On July 15 2010 07:43 Liquid`Tyler wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 07:34 iCCup.Raelcun wrote:On July 15 2010 07:29 rwrzr wrote:On July 15 2010 07:22 Phrost wrote: How do most people level skills on kayle? Any variation that I do seems like it should be better than it is... I usually play kayle Q,E,W,?,?,R The rest is kinda dependent. Q is a nuke/slow but it also helps your E W is a heal and a pseudo escape mechanism. (speed buff) E got nerfed in the last patch, but it's still quite good. R is pretty godly. Get it whenever you can. Look at their team and if they are focusing you then I'd invest heavily in Q and W because they won't let you stand there and hit them. (still get 1 level at LEAST) If they let you sit in the back and be a hero then go ahead and max E and maybe split between Q and W. (Remember though Q gives you a % Damage increase!) Also remember that Guinsoo's rageblade is super core and if i enough money I even get it before boots. Nashors is also a great item. I play kayle... different waiting for the LoL forums to come up because I think theres no guide on how I play her and if so I"ll post it somewhere but I usually start with E just because it lets me stay defensive and still last hit harass champs that come too far forward. So I usually go EQWEWR then keep E one level above Q and keep levelling W steadily I go nashor before guinsoo actually but yeah guinsoo and nashor are both great on Kayle Haha that's closer to how I play her but I like a little differently still. I agree starting with E is best. I like to leave Q at level 1 though because I'm happy with the snare and damage increase it provides at level 1. I don't care about how much damage it deals. Then the decision is between W and E. Obviously if your team needs you to heal, get your W up. Otherwise, getting E up is what will increase your damage the most. By the time team fights start happening, you can have it at level 5 to really do some good damage. And of course, the higher level it is, the more often you can have it up, to the point where at level 5 with some CD reduction you can almost constantly have your E up.
The reason I say I play kayle "... different" is I build her full utility masteries for the extra cooldown reduction with a few CD reduction runes and then once I get my fast Nashor I can keep Kayle pretty much under perma effects of E it wears off if under a second on the cooldown so it turns her from a hybrid hero to a ranged hero pretty much.
On July 15 2010 07:43 keV. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 07:40 Southlight wrote:On July 15 2010 07:36 keV. wrote:On July 15 2010 07:35 Shikyo wrote:On July 15 2010 07:33 Southlight wrote: My problem with him is more that his heal is obnoxious, and his laning power is nasty. As a poking hero player I prefer to take out anti-pokes (Taric, Soraka), and I'm not nearly as bothered by Janna. There's no worse feeling than sauntering into a lane with Kassadin and seeing Soraka or Taric on the other side. What do you think about Kassadin laning vs Sivir btw? Sivir is like the strongest laner in the game. I can't imagine Kassadin giving her any trouble at all. In the time you were away, Sivir went from one of the strongest laners in the game to one of the most piss-poor, IMO. Hahah. Her and Kass haven't changed much as far as I can tell. Boomerang has a really short cooldown, I don't know how Kass would out damage her straight up maybe just auto attacking, but if you eat his spray; his damage is going to be bad after that, because he can't build charges 1v1. The laning phase would have to last awhile before Kass would over take her according to my old school math, but like you said It's been awhile. At any rate, even if Kass gets a kill on her, Sivir should be richer...
Well, you may have missed my answer post about Kass vs Sivir, above, but...
They remade W on Tuesday's patch so that it has an activated effect that gives armor pen and charges pulse. In conjunction with Q + Shield + W you fairly instantly get 3 charges as well as armor pen, and autoattacking also gives you mana returns. His base damage is also higher than Sivir.
Edit: At level 6 you can force shield with Q, W, R, and if she boomerangs you get an instant 5 charges for Pulse. That's assuming you start with 0. If she doesn't boomerang she just gets owned by your superior autoattack. It's pretty funny, and bizarre.
Bear in mind if she doesn't block Q, and you have E ready, during silence you can easily R E W and autoattack, so she doesn't have a choice at that point in the game.
Edit2: Another funny thing about the matchup is, if you catch her near maximum E range, and immediately run, she can't autoattack you. o/
The movespeed that the heal grants you midgame is invaluable, though.
North America server seems to be working now.
If you are in mid the heal is definitely a crutch. I'm only level 20 so the heal is more of utility for my entire team. Especially last week when Kat was free. I usually let one of the other amazing pubs take mid before they ragequit and leave me 4v5. (I'm super unbiased about soloqq)
Edit: servers up woohoo
I just played Taric for maybe my 3rd time ever and I feel like he needs the blue buff to really make him great.
game started just fine, hope this means they fixed the "Game will be starting soon" forever bug
Q+E with 1 level of W(your AP makes it a decent heal anyways) and play like a carry. Kayle is so beast. Also the ult 'nerf' arguably makes it better for tower diving because it's up so often, you can seriously zone people just on the fear that you are going to w yourself, q+e+ult dive.
