On August 29 2016 20:52 Cyro wrote:Show nested quote +I fucked up and didn't pre order (and spent my last money on unimportant stuff like food), so I won't be able to play until tomorrow afternoon when the mail arrives. FML. Digital + playing through midnight >>>>>>>>>> physical box Yeah, but I can't do that without money, can I.
I had to buy from the internet shop that allows you to pay afterwards so I'm forced to wait.
Damn, time flies for waiting for the new expansion when your not interested in playing due to still be burned out.
I'll probably come back at some point somewhere in the middle of Legion maybe. The plus side of not playing for awhile is that when I come back theres going to be a whole lot of sweet sweet content to go through. Also, not having to compete with hundreds of people for quest mobs/items is nice too.
4713 Posts
On August 29 2016 01:05 AFKPuezo wrote: I'm just getting back into the game after qutting right before HFC came out. I haven't really followed much about Legion (except the big selling points and back-of-the-box type stuff). I wanted to main a tank death knight for this expansion, but I just learned about the all of the rune (and other) changes and I'm really disappointed. Interesting resource management was the whole reason I found DKs fun in the first place. Has anyone played a lot with the new death knight? Is it any fun or is it as boring as I imagine it to be? I don't care so much about balance or sims (I'm sure that will all be reshuffled during the expansion), but I don't see blizzard going back on such a big design choice. Thanks
Hi there, I also mained a DK for a very long time, all of WoTLK some of Cata and some of WoD, I was extremely disapointed with the changes and made a post on page 82, here is a quote of it.
+ Show Spoiler +On August 25 2016 00:02 Destructicon wrote: Personally I've been appalled by what they did to the Death Knight class, they totally butchered the identity and class specific mechanics.
First they cut the whole spreading diseases theme to deal extra damage in Cataclysm by removing diseases as a perquisite to do damage on abilities. They also streamlined the rune system slightly.
Now in Legion they just removed 1 disease from all specs, made diseases just generic dots that you want to keep up for DPS purposes and removed the different rune types.
Almost all interaction between abilities is gone and the rotations are now dull, streamlined and simplified, I hate it.
The DK mechanically now feels like a reverse rogue, a plate wearer that uses combo points to gain energy to do more attacks, it just sucks and there is nearly no skill or satisfaction left in it.
Also I fucking hate how they made Frost the DW tree, I fucking hate DW DKs, why the hell couldn't they have left DK as the sole 2h DPS class? We already have tons of DW melee specs.
I'd rate the DK revamps as a solid -10/10
We haven't made any progress, we've gone backwards.
Note though, I judged my opinion at the time mostly on DPS, which feels awful after the revamp.
Tanking as a DK still feels somewhat challenging and rewarding, the reason being that you still have to manage your resources in a interesting way.
First, you have to chose between Marrowrend and Heart Strike, Marrowrend gives you survivability but Heart Strike gives you more runic power. You now want Runic Power because your RP dump is Death Strike. This still keeps some of the old dynamic we had where we have to manage our survivability by keeping Bone shield stacks at 5+ while still producing enough RP to use DS.
In addition since they reworked Death Strike to be like its Cataclysm variation it is now a lot more rewarding if you use it right after a big nuke, which adds another element of skill where you need to anticipate when a large amount of damage will hit and react to it by pooling RP.
You also have Death and Decay that now accelerates your runic power generation and is another thing you need to weave into your rotation.
Overall I think tanking as a Death Knight can still be fun and rewarding in stark contrast to the DPS specs.
Since Legion seems to have #classfantasy the same way WoD had #savage, Blood Plague feels fine since it leeches health. Frost Fever and Virulent Plague do not.
For Unholy, it would be much more awesome if popping a Festering Wound would have a chance to trigger the aoe burst of VP instead of it being a flat 30% chance.
For Frost, Frost Fever should have worked like Empty Drinking Horn/Necrotic Plague. It gets applied by Howling Blast, lasts a fixed amount of time and gains stacks with each melee attack on the target. Suddenly dual wield makes more sense, makes it so each ability applies 2 stacks and gives it more flavor.
On August 29 2016 23:56 Destructicon wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2016 01:05 AFKPuezo wrote: I'm just getting back into the game after qutting right before HFC came out. I haven't really followed much about Legion (except the big selling points and back-of-the-box type stuff). I wanted to main a tank death knight for this expansion, but I just learned about the all of the rune (and other) changes and I'm really disappointed. Interesting resource management was the whole reason I found DKs fun in the first place. Has anyone played a lot with the new death knight? Is it any fun or is it as boring as I imagine it to be? I don't care so much about balance or sims (I'm sure that will all be reshuffled during the expansion), but I don't see blizzard going back on such a big design choice. Thanks Hi there, I also mained a DK for a very long time, all of WoTLK some of Cata and some of WoD, I was extremely disapointed with the changes and made a post on page 82, here is a quote of it. + Show Spoiler +On August 25 2016 00:02 Destructicon wrote: Personally I've been appalled by what they did to the Death Knight class, they totally butchered the identity and class specific mechanics.
