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On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
On November 28 2011 05:38 Latham wrote: I think a lot of subgroups put their torrents on Nyaa. I had to DL F/Z #9 through DDL today because their torrent linked me to a dead nyaa =/
Nearly everyone uses NT as their tracker for Japanese content these days. There used to be other options (a.scarywater, lots of groups had their own trackers, etc.) but NT is too convenient.
It's as close to a single point of failure that exists for torrented anime.
Good thing torrents aren't the only way to get things.
Still cant watch Ben-to cause I didnt DL it before NT went down, luckily I already have Working downloaded. Even though Mirai Nikki is later today, I honestly think Ill put that series off for a bit, Im gonna be 3 episodes behind after today's release. I just dont think I can mentally handle it atm (still sporting a slight fever).
As for Yosuga no Sora, its a great anime. Either youll love it till the last arc, or hate it till the last arc.
On November 28 2011 05:38 Latham wrote: I think a lot of subgroups put their torrents on Nyaa. I had to DL F/Z #9 through DDL today because their torrent linked me to a dead nyaa =/ + Show Spoiler [Ben-to 8] +
Poor hentai. Getting molested 1st and then being called a hentai? =/ Pretty wierd episode tbh. Didn't transition too well from #7 or #6. I felt like I was missing some part of the story through the episode.
Also heard rumours that Liar Game is back. Can anyone confirm/deny?
LIAR GAME UPDATED!!!! :D Sadly, I don't remember anything.
On a final note, Trieze made a much better antagonist than Char because unlike Char Treize actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Char was how much attention he gave to fighting Amuro Ray, it's like he would put the neo-zeon movement on the back burner if it meant stomping Amuro in a duel.
On a final note, Gihren made a much better antagonist than Zechs because unlike Zechs Gihren actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Zechs was how much attention he gave to fighting Heero Yuy, it's like he would put the World Peace on the back burner if it meant stomping Heero in a duel.
Herpa derp.
Which is why I was talking about Trieze, don't herp derp yourself when trying to correct an alleged herp derp.
On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
Gundam Wing will always have a place in my heart as an overall completely badass anime and gundam series.
Yes, it has ALOT of flaws, the biggest for me was how the gundams were indestructable and the enemy pilots were lucky to scratch the paint job on a gundam, but the series still reflected a very realistic world where there is no evil, only men that want to do what they feel is best for the rest of people and to do so they will go to war to support their idealogy.
Treize and Zechs were great antagonists, but you couldn't say that they were "Bad guys" because you see in episodes they care for their soldiers and the cause they fight for. They both aren't even attached to the ideology they're fighting for to the point they wouldn't betray it if it became something that went against the greater good.
Treize changes to side with Relena's ideas of pacifism and Zechs goes towards one (alot more destructive) that he feels would benefit man kind in the long run by destroying the Earth because it is where all conflict originates from. By destroying our planet space would no longer be tarnished by war from earth.
Treize was the best part of Gundam Wing IMO. If only he was the MC, and the story centered around his political fighting, and against the Gundams... Wing would have been great.
Anyway, there were plenty of "villains" in Wing, but it is essentially correct that the world and different factions all have shades of gray with them. But then again, this idea of good and evil being blurred is nothing unique to Wing, and honestly has been around since the original. Like for example, Zechs was one of the most blatant Char clones in any Gundam show. His actions and motivations (even his desire to drop large objects on the Earth "for the good of mankind") were taken from Char.
Out of curiosity, how much of UC Gundam have you watched? Original/Zeta/CCA?
I've seen original through zeta and CCA. The only one I haven't seen is X and G (I find G's story to be really, really, dumb).
Which means yes, unfortunately I made myself endure that abomination of a series known as Seed (This series was tolerable as an anime, not a gundam series, an anime, until episode 26, or maybe it was 27. Where Kira self destructs ON EARTH BUT SOMEHOW ENDS UP IN A HOUSE IN SPACE RIGHT AFTER HIS GUNDAM EXPLODES.), Destiny, and of course 00... 00 was good, for the first episode's introduction.
