Sunday, Jun 07 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): First round Archon Cup Sunday, Jun 21 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): Second round Archon Cup Sunday, Jul 12 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): Third round Archon Cup
Rocket Beans TV is a german production company, which operated many years for MTV Germany. They got famous for their show “GameOne” which lasted for 307 episodes before it was discontinued in the beginning of 2015. Thereupon the Rocket Beans decided to host a 24/7 livestream on Twitch, to keep providing content for the german gaming cosmos.
During one of their shows, called “Straight to Gold”, they have an average of about 25.000 viewers, which shoots them up to the first place in the category Starcraft II on Twitch, every wednesday. The concept of this show is simple: The two hosts from Rocket Beans TV, Budi and Simon, get coached by the former semi-progamer and founder of Bonjwa Niklas “Honor” Behrens. Shortly after the first episodes of “Straight to Gold” got broadcasted, they cought the attention of many people even outside of germany.
After this successful first cooperation between Rocket Beans and Bonjwa, both parties want to increase the popularity of eSports not only in germany, but also international. The Archon Cup Series is the first attempt to do so. With the experience and feedback gained out of the first Cup, Rocket Beans and Bonjwa want to create more and even bigger events.
Excellent news . I'm very happy that rocketbeans is doing even more sc2, them getting involved is so good for the german scene! I think when Nerchio and Bly get a chance to play they will do well.