First they cut the whole spreading diseases theme to deal extra damage in Cataclysm by removing diseases as a perquisite to do damage on abilities. They also streamlined the rune system slightly.
Now in Legion they just removed 1 disease from all specs, made diseases just generic dots that you want to keep up for DPS purposes and removed the different rune types.
Almost all interaction between abilities is gone and the rotations are now dull, streamlined and simplified, I hate it.
The DK mechanically now feels like a reverse rogue, a plate wearer that uses combo points to gain energy to do more attacks, it just sucks and there is nearly no skill or satisfaction left in it.
Also I fucking hate how they made Frost the DW tree, I fucking hate DW DKs, why the hell couldn't they have left DK as the sole 2h DPS class? We already have tons of DW melee specs.
I'd rate the DK revamps as a solid -10/10
We haven't made any progress, we've gone backwards. Note though, I judged my opinion at the time mostly on DPS, which feels awful after the revamp. Tanking as a DK still feels somewhat challenging and rewarding, the reason being that you still have to manage your resources in a interesting way. First, you have to chose between Marrowrend and Heart Strike, Marrowrend gives you survivability but Heart Strike gives you more runic power. You now want Runic Power because your RP dump is Death Strike. This still keeps some of the old dynamic we had where we have to manage our survivability by keeping Bone shield stacks at 5+ while still producing enough RP to use DS. In addition since they reworked Death Strike to be like its Cataclysm variation it is now a lot more rewarding if you use it right after a big nuke, which adds another element of skill where you need to anticipate when a large amount of damage will hit and react to it by pooling RP. You also have Death and Decay that now accelerates your runic power generation and is another thing you need to weave into your rotation. Overall I think tanking as a Death Knight can still be fun and rewarding in stark contrast to the DPS specs.
Thanks for the advice. The balance of tanking stuff sounds fun...but it would have been even better with the old system! Ugh, I just can't get over it.
I went ahead and made a demon hunter (for that easy level 100), and the mobility is fine, but the rotation is mind-numbingly simple. Literally two buttons, with a few thoughtless cooldowns thrown in. Maybe I'll tool around with a death knight and think about using my level boost on it for tomorrow.
On August 30 2016 01:35 AFKPuezo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2016 23:56 Destructicon wrote:On August 29 2016 01:05 AFKPuezo wrote: I'm just getting back into the game after qutting right before HFC came out. I haven't really followed much about Legion (except the big selling points and back-of-the-box type stuff). I wanted to main a tank death knight for this expansion, but I just learned about the all of the rune (and other) changes and I'm really disappointed. Interesting resource management was the whole reason I found DKs fun in the first place. Has anyone played a lot with the new death knight? Is it any fun or is it as boring as I imagine it to be? I don't care so much about balance or sims (I'm sure that will all be reshuffled during the expansion), but I don't see blizzard going back on such a big design choice. Thanks Hi there, I also mained a DK for a very long time, all of WoTLK some of Cata and some of WoD, I was extremely disapointed with the changes and made a post on page 82, here is a quote of it. + Show Spoiler +On August 25 2016 00:02 Destructicon wrote: Personally I've been appalled by what they did to the Death Knight class, they totally butchered the identity and class specific mechanics.
First they cut the whole spreading diseases theme to deal extra damage in Cataclysm by removing diseases as a perquisite to do damage on abilities. They also streamlined the rune system slightly.
Now in Legion they just removed 1 disease from all specs, made diseases just generic dots that you want to keep up for DPS purposes and removed the different rune types.
Almost all interaction between abilities is gone and the rotations are now dull, streamlined and simplified, I hate it.
The DK mechanically now feels like a reverse rogue, a plate wearer that uses combo points to gain energy to do more attacks, it just sucks and there is nearly no skill or satisfaction left in it.
Also I fucking hate how they made Frost the DW tree, I fucking hate DW DKs, why the hell couldn't they have left DK as the sole 2h DPS class? We already have tons of DW melee specs.
I'd rate the DK revamps as a solid -10/10
We haven't made any progress, we've gone backwards. Note though, I judged my opinion at the time mostly on DPS, which feels awful after the revamp. Tanking as a DK still feels somewhat challenging and rewarding, the reason being that you still have to manage your resources in a interesting way. First, you have to chose between Marrowrend and Heart Strike, Marrowrend gives you survivability but Heart Strike gives you more runic power. You now want Runic Power because your RP dump is Death Strike. This still keeps some of the old dynamic we had where we have to manage our survivability by keeping Bone shield stacks at 5+ while still producing enough RP to use DS. In addition since they reworked Death Strike to be like its Cataclysm variation it is now a lot more rewarding if you use it right after a big nuke, which adds another element of skill where you need to anticipate when a large amount of damage will hit and react to it by pooling RP. You also have Death and Decay that now accelerates your runic power generation and is another thing you need to weave into your rotation. Overall I think tanking as a Death Knight can still be fun and rewarding in stark contrast to the DPS specs. Thanks for the advice. The balance of tanking stuff sounds fun...but it would have been even better with the old system! Ugh, I just can't get over it. I went ahead and made a demon hunter (for that easy level 100), and the mobility is fine, but the rotation is mind-numbingly simple. Literally two buttons, with a few thoughtless cooldowns thrown in. Maybe I'll tool around with a death knight and think about using my level boost on it for tomorrow. Yeah the DH moveset at 100 is shockingly simple. I like all the mobility spells like you said but the actual damage / rotation is, literally, 1-2 buttons. Anyone that played some beta chime in about what the class will look like at 110? I remember when the big Legion patch hit everyone said "rotations now are very close to what they'll be at 110", but DHs also will gain more talents than any other class since they essentially start at 100.
