On November 29 2011 02:24 so_Sisu wrote: sign me up! Been a fan since he was on oGs, HerO fighting!!!
Oh you hipster. You liked HerO before it was cool, didn't you
I don't know how easy asd will be. HerO definitely showed he could take down Puma, but asd will have time to prepare and Puma has a pretty unique style in TvP. asd has never had memorable TvP from what I remember, so my suspicions lie with HerO for this one, even without my inner bias
Hahaha actually thats what my friends call me
HerO should be able to handle asd, he's good, but not excellent, though with Terran you can beat anyone because of EMP...
On November 29 2011 15:25 McKTenor13 wrote: After watching those IPL games I feel like HerO might be one of the best "from behind" players out there
Did you see HerO vs sheth at MLG? he was behind 100 supply at the end of the game and he was still holding off relentless roach aggression. Sick crazy game, really recommend.
So many awesome games to watch from Hero as of late. However, Code A looms and it is time to get nervous again.
Hopefully fans are more nervous than him this time around. Good luck tomorrow Hero, we hope for the best, that you are in good shape to play well and that you advance. <3
Delete Dreamhack winter champion( cuz i hope this is not the only tournament HerO will win) and ask fanclub owner swap it with team photo. HerO deserve it.
Edit: Just to be clear I did check if I was allowed to use his artwork and it's fine to use for wallpapers etc and on unoffical blizzard sites/communities, so that pretty much settles any copyright issues.
On November 29 2011 15:25 McKTenor13 wrote: After watching those IPL games I feel like HerO might be one of the best "from behind" players out there
Did you see HerO vs sheth at MLG? he was behind 100 supply at the end of the game and he was still holding off relentless roach aggression. Sick crazy game, really recommend.
Oh hell yeah I did. Of the few games I got to watch I'm so glad I got to see that one. He should've lost 10 minutes before he actually did. The new protoss hope =)