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Personal attacks in this thread will draw a temp ban. | ||
United States140 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On April 01 2011 07:16 bonedOUT wrote: What is IdrA's greatest strength? Day 9 mentioned something like this in the last SOTG that he has great economy management and that he would be able to squeeze out extra drones and get upgrades where other players would not. Was that the reason why IdrA was so dominant in the BW? I didn't really follow BW and I want to see what you guys think? Was his macro simply better than other players in BW? Actually it was mostly because he practiced alot more in comparison to the foreigners and trained with the Koreans for so long. I guess macro was his greatest strenght yeah, and decisionmaking / more accurately stubbornness has always been his weakness. I'd say the thing that made him win the most in SCBW was the fact that his builds were so well-thought and all his building placements and timings were really perfect, and he gained advantages in those ways. | ||
Australia385 Posts
On April 01 2011 07:48 Shikyo wrote: Actually it was mostly because he practiced alot more in comparison to the foreigners and trained with the Koreans for so long. I guess macro was his greatest strenght yeah, and decisionmaking / more accurately stubbornness has always been his weakness. I'd say the thing that made him win the most in SCBW was the fact that his builds were so well-thought and all his building placements and timings were really perfect, and he gained advantages in those ways. His decision making has improved alot now also | ||
United States1623 Posts
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306 Posts
On April 01 2011 08:34 Turgid wrote: Idra claims on the EG website that ROOT is composed of mediocre players that will do worse as the game goes on. I wonder if that applies to their new GosI[Terran] pickup and if it's affected at all by the practice house. Did this seriously upset you so much that you had to post about it and try incite drama in his fan club? | ||
United States1623 Posts
Edit: I guess I can see how you could construe my post that way. Rest assured I'm not trying to hate. I'm an Idra fan asking questions about his thought process. | ||
United States2236 Posts
And sc2rush, stop being overly defensive. I know the fanclub's endured a lot of shit over the past few days, but you're reading hostility into that when it's not there. | ||
Canada282 Posts
On April 01 2011 08:54 Turgid wrote: Huh? I'm not upset. I'm pointing out the article and wondering a little bit about the motivations for his opinion and if it might be adjusted at all based on recent events. I don't even disagree with his opinion necessarily. Edit: I guess I can see how you could construe my post that way. Rest assured I'm not trying to hate. I'm an Idra fan asking questions about his thought process. IdrA trashtalks for the same reasons athletes trashtalk in sports. It gets into your opponent's heads, it incites some drama, it's the actual opinion of the person whose saying these things. I've never heard IdrA compliment a player from ROOT. He's criticized Kiwikaki, Drewbie and I believe Minigun. I don't know how he feels about Catz, Destiny, Kitty, Slush or Ddoro. One thing he does mention often though is that people get way to personnal about the things he says. So I guess we shouldn't be making a big deal about his trashtalk. | ||
United States164 Posts
On March 30 2011 06:05 m0rg3n wrote: Hello everyone, I have been following the community for years now, but only this thread made me finally create a new account and add my piece to the discussion. Unlike a vast majority of the people (or at least judging from their posts) I have never played SC II at a competitive level, I do not have NEARLY as much skill/game awareness and practice as Idra et al. does. I will therefore be short of any accusations, attacks and expressions of imature approach to dealing with others. My message is easy and simple. Please, dont read if you indeed do enjoy seeing people insulting themselves in a false hope to get some internet attention. Thanks. I was disappointed to see Idra fall to Cruncher - it is rooted in the fact that I cheer for Idra in his matches even thou I sometimes do not agree with his attitude. I am a zerg and I know that very often I loose my games (masters league for all of those who will attack me for not stating this, in my opinon irrelevant, fact) simply because my choice of race was not adequate - playing zerg is a challenging matter and in certain scenarios, there is almost no way of winning if you do fall behind due to (in my, NON-professional view) over complex mechanics, as compared to other races. However, as most Zergs here, I picked zerg voluntarily and In moments of "imbalance" (apologies for using this, overused and commonly misinterpreted world) I always go back to one simple belief - cool