DH's actual rotation isn't super hard, but since your movement abilities are DPS gains (Fel Rush and Vengeful Retreat), DPSing well is about keeping uptime on bosses without running yourself into fire.
Glancing at the talents, there are a bunch of actives in there...but even if every one of them is the strongest in it's tier, that would still be pretty basic. I just don't see why there couldn't have been, you know...two moves for building fury and two for using it?
My Pally has been my main forever but jeez Ret just feels so not great atm. Hoping that Ashbringer talents help it out.
I'm loving how the feral dps rotation is looking
I definitely think they took the pruning too far this time.
While pruning is needed every X amount of time, they already pruned for WoD and pruned again 1 expansion later. This leaves several classes with extremely simple rotations (e.g. DK's, Warlocks), and also leaves some classes just feeling awful (Warlock Affliction, Demonology especially). I also just don't like the feel of how anything plays; you have 1 or 2 filler buttons that hit like wet noodles, waiting for crits/luck/some ability to activate to do most of your damage. This is how most of the specs for the classes I've played so far feel (DK, Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Druid, Monk). It's just not very enjoyable. It makes it feel like we do so little and wait for luck to throw out some extra damage for us.
Affliction felt really weird until I got used to it, now it just feels like old Affliction with old Destro shard dumping. Having all of your primary dots be instant makes it feel a lot better than it used to when you had to keep UA up on everything and I missed Siphon Life. They really, REALLY need to revert the couple-of-expansions old change to Seed of Corruption and let it proc on death and/or other peoples' damage or just give Affliction a new, better way to AoE.
Destruction, however, is just incredibly boring. Managing Havoc and Roaring Blaze are the only 2 things that are any kind of important and the rest is just mindless. Chaos Bolt also feels super insubstantial even when you do cast it, almost to the point where you'd rather just spam incinerate until you realize incinerate feels even worse given how little it does. Incinerate doesn't even build resources anymore, it's literally just something to fill the GCDs. It's awful.
Demo I only tried a little bit, but it felt just like a worse version of Affliction where your pets are basically just DoTs that you have to remember to Empower on top of a simple rotation.
The thing that I dislike about Afflic is Soul Effigy. It's a neat mechanic and all, but it's just another little thing to keep track of and more macros to have. And yeah you can take the other options (both of which seem fine), but Effigy is by and far the best boss DPS option, I just find it a headache.
Demonology was the reason I boosted the Lock (awesome skull artifact + unique summoner style gameplay), but it just feels kinda... bleh. Demons don't feel fulfilling to summon and the "rotation" is just kinda clunky. If I want to summon lots of things at this point, Beast Mastery feels much better.
Oh wow, Euros get it before us? I thought it was the other way around or is that just with patches?
I dont think ill be able to not spoil myself with the cinematics @_@
On August 30 2016 03:57 Requizen wrote: The thing that I dislike about Afflic is Soul Effigy. It's a neat mechanic and all, but it's just another little thing to keep track of and more macros to have. And yeah you can take the other options (both of which seem fine), but Effigy is by and far the best boss DPS option, I just find it a headache.
Demonology was the reason I boosted the Lock (awesome skull artifact + unique summoner style gameplay), but it just feels kinda... bleh. Demons don't feel fulfilling to summon and the "rotation" is just kinda clunky. If I want to summon lots of things at this point, Beast Mastery feels much better.
I like Soul Effigy just because I love multidotting fights and it turns single target fights into multidotting fights, but it utterly breaks on high movement fights, unfortunately. Soul Conduit is boring though, and Singularity is only worth it on AoE fights.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
2 hours, 20 mins before launch and my realm is up to 2500 (45 minute) queue ;D
On August 30 2016 04:41 Cyro wrote: 2 hours, 20 mins before launch and my realm is up to 2500 (45 minute) queue ;D
Yeah, some servers are fucked. lol
But i rather have 2 weeks of this than an empty server
United Kingdom20275 Posts
we're approaching 4k
here's to a smooth launch :D
I wonder what subscriptions have jumped to. I know a lot of people (myself included) who have jumped back into WoW since Legion pre-patch or are planning to come in for the expac.