Teacher - Fluttershy Sibling - Discord Best friend - Twilight Married to - Celestia Enemy - Celestia (wat) Rescued by - Rainbow Dash
Go go random clicking!
If you're not sure how to play, just left click an image and hold the button down, then drag. You should see a semitransparent "ghost" of the picture, except it's frozen on a frame of the gif. That's your result.
Teacher - Pinkie Pie Sibling - Rainbow Dash Best Friend - Rarity Married to - Derpy (first time I got Rainbow Dash but I already had that under sibling, so no!) Enemy - Big Macintosh (just my luck ) Rescued by - Applejack
If we reroll duplicates, my reroll for enemy was Trixie.
Saur, why the hate on Scoots?! She's best chicken. <3
What will you do through the great pony drought? There are a few fanfics I still haven't gotten around to, will read those. Maybe practice drawing ponies more.
In shipping: Preferred pairing? Why? Twilestia for sure, there's just something about the old scenario of a usually immovable god being given pause by a truly special mortal, that appeals to me. Also it is SO FUCKING CUTE. And they totally deserve each other.
Also shipping chart which is my head-canon shipping of all the mane 6: Twilestia Lunashy RainbowPie Rarijack
In fanfic: Best fanfic of the last 3 months or so? (Try to be original, no my little dashie or the like) Oh that's easy, The Moonstone Cup. Magic contests and awesomeness all around! (The games we play just didn't live up to the hype for me for some reason)
Also: Teacher: Celestia (Yay!) Sibling: Luna (Yay!) Best friend: Discord (ok cool) Married to: Rainbow Dash (hot) Enemy: Sweetie Belle (Oh COME ON) Rescued by: Trixie (okay.jpg)
On April 07 2012 10:28 GMarshal wrote: We need a topic of discussion. In general: What will you do through the great pony drought? Here's what I'll do. I'll start putting up pony drawing lesssons. I'll call it Saura's how to get ripped good at poni draw in two months. In shipping: Preferred pairing? Why? I'm not into shipping. In fanfic: Best fanfic of the last 3 months or so? (Try to be original, no my little dashie or the like) I don't read much fanfic. All I've read is Circle of friends. In art: Best up and coming artist? (So JJ, white diamonds and all the rest are not in the running) Ok here's how we lay this down. We define what it means to be up and coming, say under 10k views or something. Then we get Camail to List that Shit. Then we'll power rank em.
In fact we could have a power rank for a select group of artists for every quarter or something. I like to turn art into competition. Dunno why.
In SC2 related news: What progamer will be next to fall under the sway of ponies? Should we plan another operation flutter[9] aimed at someone else? (:-P) Huk. dunno y. Just a few random things we can talk about!
as for gary; the problem is it's not rarity.
During the pony drought we'll power rank each artist and how much improvement they're getting.
For once, I won't be able to edit this post with relevant information or an updated streams list due to being gone. You should get on the #tlponies IRC if you need anything.
Teacher - Fluttershy Sibling - Discord Best friend - Twilight Married to - Celestia Enemy - Celestia (wat) Rescued by - Rainbow Dash
Go go random clicking!
If you're not sure how to play, just left click an image and hold the button down, then drag. You should see a semitransparent "ghost" of the picture, except it's frozen on a frame of the gif. That's your result.
Teacher - Spike Sibling - Fluttershy Best friend - Fluttershy Married to - Rainbow Dash Enemy - Fluttershy Rescued by - Fluttershy
I wonder what the odds are on getting fluttershy that many times.
This episode brought to you by the letter M. Rarity, FS and RD confirmed thieves. I'm only sad that Fluttershy is complicit in this. Awesome references, especially the Bond one. Obviously this show is only for kids. They'll totally get that reference on their own, right? Right? Twilight Sparkle classy as fuck with that hat and pipe. Pony military confirmed, that portrait was obviously a decorated member of the military. Overall: I enjoyed it! It was good.