Well from what I hear, Mana is actually bad versus Zerg...or at least had a huge reputation for it. Even if he has improved, I still would think its behind, so yeah I'd rather IdrA play him than Thorzain. Although I want IdrA vs Thorzain in a good meaningful match because they are two solid players that only played one pointless bo3
Well, this was played months ago, so it would be equally pointless :/
Aside from Blue Flame Hellions, the TvZ metagame hardly changed imo.
yeah have to go with this, tvz really hasn't changed at all in the past month or 2. The only "difference" is instead of normal hellions everyone is adding the blue flame finally
I hope DemusliM and PuMa have been doing blue hellion to him in practice games. It'd be sweet to see him unveil some crazy new strat against it if he plays someone later in the IPL that's gonna use it :p
IPL is over I think, it was over before the SlayerS BFH strat even came out.
Well from what I hear, Mana is actually bad versus Zerg...or at least had a huge reputation for it. Even if he has improved, I still would think its behind, so yeah I'd rather IdrA play him than Thorzain. Although I want IdrA vs Thorzain in a good meaningful match because they are two solid players that only played one pointless bo3
Well, this was played months ago, so it would be equally pointless :/
Aside from Blue Flame Hellions, the TvZ metagame hardly changed imo.
yeah have to go with this, tvz really hasn't changed at all in the past month or 2. The only "difference" is instead of normal hellions everyone is adding the blue flame finally
I hope DemusliM and PuMa have been doing blue hellion to him in practice games. It'd be sweet to see him unveil some crazy new strat against it if he plays someone later in the IPL that's gonna use it :p
IPL is over I think, it was over before the SlayerS BFH strat even came out.
Aha good point. Makin me look a fool shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet son. I kinda hate those tournaments >.> fuck it WE'LL DO IT LIVE ya know
Well from what I hear, Mana is actually bad versus Zerg...or at least had a huge reputation for it. Even if he has improved, I still would think its behind, so yeah I'd rather IdrA play him than Thorzain. Although I want IdrA vs Thorzain in a good meaningful match because they are two solid players that only played one pointless bo3
Well, this was played months ago, so it would be equally pointless :/
Aside from Blue Flame Hellions, the TvZ metagame hardly changed imo.
yeah have to go with this, tvz really hasn't changed at all in the past month or 2. The only "difference" is instead of normal hellions everyone is adding the blue flame finally
I hope DemusliM and PuMa have been doing blue hellion to him in practice games. It'd be sweet to see him unveil some crazy new strat against it if he plays someone later in the IPL that's gonna use it :p
IPL is over I think, it was over before the SlayerS BFH strat even came out.
the funny thing is the game were b4 the slayers strat but moonan did the exact same elevator push against idra on taldarim and idra hel it off perfectly but moonan didnt have the follow up
Can you like... PM me his friend code thingy? :3 I just need an NA account first, but that is just details...
sorry, those are only for important people, if you need to ask for it, well.....ya know
-in all seriousness, whenever he is online (which is like 18 hours a day lol) he is ALWAYS in busy mode, so its not like you could whisper him anyways. on the off chance u whispered him right as he got on. well as u can see from the beginning of every stream session. he will ignore you.
The one time I whispered him was to tell him that he wasn't on busy status right before he started his stream. Also, why do you want to know Aocowns 0_o
On August 08 2011 11:05 Whole wrote: The one time I whispered him was to tell him that he wasn't on busy status right before he started his stream. Also, why do you want to know Aocowns 0_o
I dunno... I would screenshot having him in the friend list and gloat about it to my friends :D:D:D And I mean it's Idra. Idra. In your friend list. He may not give a shit about who you are, but his name is in your friends list :3
On August 08 2011 11:05 Whole wrote: The one time I whispered him was to tell him that he wasn't on busy status right before he started his stream. Also, why do you want to know Aocowns 0_o
I dunno... I would screenshot having him in the friend list and gloat about it to my friends :D:D:D And I mean it's Idra. Idra. In your friend list. He may not give a shit about who you are, but his name is in your friends list :3
On August 08 2011 11:05 Whole wrote: The one time I whispered him was to tell him that he wasn't on busy status right before he started his stream. Also, why do you want to know Aocowns 0_o
I dunno... I would screenshot having him in the friend list and gloat about it to my friends :D:D:D And I mean it's Idra. Idra. In your friend list. He may not give a shit about who you are, but his name is in your friends list :3
I was talking generally about his fans, just bad worded :/ You sure like flashing that video xD Well you are his number 1 fan, so it would be kind of bad if he didnt give a shit about you lol
On August 08 2011 15:55 BadWithNames wrote: Is it just me or is this thread quickly becoming more about Whole and his obsession with IdrA than about IdrA himself. I gotta deflate this a little.
Shoutout to R1CH for being "kick ass" and designing the site to it's easy as all hell to copy paste a list of quotes from anyone you want.
On August 08 2011 11:05 Whole wrote: The one time I whispered him was to tell him that he wasn't on busy status right before he started his stream. Also, why do you want to know Aocowns 0_o
I dunno... I would screenshot having him in the friend list and gloat about it to my friends :D:D:D And I mean it's Idra. Idra. In your friend list. He may not give a shit about who you are, but his name is in your friends list :3