And yes, I know that Wing follows aspects of the UC timeline, but then again remember that I was stating that Gundam Wing is still by itself a great show. I never said it was original or anything, that still doesn't make it completely baller in it's own way.
The music, the gundam pilots, Treize and Zechs, and the gundams themselves made the series very distinct from the other Gundam Series.
The show I suppose had characters that were sociopaths, but what group in the series was that of a villain?
I've thought of Gundam Wing being shown from the POV of Treize and Zechs in their struggle to better the future of mankind in space and then out of no where a bunch of terrorists land on Earth and start fights.
On a final note, Treize made a much better antagonist than Char because unlike Char Treize actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Char was how much attention he gave to fighting Amuro Ray, it's like he would put the neo-zeon movement on the back burner if it meant stomping Amuro in a duel.
Romapheller Foundation or w/e was definitely made up of villains. The White Fang as well, considering they wanted to destroy Earth.
Actually, if you watched the show and heard what the chairman of Romepheller said, "The Earth has been corrupted by the imperfect ideas of freedom and equality". The reason why Treize supported them to begin with at first was because he agreed that people have become complacent with their freedoms and end up destroying themselves. Why did Treize betray them? Because once the foundation was thinking about using mobile dolls over soldiers he knew that this foundation was no good for humanity because if there are no soldiers to be lost then war stops being human.
White Fang was the result of colonists being disenfranchised with the Alliance rule in space, they wanted to destroy the Earth which they felt all conflict came from. Their goals were ultimately met in the form of the modified version of operation meteor where gundams not an asteroid land on Earth.
You are praising Gundam Wing, and at the same time talking shit about Gundam SEED AND G Gundam? What the fuck? I was fine with your praising of Wing, even if I disagree about it being anything more than average, but when you start dragging shows that I liked threw the mud....
First, I'll just get this out of the way. You are saying that SEED is a bad Gundam show because of single instance of the series, where Kira's mobile suit explodes, and then he ends up in a Colony. How closely do you even watch these shows if you truely think that? Kira didn't even self-destruct his fucking Gundam, Athrun did while it was holding onto his. As such, the Strike wasn't completely destroyed (I mean they rebuilt the thing not long after). As for Kira, that priest dude found him after the battle, and brought him up to space with him. And this was explained as well after he woke up. As far as showing the good and evils of war, SEED does a MUCH better job of it than Wing, which all but glorified it with Treize and Zechs' talk about how beautiful battle is.
That's just one of MANY, MANY, things I found wrong in seed (The shonen style of the characters, the presentation of each character, the gundams all seemed like they should be in a hospital not on the battlefield, etc), I simply found that to be the last straw that made me completely rage at how much time I had wasted watching the show.
Ya, I watched Seed enough to have seen the, "Explanation" which still makes no sense... Unless I'm mistaken I don't think when Kira woke up there was a lapse in the anime where it was showing Kira in the future...
Seed made it too obvious who the bad guys were. If you watched Treize and Zechs throughout the Gundam Wing series you actually hear them talking about the reasons they fight and the philosophy behind it.
You mention Wing's music setting it apart. There are like 2 tracks in Wing's sound track that I remember, and one of those barely ever got played (the 2nd OP, and was used to good effect in like 2 or 3 scenes in the anime). The Gundam pilots did help set it apart, but in a bad way. The only good character out of the 5 MCs was Duo. Quatre was meh, and the other 3 were practically emotionless robots.
You just admitted in this post that you are ignorant of the music and therefore herp derp "IDK MAN THE MUSIC AINT THAT GREAT.
Here's the music I'm talking about.
THERE ARE TONS of amazing songs in the Gundam Wing OST.
Granted, I did like Akatsuki no kuruma by Seed, that was it though.
As for your "complaint" about G Gundam, I'm pretty sure you completely missed the point of that show. Do you hate all Super Robot shows, or do you just hate G Gundam because its called Gundam?
