At this moment, I write with trembling fingers, shortness of breathe, and an elevated heart-rate, along with more sincerity than at any other point in my 32 years on this planet. Like many of the Starcraft community, I grew up as the smartest kid in my class-room, including just about every one of my teachers and professors. I attended a public school in Northern NJ until 6th grade, went on to a prestigious private high-school, and attended Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, all with minimal effort. I treated my formal education as a menial task, which only served to stand in the way of my real interests and passions. Having been raised by former hippies and professional educators, I was granted a freedom of imagination that not many are afforded, and never hesitated to challenge the information that was being fed to me if it didn't taste quite right. I have been described as skeptical to the point of cynicism by some of the nearest and dearest people in my life, however I always knew full well that my open-mindedness wasn't limited. I am constantly skeptical of myself and my own beliefs, and a lot like a pretty girl who is constantly reminded of her objective beauty, yet when she looks in the mirror she sees nothing but ugliness, I will always hate the fact that I am no genius.
I know this because much of my free time in high-school was spent pouring myself into the study of the universe and trying to make sense of the work of Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Sadly, the only discovery I made was that I was not destined to make another leap forward in human consciousness. I wanted desperately to change the world, and I suppose I gave up trying to bend space-time because no matter how long I stared at the piano, I never heard Beethoven. Instead, I shifted my efforts into how to bend the world directly around me. I pride myself on seeing the big picture, and with a moral compass that points more north than most, I had fantasies about joining the CIA. I was still naive, and as I am sure many of you know, simple research into de-classified documents will clearly show that our CIA doesn't always have humanity's best interest at heart. No one can tell me who I am, but for anyone who reads this, please understand that I am a Tessla and not an Edison.
The simple distinction is that I am without selfish ambition. With infinite opportunity, and no sense of direction, I decided to give up on all the complicated rules of this institutionalized world, and allowed myself to say, "fuck it, dude, let's go bowling," and my only ambition in life was to give my parents the retirement they deserved. I smoked a lot of weed, and played a lot of video games, and I chose a major in financial engineering, figuring I'd have to suck it up for a few years of boredom and live with a little bit less of a soul and 6 figures worth of salary. Ironically enough, my disenchantment with textbook definitions of capitalism coincided with the 9/11 atrocity (visible and less than 10 miles from my high-rise dorm room). This disenchantment was compounded a month later when one of my two best friends jumped out of a building 9 stories above Morningside Drive.
During my medical leave of absence, with the help of a dear friend, my parents secured a 5% re-finance on their home (rare at that time), and the burden of carrying them started to dissipate. When I came out of my walking coma, I finally felt free to pursue something completely selfish. Believe it or not, I am a pro-gamer. I played Starcraft in high-school, in campaign mode, on the slowest speed. I had no friends who even liked the game, and certainly had no idea what was going on in Korea. I am only 1 year older than Grrrr, and will always regret missing the boat. Instead, I studied poker. I find it interesting and slightly pertinent that I will always regret not risking my livelihood on a pipe-dream like playing Starcraft for a living, and yet I don't regret smoking cigarettes for 13 years. I don't regret the cigarettes because after spending most of my 20's inside various underground card rooms and legitimate casinos, the conversations during the smoke breaks are what I value the most from the entire experience. Frankly, because I don't even have a real ego. You meet a lot of types in these places, but you meet a lot of brilliant and disillusioned humans outside poker halls, quietly, and pensively smoking a butt.
I understand that this is a lengthy introduction, but I do not apologize. Once again the main-stream American media has chosen not to emphasize something I hold in the utmost importance, and I don't know what to do about the information I am about to include in this post. All I can think of at the moment is to share what I consider important knowledge about the world and universe around me, with anyone and everyone who might even remotely care. Every community has its trolls, or even nice kids who were simply raised by bullies and thus turned into bullies and haters, but I felt the need to preface this information with as complete and concise of a description of my past as I could, if only to distinguish myself from this crowd. I have played just about every type of game invented, and I agree with Artosis: Starcraft is simply the hardest and greatest game to date. The sheer amount of brain power required dwarfs what it took to become a professional poker player, and if you have visited this site and happened upon this post, and read every word, then I consider you, imho, to literally be one of the smartest humans on the planet, the real social 1337, and I implore you to read as carefully as possible for the remainder of this post.
