originally posted
Loosely organized by topic, but much of it touches on multiple things. Sometimes posts are chained together because they are direct replies to earlier posts.
On Refugees:
- "I can't wait to be culturally enriched." -- "I plan on culturally enriching them." -- "with?" -- "The 2nd amendment." -- "I must hurry to earn my concealed carry permit." -- "[with?] My penis. Syrian bitches are hot." -- "We'll be just like Sweden soon!"
- "MUSLIMS ALL OVER EUROPE RAPING INNOCENT WOMEN, rioting, welfare fraud, crime and pockets of sharia law. DEPORTISLAM"
- "Why go [to Dubai[ when you can go to Europe and get everything handed to you AND your pick of "willing" women"
- "Refugee is such a tarnished word they [rapist] both mean the same now...its sad really."
- "1,500 more welfare recipients and potential jihadists. Hooray!" -- ""Mainly democratic voters."" -- "They'll "coincidentally" all end up in swing states." -- "Ship em to Flint and Detroit, it'll feel just like home for em."
- "Make no mistake the number will be magnitudes higher than whatever initial estimates suggest because I bet they'll keep bringing them in right up to the general election. And if the democrats win, god help us, because it will probably end in bloodshed." -- "Does the radical left realize we could use that money to help our OWN society? Money is not unlimited. We're closing in on 20T in debt. Our debt is already over 100% of our GDP. Every dollar we spend on another country, is a dollar we can't spend helping our people. Also, every terrorist attack that happens, results in lives and money lost." -- "Yay I love paying $2000 dollars a month in taxes for this!!!" -- "That's about what I pay. I'm just about done. A welfare queen eats better then I do."
- "Yeah, let them try the shit they pull in Europe here. Remember the Charlie Hebdo shootings? When some aloha snackbars were upset over a cartoon of muh-hammad so they went into a building and killed 12 people? Remember when in Texas 2 muzzies got butthurt over a draw muh-hammad cartoon contest and they went there to kill people but got shot before they ever made it inside? Yep, feels good being an armed free citizen" -- "I never understood the right to a second amendment until Trumps election where absolute corruption in the government has made it not possible to have a fair democratic election." -- "I've always leaned anti-gun, atypical for Texas, now I'm debating getting a starter rifle." -- "I prefer a well armed society to an unarmed society. I feel safer when people are able to and willing to defend themselves."
- "'Terrorists we can pick up, remove from society. But they are just a boil. Underneath is a cancer that is much more difficult to treat.' What a perfect way to describe Islam."
- [transphobia] "I would have hit that faggot so fast his penis would literally transform into a vagina and his wish would come true" -- "Not gonna lie that guy showed a lot of restraint. He could've beat that androgynous waste of life bloody and I wouldn't have held it against him." -- "I would've reflexively knocked him out right after that AIDS spit. No time to cry tranny." -- "While I don't think you would be wrong to do so, the last thing the Trump movement needs is its members getting violent. The media makes us look bad enough already." -- "Would he be in trouble if he knocked the tranny out? Any lawyers here?"
- "I'm starting to hate these Cruzfags even more than than the Bernie Panders groupies."
- "The more I see from other candidates, the more it becomes clear that Trump not only isn't racist, but is the least racist of all the other candidates."
- "This is getting really old. This "White privilege" shit. There's no such thing."
- "We (white dudes ~20 years old) have been disenfranchised, disregarded, and turned into effectively a minority in the eyes of the world. But that's not what we are, we're the majority. We're The Silent Majority, and we damn well stand with with Trump."
- "Obama is a traitor, plain and simple."
- "Keep in mind that 15.8% of Americans have an IQ of 85 or less. That group almost always votes democrat. Not saying it as an insult either. its just a reality." -- "Interestingly, the average African-American IQ is 85. Not saying it as an insult either, it's just the sad reality." -- "Which prior to 1973 meant if you were at or below average IQ for an African American, that was considered the level of the mentally retarded (although IQ alone is not the only factor in making that determination, with behavior and other factors included). Idk what to make of this information, but it is a fact." -- "They actually changed the definition of mentally retarded because too many blacks were qualifying."
- "Former CoonTown [hate sub for mocking black people] moderator here, This sperg [asperger syndrome] used to send the mods of CoonTown threatening videos before the admins shut our sub down. The guy is a typical Bernie voter: white, stupid, autistic, transsexual, shrill, and reddity. Edit: I'm not lookin to be rayciss in your sub just sharing this vid that's all. Pls don't shoah me for making this non-rayciss comment I just wanted to help OP see that there's no need for alarm and that this guy is just a dumb Sanders voter." -- "That thing [person] needs some serious psychiatric help."
- "I already get enough shit from people who think DT is racist. I'm fucking sick of it. We don't need to encourage or add fuel to that fire. It's nonsense to believe that DT is racist. He is not."