G gundam had amazing characters, but the overall backstory of the whole show made no sense to me whatsoever. The governments of the world agreed to decide who rules the world by a TOURNAMENT. This reminded me more of DBZ than a Gundam Series.
You think that Treize is a better villain that Char because Treize cared about people under his command? What the fuck does that have to do with someone being a villain? And condemning Char as a villain because of CCA? How did Char put the Neo-Zeon movement on the backburner to fight Amuro? How did you even get the idea that he would? If you are complaining about Char giving them the designs for the Nu Gundam, how is that any dumber than Treize literally killing himself on Wufei's lance? Or maybe you are complaining that Char focused on dueling Amuro in the first place so much in that final battle? Makes sense that he would want to take down Amuro to me, after Amuro had been wreaking havoc on the Neo Zeon fleet. Plus, this is just CCA. What about all of 0079?
I'd like to point out that you and I have differing definitions of what constitutes an, "Antagonist" not a "Villain".
I never said anything about CCA lol, I was merely referencing it.
On November 26 2011 16:24 Requizen wrote: Oh man, it's been so long since I watched a Gundam. How does the new one measure up to, say, Wing (my personal favorite)?
Gundam Wing will always have a place in my heart as an overall completely badass anime and gundam series.
Yes, it has ALOT of flaws, the biggest for me was how the gundams were indestructable and the enemy pilots were lucky to scratch the paint job on a gundam, but the series still reflected a very realistic world where there is no evil, only men that want to do what they feel is best for the rest of people and to do so they will go to war to support their idealogy.
Treize and Zechs were great antagonists, but you couldn't say that they were "Bad guys" because you see in episodes they care for their soldiers and the cause they fight for. They both aren't even attached to the ideology they're fighting for to the point they wouldn't betray it if it became something that went against the greater good.
Treize changes to side with Relena's ideas of pacifism and Zechs goes towards one (alot more destructive) that he feels would benefit man kind in the long run by destroying the Earth because it is where all conflict originates from. By destroying our planet space would no longer be tarnished by war from earth.
Gundam Unicorn has a level of attention to detail that rivals that of the Ghost in the Shell series.
Immediately in the beginning fight you see the UI of the pilots inside their mobile armor/ mobile suits and how it actually looks like it could be a real cockpit. The model number of the enemy mobile suit shows up on a position in space and tracks it in real time and how the whole cockpit is designed to orient the pilot to what direction of space he/she is facing in relation to the sun and the earth... I'm in love with this series.
What blew my mind even more is how the physics in this series is actually plausible to an extent.
For example when the mobile suits are going at each other in the first fight of the first episode they make long arced turns to cancel out the inertia they already have to turn around and make a second attack.
The nameless mobile suit pilot even tries to attack with the sun to his back so that he has an even greater advantage when lunging at the mobile armor.
Speaking of nameless pilots, there are quite a few pilots in this series that are given no names but are able to kick some serious ass... You know, kind of like in real life where you expect pilots to actually be good at flying their fighter jets instead of just being cannon fodder (Gundam Wing was definitely guilty of this).
In Unicorn EVERY, SINGLE, CHARACTER, has a purpose and isn't useless filler. Even the females characters (Ms. Marieta is my personal favorite because her back story to being a newtype pilot) all have an important role that advances the story, especially the princess of Zeon.
I could talk about Gundam for days on end because of it's philisophical mind fucks and how human it is. And by human I mean how ideologies throughout human history will start as something meant to benefit the people, but it eventually becomes the very thing that it sought out to destroy.
"As humanity expands into space all of our latent abilities will blossom in order to adapt to that great void, we will then be able to accept one another without misconceptions, that is the newtype theory proposed by Zeon Dykun."
"You probably don't know this, most think it was only the poor that were forced out into space, but the truth is a lot of people left Earth on their own. They were prepared to stay away until the Earth's environment had fully recovered. Then the one year war came along and undid most of the progress that had been made on that front."
