725 to 740 won't double your damage but can make significant difference (i was simming 88k when i killed socrethar, it's approaching 110k now after gear and +10 ilvl upgrades; about 22% higher)
Even if it doesn't matter to you, it matters to a lot of people. General class balance and exploits is something that i'd say the majority of the game cares about, even. For the average player it has to be a much bigger deal than a top 1%er or top 10%er for them to really care, but they care if there's significant gaps.
Its just really funny when people fail to accept the game as it is and choose to complain instead of adapting
So who is doing that? Sounds like you are projecting issues with other people onto me. I'l happily speak loudly about any issues that i see but if you think that i'm not playing 15 hours a week focusing on being one of the best players in guild, optimizing strategies etc then you're wrong
I'm not sure if its quite double but we can kill archimonde in 6 minutes now whereas our first kill took us 11. Thats pretty close i'd say. We have ring upgrades now too. Not really projecting anything on to you but if you want blizzard to take action over something so petty you are clearly salty lmao. (maybe upset about not being able to beat ur mates idk)
What is petty? I consider exploits like that to be a pretty big deal; plenty of games out there would temp ban for blatant abuse of such things. I just expect it to be patched out ASAP like they did every other time something similar happened recently.
It doesn't take salt to want a reasonably balanced and exploit-free environment; i have been very outspoken against the legendary ring even though i'm playing what is likely the best spec out of 30+ in the game for it.
Mythic archi in 4:24 solo healed by a mist weaver:
I know this is a farm kill for them, but dps has come a huge way in that they avoid a decent amount of mechanics simply because their dps overpowers it so much.
I don't know what this exploit entails, but hopefully it gets patched out. I've seen mages at all ends of the spectrums, from some at 732 pulling 110k dps to others at 725 only pulling 65k dps. I dont know much about them but exploits should be taken care of to be prevented.
I don't know what this exploit entails, but hopefully it gets patched out. I've seen mages at all ends of the spectrums, from some at 732 pulling 110k dps to others at 725 only pulling 65k dps. I dont know much about them but exploits should be taken care of to be prevented.
I don't know what this exploit entails, but hopefully it gets patched out. I've seen mages at all ends of the spectrums, from some at 732 pulling 110k dps to others at 725 only pulling 65k dps. I dont know much about them but exploits should be taken care of to be prevented.
That particular guild has at least four arcane mages exploiting it as well.
Trick for like a on use trinket being up?
My guess is that they use the on use trinket right before pull then swap in another trinket so they keep the little 15-20 second on use buff, but then get the static trinket too right?
Seems like a simple fix for blizz to make, but in the long term I think it does little for fixing why you have classes bursting for that much regardless. Even without this third trinket I can't see that mage being under 600-700k burst =/. Still seems way high for first expansion after stat squish.
I agree, that's why i said balance patch too. Not only can they burst like that but it's extremely RNG because of the spec and trinkets - the same opener can give 650k or 300k DPS depending on luck and often does so. All around pretty shit for mages and everyone else at the same time.
On December 09 2015 01:55 Cyro wrote: I agree, that's why i said balance patch too. Not only can they burst like that but it's extremely RNG because of the spec and trinkets - the same opener can give 650k or 300k DPS depending on luck and often does so. All around pretty shit for mages and everyone else at the same time.
You want RNG, play Affliction lock. I even have the tier bonus that gives me a higher Nightfall proc chance, but more than half the time I can't keep Haunt up the entire fight.
Clarification: The Haunt Debuff, not the Soulburn: Haunt buff, that's 100% uptime.
Arcane's variance is way way higher on ST than any other spec including affliction. Just look at the error bars on simcraft (not that indicative, i know, but eh), it's absolutely insane.
On December 09 2015 02:55 TomatoBisque wrote: it's okay boys we have over a million HP as fresh 110s
600k burst is nothing
i miss pre-squish numbers
yeah watch some videos of people doing Black Rook Hold (where you're set to level 110)
Feel like health/damage numbers could have been 10% what they are now and things would have been okay and it would've delayed the next squish an extra expansion or two