I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Edit 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Edit 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Edit 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Edit 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Edit 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Edit 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Edit 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Edit 9:
LOL 8/10
Edit 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Edit 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10
Edit 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Edit 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Edit 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Edit 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Edit 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
I linked your post in the OP and added you to the fanlist. Glad you are somewhat enjoying this :-P
Hi TheToast! Added you to the fanlist as well.
I love the cosplay picture. Have a rainbow dash picture as a reward! + Show Spoiler +
I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Edit 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Edit 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Edit 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Edit 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Edit 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Edit 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Edit 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Edit 9:
LOL 8/10
Edit 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Edit 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10
Edit 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Edit 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Edit 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Edit 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Edit 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
I linked your post in the OP and added you to the fanlist. Glad you are somewhat enjoying this :-P
Hi TheToast! Added you to the fanlist as well.
I love the cosplay picture. Have a rainbow dash picture as a reward! + Show Spoiler +
Chyeah, it's awesome.
Although, I think I'm going to go get high and then watch the rest, just to see the difference and if I'll enjoy it more.
Twilight looks bad-ass, Celestia going to resolve some serious bizniz, Season 2 coming out this fall, now 20% cooler in only 2 scenes less than 2 seconds combined.
Twilight looks bad-ass, Celestia going to resolve some serious bizniz, Season 2 coming out this fall, now 20% cooler in only 2 scenes less than 2 seconds combined.
A channel is showcasing My Little Pony on a commercial for the channel as a whole.
I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Edit 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Edit 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Edit 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Edit 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Edit 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Edit 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Edit 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Edit 9:
LOL 8/10
Edit 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Edit 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10
Edit 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Edit 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Edit 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Edit 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Edit 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
I linked your post in the OP and added you to the fanlist. Glad you are somewhat enjoying this :-P
Hi TheToast! Added you to the fanlist as well.
I love the cosplay picture. Have a rainbow dash picture as a reward! + Show Spoiler +
that's funny, cause I like most episodes he thinks are average and I don't like all of those he thinks are awesome. I guess it really comes down to who's your favorite in the show a lot, at least a bit when watching for the first time. Since I'm more of a Rainbow Dash / Cutiemarkcrusader (if they count as 1 chararcter) / Applejack fan and he's more of a fluttershy (I don't get why people like her at all ) / twilight fan those experiences vary a lot. A good episode is just a bit better if one of your favorites is in it or it's one of those fewer ones were everyone got their part.
meh, i think fluttershy and pinkie pie are my fav(half way through the show). fluttershy is really calming and pinkie pie walks on the fine line between energetic and annoying. i also like pink pie cuz of her goofiness and that she is never sad some how lol
I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Edit 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Edit 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Edit 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Edit 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Edit 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Edit 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Edit 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Edit 9:
LOL 8/10
Edit 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Edit 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10
Edit 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Edit 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Edit 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Edit 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Edit 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
I linked your post in the OP and added you to the fanlist. Glad you are somewhat enjoying this :-P
Hi TheToast! Added you to the fanlist as well.
I love the cosplay picture. Have a rainbow dash picture as a reward! + Show Spoiler +
that's funny, cause I like most episodes he thinks are average and I don't like all of those he thinks are awesome. I guess it really comes down to who's your favorite in the show a lot, at least a bit when watching for the first time. Since I'm more of a Rainbow Dash / Cutiemarkcrusader (if they count as 1 chararcter) / Applejack fan and he's more of a fluttershy (I don't get why people like her at all ) / twilight fan those experiences vary a lot. A good episode is just a bit better if one of your favorites is in it or it's one of those fewer ones were everyone got their part.
Still don't get why people like fluttershy :D
SOOOO CUTE! How can you not love somepony so cute? Really, Fluttershy's appeal comes from the d'awwwwwww factor. But she is also just so sweet and innocent. In episodes like Green Isn't Your Color, where her innocence is challenged because she is forced into a Kobayashi Maru scenario it feels almost sad because she of all the characters is least deserving of being in such a situation. But Twilight Sparkle is and always will be best pony.
I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Edit 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Edit 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Edit 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Edit 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Edit 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Edit 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Edit 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Edit 9:
LOL 8/10
Edit 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Edit 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10
Edit 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Edit 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Edit 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Edit 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Edit 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
I linked your post in the OP and added you to the fanlist. Glad you are somewhat enjoying this :-P
Hi TheToast! Added you to the fanlist as well.
I love the cosplay picture. Have a rainbow dash picture as a reward! + Show Spoiler +
that's funny, cause I like most episodes he thinks are average and I don't like all of those he thinks are awesome. I guess it really comes down to who's your favorite in the show a lot, at least a bit when watching for the first time. Since I'm more of a Rainbow Dash / Cutiemarkcrusader (if they count as 1 chararcter) / Applejack fan and he's more of a fluttershy (I don't get why people like her at all ) / twilight fan those experiences vary a lot. A good episode is just a bit better if one of your favorites is in it or it's one of those fewer ones were everyone got their part.
