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I like the song a lot. I like everything about it, the instrumental/beat, tempo, the vocals and most importantly the changes and switch ups in it which are fantastically done. Combined with the original great sound of Sweetune and the amazing vocals of KARA and you have something that's fresh and will remain so for a long period of time. I can see myself replaying this a lot, as I am currently doing. Best thing of all about the song ? This is the kind of song that'll be 20 times as good during live performances, I can tell. Live performances are going to be stunning!
And about live performances. Don't miss the first ever live performance of Pandora to be live streamed on Youtube for all to see! 7:00PM KST (in an hour and 10 minutes as per the time of this post.)
The music video is great. At first after seeing the teasers and some pictures here and there, I was like many, afraid of the "white" scenes. Particularly because of Nicole's makeup and hairstyle which is well, not the best in my opinion during those scenes. Surprisingly, the white scenes turned out great and very well done. The way they're edited, interlaced with the other scenes, and used as an accentuation of the choreography is superbly done. Already my expectations were surpassed.
The black jacket scenes with the red lightning background are fantastic, as expected. Nicole totally kills every shots with her beautiful smile and amazing dance skills.
The individual shots are great, though I was expecting more, especially after seeing Nicole's teaser. I was left wanting more of those solo parts. Talking about the solo parts, let's give it up to Jiyoung who looked stunningly immaculate in that black dress. Wow! Now I understand why they colored her hair. It was for that scene and that scene only. It produced some amazing shots and visuals. Now let's hope she wears something similar and has her hair on her shoulders the same way during live performances!
Goo Hara looked amazing with her long and straight red hair. She looked the best she ever did. The close-up shots of her in the white scenes were breath taking.
Park Gyuri however, took those white close-up shots convincingly. She was very discreet and not so jaw dropping in the rest of the music video but wow did she look fabulous during those close-ups!
The jacket play and choreography are amazing. 5 out of 5 there, easily so! Once again, coupled with the song, this choreography is going to shine live on stage, better have some oxygen masks on deck for the live performances.
With everything said, Pandora is a solid song and overall package. Well worth paying for, well worth staying up for and well worth keeping up with the music shows for. KARA is on top of the game, and it looks like they won;t be dethroned anytime soon.
Now about the album, the album is absolute garbage. Sorry for my bluntness but there's no other way to put it. The other songs on there are incredibly lackluster. They do not follow any form of concept or overall mood or ambiance. They are simply put, weak, simple and uninspiring. Maybe this let down feeling that the album gives me is due to how amazing Pandora is as a song by contrast. Maybe with time the rest of the songs will grow on me but as of now, they are all very forgettable songs. None of them I would give a rating beyond 2 out of 5. Maybe a 3 out of 5 for "Way". That's it. It's a shame. The album packages being sold are also not very solid. A CD and a poster, that's it. No cards, no DVDs, no photos as far as I'm currently aware (could be wrong).
I will echo that the album is a dud. Pandora itself isn't their best and the MV is, despite the presence of HSY, not something I will bother to watch a second time.
In busan at the moment everything is dominated still by loving u and psy ... we'll see how long it takes for pandora to flood the streets of seoul haha
On August 22 2012 18:02 Vorgrim wrote: I will echo that the album is a dud. Pandora itself isn't their best and the MV is, despite the presence of HSY, not something I will bother to watch a second time.
kara album was halfway decent. super sad that none of these major girl groups will ever go back to the original concepts that made them famous in the first place. t-ara and kara have been somewhat consistent, although I feel like they falter every other ep.