kids play Zerg no matter how much you sometimes want to throw your PC out of the window. This being said, I believe that Idra has the same mindset - being an extremely (EXTREMELY) potent player, he would in my personal view have no problem switching races and kicking butts at a professional level in a matter of weeks. However, for me, Protoss Idra with 99% W/L ratio would cease to be "the guy". We follow Idra NOT because he plays a consistent, extremely solid play, but because we (and I mean me and many other, so to say, "true at heart" zergs) like the resilience he is putting into the one thing he loves to do and does to live. I respect the way he is passionate about the game. I am sick and tired of reading degrading posts about sameone who, at least to me, was a provider of many hours of extreme fun and thrilling moments - yes, call me nerd, I was cheering for Idra way more than for the national hockey team of my country. He represents something that is more than the game he plays - and I am not saying this because I have a picture of Fields on my wall and candles beneath it (which I , really, really, dont), I say this because with all his weaknesses (let more skilled people than me debate about these) he is, quite simply put, a guy with some sort of "balls". Please, stop the circle of hatred and false accusations for the sake of Idra, Cruncher, Zerg, Protoss and the whole community. Some people are trying to send a message that e-sports is a highly developed community worth investment, but what one sees is a bunch of kids barking at each another. With best wishes to Idra,Cruncher, all the professional and semi-professional players out there and everyone reading the whole post up to this point m0rg -edited due to some typos- Don't even try to hide it, we all know you have a grack shrine in your room. | ||
United States2236 Posts
On April 01 2011 10:14 Flavalanche wrote: Don't even try to hide it, we all know you have a grack shrine in your room. who doesn't? | ||
Canada2441 Posts
On April 01 2011 09:49 ratMortar wrote: IdrA trashtalks for the same reasons athletes trashtalk in sports. It gets into your opponent's heads, it incites some drama, it's the actual opinion of the person whose saying these things. I've never heard IdrA compliment a player from ROOT. He's criticized Kiwikaki, Drewbie and I believe Minigun. I don't know how he feels about Catz, Destiny, Kitty, Slush or Ddoro. One thing he does mention often though is that people get way to personnal about the things he says. So I guess we shouldn't be making a big deal about his trashtalk. "I am critical of you because I am even more critical of myself" is my take on it (don't remember where that quote is from - it was in someone's signature somewhere though ^^) | ||
Australia624 Posts
On April 01 2011 08:50 starcraft2rush wrote: Did this seriously upset you so much that you had to post about it and try incite drama in his fan club? Sheesh, overreaction much? Here's a game betwen FXOFilthy (T) and Idra. | ||
Australia1370 Posts
On March 31 2011 18:15 GP wrote: Do you really need to devolve this thread into shitting on other players? Zenio hasn't even close to disappeared and neither will Cruncher. Cruncher's not going anywhere and I think the rivalry is great. If you've followed Cruncher he's probably the sickest American PvTer right now, demolishing Fenix, PainUser, and Sjow. and his win over Idra isn't a fluke, he's a legitimate player and I can't wait to see Idra and Cruncher clash in the future, they're 3-3 right now and I think that's great. Let the trash talk continue and I doubt Idra will underestimate Cruncher in the future. What are we gonna see him in Lan wise? Hes gotta go through the opens for MLG with a lot of strong players in it. The other big Lans on Idra's calender are also tough to get spots. So pretty much we wont see cruncher except for online tourneys. I could be wrong after this weekend thou if Cruncher makes it out of the open | ||
Canada282 Posts
Same with IdrA, he should be 1st or 2nd seed in his group but I hope he's on his A-game when it starts. | ||
United States143 Posts
On April 01 2011 10:18 MonsieurGrimm wrote: "I am critical of you because I am even more critical of myself" is my take on it (don't remember where that quote is from - it was in someone's signature somewhere though ^^) I actually find that to hold true. Idra fans tend to not consider his BM to be a big indicator of arrogance as many other people do, while Idra fans may consider what Huk says about having "top 3 control in the world" as being arrogant. You can blame that on fanboyism but I think it's indicative of something. When you read or listen to Idra's interviews, you will often hear him say "this guy is rash" or "he's bad" or something along those lines. However, you will pretty much never hear him say "i'm fucking amazing at this game" or "i'm a great player" or something like that. Naturally, he does consider himself to be a