On January 15 2019 13:34 Sermokala wrote: The hall has played guest to kings queens and dictators forced to pay tribute at the feet of the republic. He had cold fast food stacked up on silver platters next to solid gold candle holders so don't give me that "common person meal" shit for a second.
It's ignorant to players that have to eat food approved by nutritionists, its disrespectful to the nation and a slight on our imperial prestige built up by generations.
It's basically a perfect example of trumps presidency. The idea is to have regular person food but instead of having food that they grew up on and enjoyed their whole lives he has stacks of what's popular at a half dozen fast food stores brought in to get cold. All in service for a photo op that anyone with a sense of dignity or an ounce of respect for their heritage would find shameful.
He has reached a new low. This wasn't even a spontaneous decision for him. All his event people and chefs are furloughed because of the shutdown. This was the best he could come up with.
Man, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong. Giving a bunch of soon to be millonaries college kids some hamburgers is not "disrespectful to the nation", it's just offensive to certain people he wants to irritate (like you) and worked PERFECTLY. Normal human beings would even call it having a sense of humor.
I pretty sure a bunch of fit college football players “eat cold McDonald’s” all the time. You have to remember, the government is shutdown, the WH chef probably bounced, resorting to McDonald’s lol... that shitty ass food.
On January 15 2019 13:34 Sermokala wrote: The hall has played guest to kings queens and dictators forced to pay tribute at the feet of the republic. He had cold fast food stacked up on silver platters next to solid gold candle holders so don't give me that "common person meal" shit for a second.
It's ignorant to players that have to eat food approved by nutritionists, its disrespectful to the nation and a slight on our imperial prestige built up by generations.
It's basically a perfect example of trumps presidency. The idea is to have regular person food but instead of having food that they grew up on and enjoyed their whole lives he has stacks of what's popular at a half dozen fast food stores brought in to get cold. All in service for a photo op that anyone with a sense of dignity or an ounce of respect for their heritage would find shameful.
He has reached a new low. This wasn't even a spontaneous decision for him. All his event people and chefs are furloughed because of the shutdown. This was the best he could come up with.
Man, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong. Giving a bunch of soon to be millonaries college kids some hamburgers is not "disrespectful to the nation", it's just offensive to certain people he wants to irritate (like you) and worked PERFECTLY. Normal human beings would even call it having a sense of humor.
You could think of it that way, but it kinda seems childish. Some people dream of being invited to the WH because of the prestige, and believe it or not getting treated like a VIP for a day is a part of that. Ordering McDonalds in isn't an attempt to piss off the liberals - and if you genuinely think it is then both you and Trump need to seriously assess what your priorities in life are. No, its not some deliberate ploy to annoy liberals, its a half arsed measure that shows a lack of empathy for other people.
On January 15 2019 13:34 Sermokala wrote: The hall has played guest to kings queens and dictators forced to pay tribute at the feet of the republic. He had cold fast food stacked up on silver platters next to solid gold candle holders so don't give me that "common person meal" shit for a second.
It's ignorant to players that have to eat food approved by nutritionists, its disrespectful to the nation and a slight on our imperial prestige built up by generations.
It's basically a perfect example of trumps presidency. The idea is to have regular person food but instead of having food that they grew up on and enjoyed their whole lives he has stacks of what's popular at a half dozen fast food stores brought in to get cold. All in service for a photo op that anyone with a sense of dignity or an ounce of respect for their heritage would find shameful.
He has reached a new low. This wasn't even a spontaneous decision for him. All his event people and chefs are furloughed because of the shutdown. This was the best he could come up with.
Man, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong. Giving a bunch of soon to be millonaries college kids some hamburgers is not "disrespectful to the nation", it's just offensive to certain people he wants to irritate (like you) and worked PERFECTLY. Normal human beings would even call it having a sense of humor.
You invite guests to your house that earned this honour. You don't serve them cheap, shitty, most likely cold, fast food. Its a question of basic decency.
I presume moral arguments of basic decency would switch the other way had Trump served a lavish dinner.
How dare he spend lavishly on sports gatherings when so many federal workers are currently working without pay or furloughed? He should have cut down to the basics in order to properly reflect the democratic tradition of citizen leaders instead of kings!
Honestly, he doesn’t “win” either way and it’s a nonissue for me.
He doesn't win because he shut down the government. You don't get a prize for that. Responding with "LUL Trump Derangement Syndrome" is more a reflection on the person saying it.
On January 16 2019 01:21 Danglars wrote: I presume moral arguments of basic decency would switch the other way had Trump served a lavish dinner.
How dare he spend lavishly on sports gatherings when so many federal workers are currently working without pay or furloughed? He should have cut down to the basics in order to properly reflect the democratic tradition of citizen leaders instead of kings!
Honestly, he doesn’t “win” either way and it’s a nonissue for me.
Even if the White House kitchens are closed, you can do the following for only a marginal increase(if any at all).
Get your staffers/aides to suggest restaurants in the area. Order $X00 of takeout from the top X suggestions(I don't know how many people went).
You could easily host people with warm, good food(not McD's which just does not keep the 20-30 minutes it would've taken) just with takeout, and the cost is still going to be minimal. $20-30 a person would easily be enough.
It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that you should host anybody with McD's at a suit and tie event.
On January 16 2019 01:21 Danglars wrote: I presume moral arguments of basic decency would switch the other way had Trump served a lavish dinner.
How dare he spend lavishly on sports gatherings when so many federal workers are currently working without pay or furloughed? He should have cut down to the basics in order to properly reflect the democratic tradition of citizen leaders instead of kings!
Honestly, he doesn’t “win” either way and it’s a nonissue for me.
