looked up the Res Scroll FAQ.
Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection invitations that I can send out? There is a limit of one Scroll of Resurrection invitation per day per World of Warcraft license on both the web and in-game, so you may send a total of two per day using both options. There is no limit on the number of lifetime Scroll of Resurrection invitations that a license can send.
Who can receive a Scroll of Resurrection? To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have a full (non-Starter Edition) World of Warcraft account, and their account must have been inactive (without an active subscription) on or before March 4th, 2012.
If your friend’s World of Warcraft license was inactive before December 2009, your friend must first link their World of Warcraft license with a Battle.net account before they can receive a Scroll of Resurrection. Review our Battle.net Account FAQ for information on creating a Battle.net account and merging a WoW license.
After your friend has set up their account, you should be able to send them a Scroll of Resurrection normally.
On March 30 2012 06:49 redFF wrote: If I played cata and have an 85 can I still get a scroll? if your account was inactive on march 4th you can use a scroll. thats the only thing that matters
Alright cool, for some reason my account is banned right now but as soon as i get it unbanned i'll request a scroll. This thread gave me the itch again...
It probably got hacked while inactive...I quit playing in 2009 and just came back a month ago and my account got hacked haha. Just call blizzard and it'll be unlocked super quick. At least it worked for me.
edit: If anyone needs a scroll, I can send out four...shoot me a PM and I'll send it asaply. :D
anyone who is coming back feel free to drop me a msg with your email, i would be grateful to get to scroll you and reap the benefits :D
Got scrolls to send if anyone needs them!