[WoW] Battle for Azeroth - Page 85
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BfA Community Links: GP : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/KKMpKPSlgd?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/v9x5bAF3jD?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/ALwgJnC5Wo?region=EU&faction=Alliance TLNAH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/vPrmjJxiVnJ?region=US&faction=Horde TLNAA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/YeZj7P0SXLn?region=US&faction=Alliance Bnet: Bnet - https://blizzard.com/invite/amvLM0EubJv On November 03 2016 06:57 GTR wrote: I've created a Google Form/Spreadsheet for people to help add eachother. Hopefully this will makes things easier for us to find people for Mythic+ runs and what not as opposed to sifting through 150+ pages of discussion. Form Spreadsheet If a moderator could add this as a moderator note at the top it'd be appreciated. | ||
8748 Posts
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Japan3260 Posts
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Sweden2360 Posts
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United States896 Posts
On August 27 2016 17:46 Duvon wrote: So whats the niche of each healing spec now? It's more or less the same as before. Disc was the only spec that was majorly changed. Pallys are still the go to for tanks. Druid is still the blanket style healer, and they probably have the best talent layout in regards to letting them choose what is best for a given fight. Shaman still have great utility all around and are amazing and dealing with burst. Windwalk totem (all specs) is basically the Stampeding roar. Their mana sustain is good, especially on high damage fights. You can somewhat put holy priest and MW in the same boat as just being more generic/all around but Holy edges them out. Guardian Spirit and Divine Hymn are just flat out better than the Monk options of Cocoon and Revival. Monk just doesn't offer anything unique that another class doesn't do better. Encounters aren't built around just having good throughput and numbers. | ||
Finland8662 Posts
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8748 Posts
But just being like "let's get a shaman for progression" is usually something said at a level where performance has a greater potential to improve results than raid comp. And then they don't recruit based on performance. They limit their recruitment to the class that is already in highest demand and take what they can get. At that point, you'd find better healers who just didn't happen to choose shaman for legion. This variety of performance can be seen every progression as you look at the first kill parses. Top guilds get the kills in unexpected ways, which is why they weren't in the pack with everyone else. Top 100 placement is then determined way more by performance since the well has already run dry on players who can consistently play well and a kill is more determined by the attempt where enough players performed well, not by strategy and raid comp. And that's where the fallacy about utility comes in, as if having a raid comp with the utility to make certain mechanics more forgiving actually results in better progression. | ||
United States896 Posts
On August 27 2016 23:08 NonY wrote: All of these evaluations are on content that's not that hard anyway. When new stuff comes out and whatever nerfs and buffs have gone through add up, there's no telling what will be optimal. Even with all the theory crafting, it is not uncommon for the really good guilds to break the mold themselves, going against conventional wisdom because they found a particular solution elsewhere. The point is, guilds are still better off recruiting players instead of classes and players are better off playing what they feel is best for themselves. If a guild doesn't have a shaman already somehow then as a leader I'd certainly want someone to make one and learn to play it. I'd want one of each healer available for sure so that my healers can figure out what's best. But just being like "let's get a shaman for progression" is usually something said at a level where performance has a greater potential to improve results than raid comp. And then they don't recruit based on performance. They limit their recruitment to the class that is already in highest demand and take what they can get. At that point, you'd find better healers who just didn't happen to choose shaman for legion. This variety of performance can be seen every progression as you look at the first kill parses. Top guilds get the kills in unexpected ways, which is why they weren't in the pack with everyone else. Top 100 placement is then determined way more by performance since the well has already run dry on players who can consistently play well and a kill is more determined by the attempt where enough players performed well, not by strategy and raid comp. And that's where the fallacy about utility comes in, as if having a raid comp with the utility to make certain mechanics more forgiving actually results in better progression. Meh, anything I've said isn't based on theorycrafting. We've done all the testing offered on beta. Numbers will be tweaked, class design/utility is almost never touched -- which is why what the class offers(utility) is the only thing to value the class by. Pretty much every top end guild requires at least 1 maintained alt (Mine requires two). All of our healing core will all have access to 2-3 different healing classes. 'Bringing the player' has been the case for many years now. Granted I see myself more or less dicking around with old friends and guildmates at this point, I've done bleeding edge progression since vanilla including raid leading and have top10 world kills under my belt. I think your opinion and outlook is objectively wrong, based on testing data and personal experience. If it makes you feel any better healers will have the most flexibility in terms of usefulness. DPS is cut and dry, and Mythic10+/Non Loot pinata Mythic raid bosses are made much easier by tank trait progression. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
