On April 27 2012 21:50 sinno wrote: "rights of the americans who agree with the UN"
Well to be honest with you this is a republic. The rights of the people can't be taken away sorry. Whether some Americans believe in the UN (For whatever reason I have no clue its obviously turning into a Global Army for mass slaughter) or not isnt the point. Its unconstitutional and America shouldn't be involved in it, period.
Research Agenda 21 it was proposed by George Bush's dad. They think that the world is being over populated and needs to be controlled. Which is a FARSE, there is more then enough to go around for everybody on this planet. And too think we need population control is complete brain washing.
Fact: If every person in the world was given 1200 sq ft of living space it would only take up the space of about Texas. So like i said there is more then enough to go around.
What you learn is that most conspiracy theories aren't theories anymore.
Wow this is hilarious. First of all people absolutely need to be controlled, by laws, norms and society as a whole. Structured society is impossible without some form of control. There's always a careful balance to be had here between freedom and structure/security. To believe you don't live in a structured society as it is would be beyond foolish. Likewise, believing life would be better without it is even more foolish than that.
As for the UN you don't have any understanding of the issue at all. Why don't you pick up a book or two which can explain both how the world goes around (there's lots of different, exciting schools of thought here which all play their part in explaining states and people's behaviour in different parts of the world and in their interaction with eachother) and the structure of the UN and what it does, and does not, do. And by the way, the UN will never have an army of its own, and any army that it does throw together from its member countries are by necessity sanctioned by the US (alond with the other veto powers, see my previous post).
Unfortunately your education in these areas are glaringly insufficient for a proper discussion.
On April 27 2012 21:57 sinno wrote: "conspirationist theories are uneducated sheeps" Awesome opinion you got here. Could you back it up with some facts to prove your point? Im afraid your probably lost in translation. But of course as the saying goes you dont know what you dont know.
Conspiracy theorists by definition do not require facts to back up their statement. The most common technique employed is to use some real fact and then fill in any blanks you find to fit the story you want to be true. Some people cannot accept that something massive happened because of something that seems, for them, so insignificant so there must be more to it. A prime example of that would be the long living (and competing) 9/11 conspiracy theories, althought if you look at all published facts nothing actually points to it being a conspiracy. Lack of understanding, for example that steel doesn't need to melt only to weaken to not be able to support a structure, leads to people drawing faulty conclusions. Sometimes it's the exact opposite, that things must have a simple explanation because they cannot grasp the complexity. Now we're touching on the grounds of the world being run by banker familys controlling everything and everyone. Something that's relevant to some conspiracy theories is the want or need of community and togetherness and the feeling being different from, and better than, everyone else. This is showcased very well in the excellent movie The Wave althought it's not conspiracy theory related.
Now, just like faith, you're free to believe whatever you want. But your belief doesn't make it true, and you are not entitlted to your own facts.
lolol wait... arizona... what?? what are u doing???
On April 27 2012 21:57 sinno wrote: "conspirationist theories are uneducated sheeps" Awesome opinion you got here. Could you back it up with some facts to prove your point? Im afraid your probably lost in translation. But of course as the saying goes you dont know what you dont know.
Cause they're always based on two facts: our world is fucking complex and scary. I mean you can be an expert on such a field as the UN and still there are so many intricacies that you don't know inside the UN based on the struggle between persons etc... understanding the process behind the decision making is simply impossible for 99% percent of the population.
the fact that you're unable to understand how your decision makers that you, directly or not, elected scares the shit out of you and you prefer a simplistic explanation (the good guys and the evil ones) which often oppose the elite and the people in order to create what seems a rational view of the world while it's simply a fallacy (the people doesn't exist but that's another problem). Nobody understands completely how our world functions, but if you're wise you admit you've no opinion and listen to those who're educated in a matter instead of scaremongerers.
But i don't blame you, you talk about individuals in IR, you're so obviously ignorant about what you're talking about it's normal that it appears as realistic theories.
On April 27 2012 18:28 0mar wrote:Just when you think Arizona hit rock bottom, they bust out the jackhammer and dig the rock bottom deeper. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/26/11415282-agenda-21-arizona-close-to-passing-anti-un-sustainability-bill?liteShow nested quote +"Among the U.N. declaration’s non-binding principles are calls for sustainable development, environmental protection, eradicating poverty, eliminating unsustainable production and consumption patterns, economic growth and the participation of women in government decisions. “We wouldn’t be able to use CFL light bulbs in state buildings because that would be considered energy efficiency,” Campbell said. Campbell also said that the state’s Economic Security Department, which handles unemployment and welfare benefits, could be outlawed because it has to do with eradicating poverty. Also, Arizona universities have sustainability programs that could be banned if the bill becomes law, Campbell warned." TL;DR version: Tea party nuts propose bill that could end energy efficient policies, anti-poverty legislation, pollution-reduction, etc etc, all because they agree with UN declarations. Anti poverty keeps people in poverty as it is subsidising the OPPOSITE of working one's way out of the gutters.
