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On February 04 2013 13:48 Aerisky wrote: ...not funny.
Whoa, she's actually incredibly good, and thanks for the share. I think she will go far, and it would be awesome to see her get some success later on (we could be super hipster about it too, as we hit our 40s by then lol).
Oh God, you just made me slightly depressed, Aerisky D: In 10 years when she's the same age as most of the idols I find awesome today, I'm gonna be almost 32....
For anyone else who got hit by this fact, here's some Starlight Moonlight to turn your mood around again!
Nothing wrong with that especially since in Asia the women are more inclined (compared to the rest of the world) to see/marry older men anyway!
Sorry I don't remember the specifics but I learned from an ABA related discussion that women in the U.S. own 80+% of all real property. But the explanation that was given was unforgettable: wealthy men in their 60s+ marry 20-somethings for their second marriages, and the time it takes for them to die off is much shorter than the length of time the widow lives on afterwards. And the culture and probate laws heavily favor the spouse in America.
On February 04 2013 13:48 Aerisky wrote: ...not funny.
Whoa, she's actually incredibly good, and thanks for the share. I think she will go far, and it would be awesome to see her get some success later on (we could be super hipster about it too, as we hit our 40s by then lol).
Oh God, you just made me slightly depressed, Aerisky D: In 10 years when she's the same age as most of the idols I find awesome today, I'm gonna be almost 32....
For anyone else who got hit by this fact, here's some Starlight Moonlight to turn your mood around again!
Haha, why become slightly depressed because you will be 32 years old in 10 years? o_O
Starlight Moonlight... haven't heard it for a while. So good tho.
lol ye boy bands > girl groups for most of the time. More variety in vocals, better dancers in general I would say and with cooler choreography. Yeah I know, the girls have dem legs and all that but there is some guys in this business that tend to make you question your sexuality sometimes, no lie. ^^
Being old is not fun, trust me. And asian men are like the most unattractive men in the world, no joke.
On February 04 2013 13:28 LosingID8 wrote: 윤시영 (yoon shi young) from voice kids is going to be a superstar in the next few years. as a current musical actress, her voice is already outstanding and you can tell that when she gets a few years older she's going to be really pretty. at the moment she's one of the cutest 10 year olds you'll ever see lol.
k, those Disney covers were awesome. The first girl to sing Tangled's "When Will My Life Begin" was really good and cute (she reminds me of my little cousin :d).
Recently I was looking through the offical YouTube channels of the major South Korean broadcasting companies. I eventually came across the episodes of 1000 song challenge from the 13th and 20th of November 2011. In the preview of one of the episodes Sooyoung can briefly be heard singing a song which I think sounds interesting. Unfortunately though, it seems like this song wasn't aired in its entirety or at the very least I can't seem to find it. Maybe someone here recognizes it?
That's weird, I just went through the entire episode and did not find a single clip of Sooyoung singing. Sorry man. It should've been easy as they actually show the song names in the episode... (And I am very bad at reading. My face -_-)
UPDATE! Some of you may know my friend entered that Crayon Pop dance cover competition a while back. Well turns out they just decided not to have winners and sent everyone signed CDs.
So jelly right now. I should have made a lolterribad cover...
On February 05 2013 06:14 Kaiwa wrote: Ah sooyoung's song nvm. LOL.
That's weird, I just went through the entire episode and did not find a single clip of Sooyoung singing. Sorry man. It should've been easy as they actually show the song names in the episode... (And I am very bad at reading. My face -_-)
I know right... I've watched both episodes but as far as I can tell Sooyoung only sang Orange Caramel's Aing and Bingeul Bingeul. Thanks anyway!
On February 04 2013 13:48 Aerisky wrote: ...not funny.
Whoa, she's actually incredibly good, and thanks for the share. I think she will go far, and it would be awesome to see her get some success later on (we could be super hipster about it too, as we hit our 40s by then lol).
Oh God, you just made me slightly depressed, Aerisky D: In 10 years when she's the same age as most of the idols I find awesome today, I'm gonna be almost 32....
For anyone else who got hit by this fact, here's some Starlight Moonlight to turn your mood around again!
Nothing wrong with that especially since in Asia the women are more inclined (compared to the rest of the world) to see/marry older men anyway!
Sorry I don't remember the specifics but I learned from an ABA related discussion that women in the U.S. own 80+% of all real property. But the explanation that was given was unforgettable: wealthy men in their 60s+ marry 20-somethings for their second marriages, and the time it takes for them to die off is much shorter than the length of time the widow lives on afterwards. And the culture and probate laws heavily favor the spouse in America.
Those are called gold diggers. I never meant by my post that the Asian women who are more inclined to marry older men are gold diggers whatsoever. They just want to marry a man with a stable job and decent income so they can live comfortably as a house wife. Huge difference between the two. But thank you for your KMD related post.
Heard it on the recent Running Man ep and got me back into the song, pretty good.
e: Sable you should probs spoiler that since it was posted last page ;o