*God turned into a rage forsaken rant read at own digression probably poorly constructed but overall tiring to prove a point which i will summarize here*
The 2 processes you listed is a great way not to prove your point. The Q9650 is about = (In tech specs) to the Q9550 which is 100 Dollars less and still outperforms the 940 on avg by a significant amount
along with that the Intel cpu that = that pricing the AMD one, the Q8400 performs on bar with the 940 in most tasks. Proving that more money on a build doesn't = performance. One should look at benchmarks not just on specs to say one cpu is = to another.
Along with that I pointed out for less the E8500 would out preform the 940 in most games and be cheaper you could also over clock that E8500 and still pay less on electricity then if you used the 940 and get even a larger lead in performance.
In shorter short look at benchmarks for price performance index not on what you think performance is esp not follow the advice of some teenager on a forum without checking it with sources that people trust like big magazine company's or forum moderators and members that will list the rig and settings all of them they used to preform their benchmark as a rule of a skeptic is to not trust anyone without checking.
Lol god dam that's funny you really think the 3ghz AMD is nearly at all = to power of the 3ghz of the intel one you are listing...
That's just shit face funny! Really you stop rating Ghz after 2.4 because really it's just bull cock up your face after that point. Guess What Ghz speed doesn't really = 1:1 raito in power that 3Ghz raiting just saying each core in that cpu runs at that speed. Does that = performance well does a 3.0ghz Intel Core 2 Duo = a 3.0 Ghz Intel Core Celeron? Fuck no! Really your comment is stupid just plain absurd way to judge a cpu, want a cpu look at benchmarks...
You also just so happen to choose the one that cost a fuck sakes more for no real reason other then there is little demand for a product that performs just about the same and shares nearly exact specs as this one
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115041And guess what look it up in gaming those processors both the intel ones are rightfully better performers all around by a decent amount.
http://www.anandtech.com/bench/default.aspx?b=2I could list 5 more sites if you want! And guess what Anandtech is constantly accused of being ATI bias and slightly AMD bias by the way they do their articles. Even look at the comparable Q8400 quad core which cost exactly the same as your 940 in gaming it's comparable to the 940. Guess what most times
Throwing cash at a computer build does not maker is linearly better it makes it in a degrading output in other words the higher you go up in throwing your cash at a computer build the less and less you tend to get out of it. The sweet spot? Is around 150+ - 100 or so dollars for cpu's gpu's mobo's etc
940 for that price you want a gaming computer get a E8400/8500 they fucking beat the 940 by a large margin as most games are best for 2 core cpu's And guess what it saves you money on your electric bill!
There are best price for performance for program x thread scatter the shit all over different computer forums. I suggest you go read them...
A Q9650 is no fucking = to a 940 not by a long shot only in games it is barely = Q9650 is an over all better cpu guess what most people use powerful cpu's for it's not for gaming. Most value to super posed onto cpu's in Application 75% and Gaming 25% as guess what most people don't need to "game" And if you wanted to game why would you get a Q9650 when a Q9550 for 100$ less performs just about the fucking same down to the exact frame rate as a Q9650 because they share specs and both use a Large Cache which is beneficial to gaming cpu's which don't have memory controllers installed into them.
Want to know why you don't count overclocking in a result in performance because it cost you fucking money, a ton of money when you overclock a cpu significantly and increase the voltage doing so. Want to know a secret every freaking computer in my house hold is under volted just to be stable because the watt difference under load (guess what most games put the cpu under) is huge... It's great when you pass the cost onto your parents but sucks when you have to pay the bills. So what do I do? If i need the performance i already know what my cpu can reach i punch that into bios a few tedious processes later i have my desired performance and i leave my computer like that for the duration i need it to be. Want to think you won? Guess what AMD uses more electricity by a shit load to begin with. Which little pre pubescent boys don't tell themselves at night after reading the watt per hour article at website x.
Next thing you'll say is the 955 is = to a I7 920 which out side of gaming is not at all near a 920 nothing in the fucking AMD line up can do non gaming performance quite like the i7 line up can. And guess what the Cheaper and very very very similar performance, so much so that intel pulled the i7 as they figured no moron would pay more money for a similar preforming product and it would be bad business for them to shoot themselves in the foot making something no one will buy, i5 line up will be out soon too.
Also I have an intel processor does not make you non bias you could have the shittiest intel cpu ever made in the history of intel and you got ripped off for the 12 dollar cpu. Do you have AMD cpu's do you own more then one intel and AMD cpu's in varying dates of production and targeted audience. Are you a fucking reviewer? What the fuck gives you the right to say I own 1 intel cpu thus everything i say is fucking true! I own 2 desktop AMD cpu's i use a 6400+ and a 940, along with that i current have a E8400 and a i7 920 each bought at different times for different reasons. Does that make me an expert? Fuck by that logic you used I 4 times the expert you are not counting the 2 laptop cpu's *although one is by via lol* Fuck no i would not say i reviewed the cpu's and can now bring advice to the masses instead my decisions come from the fucking articles made by company's who write articles about computer all fucking day.
In short you pissed me off because your statement to me is absurd and thus angers me because I'm an elitist and hate blatant ignorance accompanied by bravado. Also don't knock the non grammar/spell checked rant on such things cuz it just makes you look like an asshole that can't make a decent comeback so undermines people by commenting on superficial things instead of core parts of a given argument.