Arizona is totally doing this wrong. The way to deal with UN resolutions you don't like is to simply ignore them, like every country does.
On April 27 2012 22:03 bonifaceviii wrote: Arizona is totally doing this wrong. The way to deal with UN resolutions you don't like is to simply ignore them, like every country does.
When they invade you it's harder to ignore them :D might happen to Arizona XD
On April 27 2012 22:06 sAsImre wrote:Show nested quote +On April 27 2012 22:03 bonifaceviii wrote: Arizona is totally doing this wrong. The way to deal with UN resolutions you don't like is to simply ignore them, like every country does. When they invade you it's harder to ignore them :D might happen to Arizona XD Solution: give Arizona a veto on the Security Council.
And just to even things out, give one to Bono too.
On April 27 2012 22:09 bonifaceviii wrote:Show nested quote +On April 27 2012 22:06 sAsImre wrote:On April 27 2012 22:03 bonifaceviii wrote: Arizona is totally doing this wrong. The way to deal with UN resolutions you don't like is to simply ignore them, like every country does. When they invade you it's harder to ignore them :D might happen to Arizona XD Solution: give Arizona a veto on the Security Council. And just to even things out, give one to Bono too.
Cold war style UN inc so and everyone is happy.
There is no "Common Sense" in our politics...
Arizona - First state to prove Obamas birth certificate is fake
Arizona - First state to tell the UN to buzz off
Can you say DUHH WINNING???
I'm done trying to prove any points its obviously a waste of time. The constitution is the only thing that keeps the government from taking away our god given rights. And to say that these some how could be "out dated" is completely hilarious, so much so I actually feel bad for anyone that believes this. Your sheep getting lead to the slaughter. Study history, open a history book. The powers at be are always constriving of ways to take away our rights. To say the contrary is you having a blind eye to history.
The United Nations is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Its soldiers have slaughtered many countless innocent lives. Im ashamed that my country is apart of this.
Im studying to get my history major and if theres one thing i've learned its nothing is what it seems.
Books too read if you care to be informed on whats really going on.
" War is a racket " - Smedley Butler
"Tragedy and hope " - Carrol Quigley
And Ron Pauls: Revolution a manifesto
I strongly suggest these books to open your minds eye too the tyranny that is being perpetrated.
On April 27 2012 22:28 sinno wrote: Arizona - First state to prove Obamas birth certificate is fake
Arizona - First state to tell the UN to buzz off
Can you say DUHH WINNING???
I'm done trying to prove any points its obviously a waste of time. The constitution is the only thing that keeps the government from taking away our god given rights. And to say that these some how could be "out dated" is completely hilarious, so much so I actually feel bad for anyone that believes this. Your sheep getting lead to the slaughter. Study history, open a history book. The powers at be are always constriving of ways to take away our rights. To say the contrary is you having a blind eye to history.
The United Nations is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Its soldiers have slaughtered many countless innocent lives. Im ashamed that my country is apart of this.
Im studying to get my history major and if theres one thing i've learned its nothing is what it seems.
Books too read if you care to be informed on whats really going on.
" War is a racket " - Smedley Butler
"Tragedy and hope " - Carrol Quigley
And Ron Pauls: Revolution a manifesto
I strongly suggest these books to open your minds eye too the tyranny that is being perpetrated.
Its bad for the powers to take away too many liberties, as their sheep become less productive and decrease tax revenues of the masters. Because of this the current mixed-economy is likely to stay the way it is for quite a while.
a tea party-backed bill that proponents say would stop a United Nations takeover conspiracy This is in the first sentence of the source, and is also where I stopped reading.
On April 27 2012 22:28 sinno wrote: Arizona - First state to prove Obamas birth certificate is fake
Arizona - First state to tell the UN to buzz off
Can you say DUHH WINNING???
I'm done trying to prove any points its obviously a waste of time. The constitution is the only thing that keeps the government from taking away our god given rights. And to say that these some how could be "out dated" is completely hilarious, so much so I actually feel bad for anyone that believes this. Your sheep getting lead to the slaughter. Study history, open a history book. The powers at be are always constriving of ways to take away our rights. To say the contrary is you having a blind eye to history.
The United Nations is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Its soldiers have slaughtered many countless innocent lives. Im ashamed that my country is apart of this.
Im studying to get my history major and if theres one thing i've learned its nothing is what it seems.
Books too read if you care to be informed on whats really going on.
" War is a racket " - Smedley Butler
"Tragedy and hope " - Carrol Quigley
And Ron Pauls: Revolution a manifesto
I strongly suggest these books to open your minds eye too the tyranny that is being perpetrated.