Still don't get why people like fluttershy :D
Don't get me wrong, a 7/10 on my ratings still means I'm enjoying the episodes. A 5/10 would be average (the first cutiemarkcrusader ep got a 5.5/10 from me because it weirded me out, other than that the episode was good)
As for why people like Fluttershy.. Okay, this show is very cute, extremely cute. This is some of the appeal for some viewers. Shyness is quite parallel to cuteness at times, and that's why I like Fluttershy. Shy people may relate to her as well. Otherwise I guess you'd like Rainbow Dash, if you're not into the cute factor.
This is also why I like Pinkie, because she's cute as well (happy/overly energetic = cute). I'd imagine a lot of people who like Fluttershy also like Pinkie too. I can't quite figure out what kind of people like Twilight the best, although I'd think people that like Twilight are the ones that like Applejack too. I don't see many people liking Rarity that much, although I like her a bit because she reminds me of a minor character in The Hunger Games.
Yeah kinda weird. I think Applejack is underrated a lot, just like rarity and obviously the big point of dashy and applebloom & co is them being funny as hell. Remember the the episode with the tickets for the gala and everyone was saying something like "yeahhh... well I don't really need the ticket", noone wanted it anymore and dashy went "yes, that means I get the ticket". Same with applebloom while selling apples ( "I didn't put those in my bag - oO likely story" ) and so on. Both moments made me laugh so hard :p While to me fluttershy is just plain boring, pinkie sure is funny but anoying from time to time.
Twilight looks bad-ass, Celestia going to resolve some serious bizniz, Season 2 coming out this fall, now 20% cooler in only 2 scenes less than 2 seconds combined.
Seriously though, I think it is safe to say that that is the most excited I've ever been about < 2 seconds of footage.
I think it's safe to assume that Rainbow Dash died sometime between seasons... Probably clawed to death in a fit of jealousy from Gilda... RIP Dashy ;_;
Ohh, My turn to post something cool I found before someone beats me to it!
references made (you might want to take a crack at guessing before spoiling yourself, they span from some rather obscure stuff to stuff you have almost definitely heard of): + Show Spoiler +
1. Waiting... (film) 2. Friendship Is Magic episodes 2 and 6 3. Doctor Who 4. Austin Powers in The Spy Who Shagged Me 5. Deadpool - Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 6. Prince Ali - Disney's Aladdin 7. Clone High
The entire series is good, although there are always one or two that I don't find funny in each episode. Coincidentally, everyone I don't find funny is a reference to something Ive never seen before. Weird.
On August 20 2011 01:17 youngminii wrote: I've never seen this show. My first reaction to finding this information: WTF? I've never seen anything like it (well I watch Spongebob a bit when I'm stoned), but I have an open mind and lots of time. So..
I will watch Season 1 within 48 hours and report back.
Episode 1:
Just watched the first episode. First thoughts? It reminds me of stuff like Neopets and Powerpuff Girls. I had a good chuckle at some moments and the depth of the show is actually well done. There's a ton of characters that were introduced easily and the simple, yet wildly contrasting, personalities makes for easy to relate characters. It seems to me that a big reason why this show might be popular is because of Twilight Sparkle's personality with the whole gamers being seclusive (it's a stereotype but it's there for a reason). That also explains why Fluttershy is the favourite, although these are just first glance remarks. The artwork is really good for a cartoon and everything in the show is cute. This show actually overloads my cuteness sensory receptors but that's okay. As for humour, it's alright in a very innocent sense but it's not anything too special yet. 5/10
Episode 2:
Second episode. Not gonna lie, I was confused at how fast the story was going. I thought the Nightmare Moon arc was going to last the entire season or something but instead it acts as the series opener. Episode was fairly plain, a bunch of trivial challenges (like in Percy Jackson except without the fluff) for character development further highlighting their traits; something they made essential to the plot (smart move). I was a little put off by some of the cheap bait and switch, mostly in the challenges, but I'm still going to keep watching since I heard the first few episodes aren't that great compared. Also, LOL at the random song, this episode gave me about the same number of chuckles as ep 1. 4/10
Episode 3:
If I didn't make it clear (sorry) I don't actually enjoy the show that much yet. The 'number of chuckles' I had in both episodes were minimal, I'm just observing and giving an unbiased opinion of the episodes and what I liked/didn't like. There is humour and the show has its merits but I'm not enjoying it very much.
