Edit: I forgot to give credit to the site I got this from, it is
[1:41:11 AM] [Fayth] -.-
[1:41:21 AM] [kural] i know
[1:41:22 AM] [Fauna] yes on low map
[1:41:31 AM] [Fayth] play me 1;1 on bgh
[1:41:31 AM] [kural] u ever played vs nada?
[1:41:35 AM] [Fauna] YEA
[1:41:35 AM] [Fayth] yeah i did
[1:41:35 AM] [Fauna] ME
[1:41:40 AM] [Fauna] letts play
[1:41:40 AM] [kural] k
[1:41:41 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
(match taking place, and fauna won)
[1:58:36 AM] [nutzlos] hey Fayth
[1:58:40 AM] [Fayth] hi
[1:58:45 AM] [nutzlos] are u the same fayth from gg.net?
[1:58:48 AM] [Fayth] yeahj
[1:58:52 AM] [nutzlos] ah
[1:58:52 AM] [Fauna] fayth u a bit sucky sorry
[1:58:59 AM] [Fayth] rofl
[1:58:59 AM] [Fayth] ok
[1:58:59 AM] [Fauna] iapm is nothing
[1:59:00 AM] [Fayth] i win u lose.
[1:59:01 AM] [Fayth]
[1:59:01 AM] [Fauna] ap
[1:59:01 AM] [nutzlos] looking for your enemys
[1:59:13 AM] [Fayth] never seen such blatent dodge
[1:59:13 AM] [Fayth] ;O
[1:59:18 AM] [nutzlos] im not your opponent
[1:59:25 AM] [Fayth] 3 gates zealots
[1:59:27 AM] [Fayth] sure proved
[1:59:30 AM] [Fayth] u were worthy
[1:59:30 AM] [Fayth] of playing
[1:59:31 AM] [Fayth] vs a player
[1:59:32 AM] [Fayth] such as me
[1:59:32 AM] [Fayth] lol
[1:59:37 AM] [Fauna] lol u stay in base thats gozu?
[1:59:40 AM] [Fauna] dont move
[1:59:44 AM] [Fauna] have to come to u
[1:59:45 AM] [Fauna] ...
[1:59:46 AM] [Fauna] WOW
[1:59:47 AM] [Fauna] OMG
[1:59:47 AM] [Fayth] ok
[1:59:47 AM] [Fayth] remake
[1:59:49 AM] [Fayth] i'll show u
[1:59:50 AM] [Fayth] a real game
[1:59:56 AM] [Fauna] haha good joke
[1:59:57 AM] [Fauna]
[1:59:58 AM] [Fayth] remake
[2:00:00 AM] [Fauna] u nize
[2:00:00 AM] [Fayth] or dodge ?
[2:00:01 AM] [Fayth] u pick.
[2:00:03 AM] [Fayth] dude
[2:00:05 AM] [Fayth] i win money
[2:00:08 AM] [Fayth] and stuff from broodwar
[2:00:08 AM] [Fauna] so?
[2:00:10 AM] [Fayth] can u?
[2:00:13 AM] [Fayth] i dont think so
[2:00:13 AM] [Fayth] u win bgh games?
[2:00:15 AM] [Fayth] big deal
[2:00:16 AM] [Fayth] nobody cares
[2:00:18 AM] [Fayth] ur unknown
[2:00:21 AM] [Fauna] so?=
[2:00:23 AM] [kural] ^^
[2:00:24 AM] [Fayth] u don't win jack$!@%
[2:00:27 AM] [Fauna] i play for me not for my reputation
[2:00:32 AM] [Fauna] i not so poor
[2:00:35 AM] [Fauna] sry
[2:00:36 AM] [Fauna] : /
[2:00:39 AM] [Fayth] i'm not poor either : /
[2:00:43 AM] [Fauna] i see
[2:00:46 AM] [Fayth] but winning a 3000$ trip
[2:00:48 AM] [Fayth] for just being good
[2:00:49 AM] [Fayth] is cute ( :
[2:00:50 AM] [Fauna] so?
[2:01:04 AM] [Fauna] i got soon good job after my studies
[2:01:10 AM] [Fauna] more then bw
[2:01:10 AM] [Fayth] i do too
[2:01:10 AM] [Fayth] lol
[2:01:13 AM] [Fayth] but while i study
[2:01:16 AM] [Fayth] i play broodwar like you
[2:01:19 AM] [Fayth] but i'm good and i win
[2:01:20 AM] [Fayth] whereas
[2:01:21 AM] [Fayth] u don't
[2:01:23 AM] [Fayth] get it ?
[2:01:26 AM] [Fauna] but u win not vs me
[2:01:27 AM] [Fauna]
[2:01:31 AM] [Fayth] ok let's re ?