Language is always changing, but I don't understand how the term "theory" is so commonly mis-used. I grew up thinking it meant something close to the definition according to a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine. It always seemed to me that the use of the word "theory" was often a byproduct of the humbleness inherent in the scientists I looked up to, as if they were leaving room for the unknown space in this vast universe, desperately hoping to be proven wrong. I have long held the opinion that SC2 zergs should stay on two bases and rush to around 9 mutas to defend drops vs terran, only to use the map control to double expand and tech directly to infestors simply because I love Jaedong, but I would never call this a theory. There was even a Day9 episode about TLO on starstation executing the exact build I had been envisioning, and it still doesn't resemble or qualify as a "theory" to me. However, in bw TvZ, a consensus seemed to grow among almost every Korean zerg, that a similar build to what I have described was almost unilaterally considered "correct," and I would venture to say, after however many years since the last patch, and how evolved the metagame had become, that it was indeed a theory.
As strictly as I hold that word to it's definition, I also hold the word "conspiracy" to a similar standard. The definition is far more loose by nature in that the only real qualification is that it is a plot or committed crime, acted out by more than one person. When I see a fox news "analyst" roll their eyes at Jesse Ventura and call him a "conspiracy theorist," the only thing I can't stand about that situation is that they don't call him a "conspiracy speculator." Because that is what they think, and you can't blame them based on the information this government has provided. I have no more speculations about the fact that my government has lied to me or at least omitted important information in its reports. If you have read the NIST's mission statement, and the 9/11 Commission report, or maybe go back to the Warren Commission, it should seem quite obvious that they think lying to us is the best way to protect us.
As I sit back to think about this next paragraph, I realize that among small groups of like-minded people who all agree that something is true, I suppose the word to be used is "theory." Along those lines, I suppose the neo-conservative thinkers who almost certainly ran the Bush administration must still have a theory that you are too stupid to handle certain truths, or that if certain truths became common knowledge that it would have an adverse effect on our divine economy. If you don't know, or are too young to have any idea, in 1978 a congressional committee finished a 2 year study and had their own theory that John Kennedy was "very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy." As Starcraft players who try to empathize with crazy ladder opponents, please try for a minute to empathize with the lone gunman in the book depository and ask yourself why you wouldn't take your first shot as he was driving towards you, so that with the ensuing panic, the car would speed closer and closer for the second and third shots.
If it wasn't clear, my passions as a child were gaming and the universe. I tried very hard not to give a flying fuck about politics. However, when I am hit on both sides, with overwhelmingly ludicrous claims in one sense, and reasonable and rational information on the other, I will perform my own research. In the specific case of the Kennedy assassination, I learned two very important lessons. First, there was absolutely no way that one man from the window they suggested in the Warren Commission with the weapon they claimed was used, could have possibly inflicted the sort of damage and subsequent public reaction and journalism over the smoke and sound perceived around the "grassy knoll," and second, without social media, there would be absolutely no way to disagree with the government's official statements. Regardless of who you think was responsible for that murder, they certainly got away with it, because only one or two of us brought a camera.
For the purpose of this post, I only bring up the actual "conspiracy theory" surrounding Kennedy, to illustrate that this government has lied to its people. It is well documented and confirmed that the CIA has been involved in an alarming amount of covert activity all over the world that they just assumed you never found out about. Since the famous Zapruder tape, I find it hard to argue with the idea that it has become our jobs as Americans to bring our camera phones wherever we go, and post whatever heinous shit we see all over our facebook and youtube channels, because I for one, think that this world is safer without secrets.
I remember, quite vividly, the first time I heard the word, "Bildeberg." There were times in my life where I smoked copious amounts of marijuana, but alcohol often makes me sleepy and cuts into my gaming time in the wee hours of the morning. However, on this specific occasion, I was drunk enough to pay for an expensive taxi from Manhattan to Queens and based on where I was living, I estimate the date to somewhere in 2004. I was with a girl, and awkward conversation slowly turned into awkward silence and lasted long enough for me to engage the cab driver in polite conversation. For anyone who has ever considered giving a homeless person a dollar simply to get them to leave, you will understand my regret when this man proceeded to chatter on for the remaining 20 minutes all about the "new world order," "tri-lateral commission," "the Rockefellers," "the Rothchilds" and some kind of pyramid that looked like the same meaningless symbol on every dollar bill I ever gave to any homeless man in my life.