I didn't enjoy episode 3. They gave me even less laughs than the first two episodes (which as I said, was actually quite low) because of the simplistic story/nature, it was just a staple 'filler' episode that you see in most anime. Again, everything about the show is so amazingly cute but that only goes so far. As for characters, I'm already drawing Fluttershy and Pinkie to be my favourites which seems to be parallel among common consensus so either the other characters suck or I'm on the same boat as all you guys. 2/10
Episode 4:
Episode was better than the last. I'm guessing the show is going to go focus on each character one by one to further develop their characters. AJ as a character is kind of bland to me (she reminds me of this drunken Texan guildmate I had on WoW once who drank all the time and let her kids run wild, might be affecting my opinion). The show seems like The Simpsons for young girls and with ponies. Also, I'm confused why they made Spike a non-character. 4/10
Episode 5:
Liked it a lot, the best episode so far. Good setup, good antagonist, every single person can relate to the story and all the youngins that watch get a nice life lesson. Maybe I liked it because the protagonist is one of my favourites, either way I think I'm warming up to the show. 7/10
Episode 6:
This show is so simple. It's TOO simple. I think that's some of the appeal, and I kind of understand it. Episode 6 wasn't great, pretty narrow story but oh well. Seriously nothing special in this episode except that Spike makes more of an appearance than normal. 5/10
Episode 7:
Good shit. 7/10
Episode 8:
Episode 8 was kind of okay. I'm pretty sure that if this was one of the first few episodes I watched, I'd be like "what the fuck is this shit" and give it a 2/10 but I dunno, I've become acquainted with the show now so I enjoyed it more than I should have. It's such a nonsense show about nonsense that it makes it alright, if that makes sense? 5.5/10
Episode 9:
LOL 8/10
Episode 10:
Pretty funny how they used a deus ex machina for their moral message in this episode, worked pretty well. I enjoyed this as much as you can enjoy watching a show about something completely random. I honestly can't tell whether it's because I just like watching the show and the episode's actually bad or if the episode is decent in itself. I can't see myself watching this show at a random episode and going from there, this is a series that should to be watched from episode 1 because of all the character development. That said, there are some episodes at the start which really put me off. Good stuff in general though, they've got a cast with really strong personalities with a main protagonist who's the middle ground/normal one. Still, I like how each character isn't specifically binded to their character role, like they do in most shows. 7/10
Episode 11:
Who doesn't like a good song? 7.5/10 (I feel as if this should be higher just for the awesome song)
Episode 12:
Okay so, I love AB and I think she's adorable and the episode was great and all but.. I was weirded out the ENTIRE episode because I kept thinking about how the cutiemark was a metaphor for something else involving girls and puberty. Just one of the flaws of the show being targeted towards young girls. I dunno, I felt like a creep watching it, and even more of a creep because I was enjoying the show otherwise. Not the best episode for those that already question themselves about watching this girly show. 5.5/10
Episode 13:
Pretty sure I'm hooked into the show now. Also, do seasons go really fast in Ponyville or what? 7/10
Episode 14:
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"
"Now what do we do?" "Uhh.. Panic?" "That's your answer to everything!"
Episode was great, I loved it, especially how instead of just having a show about dresses and fashion and all that jazz, they tuned the concept of "don't please everyone" into it. Seriously, if kids these days are watching this kind of show, they're getting some really good moral lessons that I sure missed out on. 8.5/10
Episode 15:
Episode 15 had a clear anti-science feel to it. I know that the message behind it is to lead kids to decide for themselves but I can't support the way the message was presented. It was a clear religion vs atheist type argument where religion wins. Other than that, episode was okay I guess, I hate that message but I love Pinkie. 6/10
Episode 16:
Fuck yeah, best episode ever. 9/10
Episode 17:
This is an episode where if you hate kids, I think you'll hate this episode. Thankfully I like kids somewhat so it was good. Also, I can't get over how awesome this show is for kids, the way they tried to teach the "bite off more than you can chew" idiom throughout the episode is great. 7.5/10
Episode 18:
Same vein as the last episode. 7.5/10
This is where whatever integrity that I had dies. I decided to get high before watching anymore, so the following reviews will be pretty inflated since everything is way better when stoned.
Episode 19:
YES this show is so amazing, as expected, when stoned. Best thing ever, I absolutely love everything about this show. 11/10
Episode 20:
Oh my god wtf that was the best thing I've ever watched. Either this episode was really good or my weed is awesome, or both. The animation/background music and everything is so god damn great. 11/10
I love reading your reviews ^_^ most entertaining. Also, GMarshal, please put my name down? Although technically not a brony. Well, what is a female brony? :/
well, i generally hate the term 'bro' as its so commonly used and makes me think of over-muscular sweaty rugby players slapping each other on the bum with towels after a gym session and calling each other 'bro' with an afrikaans accent. But i would like to think i am a member of the MLP community ^_^ i'll think of another word. On topic, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are my favourite ponies <3 -edit my favourite episode is 'green isn't your colour, it makes me laugh alot