"We're hopeless aren't we?"
"Meh, what can you do? It started off with good intentions anyways."
"Good intentions?"
"Both those in the federation and the colonists were motivated by the hope that they could save humanity. It's no different from wanting your company to succeed or wanting to give your family a better life."
"The way you describe it, it sounds like self interest than self idealism."
"Ya I hear what you're saying but if we denied people the right to be that way then what kind of world would we be in? I suppose there are people that can work for the greater could at personal expense, but I've always been suspicious of those types. Like that Char guy from Neo-Zeon, he claimed that he was fighting for the greater good even while dropping asteroids on us."
"So what do we do?"
"Hell if I know, we still havn't figured that one out yet..."
Great conversations that flesh out the environment of the story (which follows the original Universal Century timeline) on top of amazing movie quality animations and fight scenes...
It's so fucking good, that I've re-watched every episode (except for the new one, episode 4) 10times, AT LEAST.
and if you asked me, gundam wing was just another damn space politics opera.
What other space politics operas are there that are, "politics"?
nation wars + glorified chivalry/bushido idealism
Those aren't space operas, those are words that describe systems of rule... /palm
And you can say that about any anime... "It's just another damn *insert genre".
On November 27 2011 00:41 Requizen wrote: Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
The only characters that I found remotely realistic or in character was Athrun and Mu La Flaga.
Seed could've been could, but it really was about a bunch of cry babies that QQed about EVVVERRRRYYYTHHHHIINNNGG. This series also took the meaning of Super Sayen Gundam to a whole new level in terms of indestructibility.
On November 27 2011 00:41 Requizen wrote: Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
The only characters that I found remotely realistic or in character was Athrun and Mu La Flaga.
Seed could've been could, but it really was about a bunch of cry babies that QQed about EVVVERRRRYYYTHHHHIINNNGG. This series also took the meaning of Super Sayen Gundam to a whole new level in terms of indestructibility.
Are you serious right now?
If you're not trolling I don't even know what to say to you.
You think SEED takes Super Gundam to a new level. Coming from a Wing fan.
Now everyone in this thread just took their own hand, and slapped themselves in the face. That might actually be the most.... I don't even know what to call it, but I now have less respect for you than I do for blobskills or rebz, or maybe even danmark.
On November 28 2011 05:38 Latham wrote: I think a lot of subgroups put their torrents on Nyaa. I had to DL F/Z #9 through DDL today because their torrent linked me to a dead nyaa =/
Nearly everyone uses NT as their tracker for Japanese content these days. There used to be other options (a.scarywater, lots of groups had their own trackers, etc.) but NT is too convenient.
It's as close to a single point of failure that exists for torrented anime.
Good thing torrents aren't the only way to get things.
4 hours to go
Why don't you just stream for once? I know the quality is way better, but do any of you stream at all?
On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
On November 27 2011 00:41 Requizen wrote: Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
The only characters that I found remotely realistic or in character was Athrun and Mu La Flaga.
Seed could've been could, but it really was about a bunch of cry babies that QQed about EVVVERRRRYYYTHHHHIINNNGG. This series also took the meaning of Super Sayen Gundam to a whole new level in terms of indestructibility.
Are you serious right now?
If you're not trolling I don't even know what to say to you.
You think SEED takes Super Gundam to a new level. Coming from a Wing fan.
Now everyone in this thread just took their own hand, and slapped themselves in the face. That might actually be the most.... I don't even know what to call it, but I now have less respect for you than I do for blobskills or rebz, or maybe even danmark.
Every single Gundam in seed looked as if it belonged in a hospital. Yet, no pilot that wasn't a Gundam pilot could even scratch the paintjob on one of them.
On November 27 2011 00:41 Requizen wrote: Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
The only characters that I found remotely realistic or in character was Athrun and Mu La Flaga.
Seed could've been could, but it really was about a bunch of cry babies that QQed about EVVVERRRRYYYTHHHHIINNNGG. This series also took the meaning of Super Sayen Gundam to a whole new level in terms of indestructibility.
