On March 18 2010 00:23 mikku wrote: If I want to just start reading at about where the show is now. Where would that be and where could I read them? Sorry to be so slow, but Im tired of the show. I wish I never started. I just want it to be over
I'm sorry to say, but a number one fear of mine every Wednesday is that Naruto will NEVER end...
As for where the Anime is in comparison to the Manga, the Anime last I heard was in a filler arc. The last story line I believe is around Manga 403 or so. A little more than 80 chapters of blue balls till you're up to date.
Sasuke's number one priority is to kill Naruto. Madara tells Sasuke that Itachi's eye can using Kisame is alive Kisame is in lightning country? Hachibi is dancing and rapping and uses a racist term (shocked) Hachibi uses NIJI technique at white Zetsu Before Madara arrived he decided to tell Zetsu to pretend to be Kisame and used a bunshin to die as Kisame's body (fake death of Kisame) It looked as though Kisame was dead Finally Kabutomaru appears in an country somwehere, not sure which country Kabuto is the power of the white snake (orochimaru will rebirth)
Ahh, phew at a moment there. I was mixing up names. Atfirst I though Sasuke meant he wanted Kakashis eye, and I couldnt get that out of my head. That would have been imba. lol... To bad he is so dependant on those eyes. Would have been better with another normal ability without those stupid eyes.
ohoho, the Ol' Trojan Horse trick And to all the people who are so high falutin with their "taste of literature", please....... LIGHTEN UP IT IS A SHONEN MANGA! YOU WATCH IT FOR THE MELODRAMA AND FIGHTS AND BOOBS AND EXPLOSION AND STUFF!
Well Naruto doesn't Really have that many fan-service moments but it has plenty of other appealing stuff, so please stop with the "ffs predictable plot *yawn* next" speech, please?