Dont know which is better, one unlocks world quests and the other unlocks dungeons and high ilvl leveling gear and flight paths and is faster for leveling? | ||
United States896 Posts
On August 28 2016 22:52 LaNague wrote: do i do all the zones to friendly and then go to the next or do i just complete all zones one after the other? Dont know which is better, one unlocks world quests and the other unlocks dungeons and high ilvl leveling gear and flight paths and is faster for leveling? All zones have a 'main' quest line that once you complete a quest will pop to select a new zone in your order hall. You'll be friendly by the time you finish that. A decent 'rough' guide for all things leveling https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TiiI4huz4NXKfx7PGvvVTyP6xu8VaDNZ4-FEn69mOhc/pubhtml# if you haven't seen it already. Would recommend it to anyone that hasn't played the beta as most of it is accurate. I personally wouldn't start in Stormheim, while it is a scenario if servers aren't stable or crash at all you'll be forced to restart from the beginning (it happened to me on beta). The best tl;dr I can give you is getting to do your order hall/campaign quest asap(most are gated by missions so you'll want to set a timer or some kind of reminder to start the next), start your research work orders immediately(once you hit 110), When you get your world quests do only the chest/loot ones, Do your initial mythic clears then go back and focus on other world quests etc. (gear makes it faster and you're going to do it anyway) | ||
United States896 Posts
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183 Posts
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United Kingdom20275 Posts
I've seen a lot of love and a lot of hate for the new DK's but very little in between. It's certainty quite different but i'd have to play to get a good idea | ||
Germany24794 Posts
On August 29 2016 01:05 AFKPuezo wrote: I'm just getting back into the game after qutting right before HFC came out. I haven't really followed much about Legion (except the big selling points and back-of-the-box type stuff). I wanted to main a tank death knight for this expansion, but I just learned about the all of the rune (and other) changes and I'm really disappointed. Interesting resource management was the whole reason I found DKs fun in the first place. Has anyone played a lot with the new death knight? Is it any fun or is it as boring as I imagine it to be? I don't care so much about balance or sims (I'm sure that will all be reshuffled during the expansion), but I don't see blizzard going back on such a big design choice. Thanks Best thing to do is try things yourself before Legion starts. I played a few mythic 5man and LFR raids to decide what I will main. On August 28 2016 23:45 Agh wrote: A decent 'rough' guide for all things leveling https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TiiI4huz4NXKfx7PGvvVTyP6xu8VaDNZ4-FEn69mOhc/pubhtml# if you haven't seen it already. Would recommend it to anyone that hasn't played the beta as most of it is accurate. I personally wouldn't start in Stormheim, while it is a scenario if servers aren't stable or crash at all you'll be forced to restart from the beginning (it happened to me on beta). Thanks, that was indeed helpful even though I do not need to rush things. | ||
183 Posts
I guess if I was smarter I would have re-subbed sooner... | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
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42381 Posts
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Netherlands1446 Posts
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Netherlands194 Posts
On August 29 2016 05:54 Cyro wrote: IIRC you can use the level 100 boost to test a class without committing to boosting that class. Don't try that without triple checking first though! Don't think you can. Boosted my hunter yesterday and was given the option to select the spec, nothing more. | ||
Netherlands21352 Posts
On August 29 2016 20:39 buMf00d wrote: Don't think you can. Boosted my hunter yesterday and was given the option to select the spec, nothing more. Its not active yet but there will be trials that let you test out new classes before commit to a boast. Its been tested on the Beta but I haven't seen an ETA for when it will be released. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
I fucked up and didn't pre order (and spent my last money on unimportant stuff like food), so I won't be able to play until tomorrow afternoon when the mail arrives. FML. Digital + playing through midnight >>>>>>>>>> physical box | ||
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