Unlike last year I don't think there is something EG can "solve" to give them a significant edge against Wings. From my observation Wings is not reliant on individual heroes, and picks pretty much from the entire pool depending on what fits that individual game. There also doesn't seem to be any individual top pick that EG plays and Wings doesn't. Of course Wings would like to not give EG certain heroes, but they can comfortably pick heroes like ET, Void, Mirana themselves and ban some other ones.
Unless Wings somewhat choke in their drafts (which I won't rule out given that imo they seem to be reacting during the draft pretty heavily to what they see instead of relying on some narrow set of "comfort picks" so I could see them somehow freeze and make a bad decision), imo the team that faces them simply has to try to get a draft they are themselves comfortable with and then outplay Wings. You can predict their openings quite well (though they vary in heroes significantly they pick certain openings against certain 1st picks for example quite regularly), and after that have some plan on how to extend your draft. It's hard to see any sequence of first bans and picks that would put Wings in a bad position, like EG managed to do to CDEC last year.
But I guess talking about Wings is a bit premature, EG vs DC will be a very interesting matchup. I don't think either team is a clear favorite.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
The game 1 vs Wings was close and very close to holding on long enough to win. They never got wombo combo'd with tide and enigma in the game. If Zai was on something else and not wisp that game could have went a totally different way. That is the style EG will bring to the next series IF they can negotiate DC which i do hope so. Would hate our tournament to come to an end vs them we have to get to the final and we have to to remember what got us this far.
I am so scared today for EG. DC is realy good atm, they have such confidence in theier drafts and play. Hoping EG will react to the Wings loss as they did to the Alliance loss, come back and look dominant.
I believe we should have the best mentality of the teams athat are left, we have been in this position before, DC are not used to winning and fighting for first places or Grand Finals, and even tho it never seems like Wings show any nerves, maybe today.
Key for today, drafts...
Good luck EG! Bleed Blue ~
I think ppd had a very good first game draft, getting Uni Void is so good. Win it boys!!
Edit: To many missplays, and superior DC spell usage... Thats a hard loss rly, as they had a good draft. Naga ban incoming?
Yeah I feel like they had the better draft But Suma1l choked a bit/got schooled and they lost momentum too much
With so many tanky heroes being picked vrs EG lately, bring back the sumail Timber?
I think PPD recognises Suma1l played badly/is shaky so it's better to give him a lower screw up potential hero like this
How on earth... That teamwipe by DC... how !! QQ
What is that Coffin supposed to mean guys>
ps: ET ban incoming again, will we repick Void? :D
Thats harsh, incredibly hard way to go out. Im so proud of the boys tho, had almost no expectations going into TI, placing 3'rd is a fantastic placement, also being top 3, 3 years in a row is realy strong. Great tournament by the boys.
Well, they got narrowly outplayed. Great TI all things considered, hope they stick together. Zai was totally bonkers amazing, PPD with the drafts, Fear and Universe solid
Just Suma1l still has a lot of room to grow, he failed to deliver largely this series (schooled with QoP in ganks, killed mid solo by ursa, not controlling his full aghs courrier, getting Xed ...
All in all that was a pretty good tournament. Hopefully they maintain the same lineup, avoid any swaps and get back to the grindstone.
I doubt they are happy with third, but given the circumstances it's probably acceptable.
On August 14 2016 06:43 HaXxorIzed wrote: All in all that was a pretty good tournament. Hopefully they maintain the same lineup, avoid any swaps and get back to the grindstone.
I doubt they are happy with third, but given the circumstances it's probably acceptable. Well they could poach Miracle or W33 if they throw millions at them  EDIT: Well, probably not at W33 since he might have millions of his own But if they somehow can get Miracle it would definitely be an upgrade. And he doesn't seem to be cancerous like RTZ
I think overall, this is a good tournament for EG.
Coming to TI, everyone doubts them. But they proved that they are still one of the best team in the West.
That said, what makes me really happy is that before TI, Secret fans was screaming: "Secret is back, EG is in the dumpster". Guess who is in the dumpster now?
I hope the team will stick together. If Fear retires, I hope they could pick up a good replacement. Just no EE or RTZ plz.
Good games EG, was hoping for top 6 from them this TI, so top 3 is good 
Hope this iteration sticks together, or finds the right groove next year!
On August 14 2016 06:44 LemOn wrote:Show nested quote +On August 14 2016 06:43 HaXxorIzed wrote: All in all that was a pretty good tournament. Hopefully they maintain the same lineup, avoid any swaps and get back to the grindstone.
I doubt they are happy with third, but given the circumstances it's probably acceptable. Well they could poach Miracle or W33 if they throw millions at them  EDIT: Well, probably not at W33 since he might have millions of his own But if they somehow can get Miracle it would definitely be an upgrade. And he doesn't seem to be cancerous like RTZ Miracle instead of who? Fear if he retires? I don't think it would be an upgrade because I don't think you can make a Suma1l-Miracle team work more than you can make a Suma1l-RTZ team work. Hopefully Fear won't retire tho, he's my favorite player and the first reason I loved EG.
If he did retire, resolution would be the carry to fit the bill the most but I don't think DC is going to disband. I really don't know who would fit other than that, hopefully not EE.
On August 14 2016 06:52 ChickenDieAlive wrote: I think overall, this is a good tournament for EG.
Coming to TI, everyone doubts them. But they proved that they are still one of the best team in the West.
That said, what makes me really happy is that before TI, Secret fans was screaming: "Secret is back, EG is in the dumpster". Guess who is in the dumpster now?
I hope the team will stick together. If Fear retires, I hope they could pick up a good replacement. Just no EE or RTZ plz.
I'd actually love to see them grab a CIS carry like Silent or someone. Resolution was one of my favorite players of all time, and it's showing on the synergy with DC. EG could massively benefit from an aggressive carry with a hybrid playstyle.
Don't feel bad EG - you did wonderful. 3 Ti's in a row top 3. Incredible.
This time I doubt EG will change their lineup unless some people choose to retire. They've done the Arteezy switch before and I doubt they will look to bring him in again. From an outside perspective it doesn't seem like there is an "odd man out" either that would be an obvious boot.
But weirder things have happened, who knows at this point. If they do need a new player for whatever reason I think SVG who has been their coach for the last while is a decent guess. From what I saw he looked quite good as a player when he came onto the scene through the 1437 ritsu etc c9 team and then Shazam, and clearly the EG guys respect what he has to offer if they wanted him as a coach.
Yeah I don't know why nobody's thought of this before - CIS players have huge egos, don't work together well for very long times. But getting one to compliment a western team should be totally worth it. It increases resolution's dedication and resolve so much when his sole purpose in a foreign country is Dota