[2:01:33 AM] [Fayth] ^^
[2:01:33 AM] [Fauna] ok
[2:01:35 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
(2 matches taking place, and fauna won 1 and lost 1)
[2:15:46 AM] [Fauna] Fayth i normally play team game 2on or 3on3 so im not traned for 1on1
[2:16:12 AM] [Fayth] dude u don't get it
[2:16:23 AM] [Fayth] there's a difference between u and me
[2:16:25 AM] [Fayth] which u don't get
[2:16:26 AM] [Fayth] all u do
[2:16:29 AM] [Fayth] is macro
[2:16:31 AM] [Fayth] off 3-4 gates
[2:16:42 AM] [Fayth] ur micro whatsover is bad
[2:16:43 AM] [Fayth] u make
[2:16:46 AM] [Fayth] probes and zealots
[2:16:49 AM] [Fauna] yes then play us 3on3 on hunter
[2:16:52 AM] [Fauna] 1on1 u win
[2:16:57 AM] [Fauna] but team game we win
[2:17:03 AM] [Fayth] if i play with
[2:17:06 AM] [Fayth] testie and mondragon
[2:17:07 AM] [Fayth] u won't win
[2:17:07 AM] [Fayth] lol
[2:17:08 AM] [Fayth] ;p
[2:17:08 AM] [Fauna] i won u 2:1
[2:17:09 AM] [Fauna] SO
[2:17:11 AM] [Fayth] our macro
[2:17:12 AM] [Fauna] i dont care
[2:17:13 AM] [Fayth] is better
[2:17:15 AM] [Fayth] micro macro
[2:17:16 AM] [Fayth] everything
[2:17:19 AM] [Fayth] is just better
[2:17:20 AM] [Fauna] i
[2:17:21 AM] [Fauna] dont
[2:17:22 AM] [Fauna] care
[2:17:27 AM] [Fayth] ok then stfu
[2:17:27 AM] [Fayth] u can't win
[2:17:28 AM] [Fauna] now i won u 2:1
[2:17:30 AM] [Fauna] ?
[2:17:33 AM] [Fauna] so stfu
[2:17:39 AM] [Fayth] let it at that or else
[2:17:41 AM] [Fayth] you'Ll go
[2:17:42 AM] [Fayth] 2-2
[2:17:43 AM] [Fayth] then 2-3
[2:17:43 AM] [MaRinE.] Fayth
[2:17:44 AM] [MaRinE.] Fayth
[2:17:44 AM] [Fayth] then 2-4
[2:17:44 AM] [MaRinE.] Fayth
[2:17:45 AM] [Fayth] :'(
[2:17:45 AM] [MaRinE.] Fayth
[2:17:46 AM] [MaRinE.] Fayth
[2:17:46 AM] [Fayth] what
[2:17:48 AM] [Fauna] sure
[2:17:50 AM] [Fauna]
[2:17:51 AM] [MaRinE.] BGH ] LOW (:
[2:17:54 AM] [Fauna] yep
[2:18:00 AM] [Fayth] now that i played u
[2:18:03 AM] [Fayth] 1-2 on hunters and bgh
[2:18:04 AM] [Fayth] wanna try
[2:18:06 AM] [Fayth] u vs me
[2:18:07 AM] [Fayth] on low ?
[2:18:10 AM] [Fayth] see if u can
[2:18:10 AM] [Fayth] 1-2
[2:18:11 AM] [MaRinE.] humm
[2:18:17 AM] [MaRinE.] map ?
[2:18:21 AM] [Fayth] lt or luna
[2:18:23 AM] [Fayth] or any wcg maps
[2:18:24 AM] [MaRinE.] hmm
[2:18:32 AM] [MaRinE.] humm
[2:18:37 AM] [vonMuell] lol a low gosu vs avarage bgh gamers .....fun....
[2:18:47 AM] [Fauna] yes and the bgh gamer leads 2:1
[2:18:49 AM] [BoRn4YoU] hhih
[2:18:50 AM] [Fauna] vs the gozu
[2:18:52 AM] [Fauna] : /
[2:18:57 AM] [Fayth] .........
[2:18:57 AM] [BoRn4YoU] hey Vato;D
[2:18:58 AM] [vonMuell] yeah on super mucho maps
[2:19:01 AM] [Fayth] with a rush zealots...
[2:19:03 AM] [Fayth] which required
[2:19:04 AM] [Fayth] basically
[2:19:05 AM] [Fayth] 0 skill
[2:19:08 AM] [Fauna] yes u cant do zealot micro
[2:19:11 AM] [Fauna] ?