I didn't put any stock into this man's ranting, except for the fact that my poker sense told me that he certainly wasn't bluffing. He certainly believed whatever nonsense he was spouting. It wasn't until an argument with my mother over the 2004 election over my refusal to vote that I had ever bothered to learn the name Ron Paul, and it was his words that redirected my quest for knowledge into the practices and history of the Federal Reserve Bank. At this point, poker was my life, I don't even think I had discovered professional Starcraft, and my "quest for knowledge" was bronze level at best. Over these last nine years I have had more than a few 36 hour binges of reading and researching phases, and on the rare occasion where I would carefully mention ideas like "The Bildebergers" and maybe the phrase "Zapruder" to my self-proclaimed "intellectual" friends, without fail I would get either blank stares or eye-rolling conspiracy claims, and I would rightly feel lonely in my endeavors, and gladly resume my simple life of pot poker and pussy. Studying these ridiculous conspiracy speculations seemed equally useless as understanding the workings of a black hole because simply, it would never affect my life. It was far more important to me to recognize a semi-bluff than to lose sleep over something a cab driver once said.
What did cause me to lose sleep on more than one occasion, was when my independent and idealistically non-biased research led me to the names Mike Ruppert, Oliver North, or the Kennedy murder, the multiple and creative CIA attempts on the life of Fidel Castro, and right now I want to know the name of the person responsible for the Freedom of Information Act, because I don't need to use the word theory with some of these conspiracies, there are enough de-classified CIA documents to prove more than a few. Social media led to the complete exposure of the Bildebergs and they now have a website showing you who gets invited to this rich and powerful and private think-tank, but it is still a bit puzzling who invites them. I tend to hold people in high regard. I don't hate trolls, I wonder how they got that way. I hope every member of the Bildebergers have their moral compass as finely tuned as mine, but they are clearly not as honest about their faults as I am. Every idiot on the ladder who screams about imbalance I try to talk to before I realize they are ignoring everybody, and it reminds me of how blissful my ignorance used to be. I feel sad for fox news employees having to read Ruppert Murdoch's memos, and a small part of me even holds some hope that Hitler thought he was doing right by his country, because the same hope goes for the war criminals deeply embedded in our government.
I am not crazy enough to think that there aren't times for secrets. While in a "conventional war" (as if any war should be described that way) it would be unwise to have a journalist draw a map in the sand of their current whereabouts on live tv, but my naive hippie mother sold me on the American Dream long before Hunter Thompson redefined it for me in a way I could better understand and some of the quotes of the men whose faces have almost ironically been put on our privately issued currency have been humbling reminders of where we came from as a human race, and the principals for what these men aspired to in the creation of this country are some of the most noble ideas ever put through a printing press. If you believe that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then please believe that the single most important idea behind the construction of the constitution was to limit the power of the people who rule you.
Personally, I don't believe that power corrupts, but I do believe that absolute power does. If certain members of our government are allowed to cover-up and keep indefinite secrets about serious scientific discoveries, then I don't know what else to call that other than absolute power. If it wasn't clear, Tessla was not a a farmer; he considered himself an explorer and wanted everyone to see the map and know exactly how this physical universe works. Edison and JP Morgan for whatever psychological reason you wish to attribute, wanted you to pay every step of the way for blessing you with their gifts upon the world.
The point of this post, which I haven't even breached, is that despite being a quiet member of this overwhelmingly inspiring community is that when I login to TL, I don't feel alone. The only thing I can promise with 100% certainty is that I am one of you. I am a critical thinking stoner who is a gamer for life and the only personal ambitions I have ever held was to understand everything about this universe and to make it back into diamond. In this past 2 years especially, after the woman I thought I would marry broke my heart and after dealing poker in a friendly home game in Soho got me arrested, my quest for knowledge made it back into GM (try-hard mode activated).