- "Then don't forget the protests about the school not being 90% black and therefore the campus is racist"
- "Agreed, fuck these fucking cocksuckers. Fuck Obama and Hillary for trying to kill off Canadian ---> American oil exports instead of supporting NORTH AMERICAN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE and letting the middle east die in a fire and letting China or some shit go police that garbage region of the world. Obama is letting the Saudis play the North American producers with this latest "oil crash" and the Iranian sanction release. Obama bends over and spreads his cheeks and says "yes please" at the behest of Buffett et al. He's playing checkers with global warming while they're playing chess with geopolitics. Disgusting!"
On Sweden
- "I dated a Swedish girl once. She got fat and became psycho feminazi. I was red pilled before there was red pill. Its like a bad flashback but for an entire cuntry."
- "100% of Muslims worship a pedophile"
- "welcome to SWEDISTAN -- Home of Islamic rape, crime, welfare fraud and rioting ungrateful Muslims !!
deportislam #fucksweden"
- "They had more people leaving [Sweden] in 2015 in than any time before that in the last 200 or so years. There was an article here yesterday showing it. You can't blame them for leaving a sinking ship, but we should hope these are people with common sense and not leftists who bring their ideals with them and ruin another country."
- "a country that more actively tries to protect a sub on Reddit than its women and borders? Feel bad for them, pity them, whatever you want, but use them as proof as to why we need Trump now more than ever. Our greatest insult to them is to see them for what they have sadly become and never allow it to happen in America. Their country is almost gone. Many will be migrating to get away from the travesty. "
- "I realized recently that I've been projecting American values onto the people of Europe. They don't have an inborn distrust of authority and desire for self-determination like we do. They've been brainwashed since childhood to believe that this is the natural order of things, and I'm starting to understand that an "awakening" simply isn't going to happen. Their collective will to survive has been stripped out of them, over the course of generations. They can't be saved, but they can be a shining example of the failure of Cultural Marxism and multiculturalism. So you know what, keep on bringing them in, Sweden. In time their nation and others will devolve into a 3rd world hellholes, and the reason for their downfall will be plain to see. Hopefully a few European countries will be able to pull up the drawbridges and save themselves."
- "If I was born in Sweden I would probably kill myself." -- "They're be no need to, a refugee would probably beat you to it."
- "anyone else feel the urge to pretend they're Muslim and start a new life in Sweden?" -- "As long as I get a Swedish girl" -- "As long as you rape them, fair game." -- "You can just take one. Worst case scenario you have to do 100 hours of community service." -- "Free blondes along with your socialist welfare check!"
- "Just look at Sweden, folks. All across Europe, they're letting rape become normal. We can't let that happen to us, folks. The media will call us racists but folks, imagine if that was your daughter. We're living in a waking nightmare. Hillary, isn't going to solve this problem. America needs a leader, to show the world we're back and we're not to be fucked with, folks."
On Hillary:
- "B" -- "I" -- "T" -- "C" -- "H" [chained comments]
"The business relationship was, he pays her, she goes "ARF ARF ARF!" "
- "She looks like a lesbian aunt."
- [On Michelle Fields being fired from Fox News] "Oh well. Guess she has to do porn now."
- [responding to a picture of an attractive mother] "god i love this picture, i'd put another baby in it thats for sure" -- "A WARM BLOODED AMERICAN WOULD GET IN THAT FASTER THAN CRUZ GOES IN ON A MISTRESS"
- [picture with: "Want to close wage gap? Step one: change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering"] -- "And also, be prepared to work hard, long and smart. Don't use the workplace as a platform to seek out a high-earning male who will eventually marry you and 'rescue' you from the daily grind. Welcome to true gender equality. Welcome to our world."
- "But we should also stop with this feminist pushed propaganda that there is something wrong with being a full time mom and raising a family. Women are told they should feel shame if they sacrifice their career development and leave the workforce to raise their young children." -- "Feminism is so strange. It teaches women to hate motherhood, which is the greatest position a human being could have. It tells us masculinity is toxic, but that all women should act exactly like men. That instead of Hollywood glorifying the mother, it should glorify women running around with guns kicking ass and killing people." -- "Kinda sucks that feminism has brain washed women into thinking mother hood is somehow beneath them or a burden somehow. Don't "ruin your life" better get an abortion/IUD/etc."
- "Mark Cuckerberg has a wall around his house, but says America is racist if it wants one!" -- "[the wall is] probably a privacy screen so you cant see the rapefugees running a train on his wife!" -- "I've seen his wife. Nobody's running a train on that ugly ass." -- "a billionaire and he gets that" -- "He's a cuck with no game" -- "Zuckerberg is worth billions of dollars. He could have any woman he wants. He just chooses to be a cuck." -- "The idea that if you get a certain amount of money, women fall into your lap from the sky is a myth perpetuated by delusional betas. Zuckerberg is married to an ugly cow because he's a pathetic snivelling beta. Sure he could probably find a hot gold digger to marry, but she'd still cuck him with a (probably broke) alpha."