[2:19:11 AM] [Fayth] u cant
[2:19:12 AM] [Fayth] either
[2:19:12 AM] [Fayth] lol
[2:19:12 AM] [Fauna]
[2:19:13 AM] [Fayth] u dont micro
[2:19:15 AM] [Fayth] u just macro them
[2:19:17 AM] [vonMuell] u dont have to play him on low ull only embarass urself
[2:19:18 AM] [Fauna] i won u zealot micro
[2:19:23 AM] [Fauna] u jsut stand in base
[2:19:26 AM] [Fayth] not at all rofl
[2:19:27 AM] [Fayth] dude
[2:19:29 AM] [Fauna] sure
[2:19:29 AM] [Fayth] quit fucking dreaming
[2:19:31 AM] [Fauna]
[2:19:36 AM] [Fayth] u can't win
[2:19:36 AM] [Fauna] we shall see replay?
[2:19:39 AM] [Fayth] vs zerg or terran
[2:19:42 AM] [Fayth] cuz u can't micro for $!@%
[2:19:45 AM] [Fauna] u scuked zealot micro
[2:19:45 AM] [Fayth] all u can do is zealots vs zealots
[2:19:54 AM] [Fayth] u didnt micro
[2:19:54 AM] [Fauna] and u cant do it
[2:19:54 AM] [Fayth] u just attack
[2:19:54 AM] [Fayth] rofl
[2:19:54 AM] [Fauna] : /
[2:19:58 AM] [Fayth] oh god
[2:20:00 AM] [Fayth] why am i arguing
[2:20:03 AM] [Fayth] with someone i could teach
[2:20:08 AM] [Fayth] someone who'S even worse than my brother
[2:20:10 AM] [Fauna] u can teach on bgh?
[2:20:13 AM] [Fauna] o r hunter
[2:20:14 AM] [Fauna] ?
[2:20:17 AM] [Fayth] sure thing
[2:20:18 AM] [Fauna] good joke
[2:20:23 AM] [Fayth] wanna try
[2:20:23 AM] [Fayth] me P you Z ?
[2:20:24 AM] [Fauna] only on 1on1 u can teach
[2:20:26 AM] [Fayth]
[2:20:41 AM] [Fayth] damn
[2:20:45 AM] [vonMuell] Fayth u have 2 allies for 3on3?
[2:20:45 AM] [Fayth] useless to argue with you
[2:20:48 AM] [Fayth] as well as being a newbie
[2:20:51 AM] [Fayth] u're fucking retarded
[2:20:57 AM] [kural] oh fayth^^
[2:21:00 AM] [McPuller] it's typical for "lowgosus", they can't handle it get fuc.ked on bgh^^
[2:21:02 AM] [Fayth] u just don't understand any of the points
[2:21:02 AM] [Fauna] man im so gozu , a average bgh gamer won 2:1 vs an gozu
[2:21:03 AM] [Fayth] i bring up
[2:21:06 AM] [Fauna] : /
[2:21:07 AM] [BoRn4YoU] hehe
[2:21:11 AM] [Fayth] see he even use
[2:21:13 AM] [Fayth] -] an gozu
[2:21:15 AM] [BoRn4YoU] Fauna [---- EXP
[2:21:17 AM] [Fayth] shows how stupid he can be
[2:21:17 AM] [Fayth] --v
[2:21:19 AM] [kural] hunter teamplay is
[2:21:20 AM] [kural] fun
[2:21:23 AM] [kural] many kor gosu
[2:21:27 AM] [BuTtErMilch] BGH vs low gozu 2:1 won ?
[2:21:28 AM] [BuTtErMilch] °°
[2:21:30 AM] [kural] play hunter
[2:21:33 AM] [kural] like reach nada
[2:21:36 AM] [kural] etc
[2:21:38 AM] [Fayth] he won cuz pos were
[2:21:41 AM] [Fayth] 6 vs 7
[2:21:43 AM] [McPuller] blabla
[2:21:47 AM] [Fayth] and he just 3 gates zealots rush
[2:21:50 AM] [Fayth] i mean cmon.. ;p
[2:21:50 AM] [kural] fayth u know clan nexus?
[2:21:51 AM] [BoRn4YoU] yes, it's fixed...
[2:21:54 AM] [Fayth] yeah i know clan nexus
[2:21:56 AM] [kural] k
[2:22:04 AM] [SenseTheDwarf] fayth u noob?
[2:22:06 AM] [kural] ever played vs them?
