On April 17 2012 00:20 Masq wrote:
Meeting Summary:
We briefly discussed the merits of 10 man vs 25man raiding and it was decided that we'll be sticking (at least initially) to 10man raiding. This will allow us to have a more social aspect to the guild, while allowing us to maintain at least a single progression-minded 10man raidforce. We're currently lacking healers to create a secondary 10man, but our current hybrid members are encouraged to start collecting 378+ (Heroic HoT/LFR) offspec gear. We'll also be trying to specifically recruit healers over the next week to get the second group rolling.
Our tentative schedule is currently based around 9pm EST on Tue/Wed/Thu, looking something like this:
Tuesday 9pm EST – Guild LFR + Baradin Hold
Wednesday 9pm EST – Guild 10man Runs
Thursday 9pm EST – Nothing currently, perhaps either more 10mans or RBGs.
It was also decided that we'll be shutting off guild repairs to start collecting a sum of gold to aid in purchasing the various guildbank tabs (6/7 is 5000gold), as well as to start creating a bank for MoP. The additional money will be used for purchasing crafting materials and BoE droppable epics early in the next expansion.
Closer to the release of MoP we'll be discussing guild professions more in-depth, and we plan to select desigated "guild crafters" which will have access to the guild bank. This should allow them to powerlevel their profession (smithing, leatherworking, tailoring, enchanting, alchemy and jewelcrafting) quickly, opening up craftable BoE items.
I'll also be on the look out for the following management positions (currently I will be approaching people I think are qualified to fill this positions based upon observation/fit and activity):
Bank Manager – duties include investing guild gold into the auction house for profits.
Recruitment Officers – relatively self explanatory, their job would be to help finding recruits by posting on various recruitment forums and helping to select or interview raid applicants.
Officer – general guild duties would include raid leading, recruitment, mangaging guild funds to purchase flasks, potions, etc.
Things such as loot distribution is up in the air right now. With our current plans of 10man raiding I don't believe there is a need for officer awarded loot or a DKP system, as long as people aren't greedy or stupid.
However there has been discussion about creating a "prestige-DKP" system in which members can earn DKP by donating gold (or materials such as ore, cloth, herbs, gems, leather at their respective item:gold value) to the guild. These DKP points would be spent on prestige items such as raid-dropped mounts, pets, and other vanity items.
After our meeting last night, this is roughly where our raiding roster sits right now. Those who were not level 85 yet were not included, as well as those with severe schedule conflicts. For those interested in coming over/starting, this should help you decide which classes are most valuable to us currently. This can obviously change quite rapidly so if your class is listed in low demand, but you're totally set on playing that, we could attempt to figure something out.
Warriors:Spacek[DPS], Frekavitch[Prot],
Deathknights:Natis[DPS], Bizqwik[DPS], Chulgu[Blood]
Rogues:Dissertation, Pertinax
Warlocks: NONE
Mages:Yethik, Confidant, Scintillia
Hunters: Archondreth, Solidux
Priests: Lotte[Shadow/Any], Philthetank[Shadow/Any]
Shamans: Brasidas[Enh], Mirya[Resto]
Druids: Korsin[Resto], Nvr[Feral], Kinji[Resto]
Paladins:Datte[Holy], Ouchlawl[Prot], Torenhire[Prot]
Melee DPS [6]: Brasidas[Enh]. SpaceK[War], Natis[DK], Bizqwik[DK], Dissertation[Rog], Pertinax[Rog]
Range DPS [7]: Phil[Shadow], Llotte[Shadow], Yethik[Mage], Confidant[Mage], Scintillia[Mage], Archondreth[Hunt], Solidux[Hunt]
Healers [4]: Mirya[RestoShm], Korsin[RestoDruid], Kinji[RestoDruid], Datte[HolyPal]
Tanks [3-5]:Mihai[BloodDK], Toren[ProtPal], Nvr[Feral], Ouch[ProtPal?], Frekavitch[ProtWar?]
As you can see, we're currently sitting at zero warlocks, and we're relatively short on healing as well (specifically priests). Having said that, our recruitment needs are as follows:
High Priority: Priests(Disc/Holy), Warlocks
Medium Priority: Druid(Balance), Healer(Any)
Low Priority: Rogue, Mage, Paladin(Ret)
*If your name wasn't included in the above lists, and you're level 85, raid ready, and plan to raid (Tue/Wed/Thur @ 9pm EST) feel free to PM me and I'll update.
Also, after our meeting was concluded with took a group of 10 to dragonsoul (10m normal) and cleared the place in roughly 3 hours. Which wasn't terrible considering 9/10 people had no experience outside of LFR and most had hit level 85 the week before.
So I hope this clears up any questions anyone had regarding the guild. As usual, if you need a scroll of ressurection feel free to PM me and I'll get one for you.