- "Attorney here. This is how everyone should realize the wage gap thing is a lie. People like me would be cashing in on that gravy train so hard and so fast it'd be like medmal in the 90s." -- "I've talked to student who go to school at my major uber liberal university, usually after a few overpriced glasses of scotch at the bar, and always females, and when I bring up wage gap, their response is that "It is a statistical fact." They can't even fathom that it is a myth." -- "As a women I can tell you it's actually a lot nicer in the work places for women then it is men. I've saw this with my SO and my father multiple times. If there is a wage gap it's because the women are not as experienced or they take more time off." -- "That's the thing tho. Almost none of these girls have held real jobs yet, and they come into their careers just looking to confirm their oppression bias. I've seen what happens when ANY boss/manager criticizes anything about most female employees, and its all of a sudden a personal attack against this girl. It's pathetic." -- "/s"I can't find a company that wants to hire a morbidly obese gender studies major with neon hair and 1950's hausfrau glasses that is constantly up her own ass and will file sexual harassment claims over being asked to do work so there's a pretty obvs wage gap." "
- "I've found that a super obvious indicator of the "special snowflake syndrome" is dyed hair. In a way, I appreciate it - dyed pink hair is a great way to show me how obsessed you are with superficial uniqueness, so that I know to avoid you."
- "If this wasn't on video, that black woman would have pressed charges on that kid for assault, claim the kid put his hands on her, and the white kid kicked out of college. How much privilege does that kid really have when his whole future can be taken away from him based on false battery/assault accusation? Thank god the camera dude was there." -- "Gosh that really does sound familiar" -- "Duke Lacrosse case?" -- "Mattress Girl?"
- "This is SJW 101. Victimhood is power, they will always play the victim. See Also: Brian Wu, Anita Sarkeesian, Michelle Fields, Bree Olson" -- "What did Bree Olson do?" -- "She recently released a video where she bitches for five minutes about how the world thinks of her as a "slut" after spending a decade getting paid obscene amounts of money for portraying herself as a slut. She's mad that she isn't taken seriously because of her past and well-earned reputation. Pretty typical nu-feminist whining about her actions having consequences" -- "I'm gonna beat off to her most degrading scene tonight as revenge" -- "She seriously thinks she can go back to porn and make a lot of money? Naw, nobody cares about her and she got OLD. and lol @ the beta guy interviewing her. Just from his voice alone you can tell he is a cuck. edit: is she dating this fat lesbo? lmao"
On SRS [a feminism hub on Reddit that highlights and mocks offensive material]:
- "I thought SRS faggots didn't link to us since we are, according to their allegations, "low hanging fruit". What a bunch of little bitches." -- "An entire group of people who devote their time picking out random comments and posts completely unrelated to them and try to make themselves feel better by circlejerking about how horrible and traumatic it was to read a comment that didn't conform to their safe space mentality. Sad!" -- "They're broken, miserable, and delusional humans. It's usually always the same story: they were the girl in high school who just existed, never popular nor outcasts. Not ugly, but not pretty either. Then they get tossed into the real world and quickly realise that people care even less about them; so, like the petulant children they are, they scream, cry and dye their hair to signal what unique little creatures they are. The closest they've ever come to knowing oppression is picking the cotton out of their pill containers." -- "they're on SRS because they're fat and jealous of other girls' success" -- "What do you expect from [people] who are essentially the sniveling little pussies you went to school with who just talk shit on everyone and everything they can." -- "that sub is definition of pussy"
- "lol at the mad SomethingAwful fags"
- "Is that sub a parody? Or are they actually mentally broken people which said sub enables? If it's the latter, I hope they can get the help they clearly need." -- "Like they would ever see the inside of a gym." --
- "Haha SRS is so mad, what a bunch of vagina neckbeard beta cuckolds. DEAR SRS: Maybe you should lose weight so you don't set off the richter scale every time you walk to the pantry to open another bag of cheetos."
- "Look at SRS front page; we've really been triggering them."
- "We have offended the Triggerkin" -- "SRS Status: TRIGGERED" - "My first srs trigger. So fuckin proud."
- "I am starting to think these people are mentally retarded." -- "Its worse than that. They are Willfully Retarded." -- "They are libtarded." -- "That sub is also probably mentally retarded. Go on srs I want to be featured" -- "reddit admins are cucks"
- "That's bc Liberalism is a neurological disease. With this disease an ancient part of the brain called the Hippocampus is underdeveloped and/or damaged and never reaches full maturity. Adverse affects include thinking everything is rascist/sexist, inability to use logic, throwing temper tantrums when you don't get your way, bacne,acne, obesity, colored hair, and of course fish mouth."
- "I remember that picture of the meetup from the people on that sub. They all look like legit autistic trannies"
- "They are allowed to do it because a lot of SRS members are good friends with the cuck reddit admins in San Francisco. Some even believe the SRS admins are shell accounts of actual reddit admins. I used to run an anti-transgender subreddit here on reddit, and they brigaded us all the time, they even posted outright "Call to Arms" posts organizing said brigades and bragging about said brigades. Reddit is based in San Francisco, aka Cuckville USA, so of course Reddit will fall down on the side of the cucks at SRS."