up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
감출 수 없는거야 니 눈빛이 흔들려 묘한 시선 속에 심장이 뛰고 있어 거친 숨 소리가 촉각을 자극해 crush crush(crush crush) 잠깐만 거기에 멈춰서 똑바로 바라봐봐 숨겨온 진실을 이제 다 보여줄게 자 내 맘을 잡아봐
* 느껴봐 close to you(you) and close to you(you) 모든걸 다 줄게 내가 보이니 close to me(me) and close to me(me) 가져가 날 up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
여기가 끝이 아냐 넌 아직 모를거야 아직 나에 대해 반도 안 보여줬어 내 속 안에 있는 비밀을 움켜줘 crush crush(crush crush) 어떠니 어설픈 편견에 겁 먹고 가지 말아 섣부른 판단에 내 손을 놓치지마 자 내 전불 알아봐
* 느껴봐 close to you(you) and close to you(you) 모든걸 다 줄게 내가 보이니 close to me(me) and close to me(me) 가져가 날 up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
rap) 그래 봤지 그럼 됐지 이보다 어떻게 뭘 더해 내가 다가가잖아 자 Oh 가까이 더 조금만 더 가까이 Stress(수투레쑤 요렇게 발음해야 목소리가 크겠죠?^^*) 넌 다 줘도 못해 뭘 기대하니 next time 왜 오도 가도 못해 빙빙 시간이 카운트 다운 째깍 째깍
한참을 기다렸어(그랬어) 너이길 바래왔어(바랬어) 완벽하길 빌어
* 느껴봐 close to you(you) and close to you(you) 모든걸 다 줄게 내가 보이니 close to me(me) and close to me(me) 가져가 날 up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
Can’t hide it. Your eyes are wavering. Under the mysterious gaze my heart races. The heavy breaths ignite all my senses crush crush (crush crush) Stop for just a second and look at me properly. I’ll let you see all of my hidden secrets inside of me. Now, capture my heart.
* feel it. Close to you(you) and close to you(you) I’ll give everything to you. Can you see me? Close to me(me) and close to me(me) Whisk me away up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) Up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
This is not the end. You don’t know the whole truth. I haven’t even shown you half of the whole truth. Seize this secret within me crush crush(crush crush) Don’t judge me with those bias opinions, don’t be scared. Don’t let me slip from your fingers because of your rash judgement. Now, see my whole heart.
* feel it. Close to you(you) and close to you(you) I’ll give everything to you. Can you see me? Close to me(me) and close to me(me) Whisk me away up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) Up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
rap) Yeah, you’ve seen it all. That’s enough, right? What more do you want from me? I’m trying to reach you. Here, Oh come closer, just a little bit closer. Stress Even if I give you everything, you can’t do anything (? Please check this part for me), next time Even if I am here, even if I come to you, all you do is run in circles. The countdown has started ticktock ticktock
I waited forever. (I did) I wished for you (wished for you) I wished for the perfect fairy tale ending
* feel it. Close to you(you) and close to you(you) I’ll give everything to you. Can you see me? Close to me(me) and close to me(me) Whisk me away up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) Up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah) up and up ah ah woo~ (up and up ah ah)
Haven't found any romanization yet. Will update when I do.
Song is OK, might (and will probably) get better when I get home from work and can listen to it some more. (If I blast out the same kpop song on repeat the entire day I might get some weird looks from my coworkers.)
Video is great, nice visuals, and I like legs! Can't wait for the live perfs.
But especially, they all look sooo gooood. I mean, HSY and Hara is pretty obvious, but also Nicole (who I haven't been the biggest fan of before) is really stunning in the vid. And I've always gotten somewhat of an uncanny valley-feeling from Gyuri because I believe she looks like a wax figure, but even she looks really really good in the vid.
On August 22 2012 17:34 Left4Cookies wrote: So apparently Crayon Pop are recording something new for Arirang's Simply K-Pop today. May I remind you in the midst of all this Kara hype, that's where this happened:
1min 22s is where it all happens in that video! Arirang is my favorite radio station, I suggest you all check out their TV and Radio services when you can, they are the absolute best All English language Korean Broadcast Station around.
On August 22 2012 18:02 Vorgrim wrote: I will echo that the album is a dud. Pandora itself isn't their best and the MV is, despite the presence of HSY, not something I will bother to watch a second time.
kara album was halfway decent. super sad that none of these major girl groups will ever go back to the original concepts that made them famous in the first place. t-ara and kara have been somewhat consistent, although I feel like they falter every other ep.
Well tara is consistent in that they either always do costumes or do the flavor of the month (kitty, retro, Indians etc) depending on how you look at it. But I think of it differently than sticking to the exact same style (2ne1)
They all sit, greeted the audience, presented themselves and are speaking with a female host about the performance, the album and it's making.
Jiyoung is sssoooo excited, haha, very lovely and cute as always.
