TTT.White-Ra blog, part 2. After the NASL.
In the previous part of the blog I stopped on the ending of the NASL. On the next day, Danken, one of the main organizers of the tourney took me and Sen to the apartment where people working on this project lived. Very nice and cheerful people, they welcomed us in as if we were close friends. But, after the settlement, it turned up that there was no free desk/table for us. After short thinking I suggested that we should go to their studio for the furniture. The idea was approved and we with two newly aquianted friends went to the NASL office.
After the arrival the first thing to take our attention was the professional gear, with which NASL makes its content. Many TV channels of ours could've been jealous for such a diversity.
But this is not what I am talking about. We found a matching table and started to parse it down. After some time it appeared that we needed a chair to finish the kit. The appropriate one was standing right infront of me. After parsing the table we tried to load it into the car but the desk was too big for the size of our car. So we had to use a savvy (read - special tactics): We opened the windows, lowered down the front chair and pushed it to the maximum to the front. By a narrow margin we we able to push it into the car, the chair easily fit into the trunk. The only little problem remained - to get into the car ourselfs. After some miracluous work we got in in a "zu" pose (I guess he just means Z-like) and gone off to the apartment. It was fun watching pop-eyed faces of drivers. The looked as if they just saw a UFO.

. Right after that I remembered how I am with my friend "Sambuka" carried the tables for the Odessa bootcamp for the roxkis team. That time we had to go with doors open and emergency lights on. But this is America, and on my question <what will happen if a policeman stops us?> guys answered that it is better not to think about it.

The training process was saved, I even succeed in doing a stream.
Once, me and Sen decided to make fried potatoes. Sen cleaned it and decided that his part of work was done and started practicing on my account. I had to make a statement: one defeat and he will not even see his food. In the end Cheng got his portion of potatoes and his opponents got an utter shock of seeing as "White-Ra" wins over them playing as zerg. As the answer to this, Sen promise to feed me with his brand soup. The other time one my friend took with him a bottle of vodka. I had to feed him with lobster.

. (Not sure how this is relevant to the narration)
After few days "primadog" came to us with his brother (he helped me in the future in California a lot) and took us with Sen and Gretorp to the ocean. The beach was just enormous. It was my first time swimming in an ocean. Difference with a sea is very noticable. Water is very salty, waves are big and possibilty to meet a shark was bothering me.

After the beach we went to Hollywood. There we had a tour to the madame Tusso's museum. Some of the wax figures looked very realistic, as if they were alive. It was fun walking around in there.
We spend a week in the NASL appartment. Then I had to fly to New York. I thanked guys for the hospitality and leaved for the city of the Big Apple (dunno what he means). I spend almost a week there. Time flew almost unnoticable but I got to get known with very good people and make a few appointments. At first I was at the TL headquarters where I had an opportunty to stream. Then I drove to the MLG office in Manhatten, where I was interviewed.
I got back to Los Angeles at Juy 24. My friend Vitaliy and his wife Kate met me and together we went to the local zoo. Of course, it can't be compared to ours. Of all the variety of flora and fauna I liked jirafes, gorilla families and zebras, and especially - lemurs, which I even had an opportunity to feed.
After enough walking we went off to my friend's. His house is located in 1 km to the ocean. I thought to go there to swim and get a tan in between of practice sets but in the end got there only one time.
There was less and less time before the MLG. But about that in the next part of the blog.