So about 13 accounts that haven't gotten passes yet, I'm glad to note we have 13 passes :D For the late entries (Between yesterday and now) I'll try to trackdown/buy a guest key from d2jsp if no one has any left.) If your not on the list PM Bio and he will intern message me an updated list as people sign up.
Big thanks to Sprungjeezy, Sermokala, Nohbrows, Decim, for giving up their guest passes, and also to Agonyx90 and Zealotkiller for offering up their accounts. Rush042 is also offered up 2 keys, I'll send them out when I receive them from him.
I'm pming you guys keys today, from first register to last - I bought 5 keys from D2jsp (Forumgold), and sometimes keys from there are broken, fake etc. lmk ASAP if you get a bad key and I'll remessage the people I got them from reconfirming the code / get new ones.
The accounts are good for 14 days or 7 hours so get it installed asap and log in them quickly to test out that its working. So if we run into any problems we have the next 7 days to fix it. DO NOT STAY LOGGED IN LONG or play any games etc.
So getting set for NA:
You don't need two accounts, you can have two regions set to a single account. When you enter the code it should come up automatically as NA, as they are guest passes though you might get to select, just check everywhere when entering and confirming the code that it says NA or when its finally in your account.
Hopefully it looks like this:
Click on the NA region to go to the download game page, even though you selected NA on the bottom it automatically reverts to your country your living in, so click the change region button before hitting the download button.
Hopefully your downloading NA client.
When installing its super important you do not install it in the same folder as your EU copy of SC2, go to advance install and rename the folder it installs to from Program files/Starcraft II to Program Files/Starcraft II NA . Or whatever you would like to call it.
When you press yes, you will get an error that says files are currently already exist and will be overwritten or a message somewhere along those lines, go ahead and click next. The game share a single folder for both NA/EU in your My documents where saved games/mostly singleplayer stuff gets over written. So if for some reason your taking you campaign nice and slow and savor the experience you might want to backup your save.
That should work, go ahead and make a Sc2 NA shortcut and your ready to go.
Spend as little time as possible on your NA account as possible! Even though guest passes are good for a full 14 days, they are limited to 7 hours of playtime.
After installing, log in quickly to check your settings and keyboard binds etc. to make them how you like. I don't recommend it but if you must and wanna test out your settings you can by playing a practice game. I don't recommend you play a full game either, do a UMS build order or something. Test it and log out asap.
Depending on how long Bronycraft goes on for if there are delays or you go all the way to the finals, we wanna make sure you have enough playtime make the entire tournament. It might involve logging off in between games if you know your going to run out of time. IE it looks like bronycraft is going to go on longer than 7 hours and your making it to the finals etc. etc.
Just let someone know before you leave Bestyoungflyers channel and hang out in IRC so people can retrieve you when its game time.
PS: I personally think 7 hours should be plenty, but i think would be better to err on the safe side, any extra time you have you could just test out NA laddering waters or something.
Ok sorry for the long post, I'll message you guys keys now. PM Me if the key doesn't work and/or you have installation problems.
I strongly suggest that before installing the NA SC2 client, you go to: My Documents/StarCraft II and find the file Variables.txt. This file contains all of your local settings - mouse sensitivity, scrolling speed and graphics and so on. Make a copy. Installing the NA client will overwrite that file, whereupon you can overwrite it again to restore your original settings easily.
I've not tried that yet, but I don't think it should fail.
p.s. Also, thanks a lot to the guys who pooled their guest passes so we EU fellows can participate actively and to SD for making this possible (buying a few keys as well)!
It was awesome, but I feel it was a total rip-off of an old SpongeBob episode where he battles Poseidon to see who is the best fry-cook. I mean, the copying was pretty blatant. That said, I still love the episode, and all of MLP!
AWOT nohbrows ZealotKiller happyft CptBeefheart Ora Wikt EU jinkyu7 GaryOak tredc EU Roketha Whitewing diverzee EU ArcticFox Lokrium RPR_Tempest Saurabhinator Phant The Fish enjoylol StarDragon Crisium Aranarth ampson Soleron tredc bloodynoob Jhuyt EU Soap Aliean Sermokala MetalLobster JeosAdn SpacePirateCapt Zephirdd bobdash101 GypsyBeast Bobthefirefly HoMM EU ghmorgan lolrior DeCim MrToast Hacksu Trump Kunstderfuge Jiix EU DreamSlayer EU TheDoT42 EU Alido EU
These guys are missing some things/didn't PM me - Check here for what you need! + Show Spoiler +
Njunin - EU (Mentioned something about getting a NA account? Keep in touch!) SCeagull - PM iBrony - Race
StarDragon made his post about EU Setting up their NA accounts, here is my up to date list of EU friends! + Show Spoiler +
On January 29 2012 21:56 Tuthur wrote: Even though I come on this thread very often, I don't come on IRC (mainly because I'm EU and it seems to be NA-based)
By all means do come onto IRC if you have time, there are about just as many of us EU bronies on there as NA bronies, so IRC is active at all times and you'll always find someponies to talk with.
So apparently Husky is a hipster MLP fan (that part starts from around 0:35 in this vid).
edit: heh sorry for beating you to it Sermokala, too used to people on IRC being lazy to repost stuff into the thread :p credit goes to you for posting it on IRC