[2:22:07 AM] [Mr.Anonym] lol
[2:22:12 AM] [Fauna] yep noob on bgh
[2:22:14 AM] [BoRn4YoU] hehe
[2:22:16 AM] [Fayth] better than you on bgh fauna
[2:22:16 AM] [Fayth]
[2:22:20 AM] [Fauna] we saw
[2:22:20 AM] [Fayth] on any map that is
[2:22:22 AM] [fish)master] i thunk fayth take u all so thats it
[2:22:22 AM] [McPuller] stop wiming fayth
[2:22:23 AM] [Fauna] who won
[2:22:31 AM] [Fayth] whoever thinks
[2:22:34 AM] [Fayth] winning 1 game
[2:22:35 AM] [Fayth] on a rush
[2:22:36 AM] [Fayth] means jack $!@%
[2:22:36 AM] [SenseTheDwarf] `guys who make excuses before and anfter game
[2:22:38 AM] [SenseTheDwarf] are noob
[2:22:41 AM] [Fayth] has to get a reality check
[2:22:45 AM] [Fayth] ok
[2:22:48 AM] [Fayth] so fauna isn ewb
[2:22:49 AM] [Fayth] when he lose
[2:22:50 AM] [Fayth] he make excuse
[2:22:50 AM] [Fayth]
[2:22:56 AM] [SenseTheDwarf] stop discuting
[2:22:58 AM] [SenseTheDwarf] make re game
[2:23:02 AM] [Fayth] he doesnt want to
[2:23:04 AM] [Fayth]
[2:23:04 AM] [Fayth] he dodge
[2:23:05 AM] [Fauna] saure
[2:23:06 AM] [Fayth] i'm always up for a re
[2:23:08 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
[2:23:10 AM] [Fayth] gogo!
[2:23:55 AM] [Ruas] gogoogogog
(a match taking place, and Fayth lost it again)
[2:34:53 AM] [kural] thats
[2:34:53 AM] [Fayth] as testie said
[2:34:54 AM] [kural] bgh
[2:34:55 AM] [Fayth] pvp is the match ups
[2:34:59 AM] [Fayth] newbies can catch up
[2:34:59 AM] [Fayth] to gosus
[2:34:59 AM] [kural] non stop micro
[2:34:59 AM] [Fayth]
[2:35:05 AM] [BuTtErMilch] Fayth 3:1 ?
[2:35:08 AM] [Fayth] except pvp
[2:35:10 AM] [Fayth] he couldnt win
[2:35:10 AM] [Fayth] ;p
[2:35:15 AM] [Fayth] i proved that
[2:35:16 AM] [Fayth] already
[2:35:28 AM] [Fayth] rego
[2:35:31 AM] [Fayth] i'll just pick
[2:35:40 AM] [Fauna] hm who on low good means not on bgh good
[2:35:46 AM] [Fayth] remake
[2:35:46 AM] [kural] ^^
[2:35:48 AM] [Fayth] and stop trash talking
[2:35:49 AM] [kural] dein english
[2:35:51 AM] [kural] is so^^
[2:35:53 AM] [Fayth] cuz we're not at the same level
[2:35:53 AM] [Fayth] make it
[2:35:57 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
(a match taking place, and Fayth lost it again and again)
[2:42:44 AM] [BuTtErMilch] Fayth 4:1 ?? humm--
[2:42:49 AM] [Fauna] i think u dont get it
[2:42:50 AM] [Fayth] who cares
[2:42:52 AM] [Fayth] i'd
[2:42:53 AM] [nutzlos] there is no choke at bgh
[2:42:53 AM] [Fayth] 20-0
[2:42:53 AM] [Fauna] bgh not low
[2:42:54 AM] [Fayth] on my map
[2:42:56 AM] [Fayth] if he doesnt
[2:42:58 AM] [Fayth] 20-0 me on his map
[2:42:59 AM] [Fayth] means he sucks
[2:43:00 AM] [Fayth] ok ?
[2:43:01 AM] [Fayth] go now
[2:43:02 AM] [Fayth] remake
[2:43:04 AM] [Fauna]
[2:43:05 AM] [BuTtErMilch] Fauna
[2:43:06 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
[2:44:09 AM] [Fayth] pawk pawk pawk
[2:44:13 AM] [Fauna] ok go
[2:44:16 AM] [Fauna] bgh
[2:44:16 AM] [nutzlos] vs who
[2:44:19 AM] [Fauna] ka
[2:44:20 AM] [Fauna] intern
[2:44:24 AM] [Fauna] 67//67
[2:44:27 AM] [Fayth] kural 1;1 go
[2:44:31 AM] [Fayth] on ur beloved
[2:44:31 AM] [Fayth] bgh
[2:44:33 AM] [Fayth] lolz
[2:44:51 AM] [kural] i prefer 2on2 or 3on3
(1 match taking place, no result yet)
[2:49:31 AM] [BGH_Website] HiTmaN[oiB]
[2:49:47 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ye
[2:49:47 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ?sup?
[2:50:55 AM] [From HiTmaN[oiB]] theres a pre-showmatch taking place now ^^
[2:50:57 AM] [From HiTmaN[oiB]] u know vatos?