I prefer leveling Q>E, Q works as a great poke nuke, 1 level of E allows you to grab ranged last hits against bad lanes if you need it.
Of course, if you need to play like support get your W up, Q for the slow and E only for the range. Nashors before Guinsoos is legit because you won't need blue buff to have maxed CDR(assuming 9/0/21 and runes).
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
That Xin Zhao crap needs a nerf. Seriously.
Does anyone have a paste of hte patch notes? I never saw them and the forums have been dead all day
On July 15 2010 07:45 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 07:43 keV. wrote:On July 15 2010 07:40 Southlight wrote:On July 15 2010 07:36 keV. wrote:On July 15 2010 07:35 Shikyo wrote:On July 15 2010 07:33 Southlight wrote: My problem with him is more that his heal is obnoxious, and his laning power is nasty. As a poking hero player I prefer to take out anti-pokes (Taric, Soraka), and I'm not nearly as bothered by Janna. There's no worse feeling than sauntering into a lane with Kassadin and seeing Soraka or Taric on the other side. What do you think about Kassadin laning vs Sivir btw? Sivir is like the strongest laner in the game. I can't imagine Kassadin giving her any trouble at all. In the time you were away, Sivir went from one of the strongest laners in the game to one of the most piss-poor, IMO. Hahah. Her and Kass haven't changed much as far as I can tell. Boomerang has a really short cooldown, I don't know how Kass would out damage her straight up maybe just auto attacking, but if you eat his spray; his damage is going to be bad after that, because he can't build charges 1v1. The laning phase would have to last awhile before Kass would over take her according to my old school math, but like you said It's been awhile. At any rate, even if Kass gets a kill on her, Sivir should be richer... Well, you may have missed my answer post about Kass vs Sivir, above, but... They remade W on Tuesday's patch so that it has an activated effect that gives armor pen and charges pulse. In conjunction with Q + Shield + W you fairly instantly get 3 charges as well as armor pen, and autoattacking also gives you mana returns. His base damage is also higher than Sivir. Edit: At level 6 you can force shield with Q, W, R, and if she boomerangs you get an instant 5 charges for Pulse. That's assuming you start with 0. If she doesn't boomerang she just gets owned by your superior autoattack. It's pretty funny, and bizarre. Bear in mind if she doesn't block Q, and you have E ready, during silence you can easily R E W and autoattack, so she doesn't have a choice at that point in the game.
I think it would be an interesting lane now I guess. A lot would depend on shield reactions. I've played Sivir like twice and both times it was solo-mid vs Ezreal, which was laughably easy. I haven't used or seen much of the new Kass. I didn't know pen made much of a difference.
She was much stronger with old rally too, so she could win the straight up auto attack fight. She IS pretty decent at keeping alive and she doesn't really need to get kills to "win" the lane. Being sloppy and eating double boomerangs will ruin your chances at getting in on her though.
Lol starting off ranked is soooo easy
2 rods of ages + boots before the 20 minute mark:
On July 15 2010 07:10 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 07:04 Phrost wrote:On July 15 2010 07:01 keV. wrote: Wow thanks for dropping lolbase.net, I had no idea it existed... Really useful. I'm amazed at some of these numbers though. Corky least popular character? He was like S-tier when I was playing... He's overshadowed by Ezreal right now. He's still really good tho. Really? I still think Corki is the most dominating carry (hard as balls to stop when he's on fire, too) but he's also still one of the most difficult heroes to play :o Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:58 HazMat wrote: Southlight, can you commentate on my play? I know you've seen me mostly play around with teemo and yi but can you maybe help me improve my play based on my nidalee or rammus games? You probably don't remember but I did fairly well in both but I'm sure I was doing stupid things. Ima be honest, I don't really remember, because I was paying closer attention to myself (and my fail Akali) and trying not to be as much fail as I was. I think one of the things I did notice (I mentioned it a few times) was that early-game when you have an advantage, you don't seem to realize it and/or take advantage of it. Like Teemo vs Corki, that's very, very one-sided, in Teemo's favor, I think (lol how the hell do you play Corki, god I'll never figure that out). I came away impressed by your score and farmage with Rammus but it's hard to tell on my smurf whether we're playing bad people or if you're performing magic, LOL. Sorry T_T That's why I sort of want to play with you on your main just to see how I would do :/ I'm sure me doing so well with rammus was becuase of the other team.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On July 14 2010 01:29 Crucifix wrote:Patch notes for lazies and dummies : Show nested quote +Ranked Games 5v5 Premade 5v5 Solo 3v3 Premade Ladders Draft Mode Improved Visual Style for PVP.net and the Community Site Story Tab in PVP.net and Issue 1 of the Journal of Justice All Random Mode in Practice Games
We will be updating League of Legends and PVP.net during Season 1 Maintenance
New Skins in the Store Commando Xin Zhao Imperial Xin Zhao Unmasked Kayle Tempest Janna
League of Legends v1.0.0.96
Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia Three Talon Strike: Xin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage, with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air. Battle Cry: Xin Zhao passively increases his attack speed and can activate this ability to further increase attack speed and lower his ability cooldowns with each attack. Audacious Charge: Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing damage and slowing it and all other enemies in the area. Audacious Charge increases Xin Zhao's armor temporarily and lowers the cooldowns of all of his abilities. Crescent Sweep (Ultimate): Xin Zhao fiercely sweeps his spear around him, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on their current health. Tireless Warrior (Passive): Xin Zhao is healed for every 3 attacks that he lands. This amount increases every 2 levels.
