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On July 07 2011 06:48 oniontx wrote: Actually didn't make a sound. I got it sent to a friend's address who brought it into the university library looking confused at a plain brown envelope with no return address.
Opened it up, just a Hoot promo album card. Then the silver font was like... is that an autograph? Oh shi- Look closer to check... that's my name FFFFFFUUUUUU She even put a heart :3
Basically dropped it and did ran big circle in the middle of the library with my mouth covered going "oh damn, oh damn"
Dat Girls' Day MV. Really smart. I demand a K-Pop dating sim soon.
Sounds pretty much like what I would have done, you had no idea it would be signed?
And I think if you check around Japan a bit there'd be some kpop eroge lol.
holy crap! I actually sat here staring at your post trying to figure out what was so good about it, then took a closer look and saw it was autographed
You lucky duck.
Also just went through the new girls day game music video thingy. Thank god noone else was around cos I was just sitting there with a huge grin on my face the whole time :3
You guys have probably seen this vid since its pretty much 2 years old, but this is what happens when timers count down and flash mobs form in Korean Airports.
That MV was way too awesome. But I always have trouble identifying yura for some godamn reason. She sort of looks like Sojin, but I can recognize Sojin and everybody else right away. I can't even use elimination since they always dance around, and you gotta find her again lol.
On July 07 2011 09:33 Taku wrote: I watched that 'interactive' MV and lol it reminds me of all these cheesy Japanese visual novels/dating sims, and people are eating this up?
On July 07 2011 09:33 Taku wrote: I watched that 'interactive' MV and lol it reminds me of all these cheesy Japanese visual novels/dating sims, and people are eating this up?
Its a little bit of fun that noone else is doing in kpop, so why not?
Enjoy life! In fact I think I might listen to Son Dambi's Queen for an hour.
On July 07 2011 09:33 Taku wrote: I watched that 'interactive' MV and lol it reminds me of all these cheesy Japanese visual novels/dating sims, and people are eating this up?
That's the entire point and why it's being eaten up. It's a hilarious and creative gimmick to be seen in such light. That is not to say it does not also serve to stave off the ever encroaching army of Ronery. With GIrl's Day by our side, we are truly forever Park Jung Min.
This is also a pretty cost effective gimmick that can compete against that pig disgusting gimmick currently plaguing the MV world with its specialized monitors and glasses. Girl's Day, champions of 2D perfection!
On July 07 2011 09:33 Taku wrote: I watched that 'interactive' MV and lol it reminds me of all these cheesy Japanese visual novels/dating sims, and people are eating this up?
That's the entire point and why it's being eaten up. It's a hilarious and creative gimmick to be seen in such light. That is not to say it does not also serve to stave off the ever encroaching army of Ronery. With GIrl's Day by our side, we are truly forever Park Jung Min.
This is also a pretty cost effective gimmick that can compete against that pig disgusting gimmick currently plaguing the MV world with its specialized monitors and glasses. Girl's Day, champions of 2D perfection!
Wow I laughed reading this, well played. But yeah I don't have anything against it, I'm just thoroughly amused at it. I'd lol pretty hard if eventually a korean company goes the AKB48 path in marketing a kpop group.
On July 07 2011 07:53 NationInArms wrote: You guys have probably seen this vid since its pretty much 2 years old, but this is what happens when timers count down and flash mobs form in Korean Airports.
Just reminds me how fucking crazy this promotion period is- 2pm, 2ne1, T-ara, Secret, Girls Day, Rainbow, tons more I'm missing all promoting at the same time. I guess it makes sense to capitalize on summer and all that but you'd think that they realize they're just being suicidal by coming out at the same time. Bet some smaller group will fill in the gap after this and win a couple #1s just cause nothing else will be coming out/fucking everyone will be in Japan at the same time as well.
If this means that smaller groups are going to get a little more recognition I am all for big name groups promoting at the same time. That might give Leader's and Bella a bigger chance.
On July 07 2011 11:20 DystopiaX wrote: Just reminds me how fucking crazy this promotion period is- 2pm, 2ne1, T-ara, Secret, Girls Day, Rainbow, tons more I'm missing all promoting at the same time. I guess it makes sense to capitalize on summer and all that but you'd think that they realize they're just being suicidal by coming out at the same time. Bet some smaller group will fill in the gap after this and win a couple #1s just cause nothing else will be coming out/fucking everyone will be in Japan at the same time as well.
Everyone getting in before September I guess. Do the old switcheroo.
On July 07 2011 11:25 USK wrote: If this means that smaller groups are going to get a little more recognition I am all for big name groups promoting at the same time. That might give Leader's and Bella a bigger chance.
Seriously leaders is gewd..but they only did one perf TT.