Sort of sad to see AOL throw away such an enormous advantage against DK--really depressing to see their inexperience show through when they couldn't end the game.
On February 18 2012 14:03 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote:
On February 18 2012 13:45 OuchyDathurts wrote: On the hero pick screen it shows heroes roles. Granted most heroes have more than 1 role. Also at the shop it does give recommended items. They're not ideal, but they're generally not awful either.
I was more looking for articles/guides I could read up in my free time I love reading up that sort of stuff anyways.
For example stuff like that guide flamewheel (it was flamewheel right?) posted some time ago.
So err I have a problem. A friend invited me to a party and I mistakingly checked the " block all communication from this party leader". Now I have no idea how to unblock him?
Just for the record, this isn't tied to the Steam's "block communication" tried blocking/unblocking from steam but it doesn't work.
solo mid go lvl 1 frost, lvl 1 silence, 1-3 levels worth of stats until you're comfortable, max aura, max arrows
treads -> hotd -> yasha -> manta or bkb
lothars is good for placing your silence correctly at the right time but is rarely relevant as pubs aren't good at positioning/hiding from your silence range.
skip wand, skip bands, the fast hotd will let you jungle really soon and if you aren't being stomped in lanes you should have a combined 120-160 cs at 20 mins and roll over all your opponents towers as you hit lvl 16 + bkb or manta while opponents are barely lvl 11.
On February 18 2012 20:18 Corr wrote: drow ranger 101:
solo mid go lvl 1 frost, lvl 1 silence, 1-3 levels worth of stats until you're comfortable, max aura, max arrows
treads -> hotd -> yasha -> manta or bkb
lothars is good for placing your silence correctly at the right time but is rarely relevant as pubs aren't good at positioning/hiding from your silence range.
skip wand, skip bands, the fast hotd will let you jungle really soon and if you aren't being stomped in lanes you should have a combined 120-160 cs at 20 mins and roll over all your opponents towers as you hit lvl 16 + bkb or manta while opponents are barely lvl 11.
if you manage to get 160 cs in 20 minutes with drow solo mid you deserve to win the game regardles of what your team is doing
I played a game against al_Godot earlier where I discovered that he named it after the phoenix wright series... not the play. I was really, really disappointed. It ruined all the waiting for godot punchlines that come up in my head when he's the last one to join the game.
Anyone watching Na'Vi vs Mski in TPL right now? In the second game they've picked forgespirirt Invoker solo mid, support defensive jungle Juggernaut assisting a QoP Lesh lane on bot. The QoP is going a SS build, and is incapable of casting SS on Venomancer due to a bug.
On February 19 2012 00:54 Graviton wrote: Anyone watching Na'Vi vs Mski in TPL right now? In the second game they've picked forgespirirt Invoker solo mid, support defensive jungle Juggernaut assisting a QoP Lesh lane on bot. The QoP is going a SS build, and is incapable of casting SS on Venomancer due to a bug.
Watched it too. Na'Vi is out of this world... I find it hard not to be a huge Na'Vi fanboy. Na'Vi alone probably have a wider spectrum of strategies than all of the other teams combined. And I'm not even kidding here.
On February 18 2012 20:18 Corr wrote: drow ranger 101:
solo mid go lvl 1 frost, lvl 1 silence, 1-3 levels worth of stats until you're comfortable, max aura, max arrows
treads -> hotd -> yasha -> manta or bkb
lothars is good for placing your silence correctly at the right time but is rarely relevant as pubs aren't good at positioning/hiding from your silence range.
skip wand, skip bands, the fast hotd will let you jungle really soon and if you aren't being stomped in lanes you should have a combined 120-160 cs at 20 mins and roll over all your opponents towers as you hit lvl 16 + bkb or manta while opponents are barely lvl 11.
a guy i heard on TL who claimed to be very pro at dota said lothars is stupid... idk man ;
on a serious note, i rather have riki or clinkz on my team than traxex.... traxex is just an auto lose if the enemy team has a slight clue on what they are doing...
Drown Ranger in mid gets outlaned by virtually every competent mid hero, aswell as leaving her open for tons of ganks, I am not sure Drow mid is the best choice, moreover she can not utilize runes or have any pushing power to secure those runes.
On February 18 2012 23:42 Kznn wrote: sorry bro, you can't go mid with drow in a serious game. she just dies to a simple stun gank :/
Not to mention that there's no point going mid if all you're going to do is ditch your teammates and farm. You put someone mid who can control runes, push, gank, or otherwise help carry the tempo of the game for your team because they have easy access to both sidelanes and runes. Putting someone there who's going to do nothing but farm for the first 20 minutes is an absolute waste. You're not even likely to get better farm than going to the short lane, since you can stack/pull creeps more easily there.
On February 18 2012 23:42 Kznn wrote: also, funny how even in high mmrs ppl still don't really now how to play -cm in dota 2 :/
I would assume that -cm and -ap have different MMRs? So it's too early for anyone to have gotten to high MMR in -cm yet?
But I'm honestly completely guessing.
On February 19 2012 02:33 NB wrote: on a serious note, i rather have riki or clinkz on my team than traxex.... traxex is just an auto lose if the enemy team has a slight clue on what they are doing...
That's not really the problem. It's not that she's super easy to counter or anything. She still becomes a monster lategame if you really put the effort into getting her farmed.
The problem is that she needs a lot of attention from your team as a whole to secure her development, and at the same time, requires very good positioning in teamfights to fully make use of her development. Basically with Drow, you either ignore her and accept that she's probably going to have trouble without help, or you put effort into protecting her farm and take the gamble that the player playing her might still be terrible anyway.
Clinkz and Riki post-6 are at least fairly self-reliant, so even if the players playing them aren't that good, they won't need you to babysit them for them to be useful.
On February 19 2012 04:18 TheWarbler wrote: Drow is like 4-0 in the defense. She is a better carry then Riki and Clinkz is the worst carry in the game.
probably talking about pubs here, ofc drow is one of the strongest lategame heros having the highest aggi at lvl 25 and all but it takes a team to support her or she's useless
Yeah..... Drow mid is.. not a good idea... don't do that please. Even if you don't get ganked, you probably won't have much rune control and zilch gank capability. You may "win" the lane by sitting there and farming, but if the counter-mid goes around and dominates your two other lanes - more often then not, that spells a loss.