Akali Shadow Dance will now gain an Essence of Shadow charge on Champion kills and assists in addition to her standard accumulation over time method.
Amumu Fixed an issue where Amumu's attack timing was too slow.
Alistar Fixed an issue where Alistar's attack timing was too fast.
Cho'Gath Vorpal Spikes will no longer trigger cast effects like Lich Bane Vorpal Spikes will now fire even if the target is missed Cho'Gath can now more easily Feast on any unit, including Dragon, Lizard Elder, or other very large Cho'Gaths.
Garen Fixed a bug with Decisive Strike that would cause the icon cooldown to display improperly.
Gragas Fixed a bug where Body Slam slowed targets that were immune to slows Fixed a bug where Body Slam would not display a hit particle or play a sound if it hit any target that blocked the slow
Heimerdinger H-28G Evolution Turret tooltip has been updated to show that turrets do magic damage. CH-1 Concussion Grenade now deals 50% damage to turrets, from 100%. CH-1 Concussion Grenade cooldown increased to 13/12/11/10/9 from 12/11/10/9/8
Kassadin Netherblade has been redesigned: Passive: the mana drain component removed and replaced with a flat 4/8/12/16/20 mana restore on hit. This effect returns triple the mana against champions. Active: Kassadin gains 7/15/25/38/50 Armor Penetration for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown. 30/40/50/60/70 mana cost. Activating this ability counts as a spell cast for the purposes of Force Pulse. Null Sphere projectile speed increased to 1150 from 900 Void Stone (Passive) The attack speed effect from Void Stone has been changed so that it stacks and renews instead of replaces on spell impact. This change will result in Kassadin gaining significantly more attack speed, and keeping it for a longer duration on average. Duration lowered to 4 seconds from 5 seconds.
Kayle Divine Blessing movement speed reduced to 10/12/14/16/18 from 12/14/16/18/20. Righteous Fury splash damage no longer affects turrets.
Kog'Maw Fixed a bug where Zilean’s Chronoshift would not prevent Kog’Maw from dying
Malzahar Nether Grasp range increased to 575 from 450 Fixed a bug where the stun component of Nether Grasp would not break even if the channel was broken.
Nunu Nunu can now more easily Consume any unit, including Dragon and Lizard Elder.
Olaf Ragnarok now displays "Cannot be Disabled!" when it blocks a debuff
Pantheon Spear Shot mana cost increased to 45 at all ranks from 30/35/40/45/50 Aegis of Zeonia Cooldown modified to 12 seconds at all ranks from 20/17.5/15/12.5/10 Stun duration changed to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 from 1.5 Aegis of Zeonia now properly interacts with spell shields Heartseeker Spear Base damage reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/9/12/15/18 Scaling damage reduced to 18/22/26/30/34% from 20/25/30/35/40% Cooldown reduced to 20/19/18/17/16 from 26/24/22/20/18 Grand Skyfall will now apply smoother damage especially against large targets Grand Skyfall will now properly interact with spell shields General Base health increased to 520 from 505 Base armor increased to 21 from 20.1 Health per level increased to 87 from 85
Poppy Devastating Blow mana cost reduced to 55 from 65. Paragon of Demacia mana cost modified to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/70/80/90/100. Heroic Charge mana cost modified to 60/65/70/75/80 from 50/60/70/80/90.