[2:51:05 AM] [From HiTmaN[oiB]] vatos vs rs.Fayth 4-1 ^^
[2:51:22 AM] [To HiTmaN[oiB]] i compiling the news
[2:51:37 AM] [To HiTmaN[oiB]] and i got all the shit talks by fayth
[2:51:50 AM] [To HiTmaN[oiB]] and i got part of the reps already
(as predicted, Fayth lost the game again, 5-1)
[2:59:58 AM] [Fayth] bgh -] protoss favoured
[2:59:59 AM] [Fayth] totally
[2:59:59 AM] [Fayth]
[3:00:11 AM] [Fauna] dachte so "oh"
[3:00:13 AM] [Fayth] the wide spaces as well as wide chokes
[3:00:13 AM] [Fauna]
[3:00:13 AM] [nutzlos] welchen bug
[3:00:14 AM] [Fayth] no cliffs
[3:00:23 AM] [Fauna] sure cliufffs
[3:00:25 AM] [Fauna] sure
[3:00:27 AM] [Fayth] macro is easier
[3:00:29 AM] [Fayth] with protoss
[3:00:33 AM] [Fayth] than with zerg or terran
[3:00:34 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] vat gib mal rep?
[3:00:36 AM] [Fauna] cliffs on 11 13 5 9
[3:00:36 AM] [Fayth] and bgh
[3:00:40 AM] [Fayth] is a macro map
[3:00:40 AM] [Fauna] yep
[3:00:42 AM] [Fayth] everything's wide
[3:00:43 AM] [kural] can show u funny reps tz vs pp
[3:00:45 AM] [kural] on bgh
[3:00:45 AM] [Fayth] and there's no ramp
[3:00:55 AM] [BuTtErMilch] go regame ?
[3:00:55 AM] [Fayth] i dont wanna see
[3:00:59 AM] [kural] ^^
[3:00:59 AM] [Fayth] i just know it's nowhere near balanced
[3:01:03 AM] [Fayth] if so
[3:01:03 AM] [Fayth] u wouldn,t play protoss.
[3:01:03 AM] [nutzlos] go rematch but bit different teams
[3:01:06 AM] [BGH_Website] cliff and mineral's back 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11/
[3:01:10 AM] [BuTtErMilch] regame = same teams
[3:01:25 AM] [Fayth] why do u think
[3:01:26 AM] [Fayth] fauna picked
[3:01:29 AM] [Fayth] P every games
[3:01:35 AM] [Fauna] so?
[3:01:36 AM] [Fayth] the fact that he lost to my zerg
[3:01:37 AM] [Fauna] win is win
[3:01:37 AM] [kural] hes p main
[3:01:43 AM] [Fayth] makes him much of a lesser player
[3:01:51 AM] [kural] but not all of us are p main^^
[3:01:53 AM] [Fayth] we gotta be realistic there
[3:01:55 AM] [Fauna] fayth plz stay low what are u doing in a bgh chan?
[3:02:02 AM] [Fayth] Fauna quit crying
[3:02:05 AM] [Fayth] get over it
[3:02:06 AM] [Fauna] if u dont like bgh go low chan
[3:02:16 AM] [Fayth] i'm just bringing up points
[3:02:21 AM] [Fayth] u guys wanna make it sound like
[3:02:25 AM] [Fayth] u guys are good
[3:02:30 AM] [Fayth] u shud at least
[3:02:30 AM] [Fayth] prove so.
[3:02:31 AM] [kural] well^^
[3:02:33 AM] [kural] we are
[3:02:36 AM] [kural] at hunter or bgh
[3:02:44 AM] [Fauna] best
[3:02:45 AM] [Fayth] we're good at both
[3:02:48 AM] [Fauna] ^^
[3:02:48 AM] [Fayth] so i guess
[3:02:49 AM] [Fayth] we're better players
[3:02:52 AM] [Fayth] overall ?
[3:02:53 AM] [BuTtErMilch] ^^
[3:02:54 AM] [kural] ^^
[3:02:56 AM] [BuTtErMilch] i see
[3:02:56 AM] [BuTtErMilch] ^^
[3:03:01 AM] [BuTtErMilch] go regame
[3:03:01 AM] [Fauna] u jsut insane?
[3:03:04 AM] [gG-BeSigEr] but bgh is still not noob like co many claim
[3:03:05 AM] [Fayth] ?