You're right to a degree, but its certainly a matter of degree. I didn't ask him to serve them caviar and fois gras or whatever but McDonalds? It just looks bad. Its not important though in the grand scheme of things.
I was more responding to the suggestion that he did this to troll people. He obviously didn't, he just used his judgement and the result was something stupid. Of course it might have been someone else's idea, but don't tell me this doesn't have Trump written all over it.
On January 16 2019 01:21 Danglars wrote: I presume moral arguments of basic decency would switch the other way had Trump served a lavish dinner.
How dare he spend lavishly on sports gatherings when so many federal workers are currently working without pay or furloughed? He should have cut down to the basics in order to properly reflect the democratic tradition of citizen leaders instead of kings!
Honestly, he doesn’t “win” either way and it’s a nonissue for me.
Even if the White House kitchens are closed, you can do the following for only a marginal increase(if any at all).
Get your staffers/aides to suggest restaurants in the area. Order $X00 of takeout from the top X suggestions(I don't know how many people went).
You could easily host people with warm, good food(not McD's which just does not keep the 20-30 minutes it would've taken) just with takeout, and the cost is still going to be minimal. $20-30 a person would easily be enough.
It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that you should host anybody with McD's at a suit and tie event.
Trump dinners are business as usual affairs, while furloughed workers cut budgets desperately trying to make ends meet during the shutdown.
Mediocre takeout quite a step down for suit and tie events, as Trump struggles to balance shutdown optics with formal nature of event.
Also, your bias is showing if you take “he’s not going to win either way and it’s a nonissue with me” to mean I’m suggesting “he should host anybody with McD’s at a suit and tie event.” You should at least keep your personal standards of argument higher than McD’s even if you disagree with someone on the internet.
On January 16 2019 01:21 Danglars wrote: I presume moral arguments of basic decency would switch the other way had Trump served a lavish dinner.
How dare he spend lavishly on sports gatherings when so many federal workers are currently working without pay or furloughed? He should have cut down to the basics in order to properly reflect the democratic tradition of citizen leaders instead of kings!
Honestly, he doesn’t “win” either way and it’s a nonissue for me.
You're right to a degree, but its certainly a matter of degree. I didn't ask him to serve them caviar and fois gras or whatever but McDonalds? It just looks bad. Its not important though in the grand scheme of things.
I was more responding to the suggestion that he did this to troll people. He obviously didn't, he just used his judgement and the result was something stupid. Of course it might have been someone else's idea, but don't tell me this doesn't have Trump written all over it.
Yes. With apologies to your original thrust of response, I took a related point on the food possibilities and optics without touching OP’s point of trolling. I’m glad we found some ground of agreement on importance in the grand scheme of things.
On January 16 2019 03:44 GreenHorizons wrote: It would have been less embarrassing if he had tossed bags of McDonalds at them like he did paper towels at survivors in Puerto Rico.
If I was going to complain about lavish dinners at the white house it wouldn't be because Federal workers (avg ~$75k/yr) are out a paycheck.
Me neither, nor should anyone. It's the White House, the seat of power of your nation. A visit to it shouldn't be the same as going down the street to Maccie D's. Special occasions should be special, and spending a little bit of money to have a proper dinner for guests there isn't an expense any sane person should be bothered by regardless of political affiliation.
Conversely, a shit tier dinner like this one should bother both parties equally.
The entire strategy from the right about AOC's tax rate proposal has been to lie about what it means and hope their audience is too dumb to know it, and nobody even blinks at this...
On January 16 2019 04:18 Nebuchad wrote: The entire strategy from the right about AOC's tax rate proposal has been to lie about what it means and hope their audience is too dumb to know it, and nobody even blinks at this...
my personal anecdotal impression is that many people straight up don’t know we use a progressive tax system. and not only that, those that do generally would have a hard time articulating what it means.
my own GF the other day realized she moved up a tax bracket and had been concerned that maybe what was a very modest raise would actually cost her money.
she is very, very much not alone in that line of thought.
Ocasio-Cortez is up against a very fake-sounding Democratic establishment. It’s mostly a fresh approach to communicating faithfully your policy priorities to the voters who elected you and the broader national progressive movement rank and file.
You see Warren trying to copy the authenticity and failing hard.
I’m not a big believer in the merits of the policy, but I do like politics with clear differences as opposed to more muddled ones. In 2016, my preference would have been a Bernie-Trump fight compared to Clinton-Trump for reasons of a more articulately expressed and believable fight over what’s the right direction for America. (This is not to say AOC is perfect somehow, she’s still been stale on a couple aspects ... but who’s expecting perfection from political leaders anyways)
It wasn't even popular fast food from where they would be eating fast food. It was the generic first choices that came to his head. They have better fast food in the southeast of America.
If he wanted to piss off liberals he would have gotten chic fil a so thats out the window.
These are athletes that have nutritionists feed them scientifically considered menus most of the time. Most of these players won't ever get money (legaly) for playing football so this is supposed to be the highlight of their career.
On January 16 2019 04:18 Nebuchad wrote: The entire strategy from the right about AOC's tax rate proposal has been to lie about what it means and hope their audience is too dumb to know it, and nobody even blinks at this...
my personal anecdotal impression is that many people straight up don’t know we use a progressive tax system. and not only that, those that do generally would have a hard time articulating what it means.
my own GF the other day realized she moved up a tax bracket and had been concerned that maybe what was a very modest raise would actually cost her money.
she is very, very much not alone in that line of thought.
I don't buy it. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people don't know stuff but I've seen the same misconception like 6 times from people whose job is politics, and there is a clear advantage for these people in having their audience believe that the misconception is reality. It's way too convenient. When it comes to rightwing politicians in situations that they benefit from, I will always assume malice over stupidity.