Are you serious right now?
If you're not trolling I don't even know what to say to you.
You think SEED takes Super Gundam to a new level. Coming from a Wing fan.
Now everyone in this thread just took their own hand, and slapped themselves in the face. That might actually be the most.... I don't even know what to call it, but I now have less respect for you than I do for blobskills or rebz, or maybe even danmark.
Every single Gundam in seed looked as if it belonged in a hospital. Yet, no pilot that wasn't a Gundam pilot could even scratch the paintjob on one of them.
Sorry if Seed perks your aesthetic appeal.
Sorry that your blind love of wing makes you ignore that exactly the same thing happens in that series. Did you miss the 500 scenes in wing where a bunch of grunt mechs hit the gundam directly and they were shiney new?
On November 26 2011 16:24 Requizen wrote: Oh man, it's been so long since I watched a Gundam. How does the new one measure up to, say, Wing (my personal favorite)?
Gundam Wing will always have a place in my heart as an overall completely badass anime and gundam series.
Yes, it has ALOT of flaws, the biggest for me was how the gundams were indestructable and the enemy pilots were lucky to scratch the paint job on a gundam, but the series still reflected a very realistic world where there is no evil, only men that want to do what they feel is best for the rest of people and to do so they will go to war to support their idealogy.
Treize and Zechs were great antagonists, but you couldn't say that they were "Bad guys" because you see in episodes they care for their soldiers and the cause they fight for. They both aren't even attached to the ideology they're fighting for to the point they wouldn't betray it if it became something that went against the greater good.
Treize changes to side with Relena's ideas of pacifism and Zechs goes towards one (alot more destructive) that he feels would benefit man kind in the long run by destroying the Earth because it is where all conflict originates from. By destroying our planet space would no longer be tarnished by war from earth.
Gundam Unicorn has a level of attention to detail that rivals that of the Ghost in the Shell series.
Immediately in the beginning fight you see the UI of the pilots inside their mobile armor/ mobile suits and how it actually looks like it could be a real cockpit. The model number of the enemy mobile suit shows up on a position in space and tracks it in real time and how the whole cockpit is designed to orient the pilot to what direction of space he/she is facing in relation to the sun and the earth... I'm in love with this series.
What blew my mind even more is how the physics in this series is actually plausible to an extent.
For example when the mobile suits are going at each other in the first fight of the first episode they make long arced turns to cancel out the inertia they already have to turn around and make a second attack.
The nameless mobile suit pilot even tries to attack with the sun to his back so that he has an even greater advantage when lunging at the mobile armor.
Speaking of nameless pilots, there are quite a few pilots in this series that are given no names but are able to kick some serious ass... You know, kind of like in real life where you expect pilots to actually be good at flying their fighter jets instead of just being cannon fodder (Gundam Wing was definitely guilty of this).
In Unicorn EVERY, SINGLE, CHARACTER, has a purpose and isn't useless filler. Even the females characters (Ms. Marieta is my personal favorite because her back story to being a newtype pilot) all have an important role that advances the story, especially the princess of Zeon.
I could talk about Gundam for days on end because of it's philisophical mind fucks and how human it is. And by human I mean how ideologies throughout human history will start as something meant to benefit the people, but it eventually becomes the very thing that it sought out to destroy.
"As humanity expands into space all of our latent abilities will blossom in order to adapt to that great void, we will then be able to accept one another without misconceptions, that is the newtype theory proposed by Zeon Dykun."
"You probably don't know this, most think it was only the poor that were forced out into space, but the truth is a lot of people left Earth on their own. They were prepared to stay away until the Earth's environment had fully recovered. Then the one year war came along and undid most of the progress that had been made on that front."
"We're hopeless aren't we?"
"Meh, what can you do? It started off with good intentions anyways."
"Good intentions?"
"Both those in the federation and the colonists were motivated by the hope that they could save humanity. It's no different from wanting your company to succeed or wanting to give your family a better life."
