A bi-weekly streamed talk show featuring the Team Liquid Strategy Members talking (and occasionally ranting) about a wide variety of subjects. This will be fairly informal and will be treated as a discussion between the TL Strategy members. We will have occasional guests with us to discuss the various topics.
We will take questions near the end of the show. You can post questions you would like answered in the thread here, on the stream during the question period, or tweet them to us at TLStrategyChat.
First show: Saturday, Jun 27 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Subject of Discussion : Hard Counters as it relates to unit and game design
Stream: twitch.tv/johnsc2
Pilot Episode Featuring:
Matteo "Teoita" Lucchini - Wok master and lord of the rant. Supreme Commander of the TL Strategy forums.
Joel "Whitewing" Silverman - Game designer, strategy analyst, economist and teacher. Writer for TL Strategy and random player.
Christopher "SC2John" Meek - Strategy analyst and writer for TL Strategy. Former Zerg and Protoss player, now playing mostly League of Legends.