Nicole just showed and explained the strong point of the dance. (the finger twirl thing)
Nicole is being very seductive, alluring, sexy. She's excited as well, it shows.
They're all laughing. A lot of laughter. I don't know what they're talking about.
HSY is calm, or at least, contains her excitement better than Nicole and Jiyoung haha.
Gyuri and Hara haven't spoken much. Gyuri looks hyped as well.
Nicole is so beautiful and speaks so prettily. HaXX, Nicole's hair is a much clearer blond then before. And she's wearing extensions so she has long hair. it completely covers her forehead and stops right at her eyes. It's really beautiful. Fits her skin tone perfectly and her makeup accentuates it very nicely. lol you can tell that from the pictures, I forgot I posted some -__-
They're now showing the music video for Pandora.
Playing small excerpts of all of KARA's previous Korean Music Video.
They're performing Lupin in the same Pandora outfits. A perfect match in my opinion. Nicole killed her move where she drops it low on the floor. Haha, sick!
Performing Step. Same outfits still. Step is still as amazing as ever. What a great song.
Playing the Making Of of the Music Video. I'm a sucker for Making Of's and Behind The Scenes stuff so I'm really enjoying this. The Making Of has subtitles, great! OMG Nicole's solo parts in the Making Of. Dying......... *_____**
they're playing fan messages and videos from fans in every languages. They're saying I love you in every language basically.
Showing fan arts and fan letters as Dear Kamilia plays. (note to self: I should learn to draw or sculpt or something)
The messages to Nicole were truthful and very touching. "Because we have your smile the world is a brighter place. You can't cry because you worry about us, cry when you are hurt, you;re not here for us, we are here for you." Very well said, I 100% co-sign that.
They're back talking with the host. They changed clothes, they're now wearing yellow and black dresses, probably to perform the new song, Miss U.
LMAO the fans are screaming so loud as the KARA members pick some papers out of a hat. probably questions to answer or something, I don't know.
Wow, Nicole looks amazing when she reveals her shoulders. That dress reveals one, her right shoulder. She has such a beautiful shoulders line and collarbone.
Gyuri's favorite artist is Eminem. LLLOOOLLL
I just noticed, Nicole tied her hair behind her back, very cute. One again, looks really good with the new color and the extra skin she's revealing by showing her shoulder.
Since they had a jacket dress code for the event, they're having KARA picked the best dressed person attending from some photos of the attendees. Nicole looked impressed by a guy wearing a tuxedo. (Note to self, tuxedos are good, buy some)
The guy who won the best dressed award seems like a complete cornball straight out of The Matrix. (just healous) lol they gave him the KARA k5J perfume and some skin lotion.
They're showing a previously recorded video of the KARA members hiding envelopes under some of the seats in the theater. Looks like the people who got envelope will receive the Pandora album as well as a unique Polaroid picture of the member who hide the envelope.
Performing the new song. Miss U. It's like a solo performance, they're taking turn and off the stage to sing their verses. They joined together for the chorus. Song is pretty good live, really cute. Reminds me of Secret's Shy Boy a little. Cute Broadway musical style performance.
Performing Dear Kamilia. A classic for those kind of events. A good showcase of their singing skills. Nicole's voice is on point, even more beautiful then usual.
Performing Honey. Still in the yellow dresses so it's very fitting. Nicole fell but the others helped her back up and she smiled while resuming her performance and proceeded to kill her rap part. She kept smiling, a huge smile on her face for the whole performance.
Sang Pandora Sat down, covered their legs and started talking. *yawn* Cue video(s) Lupin perf Step perf Pandora MV making of vid Fanclub short animation Fanclub video greetings (TuElite's was apparently cut because he was in a thong) Assorted bullshit More talking, they changed clothes. Inane questions from fans. One about shoes, another about which male popstar they like. Pretty sure this announcer used to be on Star Golden Bell. Can't remember her name. (Park Ji Yoon, I was right) Legs appear again, briefly. Some old dude won something! (why is this so awkward?) Thought that was going to be a HSY solo for a minute. Not today, boys. Turned out to be Miss You. Song I've never heard, not from album. Honey!
credits roll.
Worth watching if you are a Kara fan or want to see Nicole fall on her ass. Thing to take away from this showcase: HSY is gorgeous, I would marry that chick in a heartbeat.