Since I use this suit a lot anyways I used OC100% on its OC5, so I'm fairly set for now. Will just try OC6 as I fill up the exp tank I guess >_< A lot more comfortable with QS now but I still feel like it loses to every long-range beam (even paper ones) :/
does it really cost 39k gold for a blueprint of DH hell EW? T_T what would be the best way of me getting a DH hell EW....
uhh i just tried out the so called dream capsules. the one on the tab furthest to the right. it came up with a panel with a large C on it and some taiwanese stuff. anybody have any clue as to what it might have been i got? i spent 3k points on it T_T
rates of getting the S rank in them are really low. I hear the chnaces are slightly better with coins. Uhh I can't really check now but the capsule with the picture of reborns is the dream capsule, whilst the one with the picture of 007S/G is the custom capsule.
Dream capsule contents are sent to your gifts, whilst custom capsule are just like regular capsules, sent to your hangar
If OC fails, you lose that level of exp, if you had a level protector. If it failed and you didn't use a level protector, you go all the way back to OC0 I think.
i dont like the way this game is set up. seems like there are so many chances where all your hard work could go down the drain with a click based on a chance possibility :/
On January 23 2012 10:35 rave[wcr] wrote: i dont like the way this game is set up. seems like there are so many chances where all your hard work could go down the drain with a click based on a chance possibility :/
That's called: business strategy ;D Keeping you playing the game, 'cause to get things you have to put a lot of time in it. Whereas paying your way through the game makes it less time consuming.
edit semi-important:
I'm gonna take a long break from the game again :< All there is to do is PvPing, which tbh gets boring after a while. It's always the same. I'm gonna pick up Starcraft 2 again and hopefully kick some ass there. So if you need more space for the clan, you can kick me.
I kind of hate the whole MCA thing since I've seen rocks that have near infinite boost, while spinning circles around everyone, and being impossible to shoot.
I hope it doesn't go the way of the GunZ community, where if you don't abuse all the tricks, people deem you automatically horrible and should uninstall the game on the spot.
That has nothing to do with MCA lol. They just have good boost management and are able to control boost dash (locked melee).
Edit: The only trick I think that is necessary to compete at a high level is MCA for direction change (the aerial dash and fire). You can definitely tell the difference between someone who's doing it and someone who's not, because the former is vicious to target.
For certain snipers, QS is also necessary (Duel As has been a totally different suit pre and post QS becoming natural muscle memory).
On January 25 2012 05:01 Southlight wrote: Leveling generally won't increase your damage output too much, unless it's a skill that vastly improves your damage output :>
Ahh then I am not sure what I can do, I mean it is a B class Zaku III (love them from the show) and the gun just doesn't do any damage. Still learning what to do with blueprints and stuff. It looks like you can increse the stats though, in the workshop or whatever it is. I will need to find a good guide somewhere, the main sites wiki is empty.
Make sure you're hitting the proper RPS target. Also as Paper in general tend not to have overwhelming firepower; your job is to provide cover, hammer rock, and put down supporting fire from good positions. You can custom/OC into attack but you're really never going to see that much damage.
On January 25 2012 05:31 Southlight wrote: Make sure you're hitting the proper RPS target. Also as Paper in general tend not to have overwhelming firepower; your job is to provide cover, hammer rock, and put down supporting fire from good positions. You can custom/OC into attack but you're really never going to see that much damage.
Ahhh wow, thanks I never took into account the rock paper scissors. I shall do better now.