Also to add to Mastermyth's post:
NE is mostly "frail" T1-T2, but their ranged units are generally high-DPS, so if you can micro well, it tends to be a very rewarding race, and I'm pretty sure it's universally agreed to be the most flexible race along with HU. (See: Moon.) If you can't micro exceptionally well though, you can still play it by going the bears/dryads route. Just remember to staff every now and then.
UD is conceptionally one of the easiest races to understand imho. Nuke, nuke, nuke enemy heroes ... frost armor your focused units, heal, make sure dispel with Destros, etc. Hardest base to "crack" due to natural defense, but also the most easy-to-harass workers since acos are open-air miners and if you don't block your mine well, you're going to want to put a fist through your computer screen when opponents harass you to death. Very difficult to expand against a good opponent because of this. (You basically have to sell an arm and a leg to build a hall + zigs for def. + haunting the mine.) If you get a mine though, you should out-DPS every army in the game.
Orc is as easy as UD to understand. You basically also have one unit comp. vs. every race, which is walkers, grunts, raiders, kodos + BM and SH/TC. (Spirit link everything, a-move, heal, make sure to hex/ensnare + right-click enemy heroes.) You get automatic map control as soon as your BM comes out of the altar, and you can use BM to glitch units in and out of surrounds and to break into bases. Generally beefy units but low-DPS, which is why the BM is essential as the highest DPS-unit in the game with the proper items. The problem with this race is lack of good healing, which is why shop is so important. Strongest at T2. Burrows are easy to wreck, so you have a lot of strats designed around delaying/hitting Orc just as T2 buildings are going up so your macro is delayed and you won't have enough stuff to fight off the next wave of attack.
HU rewards those who have good game-knowledge and sense of timings. Weak to worker harass but it's really easy to block your base so nothing can get in or out. Don't listen to people who say towering's for noobs ... towering is one of HU's greatest strengths, so don't be afraid to throw down like 3+ towers per base for def. Also you have the ability to power-build (v. useful) to hit timings or to get hero out of altar fast to avoid harass early-game and to mass-repair. T2 casters are really good, esp. with mobile mana fountain AM; just auto-cast slow and heal and focus-fire units, and keep heroes alive. There is no point to go T3 unless you are making tanks or gryphs. Horrible-as-shit orb at T3. 
EDIT: Oh yeah, I lied about HU T3. As pointed out, human tri-hero at T3 wrecks if you level up effectively.
i think you got one thing wrong there: at T3, a human can get the tri-hero going, and contrary to popular belief, i believe that human altar tri-hero (as long as you get paladin, mk, and either of the mana heroes) is strongest of all, despite tending to have lower levels. In the super late game, this will even wreck undead tri-hero.
and also, you can play RPG with it too. (check th000)
FE and then turtling with a million towers to T3 as HU is very strong.
Oh yeah, HU tri-hero. Can't believe I forgot that. 
It's probably because I can't control three heroes effectively, which makes the tri-hero complete shit in my hands, so I don't do T3 often. (Nor have I seen it recently, now that I think about it; even TH000 hasn't been playing it a lot lately.) Tri-hero + gyros/tanks + 1-2 knights for support is effective, esp. vs. UD. Maybe a gryph or two thrown in as well. Tendency towards tiny ground army though.
Mk/pala/bloodmage + gryph against undead. There's not much he can do if you get to that point with 2bases
Someone explain to me why double MK doesn't seem to be used as much in 2v2s compared to AM-openings:
(Don't play many 2v2s, but I've been watching a ton more of them lately. In general I don't really get to see much HU/HU except for TH000/Yumiko, and they almost always opt for double-AM or AM/MK FE. Double MK seems absurdly effective though, but maybe it's only because there's no DH involved in this game?)
On July 20 2012 16:56 babylon wrote:Someone explain to me why double MK doesn't seem to be used as much in 2v2s compared to AM-openings: http://w3g.replays.net/doc/cn/2012-7-5/13415026475781316549.html(Don't play many 2v2s, but I've been watching a ton more of them lately. In general I don't really get to see much HU/HU except for TH000/Yumiko, and they almost always opt for double-AM or AM/MK FE. Double MK seems absurdly effective though, but maybe it's only because there's no DH involved in this game?)
Overall AM is just much safer more comfortable to use more explored and there's less deviations to account for. 2x MK is certainly not bad but it's unexplored, HU generally being considered a weak teamrace to begin with. Not to mention as you say DH is very much a bummer to play against.
If you wanted a potentially bad comparison made up by me on the spot I guess you could say it's somewhat like playing only mech in TvZ. Certainly not bad, but you will find tons of situations in the game where you have no idea where you're at because you haven't seen 5000 replays from it and played 1000 game yourself. And how will you account for broodlords? Overall more tricky less comfortable.
From watching the game, it seems hard to make an argument against double-MK + blm + pally when you're playing against an UD with 2 HUs. That banish + light + bolt (or double-bolt) combo is absurd ... (Almost as absurd as BM hitting 300+ crits? )
Now that TH000 and Yumiko are wrecking 2s, I hope to see a little more variation in the HU/HU play. It seems weird, but even with HU being such a weak teamrace, the HU/HU combo seems pretty strong, esp. with good micro to back it up.
Blizzard should partner with Valve and make warcraft 4 off of dota 2 engine(completely same game, but with better engine, no campaign) that would be super awesome.
Haha wow. Yeah #2 was amazing. #1, not so much. But still, great little video.
More stuff if people are interested: The classic: + Show Spoiler + Lolsy: + Show Spoiler +http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/24984082-1393391763.html
I hope you guys are still playin'. I reinstalled this game and I don't want it to be for nothing! Surprisingly, the US East ladder seems to be decently active; I played a couple of games today. My newbishness aside, I actually won a game.
This game is amazing. The gameplay feels so much more fun than SC2 because you have to move around your army alot more and your first building should be the hero building. It's quite amazing actially :D
Hey guys i just got the game a few days ago ( im a avg sc2 player) and i would like to know where i can find some people to play with / join clan ect.. thank you for the info ahead of time :D
Hey, Black, Dabosaur, we should all get together and play a game or two against one another. I'm on garena still waiting on the group to accept my application, but in the meantime any time I get on WC3 on the US East server I make a beeline for the TeamLiquid chat channel.
Who is considered the best Undead player(s) currently?
Now that Believe is in army and Lucifer's pretty much just dicking around? Ehh. I kind of have hopes for Cechi, eMal, WFZ, and EnTe. And Lucifer, whenever he decides to stop offracing on ladder. TeD seems to have disappeared again. 
Before Believe got called to the army, I would definitely have put him at the top.
I'm also not sure who I'd consider best NE atm. ReMinD and (lol) TH000 probably. But we don't really see anything of TH000's NE outside of vHU.
I am waiting for my Warcraft 3 battlechest to come in my hands, i bought it from Amazon and i cant wait to play!
Wow Blizzdid a ladder reset and added more maps to the map pool!