lately a freind of mine has been saying she thinks shes been
cursed by illusion magic but im no sure what kind it is its seems
to attack her only when ever shes relaxed or starting to really
get happy ill try to explain it better when she was danceing in
her house she and she likes to pretend shes the hero of the tv
show just for fun and she said it felt like these shadow rhings
were attacking her thinking that pretend person was real then she
said she started to feel things she was watching it the killer
clone creepy right i cant stand clones and shesaid she felt not
like she was feeling the little boys pain or should feel some
stange glass and it was trapping her its like heres a good way to
describe it have you ever got hurt on a boat and then rembered
that and felt a shadow of the orginal pain i think someone cast a
revenge spell on her and im really worried but she might just have
some small empath abilty like instead of feelings shes a phyical
empath i know thats hard to belive bt why not anyway any info
would very helpful and most appreciated
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