I gotta say, I was bummed out a bit when I realised they changed Word of Glory for Ret Paladins.
I thought it was a kind of Holy Power based regrowth, medium cast time, small direct heal, stronger hot.
Apart from that, god do I love this expansion. I'm only 102, but the three areas I've visited are amazing. I like that mobs have low hp and high damage, relative to my health pool, and the artefact quest line for the Retardation Paladin was so fun.
By the way, will I fundamentally clip my wings if I level as Holy?
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored. At least with DPS I can always try to push myself further on the meters, but as a healer there's not much you can do beyond keeping people topped up.
Plus that and the 16 ranks I've put into my dps artifact
On September 09 2016 22:25 Jerubaal wrote: I'm getting a little depressed reading all the warlock forums. I haven't dinged yet, though, so I can't use my own experience to judge.
Are you enjoying it? No one can tell you how much fun you are or are not having.
I'm enjoying it so far and, truth be told, the emphasis on rotations is overblown. You're playing the fight, not the class. However, you can't deny that having a fair shake at good results isn't part of having fun. If you're putting in the effort for mediocre results, that's pretty disheartening.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored. At least with DPS I can always try to push myself further on the meters, but as a healer there's not much you can do beyond keeping people topped up.
Plus that and the 16 ranks I've put into my dps artifact
Try disc, not only do you've to know the fights so you can react in advance, 5man is just dpsing, althought the rotation is basically spamming one button, smite, or spamming SM in mythics. Still better than other healers.
Raids and progression is different but even then there's been only few healing specs that are enjoyable to me, disc is definitely one of those.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
13 points in MW artifact. Puggable stuff can be done with 0 artifact upgrades but is fine w/ 13.
13 ranks in an artifact is practically free, costs 6.5k for the entire 1-13 while the 20'th point costs 30k and the 25'th point cost 105k
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored.
Same here, I am literally fighting to stay awake. Was dozing off a few times but doesnt even matter, when I wake up everyone is still fine.
The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored.
You need to get some good DPS. We just cleared the entire maw of souls heroic in 11-12 minutes including pulling every trash mob from the entrance to the first boss simultaneously - healer is wide awake for the whole time
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored.
Same here, I am literally fighting to stay awake. Was dozing off a few times but doesnt even matter, when I wake up everyone is still fine.
Just run with a MM Hunter and tell him to go for max dps. See if you can heal 56% of the instance at the same time.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored. At least with DPS I can always try to push myself further on the meters, but as a healer there's not much you can do beyond keeping people topped up.
Plus that and the 16 ranks I've put into my dps artifact
Try disc, not only do you've to know the fights so you can react in advance, 5man is just dpsing, althought the rotation is basically spamming one button, smite, or spamming SM in mythics. Still better than other healers.
Raids and progression is different but even then there's been only few healing specs that are enjoyable to me, disc is definitely one of those.
Rotation for dps disc in dungeons especially is no less buttons than dps classes have really. Purge the Wicked up, Schism into Penance and then either Purge if there was more than 2 mobs or spam smite until you can use penance/schism again. Get 5 atonements up and schism -> light's wrath. Add in mindbender whenever it's up.
Also, it's a ton of fun and you actually do very meaningful singletarget dps in dungeons.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
healing is pretty fun if you can get used to monitoring health bars. it's way more dynamic than DPS rotations, even when the healing is minimal since then you're trying to maximize DPS while you heal.
I did a lot of healing in previous expansions/other MMOs so I know what it's like. The biggest drawback of healing is that I get bored out of my fucking mind when doing dungeons or other 5 man content. Like falling asleep at keyboard bored.
Same here, I am literally fighting to stay awake. Was dozing off a few times but doesnt even matter, when I wake up everyone is still fine.
Just run with a MM Hunter and tell him to go for max dps. See if you can heal 56% of the instance at the same time.
On September 10 2016 03:06 Firebolt145 wrote: I'm starting to waver on whether I should continue going WW or start looking at MW purely due to demand in PUGs. Hmm
Go heal. Heal is always needed.
I dunno. Disc is only fun in 5mans when youre overgeared. Try going disc heroic with 810 and you eat shit. Now that i have the equip i do like disc for the quick random hc each day to get a free satchel on top, but i still dont think i could handle mythic with my 840 ilvl.
I did mythics at like 813 as disc. Did hcs as well. We legged into hcs before anyone had gear to queue for them, then did the mythics after. Now that I'm 849 it's pretty lolz worthy, I did 311k dps on the black rook hold last boss that buffs you.
Had to use CC on pulls at the start on mythics, but now we're back to aoe/cleaving everything down.
Haste is very nice to get if you are undergeared but I did mythics at 830 with a pug just fine, even had the stand in aoe, just don't take Schism or Purify the Wicked talents. Take Grace and that Extra Penance tick talent until you have better gear.
At the start its just a lot of drinking and Shadow Mend spamming admittedly, gets much better with better gear, also if you haven't yet. Mouseover macro's are king for Discipline(or any healer really), really helps to keep attonements up without too much hassle, don't be afraid to use all your cooldowns during trash, even Pain Suppression(Bosses are generally easier then mass trash packs if ur tank is undergeared). Feel free to use Power Word Radiance to spread Attonement, you don't have to be mana efficient so you can drink all the time in between.
I've been seeing some familiar names here from the TL MoP guild Pony Express, so I thought I'd try to quote a post I made in the now closed WoD thread.
On February 03 2014 00:21 farvacola wrote: After around three weeks of concerted guild raiding, we downed Thok on normal :D Congrats to everyone who helped make it happen and get ready for wing 4 baby.
I fell behind in the thread this week due to vacation so I might have missed some good discussion and I apologize if it's already been beaten to death: I'm curious if anyone has any experience tanking on DHs yet and how it compares to any of the other classes? Mostly focused on 5man-style content and LFRs, nothing too serious, so I'm sure it's viable, but I'm interested to hear about how fun it is (or isn't) and how it does damage wise / is it an interesting tanking experience or not.
Trying to decide what alt to focus on next and DH seems appealing just for the novelty of it but it would really be nice if I could count on tanking as well, since I'd rather not end up with a bunch of dedicated DPS characters.