Hi, I am a 25 year old African American and I have been playing starcraft for a very long time. I played broodwar for nearly 10 years and hopped immediatly to sc2 when it came out. Throughout all the time I have played starcraft racism online has been something ive had to deal with and in sc2 it seems the number of racists has increased dramaticly.
This post is an extended hand to any other minorities who really love starcraft but want to try to avoid being harrassed by avoiding. Through this post i would like to form a black list of players who are racists and use racial slurs online. They are making the online experience a regretable one for minorities and I find that the community as a whole is willing to ignore this problem for the most part. Because noone with the power to act on the issue seems to be concerned id like this post to be a reference. When you see the names on this list avoid them and do not stoop to their level. I ask that any and all posts here are supported with a replay (or multiple replays) that show the player useing racial slurs and intending to insult minority players.
I hope that cleaning up B.net of racism is something that people can get behind. Please show your support.
Why is the "black list" the bad list?
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While the idea is noble, wouldn't the best course of action be simply to report them to Blizzard?
Are you serious? Rotfl
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Use the report function and then ignore.
Racism is already against battle.net rules, just report them.
report them to blizzard... they will give them a temp ban.
Unfortunately this doesn't work. As there can be thousands of players with the same ID, with little to no way to prove/verify the offender. Use the report feature in game if you feel it's necessary.
Not sure if this is a joke thread, but I'll treat it like it isnt:
Most everyone is going to use racist language on video games, simply because the player-base is younger people. This coupled with anonymity, it's basically a recipe for bad language (and racist language). Writing a list of people who do it isn't really going to solve the problem. (Unless you find a big name using racist language or w/e, see orb). Just report them.
Oh god. Dude just ignore the comments and don't let it get to you, there are jerks on the internet and everyone has to deal with them. Everytime you give this attention you just make it more of a big deal than it really is. Don't waste your time on this.
On March 31 2012 02:28 Shinespark wrote: Why is the "black list" the bad list? Because he's a.... wait.. I won't say anything. I rather ask: What constitutes as a racial slur? Who judges that? Are we also hunting evilz that use sexist or religious slurs?
And finally I ask: Can an admin please stop the witch hunt now? Where is this report button again?
So how would a blacklist on TL help with this issue in any way, shape or form? Realize that we're talking of a small niche audience of the game, and only a small % of those would actually contribute to or read that list. While I understand where you're coming from, you're completely delusional if you think this thing will have any effect (or work out in the first place).
Just report them ingame.
I don't think black listing players and starting witch hunts will sure solve this problem. Not nearly everyone who plays even visits TL, so this seems rather pointless. Like others said the best you can do is report them in game.
It's also impossible to differentiate the real racists from the little kiddies who try to act big behind internet anonymity.
On March 31 2012 02:28 Shinespark wrote: Why is the "black list" the bad list?
You, my friend, are amazing. =D
Being 25 years old, you should know what the internet is capable of. The best you can do is ignore them, report them, and let Blizzard handle the situation from there. No need to let trolls ruin your gameplay experience. Just play the game and have fun.
Through this post i would like to form a black list of players who are racists and use racial slurs online. They are making the online experience a regretable one for minorities and I find that the community as a whole is willing to ignore this problem for the most part.
Public shaming doesn't work on a large gaming online field.
On March 31 2012 02:28 Shinespark wrote: Why is the "black list" the bad list?
First comment too, my god. win.
On March 31 2012 02:28 Shinespark wrote: Why is the "black list" the bad list? this is seriously a contender for best post i've ever seen
On March 31 2012 02:29 -_- wrote: While the idea is noble, wouldn't the best course of action be simply to report them to Blizzard? You think denunciation and witch hunting is noble? Interesting view.
"cleansing the community of racist scourge" sounds a little too 1300's to me