On September 12 2014 14:19 Yurie wrote: Anybody know where I can check how high I am on most techies games played? Currently 46, so might be top 200 or so I guess. http://www.dotabuff.com/players/187854872
I'm just confused how you lvled up your ult at lvl 10 (that's what dotabuff is saying...) for your last two games but pretty impressive win rate... What is your go to skill build? and how do you itemize and lane?
I go mid or off lane. Safe lane isn't worth it since you need farm. On off lane I go boots + clarities and block their camps with mines. Mid I go null and tango to be able to last hit some. After that soul ring on off lane, bottle mid. Suicide level 2 and 3 if I didn't kill one level 2. Then keep maxing suicide and land mine. Been experimenting with skipping ulti but it seems worth it to get it since soul ring is enough.
Stasis trap isn't worth it until the other two are maxed, you havn't farmed enough mana items for a situational spell.
After that I go arcane for the soul ring, arcane and bootle core. Force staff into aghs to keep pushing going fast. After that it is pure luxury, stuff like hex, etheral blade, travels, order depending on the game. I am not a fan of Eul but many other people seem to like it, setups for stasis doesn't feel strong to me, might be I am just bad at Eul.
Biggest thing is to keep pushing as long as possible. Having a strong carry that can farm jungle/lanes you aren't pushing and that can then win game if you end up having to turtle due to how the game is going.
I like the Eul's because it's got an easy buildup and increases the manapool and regen pretty decently. I 'don't use the active to set up Stasis specifically, but it's still quite useful.
I find force staff better for pushing, dropping arcanes for soul ring usually gives me enough mana to keep going. I don't tend to build massive traps unless I get a regen rune.
To expand on force staff. Walk up to tower, drop land mine. Force staff out if they come. With Eul you can only remove one person. Force staff creates distance to all and nobody wants to chase a techies outside tower range.