[3:03:05 AM] [Fauna] x_x
[3:03:18 AM] [Fayth] it is
[3:03:18 AM] [Fayth] very
[3:03:21 AM] [Fayth] basic
[3:03:21 AM] [Fayth] play
[3:03:22 AM] [kural] some of u good 1on1 player too
[3:03:25 AM] [Fayth] nothing complex
[3:03:36 AM] [Fayth] would u ever be to watch
[3:03:37 AM] [Fayth] pro gaming
[3:03:38 AM] [kural] of us
[3:03:39 AM] [Fayth] u'd notice
[3:03:41 AM] [Fayth] the huge gaps
[3:03:45 AM] [Fayth] between u bgh players
[3:03:46 AM] [Fayth] and them
[3:03:47 AM] [Fayth] -.-
[3:03:48 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] we are watching pro gaming reps
[3:03:54 AM] [ss-Baxx] yes
[3:04:00 AM] [Fayth] u shud know
[3:04:03 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] and in bgh teamplay plays a more important role
[3:04:04 AM] [Fayth] ur overall speed and accuracy
[3:04:07 AM] [Fayth] is nowhere near the same
[3:04:10 AM] [BGH_Website] i dun watch BGH replays, i watch pro gaming reps only, but i only play BGH/
[3:04:21 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] even though it needs less "strategy" or multiple unit micro
[3:04:37 AM] [Fayth] it's just
[3:04:38 AM] [To Fauna] what's the result?
[3:04:40 AM] [Fayth] easier to understand
[3:04:42 AM] [Fayth] and easier to executre
[3:04:44 AM] [Fayth] execute
[3:04:47 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] yes
[3:04:51 AM] [Fayth] all a matter of logic
[3:04:52 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] football is easy to understand too
[3:04:54 AM] [gG-BeSigEr] bgh pulls in more players to sc
[3:04:55 AM] [Fayth] that's why we use the "newb" term
[3:04:57 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] yet not evereone is good at it^^
[3:05:05 AM] [Fayth] but everyone who's good at low money map
[3:05:09 AM] [Fayth] will be good at bgh too
[3:05:13 AM] [Fayth] vice versa is not true.
[3:05:14 AM] [boysetsfire] no
[3:05:17 AM] [nutzlos] good is good

[3:05:17 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] not if hes not practising teamplay
[3:05:22 AM] [kural] the secret to win 3on3 or 2on2 is
[3:05:25 AM] [Fayth] just play
[3:05:26 AM] [kural] good team play
[3:05:26 AM] [Fayth] 10-20 games
[3:05:28 AM] [kural] that makes
[3:05:30 AM] [Fayth] and u'll get the hang of
[3:05:31 AM] [Fayth] team play
[3:05:32 AM] [kural] the differens
[3:05:33 AM] [Fayth] whoever plays
[3:05:35 AM] [Fayth] 2;2
[3:05:37 AM] [Fayth] on low money maps
[3:05:37 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] lol now youre dreaming
[3:05:40 AM] [Fayth] ok yeah
[3:05:42 AM] [Fayth] u're saying
[3:05:42 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] its no comparison
[3:05:44 AM] [Fayth] u guys could beat
[3:05:46 AM] [Fayth] mondragon + testie
[3:05:47 AM] [Fayth] on bgh ?
[3:05:51 AM] [kural] yes
[3:05:54 AM] [Fauna] yep
[3:05:54 AM] [Fayth] r o f l
[3:05:55 AM] [BuTtErMilch] ok
[3:05:55 AM] [Fayth]
[3:05:56 AM] [ss-Baxx] yep
[3:05:59 AM] [ss-Baxx] they can
[3:05:59 AM] [kural] fayth plz
[3:06:03 AM] [Fayth] wow
[3:06:08 AM] [Fayth] such lack of reality here ;p
[3:06:12 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] i havent seen mondragon on bgh
[3:06:14 AM] [BGH_Website] fayth have u cahnge ur opinion towards average map player ---] all BGH player in BGH?/
[3:06:18 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] he started on bgh tho
[3:06:18 AM] [kural] i played vs nada for example
[3:06:20 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] i know that
[3:06:20 AM] [kural] 2on2 on hunter
[3:06:21 AM] [ss-Baxx] cause they play bgh 24/7 and they now that map much better than any1
[3:06:32 AM] [ss-Baxx] know
[3:06:35 AM] [PleAsE-mE] ----
[3:06:35 AM] [kural] 3 games 1 win
[3:06:40 AM] [Fayth] and nada
[3:06:43 AM] [Fayth] doesnt play hunters
[3:06:44 AM] [Fayth] or hardly
[3:06:49 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] true
[3:06:50 AM] [kural] unknown.nada
[3:06:53 AM] [Fauna] lol u dont know nada
[3:06:53 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] he also lacks teamplay
[3:06:53 AM] [kural] his
[3:06:58 AM] [Fayth] oh
[3:06:58 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] but hes alot better
[3:07:00 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] than the most
[3:07:01 AM] [Fayth] i thought u were talking
[3:07:03 AM] [Fayth] about the real nada
[3:07:04 AM] [Fayth] sorry v-.-
[3:07:06 AM] [kural] i do
[3:07:11 AM] [Fayth] i didn't play
[3:07:13 AM] [Fayth] "unknown.nada"
[3:07:16 AM] [Fayth] i played [red]nada
[3:07:19 AM] [Fayth] that's all
[3:07:29 AM] [kural] unknown.nada
[3:07:32 AM] [kural] is his hunter id
[3:07:38 AM] [Fayth] ..
