On October 04 2010 04:13 Tooplark wrote: And some amount of HP is good too! Olaf kinda needs to not nuke himself to death. Also one of the most frustrating endeavors in LoL is trying to convince teammates not to surrender/give up. I once played a game where my team was convinced that because they had a fed Twitch and Yi that we'd lost. They took all three inhibitors, but I finished thornmail and Twitch ulted himself to death on me. I died too, to the rest of their team, and then my team raged at me for "feeding" or something, remaining convinced that there was no way to come back now.
im a noob in this game (level 11) and i get frustrated when people WONT surrender. i mean its easy to tell if we are going to lose. if its just a matter of time before that happens then surrender and play a new match. drives me nuts. i tend to quit or go afk if this happens which is probably bm but fuck it. dont waste my time.
On October 04 2010 04:38 SHr3DD3r wrote: My friend wants to play LoL but is getting this weird problem. Each time he would try to login - he would get an error and LoL would close. People on the forums said this might be a Windows 7 issue - so he installed XP - same problem there. He made a thread about it on the LoL forums, Riot people said that sometimes there is an issue where the client doesn't update to the latest version (apparently - and he checked that his is But he then asked me and it turns out I also have atm.
Any solutions?
EDIT - New development, now the downloader crashes each time he tries to download the game.
So he installed LoL on a fairly clean fresh install of XP and the problem persists? Can't really be a OS issue then, and the nature of the error suggests that it is not related to hardware isues. I'd guess it has something to do with networking (as it only happens when he hits "log in", right?), but I don't have any ideas what it could be precisely. Possible areas where the error might come from: Firewall (if he used the same firewall on both installs), Router, Modem, ISP, some sort of IP ban from Riot (one that covers a range of IPs). I'd try turning off any firewalls first (despite the obvious security issues :p), and if that isn't the problem, ask Riot if there is an issue with his IP. He could also try a proxy server.
On October 04 2010 04:49 Vaporized wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 04:13 Tooplark wrote: And some amount of HP is good too! Olaf kinda needs to not nuke himself to death. Also one of the most frustrating endeavors in LoL is trying to convince teammates not to surrender/give up. I once played a game where my team was convinced that because they had a fed Twitch and Yi that we'd lost. They took all three inhibitors, but I finished thornmail and Twitch ulted himself to death on me. I died too, to the rest of their team, and then my team raged at me for "feeding" or something, remaining convinced that there was no way to come back now. im a noob in this game (level 11) and i get frustrated when people WONT surrender. i mean its easy to tell if we are going to lose. if its just a matter of time before that happens then surrender and play a new match. drives me nuts. i tend to quit or go afk if this happens which is probably bm but fuck it. dont waste my time.
It's not always easy to tell if you are going to lose. Sure if you are 15+ kills, 3 dragons and 2 inhibs down, you might consider a surrender (though even those games are winnable through a lucky ace). I had a lot of people who thought the game is over by 25 minutes, when I was playing Ashe and my build kicked in around 25-30 minutes, leading the team to victory. Often when you fall behind early it's because of champs that excel during earlygame, but if you reach lategame they get much weaker, and your lategame carries can pull ahead.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if you can win or not. In this case, two fed but squishy physical DPS? With no survivability? If my team had just tried long enough to grab Thornmail like I did, we could have wiped them easily. (We would have been able to stop them from taking all the inhibs if we'd tried. After they got the second one it was game.)
On October 04 2010 04:50 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 04:38 SHr3DD3r wrote: My friend wants to play LoL but is getting this weird problem. Each time he would try to login - he would get an error and LoL would close. People on the forums said this might be a Windows 7 issue - so he installed XP - same problem there. He made a thread about it on the LoL forums, Riot people said that sometimes there is an issue where the client doesn't update to the latest version (apparently - and he checked that his is But he then asked me and it turns out I also have atm.
Any solutions?
EDIT - New development, now the downloader crashes each time he tries to download the game. So he installed LoL on a fairly clean fresh install of XP and the problem persists? Can't really be a OS issue then, and the nature of the error suggests that it is not related to hardware isues. I'd guess it has something to do with networking (as it only happens when he hits "log in", right?), but I don't have any ideas what it could be precisely. Possible areas where the error might come from: Firewall (if he used the same firewall on both installs), Router, Modem, ISP, some sort of IP ban from Riot (one that covers a range of IPs). I'd try turning off any firewalls first (despite the obvious security issues :p), and if that isn't the problem, ask Riot if there is an issue with his IP. He could also try a proxy server.
yea that is what I thought as well. And he has already tried the removing firewall while logging, didn't work.
