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Clinton In Trouble In Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Trump's Negatives Are Almost 2-1
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is behind or on the wrong side of a too-close-to-call result in matchups with three leading Republican contenders, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
Perhaps the biggest loser, however, is Donald Trump, who has negative favorability ratings of almost 2-1 in each state, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on key states in the presidential election.
In several matchups in Iowa and Colorado, another Democratic contender, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, runs as well as, or better than Clinton against Rubio, Bush and Walker. Vice President Joseph Biden does not do as well.
Clinton gets markedly negative favorability ratings in each state, 35 - 56 percent in Colorado, 33 - 56 percent in Iowa and 41 - 50 percent in Virginia.
The worst favorability ratings for any Democrat or Republican in the presidential field belong to Trump: 31 - 58 percent in Colorado, 32 - 57 percent in Iowa and 32 - 61 percent in Virginia.
"Hillary Clinton's numbers have dropped among voters in the key swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia. She has lost ground in the horserace and on key questions about her honesty and leadership," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. "On being a strong leader, a key metric in presidential campaigns, she has dropped four to 10 points depending on the state and she is barely above 50 percent in each of the three states."
"Against three Republicans, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Secretary Clinton trails in six matchups and is on the down side of too-close-to call in three," Brown added.
"That's compared to the April 9 Quinnipiac University poll in which she was clearly ahead in five of the matchups and too-close-to-call in the other four. One other key takeaway is that Vice President Joseph Biden, who is considering a 2016 run, does better than Clinton on honesty and on caring about voter needs, always a key Democratic strong point."
"Donald Trump stands out for the wrong reason among the 17 candidates for the Republican presidential nomination: His large negative favorability rating means his growth potential is not as attractive as his competitors."
That map is really small, so I can't be sure, but if the French picked The Netherlands as the biggest threat to world peace, it is clearly just trolling :D
EDIT: oh, it is a black bar at the bottom, not blue, and presumably has two stars in it, making it Syria. That is more sensible.
Texas authorities are denying accusations that the shocking Sandra Bland dashcam video has been edited.
Jumps, loops and other inconsistencies in the 52-minute dashcam video of Bland's July 10 arrest are due to "technical issue during posting," rather than editing, Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told NBC News.
The 28-year-old woman was found dead in her jail cell three days after authorities in Prairie View, Texas, pulled Bland over for failing to signal a lane change. Her encounter with Texas state trooper Brian Encinia quickly escalated when she refused to put out her cigarette and exit her vehicle.
Footage of the incident shows Encinia drawing his Taser and telling Bland, "I will light you up."
Since the video's release, several news outlets have noted inconsistencies in the video, such as choppy segments and a lack of continuity.
"At several points in the video of Bland's arrest, posted Tuesday to the department's YouTube channel, video of a person walking or a car driving by are cut or repeat themselves as the audio continues uninterrupted," NBC News reported.
Its kinda funny how the media sustained Barrack Obama during his run in 08 and now 8 years later the media is sustaining Trump. Quite a roll reversal in less than a decade.
On July 23 2015 04:48 whatisthisasheep wrote: Its kinda funny how the media sustained Barrack Obama during his run in 08 and now 8 years later the media is sustaining Trump. Quite a roll reversal in less than a decade.
So if you know nothing about politics, how is it that you've so quickly decided that the media's treatment of Trump is the same as it was of Obama? Furthermore, how is the media's treatment of Trump in '15, more than a year from election day, the same as the media's treatment of Obama in '08, the actual year of an election?
Its kinda funny when people don't know enough to know that they don't. But again, let me reiterate, please keep stumping for Trump (or Trumping as clutz would have it). It's more than only kinda funny
On July 23 2015 04:48 whatisthisasheep wrote: Its kinda funny how the media sustained Barrack Obama during his run in 08 and now 8 years later the media is sustaining Trump. Quite a roll reversal in less than a decade.
