FOR SEVERAL decades the cure for cancer has been steadily researched. Progress has been slow. Despite scientific work in the field, in America over 500,000 die to cancer each year. Cancer is not the only problem scientists are tackling and many of us are shocked to learn that more than 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV infection. The truth is that for every ten thousand signatures you see on any petition, 1.713 people died from cancer* And sooner than you think.
The world's scientific community needs more than grant money. We need more scientific brains involved in the search for the cure, whether for cancer, AIDS, the malarial plagues of Africa, and the countless other maladies which afflict humanity.
The following video describes an important topic of little reknown in the current mainstream of science reporting and seeks to break it free from the Elite 1% of the population who have monopolized this information for their personal gain.
Psychical Feedback Mechanisms Lecture 101 video at Youtube.
Thanks for participating in today's Scientific Community Grassroots Report. Make sure to take note of today's topic source material:
Psychical Feedback Mechanisms 101
NASA's Official Information
Before leaving your upvote comment in the official thread at Reddit's /r/science Portal
New Discussion Format in /r/science
Thank you for supporting this grassroots campaign with your upvotes and discussion!
Organizing Party - TheEvolvingRevolver
Organizing Party - Richard Gamingo
Sponsor: Earthawaken Media LLC
*(171.3 Cancer Deaths Per 100,000 Americans, 171.3/100,000 = 1.713)