Meeting Summary:
We briefly discussed the merits of 10 man vs 25man raiding and it was decided that we'll be sticking (at least initially) to 10man raiding. This will allow us to have a more social aspect to the guild, while allowing us to maintain at least a single progression-minded 10man raidforce. We're currently lacking healers to create a secondary 10man, but our current hybrid members are encouraged to start collecting 378+ (Heroic HoT/LFR) offspec gear. We'll also be trying to specifically recruit healers over the next week to get the second group rolling.
Our tentative schedule is currently based around 9pm EST on Tue/Wed/Thu, looking something like this:
Tuesday 9pm EST – Guild LFR + Baradin Hold
Wednesday 9pm EST – Guild 10man Runs
Thursday 9pm EST – Nothing currently, perhaps either more 10mans or RBGs.
It was also decided that we'll be shutting off guild repairs to start collecting a sum of gold to aid in purchasing the various guildbank tabs (6/7 is 5000gold), as well as to start creating a bank for MoP. The additional money will be used for purchasing crafting materials and BoE droppable epics early in the next expansion.
Closer to the release of MoP we'll be discussing guild professions more in-depth, and we plan to select desigated "guild crafters" which will have access to the guild bank. This should allow them to powerlevel their profession (smithing, leatherworking, tailoring, enchanting, alchemy and jewelcrafting) quickly, opening up craftable BoE items.
I'll also be on the look out for the following management positions (currently I will be approaching people I think are qualified to fill this positions based upon observation/fit and activity):
Bank Manager – duties include investing guild gold into the auction house for profits.
Recruitment Officers – relatively self explanatory, their job would be to help finding recruits by posting on various recruitment forums and helping to select or interview raid applicants.
Officer – general guild duties would include raid leading, recruitment, mangaging guild funds to purchase flasks, potions, etc.
Things such as loot distribution is up in the air right now. With our current plans of 10man raiding I don't believe there is a need for officer awarded loot or a DKP system, as long as people aren't greedy or stupid.
However there has been discussion about creating a "prestige-DKP" system in which members can earn DKP by donating gold (or materials such as ore, cloth, herbs, gems, leather at their respective item:gold value) to the guild. These DKP points would be spent on prestige items such as raid-dropped mounts, pets, and other vanity items.
After our meeting last night, this is roughly where our raiding roster sits right now. Those who were not level 85 yet were not included, as well as those with severe schedule conflicts. For those interested in coming over/starting, this should help you decide which classes are most valuable to us currently. This can obviously change quite rapidly so if your class is listed in low demand, but you're totally set on playing that, we could attempt to figure something out.
Warriors:Spacek[DPS], Frekavitch[Prot],
Deathknights:Natis[DPS], Bizqwik[DPS], Chulgu[Blood]
Rogues:Dissertation, Pertinax
Warlocks: NONE
Mages:Yethik, Confidant, Scintillia
Hunters: Archondreth, Solidux
Priests: Lotte[Shadow/Any], Philthetank[Shadow/Any]
Shamans: Brasidas[Enh], Mirya[Resto]
Druids: Korsin[Resto], Nvr[Feral], Kinji[Resto]
Paladins:Datte[Holy], Ouchlawl[Prot], Torenhire[Prot]
Melee DPS [6]: Brasidas[Enh]. SpaceK[War], Natis[DK], Bizqwik[DK], Dissertation[Rog], Pertinax[Rog]
Range DPS [7]: Phil[Shadow], Llotte[Shadow], Yethik[Mage], Confidant[Mage], Scintillia[Mage], Archondreth[Hunt], Solidux[Hunt]
Healers [4]: Mirya[RestoShm], Korsin[RestoDruid], Kinji[RestoDruid], Datte[HolyPal]
Tanks [3-5]:Mihai[BloodDK], Toren[ProtPal], Nvr[Feral], Ouch[ProtPal?], Frekavitch[ProtWar?]
As you can see, we're currently sitting at zero warlocks, and we're relatively short on healing as well (specifically priests). Having said that, our recruitment needs are as follows:
High Priority: Priests(Disc/Holy), Warlocks
Medium Priority: Druid(Balance), Healer(Any)
Low Priority: Rogue, Mage, Paladin(Ret)
*If your name wasn't included in the above lists, and you're level 85, raid ready, and plan to raid (Tue/Wed/Thur @ 9pm EST) feel free to PM me and I'll update.
Also, after our meeting was concluded with took a group of 10 to dragonsoul (10m normal) and cleared the place in roughly 3 hours. Which wasn't terrible considering 9/10 people had no experience outside of LFR and most had hit level 85 the week before.
So I hope this clears up any questions anyone had regarding the guild. As usual, if you need a scroll of ressurection feel free to PM me and I'll get one for you.
Oh, my Disc priest "Terranup" only has a few pvp pieces, as i was just gonna PvP/ Arena .
Maybe i'll raid if you guys really need heals, I havent played her much... hah