good player, but he doesn't mention it. The one example I know of where he explicitly says that he is good is in his NASL application video, and that's because he was trying to explain why he should be invited to the NASL truthfully. But barring that exception, I don't know of when he explicitly says that he's a good player. Why is that? I find that I am a very similar way, and I believe there are a subsection of competitors/gamers who have a similar outlook. From my own experience, I wouldn't outright say that I'm good because A. it seems conceited, cocky, and arrogant and B. i have high standards for myself. I should never feel in my mind that I've accomplished the skill level that I want to achieve and I'm done. So as my skill level gets higher, my standards increase, and I apply that same standard to other people I see. When I see that I got supply blocked, I will consider that "being bad". And when I see other people supply block themselves, even if they're pros, I will consider that "being bad" as well. If you ask me, I would tell you that people at my level of play are downright terrible. They have shitty mechanics, poor decision-making, and a flimsy understanding of the game. Someone might get the wrong impression that I consider myself to be vastly superior to people around my level. That would be incorrect. Instead, it is part of how I motivate myself to rise above being bad, even if being bad is considered very very very very good by the vast majority of people. This is there are different perceptions on whether Idra's BM is actually being cocky or not. Contrast this to, maybe Huk's displayed mentality, where he doesn't say anyone is downright terrible or trash. Instead, he pumps himself up, saying he's a good player. It's really just a different definition of terms. | ||
Nauru12397 Posts
On April 01 2011 16:00 Frozenserpent wrote: I actually find that to hold true. Idra fans tend to not consider his BM to be a big indicator of arrogance as many other people do, while Idra fans may consider what Huk says about having "top 3 control in the world" as being arrogant. You can blame that on fanboyism but I think it's indicative of something. When you read or listen to Idra's interviews, you will often hear him say "this guy is rash" or "he's bad" or something along those lines. However, you will pretty much never hear him say "i'm fucking amazing at this game" or "i'm a great player" or something like that. Naturally, he does consider himself to be a good player, but he doesn't mention it. The one example I know of where he explicitly says that he is good is in his NASL application video, and that's because he was trying to explain why he should be invited to the NASL truthfully. But barring that exception, I don't know of when he explicitly says that he's a good player. Why is that? I find that I am a very similar way, and I believe there are a subsection of competitors/gamers who have a similar outlook. From my own experience, I wouldn't outright say that I'm good because A. it seems conceited, cocky, and arrogant and B. i have high standards for myself. I should never feel in my mind that I've accomplished the skill level that I want to achieve and I'm done. So as my skill level gets higher, my standards increase, and I apply that same standard to other people I see. When I see that I got supply blocked, I will consider that "being bad". And when I see other people supply block themselves, even if they're pros, I will consider that "being bad" as well. If you ask me, I would tell you that people at my level of play are downright terrible. They have shitty mechanics, poor decision-making, and a flimsy understanding of the game. Someone might get the wrong impression that I consider myself to be vastly superior to people around my level. That would be incorrect. Instead, it is part of how I motivate myself to rise above being bad, even if being bad is considered very very very very good by the vast majority of people. This is there are different perceptions on whether Idra's BM is actually being cocky or not. Contrast this to, maybe Huk's displayed mentality, where he doesn't say anyone is downright terrible or trash. Instead, he pumps himself up, saying he's a good player. It's really just a different definition of terms. idra is cocky, arrogant, and when he calls other people trash, bad or a walkover, he is really saying that he is better than them, and they aren't at his level. and it is awesome. too bad so many tournaments ban chatting, because thats the most exciting thing about watching idra. his skill is a close second to his witty comments. | ||
United States813 Posts
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United States2236 Posts
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United Kingdom4193 Posts
On April 01 2011 23:48 HRSA wrote: Guys, go look at IdrA's TLPD today. Rofl epic. I love Sen's one. | ||
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