add me darkrocket#1931
selling un-id stuff
lv61 ring 250k lv60 ring 200k lv63 glove 200k lv63 pants 200k lv63 helm
lv63 1h spear 400k lv63 1h bow 400k lv63 1h mace 400k
lv63 2h polearm x3 200k ea lv63 2h staff 200k ea lv63 2h mace 200k ea lv63 2h might weapon babarian 200k ea lv63 2h sword 200k ea
blcakthorn breeches [its un-id ] make ur offer
US softcore bracers for sale
1. Insolent Brawlers - 17.5m 200 armor +153 dex +72 int +53 vit +39 ResAll 4% crit reduces damage from melee attacks by 3%
2. Shackle Denial - 17.5m 200 armor +34 Str +164 int +33 arcane res +58ResAll +12% MF 4.5% crit
3. Unyielding Chokes - 25m 200 armor +161 str +166 vit +66 dex +47 fire res +59 ResAll
4. Gleaming Restraints - 30m 200 armor +125 int +35 vit +34 phys res +70 ResAll +14% GF 4.5% crit
5. Brawl Treasure - 17.5m 200 armor +40 cold res +39 ResAll +20%GF +18%MF +7 yards gold pickup 4% crit
1. 17.5m 2. 17.5m 3. 25m 4. 30m 5. 17.5m
Please add YoungHeezy#6228 and put item name in friend request to buy.
i'm WTT
2 bows for 1.
the stats on teh bows are 1129 dps 299 dex 116 vit (xbow) no socket
1010 dps 2h bow 49 dex 69 vit socket
for a 1000-1100ish dps xbow with a socket preferably with dexterity on it as well. i've estimated the trade to be about equal both of my bows are wroth 10-12 mill, and the price for a listd xbow is about double that.
i also have a 780 dps 1h for a monk with 930 LoH wiht 1.33 spirit regen on it. minimum bid 10 mill + serious offers only.
pst me through tliquid forums and i'll add you in game.
selling Seven Sins legendary shoulder,pm me your offers
234 str 158 dex 40 int 38 vit 45 arcane res health globe
Currently on US AH
840 dps 1h sword 1.4 percent chance to chill 64 percent crit damage socket (currently 80 percent crit damage)
Bid is only 7m atm... good luck only 12 hours left.
![[image loading]](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/396007_478706465491758_1342525310_n.jpg)
give me a pm here on TL
Selling exalted grand vambraces(6 prop gloves) recipe for 42 mil, the AH is 45 mil, I don't wanna pay tax.
US SC btw
Also selling these bows:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gFS74.jpg) 40 mil or best offer for the first one 15 mil or best offer for the second one
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/rWrlD.png)
Msg me in game if you see me online or PM me here.
I underpriced it a lot compared to what's on the AH b/c stuff doesn't seem to be selling there, so don't expect a better deal!
![[image loading]](http://i49.tinypic.com/14wq78i.jpg)
Eu Softcore -- No lowballers plz.
Have huge list of decent helms so feel free to PM me in game or here if you are seeking something. Now keep in mind most of them are not end game but a ton of decent ones with main stat / vit / crit or GF / MF versions I will sell at fair prices just want to make stash space. I have nearly 50 helms atm and more each day.
Here is one I am seeking serious offers on and I realize its not even close to perfect but still good helm.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YT15d.jpg)
PM here or iLLusive#1834
NA Softcore ring already on AH - 15m 133 int 23 AR 4.5 crit
NA Softcore
RADIANT STAR EMERALD - Design (100% damage crit weapon gem recipe)
7.5% off of AH price whenever you decide to purchase. We split the transaction fee at half of 15%.
PM me or Inflex#1170
NA Hardcore : Sun#1894
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1eka2.png)
PM me with an offer. EU SC.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Pt0QP.jpg)
EU softcore
Hey, maybe selling these legs.
RMAH or Gold. add me ingame fazinate#1290
and pls no lowballing, i am aware how good this item is :=)