Singed Fling can now be more easily cast on any unit, including Dragon, Lizard Elder, or a well-fed Cho'Gath
Sion Fixed a bug with Death's Caress that was causing the cooldown on the tooltip to not be affected by cooldown reduction Fixed a bug where Death Caress's buff tooltip would display the absorption amount as 0.00 instead of the correct amount
Soraka Consecration Aura will no longer persist in the area around Soraka after she is killed.
Taric Fixed a bug where Dazzle could stun for longer than 2 seconds
Twisted Fate Pick a Card attacks are no longer subject to dodge or miss chances Fixed a bug where Blue cards would restore mana even if the target died before the card hit
Veigar Fixed a bug where Baleful Strike would grant Veigar AP even if the target died before the spell hit. Dark Matter ability power ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.8. Primordial Burst damage modified to 250/375/500 from 200/350/500. Primordial Burst ability power ratios increased to 1.0 from 0.8 (both from Veigar and the target)
Zilean Fixed a bug where replacing an enemy Time Bomb wouldn't cause the deactivation explosion Fixed a bug where replacing your own Time Bomb caused more damage than intended from ability power Fixed a bug where the Time Bomb explosion particle occasionally showed over fog of war Fixed a bug where Time Bomb would occasionally remain on dead units
Items New Item: Wriggle's Lantern +35 Damage, +30 Armor, +14% Lifesteal UNIQUE Passive: 20% chance on attack to deal 500 damage to a minion. UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward with 1100 range sight and lasts for 3 minutes. 3 minute cooldown. Fixed a bug where Aegis of the Legion was not affecting minions Fixed a bug with Elixir of Agility’s tooltip to correctly show that it grants 15% Critical strike Fixed a bug where Warden's Mail and Raduin's Omen were not slowing attack speeds
Summoner Spells Revive now increases your movement speed by 225%, diminishing to normal over 12 seconds. Cleanse now only removes crowd controlling effects, silences and blinds. It no longer removes effects such as damaging debuffs or armor/stat debuffs Ignite damage per level reduced to 20 from 25.
General Champion kill experience decreased by 5% Turret damage scaling now begins at 90% instead of 85% Turret damage scaling per hit increased to 20% from 15% Removed global gold and experience rewards from Grez on Twisted Treeline The Nexus and Nexus Turrets now become invulnerable if all of your team's inhibitors respawn Inhibitors no longer remain destroyed for successively longer periods - they are always destroyed for 5 minutes now. Normalized the jungle spawns on Summoner's Rift - the Wolf camp now always spawns in the same quadrant as the Ancient Golem, and the smaller golem camp will always spawn in the quadrant with Lizard Elder. Team Kills and Enemy Team Kills are now shown underneath the Kill Count bar Added tooltips to the Summoner Spells in the scoreboard Fixed several bugs where some passive abilities were not showing up properly in Death Recap Fixed a bug where certain particles would appear to drop to the ground before impact Fixed several server crashes Fixed several client crashes
Skins Added a glow to Chosen Master Yi's sword
On July 15 2010 07:55 iCCup.Raelcun wrote: Does anyone have a paste of hte patch notes? I never saw them and the forums have been dead all day
On July 15 2010 07:55 keV. wrote: I think it would be an interesting lane now I guess. A lot would depend on shield reactions.
At level 1-3, yes, at level 4, not so much. At level 6 Sivir is pretty fucked no matter what. Shield doesn't affect Kassadin once W starts charging E, and once Kass gets 6 shield means nothing because he has two ways of popping it, and blocking Q doesn't really hurt if he just leaves it at level 1, anyways. The real threat is E and the W-assisted autoattack, but if you don't block Q (and its whole 70 damage) you just open yourself up to the full E blast, anyways. It's a lose-lose situation.
So I'm going to ride the sleeper Kayle pick to 2k elo, lets go!
kayle is awesome, I'll have to try maxing E first, I've been maxing Q first for awhile and I'm used to that :D.. but E probably make for good farming in lane
I only get lvl 1 of Q at first because that pretty much gives all the utility that you'll need. Then you get enough heal to have a nice movespeed. You max E at lvl 9 and then prolly max Q with 1-3 lvls on heal depending on what you need. I also would NOT get any levels on ulti until lvl 10 or 11.
On July 15 2010 08:23 Shikyo wrote: I only get lvl 1 of Q at first because that pretty much gives all the utility that you'll need. Then you get enough heal to have a nice movespeed. You max E at lvl 9 and then prolly max Q with 1-3 lvls on heal depending on what you need. I also would NOT get any levels on ulti until lvl 10 or 11.
I completely disagree on not getting Ulti the duration is shorter now but if your lane mate is running and a nuke is flying in on them it can save their ass. With the duration reduction on the ulti it's more about timing it well instead of just hitting it whenever someone is in trouble.