[3:07:50 AM] [Fayth] how do u know it's nada rofl
[3:07:51 AM] [Fayth] ;p
[3:08:03 AM] [CapaDona] i read all of the posts on the GG site... yall are really some haters against bgh:ers
[3:08:06 AM] [CapaDona] dont see the point
[3:08:17 AM] [kural] u know dinnin?
[3:08:25 AM] [kural] fayth
[3:08:25 AM] [Fayth] yeah
[3:08:27 AM] [Fayth] i'm in oG)
[3:08:31 AM] [kural] old friend of mine
[3:08:33 AM] [kural] he meet nada
[3:08:35 AM] [kural] in bejing
[3:08:36 AM] [Fayth] i know
[3:08:45 AM] [kural] and yes i am sure
[3:08:47 AM] [kural] its real nada
[3:09:02 AM] [Fauna] 67
[3:09:02 AM] [Fauna] 67
[3:09:05 AM] [Fayth] ok w/e though
[3:09:11 AM] [Fayth] it's just that
[3:09:14 AM] [Fayth] our overall game play
[3:09:17 AM] [Fayth] is much more improved
(Fayth give up after losing 5-1, so he doesn't want to rematch)
[3:09:18 AM] [Fayth] than urs
[3:09:19 AM] [kural] but a game vs testi and mondi would be nice
[3:09:23 AM] [kural] ggs i think^^
[3:09:46 AM] [McPuller] i have reps of mondi on bgh, he did like 10 sunks on bgh
[3:09:58 AM] [Fayth] not like it matters
[3:09:59 AM] [Fayth] u havei
[3:10:02 AM] [Fayth] infinite
[3:10:03 AM] [Fayth] econ
[3:10:03 AM] [Fayth] -.-
[3:10:29 AM] [kural] well a lot of bgh players are noob
[3:10:31 AM] [kural] but not all^^
[3:10:39 AM] [Fayth] but the top players
[3:10:48 AM] [Fayth] are not as good as the top low money players
[3:10:48 AM] [Fayth] nowhere near as good
[3:11:07 AM] [kural] u know projekt-q?
[3:11:12 AM] [Fayth] some polish?
[3:11:15 AM] [kural] no
[3:11:17 AM] [Fayth] german?
[3:11:20 AM] [kural] yes
[3:11:24 AM] [Fayth] him and projekt-x
[3:11:26 AM] [kural] yes
[3:11:26 AM] [Fayth] 2;2 players yeah
[3:11:28 AM] [Fayth] what about them
[3:11:38 AM] [kural] hes nice 1on1 play too
[3:11:45 AM] [Fayth] well he might be ok
[3:11:46 AM] [Fayth] ;p
[3:11:54 AM] [kural] beat up players like kingdom
[3:11:56 AM] [CapaDona] you know... im the best player of all in here
[3:12:00 AM] [CapaDona] just ask all of em
[3:12:13 AM] [CapaDona] and then i woke up
[3:12:49 AM] [Fayth] ...
[3:12:56 AM] [Fayth] if he's as good as
[3:12:58 AM] [Fayth] beating kingdom
[3:13:01 AM] [Fayth] how come he never won anything
[3:13:08 AM] [Fayth] how come no one in germany can touch mondragon ?
[3:13:09 AM] [Fayth] -.-
[3:13:14 AM] [BGH_Website] maybe is because he is just like u?/
[3:13:22 AM] [Fauna] ^^
[3:13:24 AM] [Fayth] who's like me ?
[3:13:28 AM] [Fayth] i got 2nd wcg canada 2005
[3:13:30 AM] [Fayth] won a trip to singapore
[3:13:31 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] vat mach mal rep?
[3:13:34 AM] [Fayth] worth 3000$
[3:13:38 AM] [Fauna] so?
[3:13:39 AM] [Fauna] ^^
[3:13:40 AM] [BGH_Website] ^^ congratz/
[3:13:41 AM] [Fayth] spent a week there for the world cyber games
[3:13:48 AM] [Fayth] well have any bgh'ers
[3:13:52 AM] [Fayth] achieved
[3:13:52 AM] [Fayth] that much ?
[3:14:01 AM] [Fauna] u must be a real "freak" if u so good at low
[3:14:05 AM] [Fauna] apm monster
[3:14:09 AM] [Fayth] ...
