On December 08 2011 14:49 erickeK wrote: Hey guys, experienced dueler 'erickeK' here ^^
I've recently been putting in some thought into helping people with quakelive(people being new people).
So I'm trying to make a series of videos that help people become a better gamer! (rip off line from Day9, I know rite? ^^)
Anyways, lemmie know what you think of my first video, I'm contemplating on adding step by step commentary to explain better on what i'm trying to teach as well as having special guests come up on certain episodes. If you think so, let me know, add me on quakelive or leave a comment on the video ^^ really wanna try and help the community get bigger ^^
some of the jump (b2r, double rocket, plasma climb) are way to advanced for beginners. i think you should introduce shooting angles on maps and some routes (how to maintain map control if leading, or nice defensive positions)
The only thing even remotely too advanced for beginners is the plasma climb. Shooting angles/nice defensive positions/etc should only come after you can perform relatively easy moves like b2r or the double rocket jump. Until those kinds of movement tricks are pretty much second nature, you're gimping yourself heavily in regards to map routes and what kind of control you can maintain.
i tend to disagree, the b2r jump in duel is one of the hardest moves on all duel maps. and dm6 is a fucked up duel map at all (for beginners i think) to know some rail/rocket/grenade/plasma spam angles on maps help so much more. i really suck in duel (current elo < 1000) but i won games just on defensive play vs opponents with much better aim and control. to get the b2r jump done ingame, you have to have a very solid movement skill. also this map tends to be a very low score map in general. dm6 is one of the most movement skill dependant duel maps i think. (like to know other examples)
dm6 is impossible for beginners, they have no idea how to take control back on such a dominant map for the up player and so most of the clock is spent on one sided rape even with fair skill matching.
b2r is not easy for a beginner but that's not specific to that jump, it's just that the mechanics themselves are very unintuitive. but once you understand them b2r is relatively simple. There are much harder common jumps on the same map.
As far as the video itself, what day9 does is very different, he picks a game and goes over it with a specific point in mind and absolutely takes his time to explain every possible aspect of it. He doesn't do quick, compact tutorials really. He's day9 because he actually acts as a teacher, a teacher will not refer you to a video with 6 quick arithmetic tricks.
Stermy is streaming a TDM match right now on his Twitch account. It's pretty cool to hear a pro player/team's conversation as they play the match live.
On March 03 2012 03:50 Torte de Lini wrote: I would play this game more if I could host private games wiht my friends.
If you get pro, you can start your own server and can make it friends only or invite only. You can also invite 4 standard members to your pro server and they can play for free.