"The way you describe it, it sounds like self interest than self idealism."
"Ya I hear what you're saying but if we denied people the right to be that way then what kind of world would we be in? I suppose there are people that can work for the greater could at personal expense, but I've always been suspicious of those types. Like that Char guy from Neo-Zeon, he claimed that he was fighting for the greater good even while dropping asteroids on us."
"So what do we do?"
"Hell if I know, we still havn't figured that one out yet..."
Great conversations that flesh out the environment of the story (which follows the original Universal Century timeline) on top of amazing movie quality animations and fight scenes...
It's so fucking good, that I've re-watched every episode (except for the new one, episode 4) 10times, AT LEAST.
and if you asked me, gundam wing was just another damn space politics opera.
What other space politics operas are there that are, "politics"?
nation wars + glorified chivalry/bushido idealism
Those aren't space operas, those are words that describe systems of rule... /palm
And you can say that about any anime... "It's just another damn *insert genre".
right, and thats "politics"
either way, gundam wing is pretty boring. i dont even know why you're complaining about unrealistic characters and then praise the hell out of treize, relena, and zechs who just leak idealism out of their ass. right lets blow up the earth because once freed of our hate from earth we'll stop fighting, how philosophical.
On November 27 2011 00:41 Requizen wrote: Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
The only characters that I found remotely realistic or in character was Athrun and Mu La Flaga.
Seed could've been could, but it really was about a bunch of cry babies that QQed about EVVVERRRRYYYTHHHHIINNNGG. This series also took the meaning of Super Sayen Gundam to a whole new level in terms of indestructibility.
LOL See, this is why no one can take you serious, dude who triple posts for no reason. I guess I'll take this one post at a time.
The only characters you found remotely realistic in SEED was Athrun and Mwu. IDK what you even MEAN by "in character", since its not like characters in anime are fucking actors who occasionally break the 4th wall to talk with the audience. But we have 2 realistic characters in Gundam SEED who are realistic. Well, thats 2 more characters than Gundam Wing, which didn't have a single realistic important character. NOT A SINGLE ONE AND YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT SEED WHAT THE FUCK.
I... I don't even know what to think about your Super Sayen Gundam comment. SEED took it to a whole new level? Compared to Wing??? Gundams in Wing were nearly COMPLETELY INDESTRUCTIBLE AND SHAT ALL OVER GRUNTS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. There is a reason why people say that Leos were made out of Explodium. Unless it was fighting another Gundam, they were invulnerable and Gods of the battlefield. In SEED? Phase Shift armor made them invulnerable to conventional attacks, but still perfectly vulnerable to beams. Even Freedom got its ass handed to it at the end of the show by the Providence, and that isn't even counting all the times when it was almost defeated by those Druggies. Or maybe you are bitching about SEED mode for some retarded reason. SEED mode was just a flash way of the pilots going into a berserker mode. You would know that if you actually watched, but I highly doubt you actually did at this point. You have the fucking Zero system in Wing that made the pilot got crazy and even implied it would allow them to read their opponents mind. Maybe if you are going to complain about SEED mode stuff, you should complain about Newtype hax in UC. Although again, at this point, I highly doubt you have ever seen any besides CCA.
That's just one of MANY, MANY, things I found wrong in seed (The shonen style of the characters, the presentation of each character, the gundams all seemed like they should be in a hospital not on the battlefield, etc), I simply found that to be the last straw that made me completely rage at how much time I had wasted watching the show.
Ya, I watched Seed enough to have seen the, "Explanation" which still makes no sense... Unless I'm mistaken I don't think when Kira woke up there was a lapse in the anime where it was showing Kira in the future...
Seed made it too obvious who the bad guys were. If you watched Treize and Zechs throughout the Gundam Wing series you actually hear them talking about the reasons they fight and the philosophy behind it.
Of the "one of many" things you found wrong in SEED, you sure picked the most retarded example.