So if you know nothing about politics, how is it that you've so quickly decided that the media's treatment of Trump is the same as it was of Obama? Furthermore, how is the media's treatment of Trump in '15, more than a year from election day, the same as the media's treatment of Obama in '08, the actual year of an election?
Its kinda funny when people don't know enough to know that they don't. But again, let me reiterate, please keep stumping for Trump (or Trumping as clutz would have it). It's more than only kinda funny
You sound like my ex girlfriend Aubrey who was pursuing her psychology degree at UC Davis 2 years it you? Hows life been?
Texas authorities are denying accusations that the shocking Sandra Bland dashcam video has been edited.
Jumps, loops and other inconsistencies in the 52-minute dashcam video of Bland's July 10 arrest are due to "technical issue during posting," rather than editing, Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told NBC News.
The 28-year-old woman was found dead in her jail cell three days after authorities in Prairie View, Texas, pulled Bland over for failing to signal a lane change. Her encounter with Texas state trooper Brian Encinia quickly escalated when she refused to put out her cigarette and exit her vehicle.
Footage of the incident shows Encinia drawing his Taser and telling Bland, "I will light you up."
Since the video's release, several news outlets have noted inconsistencies in the video, such as choppy segments and a lack of continuity.
"At several points in the video of Bland's arrest, posted Tuesday to the department's YouTube channel, video of a person walking or a car driving by are cut or repeat themselves as the audio continues uninterrupted," NBC News reported.
Texas authorities are denying accusations that the shocking Sandra Bland dashcam video has been edited.
Jumps, loops and other inconsistencies in the 52-minute dashcam video of Bland's July 10 arrest are due to "technical issue during posting," rather than editing, Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told NBC News.
The 28-year-old woman was found dead in her jail cell three days after authorities in Prairie View, Texas, pulled Bland over for failing to signal a lane change. Her encounter with Texas state trooper Brian Encinia quickly escalated when she refused to put out her cigarette and exit her vehicle.
Footage of the incident shows Encinia drawing his Taser and telling Bland, "I will light you up."
Since the video's release, several news outlets have noted inconsistencies in the video, such as choppy segments and a lack of continuity.
"At several points in the video of Bland's arrest, posted Tuesday to the department's YouTube channel, video of a person walking or a car driving by are cut or repeat themselves as the audio continues uninterrupted," NBC News reported.
The cop is blatantly lying in the video too. This department is particularly bad. The feds should of been on this from the jump.
I watched the video, what is he lying about?
For the record: The stop and arrest were perfectly legal. The use of force, professionalism, and possible murder are still up in the air even after watching the video (although we can probably agree, the cop was not the most professional person out there.)
Texas authorities are denying accusations that the shocking Sandra Bland dashcam video has been edited.
Jumps, loops and other inconsistencies in the 52-minute dashcam video of Bland's July 10 arrest are due to "technical issue during posting," rather than editing, Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told NBC News.
The 28-year-old woman was found dead in her jail cell three days after authorities in Prairie View, Texas, pulled Bland over for failing to signal a lane change. Her encounter with Texas state trooper Brian Encinia quickly escalated when she refused to put out her cigarette and exit her vehicle.
Footage of the incident shows Encinia drawing his Taser and telling Bland, "I will light you up."
Since the video's release, several news outlets have noted inconsistencies in the video, such as choppy segments and a lack of continuity.
"At several points in the video of Bland's arrest, posted Tuesday to the department's YouTube channel, video of a person walking or a car driving by are cut or repeat themselves as the audio continues uninterrupted," NBC News reported.
The cop is blatantly lying in the video too. This department is particularly bad. The feds should of been on this from the jump.
I watched the video, what is he lying about?
For the record: The stop and arrest were perfectly legal. The use of force, professionalism, and possible murder are still up in the air even after watching the video (although we can probably agree, the cop was not the most professional person out there.)
Lies by omission to start. He doesn't describe the interaction before she is removed from the car accurately at all. He neglects to mention the U-turn and pursuit, he doesn't mention the cigarette, "I will light you up" isn't mentioned, that he told her she was under arrest, that he instigated by asking her why she was upset, etc...