I am an ivy-league dropout who chased a dream of playing a game for a living and succeeded. If your impulse is to label me crazy, then good, if it is to label me stupid, then you are wrong, if you really don't like to label anyone, then you are among the people who I am hoping this will find. Right now, I have nothing that "they" can take away from me and I know without any shadow of a doubt, what the goal of this message is. I am writing to myself at the age of 15, because I feel there might be a kid reading this right now on this website who might be just like I was: too smart for their own good with an ambition for knowledge and complete confusion about too many sources of conflicting information. He or she might be like me and adore the simple math behind games that make them pure and maybe this kid will be the genius that I haven't ever been, and somehow hear Mozart and figure out what we, humanity, should do. If I was to vastly simplify the path in which my research took me, it started with watching the twin towers drop at free-fall speed without following the path of least resistance the way I expected, into a history lesson of what currency is, paper or otherwise, and how the central banks used this concept to fund both sides of wars in order to parlay their position into a level of affluence unfit for humans. I was brought down the path of confirmed government secrets that appalled me into a real belief that our current form of capitalism is based around the preposterous notion that our resources would remain infinite. The concepts of peak-oil and free energy led to one of my favorite images that reminded me of what we, humans are capable of. I don't know the origin of this statement or the level of its truthiness, but in a lecture by Mike Ruppert, he stated, to the effect that, Alexander the Great was confronted by a banker and the banker said that he would allow Alexander to rule over all the land if he could untie this ridiculous looking knot. Alexander took one look at it, and simply pulled out his sword and chopped it in half. I certainly have not believed everything I have read in my research, but I know that no amount of paper can feed soldiers and win wars, and no amount of gold could get us to the moon. We, the people, hold more power than any banker could ever dream, and they are still hoping we never wake up from this nightmare.
Last night, for the first time ever, I heard the word "Bildebergers" said by a person who held a major government position in a very serious and main-stream setting where everyone took him deathly seriously. It was the former minister of defense of Canada, in a disclosure conference I believe a few months ago, and he also said the words, "cabal," "tri-lateral commission," "Rockefeller," "international bank cartel," "oil cartel," and "shadow government" in a sentence that involved a plan for a one world government. The fact that I didn't hear this from my neighbor or from a presidential address didn't surprise me, nor did the fact that this highly respected, intelligent man with high level clearance and connections would wind up making these conclusions. What did surprise me was something that he said that shook me to the core, and I wish to quote the transcript as to not send any mixed signal. The man said, “UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.”
He went on to say a whole lot more that I would rather you listen to for yourselves, but to summarize a few historical points of view, " a document was prepared which concluded that at least four species had been visiting earth for 1,000′s of years, and this is my own view at this stage as well.... But just as some children survive the idea of tooth fairy, and Santa Clause when they become adult, I think that taxpaying citizens are quite capable of accepting the new and broader reality that we live in a cosmos teeming with life of various sorts. The fact that some civilizations are more advanced than ours, may be humbling, but that could be a necessary step in our survival." I watched a very serious man say this with every ounce of his fortitude, and I watched maybe 10 important looking Canadians (no not an oxy-moron) taking notes on his words.
In all honesty, I don't know what to make of this, because what led me to this information was something I found far easier to believe. I don't spend much, if any, of my time watching news aside from the daily show, both Day9's and Jon Stewart's, but something that happened back in 2010 that I know at least Bill Nye the science guy arrogantly and foolishly doubted on Larry King. Somehow I only found this last night and it instantly became newsworthy to me. I have studied micro-expressions and people trying to lie to me for 10 years, and this hour long video is nothing but the most stoic and boring testimony you will ever hear about the existence of UFOs. For people who don't know, popular culture invented the term "flying saucer," and it took a repeating phenomenon among USAF personnel to coin the phrase "UFOB."
Available on wiki is this page: which includes the actual documents and lists so much specific protocol that there is absolutely no way that this phenomenon was limited to a few events. If you wish to argue that this old man in Canada was sold a cool story and wants to sell books in his old age, that is a perfectly acceptable skeptic's answer to this puzzle. If you want to argue that every single USAF employee who came forward in telling their story suffered from a secret government program that gave hallucinogenic drugs to the men they vetted and trained at level Q Top Secret clearance to fly the most expensive planes invented, perform complex ground work star triangulation (i believe he said, "quadrangulation") to get precise coordinates of nuclear missile silos, or simply worked in compliance with Boeing as missile maintenance people are all mistaken, senile, or wrong, that is your business but I know what it looked like to me. It looked like what I imagine a catholic school classroom would look like at the 50 year reunion once the first kid finally spoke up and admitted he was molested.