I will ask him to try to ask Riot about his IP though. Lets see
Thanks for the reply.
On October 04 2010 04:53 Tooplark wrote: Sometimes it's hard to tell if you can win or not. In this case, two fed but squishy physical DPS? With no survivability? If my team had just tried long enough to grab Thornmail like I did, we could have wiped them easily. (We would have been able to stop them from taking all the inhibs if we'd tried. After they got the second one it was game.) eh, if yi and twitch got some MR you guys wouldn't live long enough for them to kill themselves.
On October 04 2010 05:12 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 04:53 Tooplark wrote: Sometimes it's hard to tell if you can win or not. In this case, two fed but squishy physical DPS? With no survivability? If my team had just tried long enough to grab Thornmail like I did, we could have wiped them easily. (We would have been able to stop them from taking all the inhibs if we'd tried. After they got the second one it was game.) eh, if yi and twitch got some MR you guys wouldn't live long enough for them to kill themselves.
If they're really super-fed, they should have GA and mercs, plus base = 90 MR. Your thornmails are reflecting barely over 1/8th damage at that point.
Thornmail is good, but it's not a simple answer to all DPS.
On October 03 2010 16:18 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 15:46 SCC-Faust wrote: I asked for Twitch advice earlier and got his build and masteries...
(Was recommended 21-0-9 and Doran's Blade, Avarice Blade, Doran's Blade, BF Sword, Boots 1, Infinity Edge, Boots 2, Last Whisper as a general build) - any opinions that differ from this? Against what team compositions do I want to alter my build?
Also, how often should I be using Fortitude Potions? I feel like they are insanely important due to how squishy Twitch is, getting any health is a godsend. What masteries should I be looking at? I'm currently running HP quints, armor pen reds, mp regen yellows, and cooldown blues for physical DPS carries, but I really don't think Twitch particularly needs MP nor cooldowns, even without the blue buff he seems to play very well mid-game and relies on using all his skills once. So hoping for advice in switching them out.
Last question is how should I play him? I've been doing okay with him, but not facerolling like I've seen other TLers do. I was queuing ranked solo and my teammates told me to be more sneaky and Twitch it up but I never really found any opportunity to gank with him... especially since these days it is against people like MF, Vladimir, Janna, Garen, etc - teams really don't have many people Twitch can just sneak up and buttfuck with the small exception of a few squishy carries, and even then I don't really know. Most of my game revolves around farming my lane and harassing like a mad man, or if against an aggressive and good lane I'll be farming and struggling to not be getting hit into squishy oblivion. Mid-late game pretty much goes with me hiding behind my team and waiting for a good opportunity to qwr and hope my ult wrecks hell. Which leads me to my next question... do I want to be behind my team? It seems like a dumb question I guess but occasionally I'll see a Twitch go from an odd angle for maximum splash, with the unfortunate drawback of being wide opened for an easy kill.
I don't know really, just would like some thoughts and guidance. My DPS carries are absolutely horrid but I actually enjoy playing Twitch. i do 0/9/21 on twitch with cleanse/flash, since the 9 in defense gives me better lanestaying power, and i prefer to rice my lanes vs being aggro, but no biggie. My item build is really situational and revolves around getting dblades and avarices until i feel kinda stable, then getting i.e. ive had games where ive gone up to as many as 3dblades 2avarices and zerks before i start working on i.e. in terms of general gameplay, u really need to abuse your invisibility and constantly be aware of oracles and vis wards, its really key, kus if you get caught, you're done, theres a little bit of escape potential with cleanse/flash, but they're not always up. In teamfights, you basically have to wait for some key cc to go off, either on your team or theirs. If the enemy team blows their cc, go in and ult. If you get an aoe snare setup (mummy ult >:3), likewise, go in and ult, you'll blow everything away. More often than not, however, you're gonna want to wait for the former, simply due to the nature of solo queues (if i'm correct in assuming this). Twitch is all about timing your appearance, and the best timings are usually fashionably late.
This is awesome advice. I used to run 21 offense on Twitch, but offense is so mediocre compared to utility. The gain you get from offense is 6 armor pen/10% critical damage, basically. Pretty worthless when compared with better CD on Flash and Cleanse. Flash and Cleanse can allow you to do crazy things like get ulted by Amumu after you ulted but STILL rape the enemy team (if someone CC's Amumu for you).
Twitch feels like a real carry in the sense that you pretty much require help from your teammates to get successful ganks early on (they almost need to "babysit" your ganks). So you are kind of "useless" early on against a smart team. But later, you gain big map control by just not being in vision anywhere, and your items will allow you to devastate teamfights.
