seeing as though he's one of the ones quick to jump all over the insults like "fag, fucking dick-licker" etc.. Doesn't surprise me that he's caught again..
Was funny when he got on me cause I was defending allegations that I hacked, when he was alrdy known hacker and found again..
It's useless, pointless and pathetic to hack at a video game..
apparently some ppl won't get over the ability to win by hacking, or calling hack on someone just because they lost.
pathetically waste of time
but, it will only happen more and more unless theres more of a harsher of a consequence to it. Like getting banned from WGT, all forums that matter i.e. WGT,, etc..
and of course he'll alrdy have ppl turning away from him, not willing to play because he's known hacker.. so gj there ;O
wtf u think Artosis was doing?!
He made accusation because he thought he hacked, he didnt have any proof either.
I just said how pathetic it is to hack at a fucking game. He did it once, so it wouldn't shock me that he gets caught any other time, but I bet re-hackers are a lot more careful so they're harder to catch.