Tyler you are the only protoss player that I look at, and see stuff that makes sense.
My zerg buddy, who hates protoss with a passion, loves to watch your stream! because you play so solid, we both strive to play like you. We often say 'like nony' when we're talking about playing conservative, non-gimmicky/non-gamble styles.
We both really enjoy listening to your comments on SOTG, I remember there was an episode were Anna called when you were about to talk - and you were like 'Hey guys, I know there are some of you out there who are like "damnit, Tyler was just about to drop some knowledge!" I feel you guys'. LOL that is me everytime... SOTG is like ... listen to 2 hours of it hoping to catch some new knowledge from Tyler!!.
All the best from New Zealand to you!
Tyler, you've been one of my favorite pros since I started really following competitive SC, always love hearing you on SOTG and watching your matches. Wishing you all the best. Here's hoping we see you dominate people ezpz again soon!
Tyler Fighting!
Tyler, I am such a big fan and i pray that you can figure things out in your head. You are an amazing protoss and once you are back in the game with fire in yoru belly all will be good
Whatever others say about you're skill or recent performance, they are obviously complete idiots. (as you probably already know and others have said before me) Depression is fucking serious, and just take a look at how many people want you to get better, even if it means by not playing (as this is how you became known). You are an awesome personality that the starcraft community is honored to have.
Do what it takes to regain hope in the future and just feel better about life. All your fans will be here if/when you come back, if you choose to.
This may sound extreme but just retiring from the Starcraft scene all together might just be what it takes. No one but you knows the answer to that.
Nony is the reason I wanted to become good at this game, the reason I play protoss. His run thur the TSL2 will always been my favorite Starcraft memory. I will always cheer for Nony in what ever he does and he will always be my favorite player. Keep fighting Tyler. <3
<3 Tyler
Hope you have the strength to pull through whatever is bothering you. Can't wait for the day that you are able to play with passion again and tear things up.
Also: Arbiterzzzz
I have to say that Tyler is the last person in the world that I would think to suffer from a depression. I mean, the guy has everything going for him. Its an odd thing.
On August 15 2011 17:37 Legio wrote: I have to say that Tyler is the last person in the world that I would think to suffer from a depression. I mean, the guy has everything going for him. Its an odd thing. Depression isn't what I'm assuming you think it is. Being depressed doesn't mean you're always running into a bunch of first world problems and you constantly post sad statuses on Facebook. Being depressed means there is a chemical imbalance in your brain that makes you feel unmotivated, tired, worthless, helpless etc. It could happen to anyone.
I knew Tyler has been feeling down recently, but I didn't know he had MDD since 2005. The fact that he became an extremely strong Starcraft player despite having to fight the challenge of MDD shows how strong he is as a person.
Tyler fighting! <3
Edit Oh and remember. "When you can chill, chill." Take your time to do whatever you want to do.
I wish people would stop saying "i can't wait to see you tear things up again!"
stop putting pressure on him. >.>. i don't know if it's really going to help tyler, knowing that there are hundreds of people anxious to see him perform again.
just sounds like a lot of pressure to me, which I can't imagine tyler wanting right now
Tyler, you'll have my support no matter what you choose to do. even if that involves taking it easy on the sc2 scene while you try and sort everything out.
tyler fighting! if not in starcraft, then in real life.
Tyler posted a big blog-like kinda thing about this years ago. Saying that he used to be on anti-depressant and then went cold turkey. This must have have been like in 2006/07. It was quite long and was for people who were dealing with the same kind of thing and to help them if i remember correctly. I'd go find it if i wasn't so lazy and it still exists :p. I always assumed it no longer affected him but like most people who suffer from depression. I guess it's easy to become trapped in the void again.
I can understand what he is going through. I too often feel depressed about issues in my life. And it really is terrible and very difficult to get out of that slump once you're in it. Sometimes you just don't want to carry on anymore or don't see the point. There's an old adage i always remember that's so true.
'The people highest up got the lowest self esteem'
I think, like myself and many others. Tyler always wants to be the best in whatever he decides to do. Not seeing success for him in SC2 so far must be very hard for somebody who is as competitive as he is. He's an intelligent and meticulous guy though, and i just hope he has somebody who he can really talk to about the issues that concern him. Whatever they may be. Maybe that's his wife, maybe it's not. I'm sure there's plenty of people willing to listen to him and help in whatever way they can if he wants it.
GL Tyler, and i hope you can turn around whatever it is that is concerning you.
8748 Posts
so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
YES, IT'S A SIGN <3 That's great to hear
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
So did you run or walk to the bathroom
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
Woot! Gogo Tyler!
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
Haha this is the funniest thing I have heard from Tyler besides the Arbiters VOD
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
Now that's the sign of a champion!
tyler just gave me a morning wood also.... GG.
get those games in NonY just like my sig says ;D
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
you don't say funny things as often as some others do, but when you do, they're always hilarious.
On August 16 2011 00:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: so i havent been playin sc2 but i woke up w/ a boner and i really had to pee... and my crisis management and micro was really something to behold. it inspired me to play some games today
He's back..