You realize that the people (inhabitants of the US) are what keeps the government doing what it's doing and not a piece of paper right? The people recognize the paper, and the government and that the government is legitimate as long as it acts in accordance with the paper. The paper itself is actually completely worthless without these relations to it. The government would be well in its right to make a new constitution should it be elected on that basis.
And again you have no understanding what so ever for what the UN is or what it does. It's embarassing, really. Why don't you pick up a book on it? Actually I'm going to recommend a book to you that's absolutely fantastic (I've had several others and none of them are as all encompassing yet so deep as this one): Global Politics by Andrew Heywood. It goes through how the world is currently structured, including different ways to interpret the known facts (keywords: scientifically recognized ways of interpreting known facts) and the role of international institutions, including the UN. I'm not kidding, you should pick the book up. Anyone interested in international relations or current world politics should.
The constitution isnt a piece of paper. Its whats written on this piece of paper which is the constitution. Words which have essentially been written in blood. And to think that people in this day and age can consider it worth washing out makes me want too puke.
Ill read your book if you promise to read mine. Question who do you think structures the current world we live in?
Do you really believe the UN is necessary? IF so what is it necessary for? Thank you for the recommended read.
On April 27 2012 22:28 sinno wrote: Arizona - First state to prove Obamas birth certificate is fake
Arizona - First state to tell the UN to buzz off
Can you say DUHH WINNING???
I'm done trying to prove any points its obviously a waste of time. The constitution is the only thing that keeps the government from taking away our god given rights. And to say that these some how could be "out dated" is completely hilarious, so much so I actually feel bad for anyone that believes this. Your sheep getting lead to the slaughter. Study history, open a history book. The powers at be are always constriving of ways to take away our rights. To say the contrary is you having a blind eye to history.
The United Nations is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Its soldiers have slaughtered many countless innocent lives. Im ashamed that my country is apart of this.
Im studying to get my history major and if theres one thing i've learned its nothing is what it seems.
Books too read if you care to be informed on whats really going on.
" War is a racket " - Smedley Butler
"Tragedy and hope " - Carrol Quigley
And Ron Pauls: Revolution a manifesto
I strongly suggest these books to open your minds eye too the tyranny that is being perpetrated.
You cannot resist the consolidation. The insidious forces are too entrenched to stop the hierarchy from awakening. It will dissolve all borders, there will be no more US, let alone Arizona. And then, when the UN has secured its iron grip, and the stars are right, they will awaken Great C'thulhu from his slumber in R'yleh and the final reckoning of madness will be complete. Phn'glui mglw'nafh Chthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn!
On April 27 2012 22:33 PassiveAce wrote:Show nested quote +a tea party-backed bill that proponents say would stop a United Nations takeover conspiracy This is in the first sentence of the source, and is also where I stopped reading.
You should read it all, if you can forget for a moment that it's, in fact, very serious, and if you like sarcastic sens of humour, it's ridiculously funny lol
On April 27 2012 19:03 Bill Murray wrote: we could just give it to mexico for some burritos
This is the best damn idea I've heard all day, if you replace burritos with fajitas
I was going to reply to this thread but then I read everything posted by "sinno" and I think my brain melted.
I would like to say that your rights are given to you not by God, but by your government and the force your government exerts over your people. This is the same government that has the ability to veto these UN resolutions if it disagrees with them.
You cannot believe in God given rights and then claim that some organisation like your government is taking them away. If a concept as absolute and all powerful as a God gave you rights then presumably it would be able to protect them, and if you believe they were given to you by God without any intention of protecting them and preventing other people taking them away, then really what value do those rights have? Rights without force to protect them are just empty words and ideas.
Your government is the entity that gives you the rights you have and in some cases takes them away, and as a nation over the course of your history you decide who and what your government is, and thereby also decide which rights you can and cannot have in your society. If you disagree with the rights your government decides are appropriate for you, then that's fine, not everybody is going to agree with them, but it's tiring for people to constantly call conspiracy and claim their government is infringing on some inherent "God given rights" that vary greatly from person to person and have no basis in reality. Remember that the rights your government gives you are a product of your nation's history and are in general supposed to represent what your society believes is right.
Sorry if this was too off topic but too many people randomly claim things like this are some government conspiracy to take away their rights, because they want to believe they are a victim and justify things like this lashing out against the UN with badly written law in ways which will not hurt the UN at all, they will only hurt themselves.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
On April 27 2012 22:50 kef wrote:Show nested quote +On April 27 2012 19:03 Bill Murray wrote: we could just give it to mexico for some burritos This is the best damn idea I've heard all day, if you replace burritos with fajitas Agreed. Fajitas rule supreme.
Can we get a better OP please? Title gives zero information about what the thread is about, and there's no content in the post besides a link and two sentences.