[3:14:15 AM] [BGH_Website] hahaa apm monster?/
[3:14:19 AM] [Fayth] wtf is
[3:14:20 AM] [Fayth] apm monster
[3:14:20 AM] [Fayth] rofl
[3:14:21 AM] [Fayth] ;p
[3:14:25 AM] [BGH_Website] goood call )/
[3:14:32 AM] [Fayth] sure my overall multitasking
[3:14:34 AM] [Fayth] is better than urs
[3:14:44 AM] [Fayth] my apm still isn't that high
[3:14:45 AM] [McPuller] alter wie eingebildet is der spackn
[3:14:54 AM] [Fayth] everyone's !&$%ing german here -.-
[3:14:58 AM] [CapaDona] not me
[3:14:59 AM] [CapaDona]
[3:14:59 AM] [kural] nop
[3:14:59 AM] [BGH_Website] fayth are u still playing with templargoon as ur partner this sunday?/
[3:15:05 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] not true ^^
[3:15:05 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] lol
[3:15:06 AM] [Fayth] oh it's sunday ?
[3:15:07 AM] [PleAsE-mE] NORWAY
[3:15:09 AM] [PleAsE-mE] YEAh
[3:15:12 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] im austrian
[3:15:14 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ^^
[3:15:23 AM] [kural] also deutscher
[3:15:28 AM] [BGH_Website] the hdn suppose to play templargoon/
[3:15:28 AM] [kural] zier dich net so
[3:15:28 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] mowl ^^
[3:15:29 AM] [kural] ^^
[3:15:30 AM] [CapaDona] Hitman americans confuse austri with australia
[3:15:34 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] true
[3:15:38 AM] [Fayth] im canadian
[3:15:39 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] but he is canadian
[3:15:41 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] lol
[3:15:44 AM] [CapaDona] oh
[3:15:44 AM] [Fayth] and no i don't confuse
[3:15:44 AM] [CapaDona] sorry bout that
[3:15:47 AM] [Fayth] Austria
[3:15:47 AM] [Fayth] with AUstralia
[3:15:47 AM] [Fayth] -.-
[3:15:53 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] swedes confuse america with canadan
[3:15:55 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ^^
[3:15:56 AM] [CapaDona] Well i said americans
[3:15:57 AM] [Fayth] :/
[3:15:57 AM] [CapaDona]
[3:16:05 AM] [CapaDona] haha hit shut up i thought he was american
[3:16:11 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] lol
[3:16:16 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] :x
[3:16:18 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ok then
[3:16:21 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] my bad
[3:16:22 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] probably...
[3:16:24 AM] [Fayth] neways my point is
[3:16:27 AM] [Fayth] we can go even on bgh
[3:16:29 AM] [Fayth] as low money players
[3:16:31 AM] [Fayth] switching on ur maps
[3:16:35 AM] [Fayth] we'd win some games here and there
[3:16:39 AM] [Fayth] cuz our overall execution
[3:16:42 AM] [Fayth] is better
[3:16:46 AM] [Fayth] whereas if u guys go
[3:16:49 AM] [Fayth] on low money map....
[3:16:54 AM] [Fayth] we'll just #@%$! slap you around
[3:16:54 AM] [Fayth] --v
[3:17:09 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] we might get lucky with dt drop though
[3:17:09 AM] [CapaDona] well the point wasnt to play on low maps was it?
[3:17:18 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] ^^
[3:17:18 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] --V
[3:17:30 AM] [CapaDona] the whole thing is playing you on bgh
[3:17:30 AM] [McPuller] the point was "faith is the best player ever even when he lose"
[3:17:34 AM] [kural] ^^
[3:17:39 AM] [ss-Baxx] and beating best bgh team on bgh..
[3:17:39 AM] [CapaDona] ahh nice
[3:17:45 AM] [CapaDona] yeah
[3:17:55 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] but fayth
[3:17:58 AM] [ss-Baxx] and thats impossible
[3:18:10 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] europe won vs asia on blizzard invitational tourney right?
[3:18:24 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] because europeans were faster to adapt to the new maps
[3:18:32 AM] [kural] ?^^
[3:18:40 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] does that mean europe ] asia? i doubt it
[3:18:55 AM] [gG-BeSigEr] the point is this, tempgoon said that even mediocre low players could own bgh top on bgh map, evertyhing else is unimportant now
[3:19:06 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] because the asians (and 3/5 of the asian team was korean) are better on the "popular low maps" esepcially lt
[3:19:37 AM] [HiTmaN[oiB]] but that doesn't make europeans better "overall players"
[3:20:24 AM] [Fayth] europe won vs asia ?
[3:20:26 AM] [Fayth] no $!@% lol
[3:20:27 AM] [Fayth] asia won. ;p