On April 10 2012 05:28 Masq wrote:Show nested quote +On April 10 2012 03:27 Zdrastochye wrote: Very questionable choices on some guild members. It's nice to be in a guild with other TLers but there's none of TL's maturity present in the guild. It's sad cause I'd love to stick around, but seems no guild officers choose to remove the few bad apples in an otherwise friendly and likable guild. You're the guy who said "fuck you all" before you gquit right? I've spoken with you a few days ago and excluding Mihai there was no one else you could tell me who was being a "bad apple". You couldn't give me examples of their bad behavior, nor could you give me names. I'm not really sure what you expect me to do. Regarding the officers not choosing to remove "bad apples" I've personally removed a SC2 clanmate of mine for saying nigger in guildchat. He was literally removed in less than 5seconds of saying it, and wasn't reinvited back. It honestly seems as if you're just starting drama for the sake of it, and we don't need those type of players either. We're not here to babysit you because you can't get along with someone on the internet.
If I'm not welcome in speaking on behalf of my experience with the guild then I'll leave. I wasn't flaming the guild or anyone in it, other than saying I came in expecting TL's standards in a WoW guild, which now seems unrealistic I suppose. I have no bad blood with anyone, other than I just had to say I was moderately disappointed with the fact that immature people are allowed free reign in the guild. I'm not starting drama, hell I don't even care if the people who were being childish were punished, I was just venting that it's not as great of a guild as I expected.
I told you Chulgu and there were alts like smellmyshit and stuff who were level 1s doing the same thing. I cannot reinforce enough that I've washed my hands of this, but figured I was merely allowed to show my disappointment to others. I don't need to be friends with every guild member, but I don't care much for people spewing racist and demeaning shit in gchat for hours at a time in front of officers and have nothing done or said about it. That's all.
yeah I don't know what Zdrastochye is talking about racism and stuff. I mean there was that one guy who dropped "nigger" once and was immediately gkicked (I was there for it, Masq isn't lying) without any questions asked.
No one has crossed any lines where I've said "wow that guy should be kicked where is our officers"
I mean Chulgu is annoying as hell but
a) he's only doing it because he's the biggest troll ever b) /ignore Chulgu and he magically disappears.
The one time Chulgu crossed the line he got reprimanded for it. He's a chill dude when he's not trying to get under people's skin. If you look at the roster there's only two characters (same dude) with the name "Smellmypoop" and "Grabmymelons" but I don't even think I've ever seen him type anything in gchat ever...his name is awful, yeah, but w/e...who cares?
I don't know who you were in guild as apparently all this went on while I left...but really, aside from one or two specific times, I've had nothing but good experiences in the guild so far. It's a public guild and 100% of the members have invite privledges, there's no filter on who comes in, so you have to expect it. I have my couple people in guild I don't like or get along with but that hasn't caused me to get mad and gquit about it.
There's never not some kind of drama going on in WoW, lol. Whether it's someone sleeping with the GM to get loot or someone getting into a spitting match with another member...it's always something :p
Only racism I've seen in guild chat is towards Protoss and Zerg.
And Tauren tbh, you should see the things they say to me
Ya but you probably deserve it
Hey sorry I'm late to this but if anyone still has a scroll, I'll jump in. (will it still work if my main toon was alli?)
I'm not sure if a faction xfer is included...I think it is but I could be wrong. PM me your Bnet ID and I'll send you one ASAP
Transfer and faction change IS included (I've done it personally) with scroll of res.
We'll also be doing our first guild meeting (on mumble) at 9pm EST on Sunday, April 15th. So if you have any reservation about playing and want to chat or ask a question regarding the guild future, feel free to come by.
Been doing guild LFR runs, we are smart enough to clear loot pinata (when our tanks don't mess up, lol sorry)
Lower tier 10mans going well, as well...probably in Firelands next week, it sounds like ^^
this sounds interesting, i dont think id go back to wow until close to the time mists is being released. What would be a requirement to join the core raiders? the reason i quit wow in the first place was because i got taken off the core raid team because they had too many mages (GM and main healer's wife were also mages).
We have three or four raiding mages atm >_>
We're discussing the raid situation on Sunday night, feel free to drop by if it piques your interest. ^^
We might run a hardcore 10man and a more casual 10man, two progression 10s...I know Masq is planning on server firsts in MOP. :p
On April 13 2012 01:27 TehV747 wrote: this sounds interesting, i dont think id go back to wow until close to the time mists is being released. What would be a requirement to join the core raiders? the reason i quit wow in the first place was because i got taken off the core raid team because they had too many mages (GM and main healer's wife were also mages).
Honestly, the only requirement would be don't suck at what you want to do, that's all it really comes down to tbh. If we do want to aim for realm firsts and stuff, we're gonna need the best core we can get so...
Also, to all the PvPers, you should come too. We almost always have someone in BG, and there are a few people who want to get arena teams going. If we get enough interested, we could hit up the rated BGs too. So don't be hesitant thinking it's mostly a PvE guild ~
Very much tempted to re-sub... haven't played since WotLK, server first 25 LK kill.... nothing special really, but after, I felt like I "beat the game" and it became rather boring afterwards...
What time have you guys been raiding? I generally work until 8pm EST and I'm able to be on nightly by 9pm at the latest...
Haha, you'd fit right in...currently the GM and other officers came from another Server First raiding group :p
We haven't discussed raid times, we've done group LFR and some easy stuff like Baradin Hold (the new VoA) and whatnot around 9pm EST (Server time = EST yay)....I think the unofficial plan was 9p-midnight for raids. We're including that in the meeting on Sunday I think. We haven't decided days or anything yet, though all of our guild raids so far have been Tuesdays.
ive been in all TEAMLIQUID GUILDS that has started up and non of them has past a cpl months. and even when the cata TL guild was it it had potential but everyone gets bored really easy. not to mention alot of the officers in the guilds were dicks and since they had authority they treated the guild with shit like they were mods or something
Well, we don't have any issues with officers being dicks, unless Mihai gets put in charge LOL.
Masq was the previous GM of Aftermath, which was (it seems) one of the best guilds of the server from Vanilla all the way through Wrath, and still exists now. I trust him to be competent enough to pick officers wisely and handle anyone who does anything stupid.
If the guild dies from inactivity, so be it, you can't force things to work, but the realm is very active and even without the TL guild, one could join a decent guild and still have stuff to do. I imagine once MOP comes out we'll have a bunch of applicants
On April 13 2012 03:01 Torenhire wrote: We have three or four raiding mages atm >_>
We're discussing the raid situation on Sunday night, feel free to drop by if it piques your interest. ^^
We might run a hardcore 10man and a more casual 10man, two progression 10s...I know Masq is planning on server firsts in MOP. :p
cool, ill try to come on mumble on sunday to check it out.
Someone res me
Also what classes/specs are needed?
Yo sorry I missed your whispers. I was trying to fight 5 frost mages and 1 fire mage in a BG and getting really annoyed LOL. 1v1 frost mage is hard enough, 6 of em was like CC hell
Just play w/e you want, I dunno that we need anything specifically at this point.. I can invite you if you log back in and shoot me a PST if I'm still on :D
I know I'm definitely going to be coming back in a week or two. The cata TL guild was fun, but as has been previously mentioned, half the officers being total dicks made it old real fast. Looking forward to rogue it up for the 5th straight expansion.