They are old men, who aren't afraid anymore, looking equally amazed and relieved to finally be able to tell their story, and I never thought I would be one to hear them. Somewhere along the way of these 9 or so years, I discovered the name Leedskalnin, a 5' tall, 100 lbs man, who only ever really said that he "knew how the pyramids were built." From google maps you can see something called "The Coral Castle" in Florida and I saw Chariots of Fire and at least the first Stargate movie. This little man made a garden in his backyard, with furniture made out of hundreds of tons of coral in a variety of interesting shapes, and there are only rumors about how he did it. In some of the most absurd information I read last night, was that the shadow government has 2 "terrestrial agents," and have reverse engineered an anti-gravity machine from crashed UFOs held in Area-51 S-4 (apparently the normal 51 is just for tourists) There is still science left to be found, and your cable television might be the last place you see them. I know how hard it is to ignore that ad for a sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle, but just imagine if you lived the way you know you should and made your own nutrition, what would happen to mickey d's if only a million were ever served?
Again, to re-iterate, I am not a troll. I don't eat much, but I have fed myself for ten years by making bets, and I am willing to bet that I am more skeptical than you. At this point in my life, I have seen enough personal and independent evidence that supports the seemingly absurd notion that the WTC 1, 2, and 7 were controlled demolitions that certainly could have also included an Islamic hijacking conspiracy, (involving known CIA assets). Just understand that to me, as someone who constantly relates things into probability distribution functions, with recent new imaging technology that revealed what many of us had long suspected, that just about every star we can see in our sky has a bunch of planets orbiting it just like this one, for our civilization and all this planet's life to be alone forever in this universe, is almost infinitely more unlikely than this government performing another false-flag operation where it ignored an obvious risk and used inexplicable "blow-back" to churn out another war.
I will end this with one more thought, and ask that you look up everything I have said yourself and make your own conclusions. Einstein couldn't see how his famous formula could ever have had any practical application, because splitting an atom would require more energy than it could ever produce, similar to drilling for oil over the ocean. It took very smart people to stand on his shoulders and think of the next step, and it took this American government to use his brilliance to kill. I sometimes like to stand on the shoulders of one of my heroes I haven't mentioned, and imagine our potential. The late great Bill Hicks said, "The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, and buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world right now to a better ride; Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and instead spend it on feeding clothing and educating the poor of the world which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace."
Perhaps that's how They figured out how to bend space-time to get here, perhaps I am wrong and they simply wish to enslave us and we should be making more nukes. If They are here, I think we should show them what we have learned, or at least that we are capable of learning from mistakes, and if they are not here, you can sleep soundly knowing that myself and others are just dumb and crazy, I beg you, with all my heart to choose to vote for candidates who want nothing more than to give you the power that they desperately don't want. Personally, I disagree with a lot of what Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul believe, and this is not a political endorsement, frankly I kinda hope we might be choosing between Gleep Glop and Deep Dop in the next election, but I know that the humans I mentioned would only ever command me to vote for what I believe on every issue brought up. I honestly believe they would keep us informed as best they could, if only to limit their own power, and I certainly don't think any of the names above would accept a phone call from the Koch brothers, real or prank.
As a child, I always wondered where I would be when I finally believed that aliens were real, but somehow I feel foolish for not predicting that I would find out alone and on my computer feeling like the only person in my immediate group who had any idea about the news I was privy to, simply from the one invention that I often hoped would spread enough information and love to free us all from fear and war and the illustrious MIC: this wonderful thing we call the internet.
Also btw, check out a 44 year old kid named McKinnon (as well as a classic 80's movie called Wargames) who hacked NASA and every department of US defense by using simple perl script to search for accounts with blank passwords back in the 2000's. Think what you want about him, and what he claims to have found, but the government spent 10 years trying to get him extradited and imprisoned for 70 years and England refused to send him. Aside from jaedong, he might be the only dude to ever turn me on.
With far more seriousness than I ever thought I would say...
Live long and prosper, or at least die for the swarm.
Good Luck, Have Fun, at the very least I hope this was a fun read.