On October 04 2010 02:34 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 02:27 Misder wrote: Whats the best survival item for a ranged dps? Usually Banshee's Veil and/or Atma's Impaler. Depending on your team also Guardian Angel (your tanks have to be alive when you are revived after being gibbed). Or just a Negatron/Chainmail. There certainly isn't a "best" survival item for X champion, it always depends on the enemy team.
Defense always depends entirely on the enemy team, like you said. One item that I have been forcing myself to make lately is Quicksilver Sash. It costs as much as 2 Negatron Cloaks with the benefit of 1 NC, but if the other team has Vlad, Malzahar, or Warwick, it can make a 5v5 into a 4v5 very easily. If you have an enemy team where Vlad is doing well, get 3 or 4 people on your team to build QSS. Whenever he ults, you can just remove his ult debuff entirely. You don't take additional damage, and you don't take the nuke at the end either. You basically removed him from the game apart from his Q spamming.
Same thing applies to Malzahar and WW. If you are a Tristana, for example, they need to initiate you with a hard CC so you don't jump away. Malz is the perfect guy at the moment to do this because of the ridiculous range of his ultimate. You can just pop QSS and jump away, taking practically no damage. Bonus points if you also pack Cleanse.
This is an extreme example of an item being the "best defensive item" against a certain team, but the principle is the same.
/edit - Forgot to mention, it also removes stuff like Ignite, Twitch's poison, Akali's mark etc. (like it says, any debuff). You wouldn't build it to remove those things, but it's a nice extra benefit to keep in mind when you do build it. You can also build 2 if you're really crazy since they will both have separate activation CD's.
Veil also stops all this hard CC initiation unless the enemy team has a poker that can remove it easily.
I asked somewhere during the WCG matches, so it probably just was omitted because of the spam: Does TF's ult break Banshee's Veil? It looked like it in one of the WCG matches.
On October 04 2010 04:49 Vaporized wrote:
im a noob in this game (level 11) and i get frustrated when people WONT surrender. i mean its easy to tell if we are going to lose. if its just a matter of time before that happens then surrender and play a new match. drives me nuts. i tend to quit or go afk if this happens which is probably bm but fuck it. dont waste my time.
Never give up Never Surrender!!!
Seriously, I've had alot of games where the other team gets an early 6-8 kill lead and it feels like there's nothing you can do anymore, and lets be honest if people played perfectly you would be screwed. However as you know, people don't always play the smartest and I've seen many a team pull back from 10 kills behind and win it.
If your behind you just need to step up your game, play more defensively and look for any opportunity to get some kills (usually netting you bonus gold since you are ending their streak).
On October 04 2010 02:27 Misder wrote: Whats the best survival item for a ranged dps? Flash
Wait, what?
On October 04 2010 07:01 spinesheath wrote: Veil also stops all this hard CC initiation unless the enemy team has a poker that can remove it easily.
I asked somewhere during the WCG matches, so it probably just was omitted because of the spam: Does TF's ult break Banshee's Veil? It looked like it in one of the WCG matches.
Veil definitely stops those things just as well. The difference is, the other team has control over it instead of you. Veil is the better item in most games, though.
TF's ult 100% does break Banshee's Veil.
/edit - But he can't see you when he breaks it. At least you don't have the floating icon over your head when he ults and it breaks your veil.
On October 04 2010 07:03 Tictock wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 04:49 Vaporized wrote:
im a noob in this game (level 11) and i get frustrated when people WONT surrender. i mean its easy to tell if we are going to lose. if its just a matter of time before that happens then surrender and play a new match. drives me nuts. i tend to quit or go afk if this happens which is probably bm but fuck it. dont waste my time. Never give up Never Surrender!!! Seriously, I've had alot of games where the other team gets an early 6-8 kill lead and it feels like there's nothing you can do anymore, and lets be honest if people played perfectly you would be screwed. However as you know, people don't always play the smartest and I've seen many a team pull back from 10 kills behind and win it. If your behind you just need to step up your game, play more defensively and look for any opportunity to get some kills (usually netting you bonus gold since you are ending their streak).
if i was playing with people that knew what they were doing that would be one thing. but in solo que at level 11 its better to just surrender and try again.