People watching this video and thinking the cop was remotely honest are simply blind/deaf.
Just for perspective of how the cop is supposed to act (this is what they are trained to do)
Texas authorities are denying accusations that the shocking Sandra Bland dashcam video has been edited.
Jumps, loops and other inconsistencies in the 52-minute dashcam video of Bland's July 10 arrest are due to "technical issue during posting," rather than editing, Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told NBC News.
The 28-year-old woman was found dead in her jail cell three days after authorities in Prairie View, Texas, pulled Bland over for failing to signal a lane change. Her encounter with Texas state trooper Brian Encinia quickly escalated when she refused to put out her cigarette and exit her vehicle.
Footage of the incident shows Encinia drawing his Taser and telling Bland, "I will light you up."
Since the video's release, several news outlets have noted inconsistencies in the video, such as choppy segments and a lack of continuity.
"At several points in the video of Bland's arrest, posted Tuesday to the department's YouTube channel, video of a person walking or a car driving by are cut or repeat themselves as the audio continues uninterrupted," NBC News reported.
The cop is blatantly lying in the video too. This department is particularly bad. The feds should of been on this from the jump.
I watched the video, what is he lying about?
For the record: The stop and arrest were perfectly legal. The use of force, professionalism, and possible murder are still up in the air even after watching the video (although we can probably agree, the cop was not the most professional person out there.)
An understatement of staggering proportion. Also, can we put an end to arguments like “it was legal”? So were a lot of things that turned out to be totally messed up and not ok. Just because you can make an argument hat they didn’t directly violate a law by pulling someone over doesn’t exonerate the officer instantly.
Medical marijuana is now sold in nearly half of all states, and even one red state has legalized it for recreational use. Veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are clamoring for access to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Loosening pot laws polls better in three swing states than any 2016 presidential candidate.
But House Republicans have so far declined to keep pace with shifting public opinion. They did so again late Wednesday, when a rare bipartisan pot proposal died a quiet death in the House that would have reclassified marijuana so that national laboratories could conduct “credible research on its safety and efficacy as a medical treatment.”
So I have been following this thread more or less passively, is there anything important happening these days in the US other than Republican presidential candidates, and cops shooting blacks? Serious question.
On July 23 2015 06:02 zatic wrote: So I have been following this thread more or less passively, is there anything important happening these days in the US other than Republican presidential candidates, and cops shooting blacks? Serious question.
Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary's numbers in heads up races against some republicans in swing states.
On July 23 2015 06:02 zatic wrote: So I have been following this thread more or less passively, is there anything important happening these days in the US other than Republican presidential candidates, and cops shooting blacks? Serious question.
Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary's numbers in heads up races against some republicans in swing states.
Bernie seems to be tapping into something I have known for years, the US hates banks and huge service providers with the fire of a nova. And that hate is only growing. Republicans might be in for a rude awaking if they try to play the “de-regulation/free market” card with banks and huge companies like Comcast and Bank of America.
On July 23 2015 06:02 zatic wrote: So I have been following this thread more or less passively, is there anything important happening these days in the US other than Republican presidential candidates, and cops shooting blacks? Serious question.
Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary's numbers in heads up races against some republicans in swing states.
Bernie seems to be tapping into something I have known for years, the US hates banks and huge service providers with the fire of a nova. And that hate is only growing. Republicans might be in for a rude awaking if they try to play the “de-regulation/free market” card with banks and huge companies like Comcast and Bank of America.
He's tapping into more than that. Bernie's campaign is the definition of grassroots. I hope people join one of the over 2,000 meetings going on across the country with more than 50,000 participants.
Democracy is happening all around us, might as well join in.
GreenHorizons, I'm left-wing myself but if you could tone down a bit your campaigning for Sanders it would make reading your posts more enjoyable. At this rate I can't even imagine what it's going to be like during the primary itself.