How are the characters more "shonen" that fucking Wing characters? Are the robotic, personality-less characters in Wing who only care about fighting and how "glorious" the battlefield is somehow more mature? IDK what you even mean about the presentation of the characters. And IDK even more what you mean by the Gundams seemed like they should be in a hospital. Both of these comments sound absolutely retarded. Hopefully its just a language problem on your end, otherwise IDK why I'm even responding to you.
SEED made it too obvious who the bad guys were? Are you fucking retarded? The whole point of the fucking show was that BOTH sides in the war were the "bad guys". Unlike Wing, which for some reason glorifies war and tries to make people think that fighting and killing can be beautiful and cool, SEED goes out of its way to show that war is hell, and there are no good guys in war. And btw, it was fucking OBVIOUS AS HELL that Treize and Zechs were villains. The fact that you hear their "reasoning" (aka war is so beautiful~) doesn't make a fucking difference, as you almost ALWAYS hear the reasons that villains do what they do. Even Patrick Zala and Azreal in SEED had their reasons they said, and believed they were doing what was best. I guess that doesn't count, though.
You just admitted in this post that you are ignorant of the music and therefore herp derp "IDK MAN THE MUSIC AINT THAT GREAT.
Here's the music I'm talking about.
How the fuck did I admit to being ignorant of the music? You posted one of the memorable songs in the show, and then a bunch of forgettable songs. If you think that Wing has a good sound track compared to SEED or Turn A, or even Zeta, you are out of your mind.
G gundam had amazing characters, but the overall backstory of the whole show made no sense to me whatsoever. The governments of the world agreed to decide who rules the world by a TOURNAMENT. This reminded me more of DBZ than a Gundam Series.
Yeah, I was right, you completely missed the whole point of G Gundam.
I'd like to point out that you and I have differing definitions of what constitutes an, "Antagonist" not a "Villain".
I never said anything about CCA lol, I was merely referencing it.
There isn't any difference between an antagonist and a villain. Both mean the same thing. You are wanting to think Treize and Zechs are anti-heros, when they are not.
But even still, just replace where I used the word "villain" with "antagonist", and answer some of those questions. Like, how does it make Treize a better antagonist than Char if he cares about people under his command?
What other space politics operas are there that are, "politics"?
Something tells me you have never even heard of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, have you?
On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
there are only 2 eps right? i watched those quite some time ago, but at times it was too much for me (fingerfellatio <.<, then again the manga did not do it without the voices lol)
silly comedy + romance also brings vandread and baka to test to the table xD, but i think we have lost the contact to the original request, sooo, in before ZnT? XD
some short ads for people that might be interested xD
didnt really find something quick for vandread, but its hilarious, does it qualify as mecha? XD
On November 28 2011 01:55 Ryndika wrote: Suggest me some 'happy' ending anime from romance genre. No restrictions about what other tags could be included. Except no ongoing series please. =) I've watched; Mayo Chiki (some good some bad) EF (Good but pretty heavy) Lovely Complex (Pretty relaxed, easy, something I watch when I wake up or I'm tired) Petite Cossette(Wow!) Clannad(Clannad is clannad) Elfen Lied(Not sure if this is romance exactly but I've seen this, so don't suggest it) =D Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, same thing as above. Dance in the vampire Bund, same thing as above, again. Bakemonogatari (My favourite anime with few others) TWGOK, watching it slowly atm (Dropped spice and wolf and read the manga because I didn't enjoy merchandising at all, but was desperate with the story^^)
Infinite Stratos School Days Final Approach Seto no Hanayome
as for a recommendation, you may want to check kaichou wa maid-sama out, though it is mostly comedy, and i second the mentioning of REC, very good and short series.
there are only 2 eps right? i watched those quite some time ago, but at times it was too much for me (fingerfellatio <.<, then again the manga did not do it without the voices lol)
silly comedy + romance also brings vandread and baka to test to the table xD, but i think we have lost the contact to the original request, sooo, in before ZnT? XD
some short ads for people that might be interested xD