On October 04 2010 07:03 Tictock wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 04:49 Vaporized wrote:
im a noob in this game (level 11) and i get frustrated when people WONT surrender. i mean its easy to tell if we are going to lose. if its just a matter of time before that happens then surrender and play a new match. drives me nuts. i tend to quit or go afk if this happens which is probably bm but fuck it. dont waste my time. Never give up Never Surrender!!! Seriously, I've had alot of games where the other team gets an early 6-8 kill lead and it feels like there's nothing you can do anymore, and lets be honest if people played perfectly you would be screwed. However as you know, people don't always play the smartest and I've seen many a team pull back from 10 kills behind and win it. If your behind you just need to step up your game, play more defensively and look for any opportunity to get some kills (usually netting you bonus gold since you are ending their streak). Actually no, even if people played perfectly you just might not be screwed. If the enemy heroes happen to all have a weak midgame and your team has lots of strong midgame champs then you might very well have a chance to use that phase of the game to your advantage even though you are behind in kills. Every hero scales differently. Some start strong and get weaker, some act the opposite, some are inbetween all game long. Some champs go up and down in strength several times as the game goes on.
On October 04 2010 07:06 DefMatrixUltra wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 07:01 spinesheath wrote: Veil also stops all this hard CC initiation unless the enemy team has a poker that can remove it easily.
I asked somewhere during the WCG matches, so it probably just was omitted because of the spam: Does TF's ult break Banshee's Veil? It looked like it in one of the WCG matches. Veil definitely stops those things just as well. The difference is, the other team has control over it instead of you. Veil is the better item in most games, though. TF's ult 100% does break Banshee's Veil. /edit - But he can't see you when he breaks it. At least you don't have the floating icon over your head when he ults and it breaks your veil.
Well he doesn't have to see you with his ult if he is ulting to help initiate. TF Ult -> Bandage Toss/ECA/etc. Kind of risky because most of the followups would be skillshots, but could be really effective if coordinated well.
On October 04 2010 07:12 spinesheath wrote:
Actually no, even if people played perfectly you just might not be screwed. If the enemy heroes happen to all have a weak midgame and your team has lots of strong midgame champs then you might very well have a chance to use that phase of the game to your advantage even though you are behind in kills. Every hero scales differently. Some start strong and get weaker, some act the opposite, some are inbetween all game long. Some champs go up and down in strength several times as the game goes on.
Good point, and rather confirms my main point that you shouldn't surrender just because it feels hopeless. Really the only think that makes it worthwhile to surrender is if your behind and a teammate decides it's over so afk's or quits (yes that is very BM, and people who do that make me rage a little).
teach me how to play shaco also why does he have so much goddamn base HP jesus
Shaco really is completely useless now imo. His ganking is so much weaker alot of people wont push the lanes and you wont get ganks and he's not as good of a jungler as say warwick/olaf/amumu. I mean honestly he feels so much squishier and hes just not worth it if you wanna learn a jungler play brolaf.
so i started playing amumu and its nice, but without blue buff i have some serious mana problems eventhough i use yellow mp5/lvl runes.
the additional mp5 in utilty would help a lot, but is it worth giving up the 4% dmg reduction? any amumu pro got an opinion of that?
On October 04 2010 08:35 Corvi wrote: so i started playing amumu and its nice, but without blue buff i have some serious mana problems eventhough i use yellow mp5/lvl runes.
the additional mp5 in utilty would help a lot, but is it worth giving up the 4% dmg reduction? any amumu pro got an opinion of that?
I'm definitely not an Amumu pro, but going 21 in Defense isn't worth it imo for him. I usually take 1/14/15 (Mogwai's jungle spec) for the Strength of Spirit and -dmg in Defense and the Movespeed/Buffs in utility.
If you consider that having more mana = faster jungling/farming = you can mitigate a lot more than 4% damage with items, it works a lot better. Meditation is a free Doran's ring so that should help your mana issues. Also, there are tricks to manage your mana carefully. Little things help a lot. If you have Red, for example, you can turn off Despair a few seconds before the mob dies as it will make no difference since the mobs will die from red DoT.
On October 04 2010 08:32 AtTheFuneral wrote: Shaco really is completely useless now imo. His ganking is so much weaker alot of people wont push the lanes and you wont get ganks and he's not as good of a jungler as say warwick/olaf/amumu. I mean honestly he feels so much squishier and hes just not worth it if you wanna learn a jungler play brolaf.
bro i'm like the bro of all brolafs i already know how to bro it up with brolaf bro
shaco has a way better gank than brolaf tbh
but i don't really care how shaco compares to those three, i've got all three of those and know how to play them, i want to know how to play shaco kthx
On October 04 2010 07:12 spinesheath wrote: Well he doesn't have to see you with his ult if he is ulting to help initiate. TF Ult -> Bandage Toss/ECA/etc. Kind of risky because most of the followups would be skillshots, but could be really effective if coordinated well.
i'm sorry but no don't listen to this don't use destinygate to "initiate" just to land bandage toss lol